BRI International Green Development Coalition 2020 Policy Study Series Green Development Guidance for BRI Projects Baseline Study Report December 2020 Green Development Guidance for BRI Projects Baseline Study InIn April April 2019, 2019, Chinese Chinese and and international international partners partners officially officially ㉷㬋琳∮ⴙ⠌⍟⌜⌷⬫估⊏き睒∁㈩∁ launchedlaunched thethe BRI BRIInternational International Green Green Development Development 懷睓⬀橏⠌⍟滢ン忂⭞㬢槾╵⠐⠳⚬睒∁㈩∁懷睓匃噷 CoalitionCoalition (BRIGC)(BRIGC) at at the the Second Second Belt Belt and and Road Road Forums Forums for ⟕じ⬀橏呙䫣琯侄䷴匃噷呙䫣琰ѭ匃噷呙䫣㧬⬫㋽忆㥃 forInternational International Cooperation. Cooperation. BRIGC BRIGC aims aims to establish to establish a policy 佚忥⢐䂣搤㉶⟴Ѭadialogue policy dialogue and䞳Ⲇ䯩忎⢐⏤㑳㉶⟴Ѭ communication and communication platform, platform,匃噷㚄㬲 an environmental an ⊧䅅⢐捴徱㉶⟴琳environmentalknowledge⏆揥⾡䞴 and knowledge 睒∁㈩∁懷睓information and informationplatform,匃噷⟕じ⬀橏 andplatform, a green and ╵忎Ѭ⠌⍟⢐屑⚬ѭatechnology green technology exchange exchange and transfer and transfer platform, platform, so soas asto ㉷㬋琳toadvance advance global匃噷呙䫣㽦㌒⠳⚬ global consensus, consensus, understanding,understanding,睒∁㈩∁懷睓 cooperation,沂 and action of a green Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). 䫲匃噷⟕じ㜋❛and action琯侄䷴㜋❛琰 of a green䰘乺沂䫲琳 Belt and Road㞦儦匚☺ Initiative睒∁ (BRI). ㈩∁懷睓沂䫲☊劫☊偿㜋❛琳旗䒽╷䃬沂䫲⬫䞳Ⲇ䁥 BRIGCBRIGC officially officially launched thethe JointJoint ResearchResearch on on Green Green 㯖Ѭ䤣䙭ⴝ㰺㐫⏠㚨⢐䀘␜⟜✚位㦽歬䪈㍵⣑琳DevelopmentDevelopment Guidance for BRI ProjectsProjects (Guidance㨒䱲 Project) 㽦歬⢐愧歬䈉❙琳inin December December∻睒∁㈩∁懷睓 2019, 2019, with with the╵㋽⬀⾹⟎沂䫲㟔⎞ thepurposes purposes of exploring to explore the 匃噷巫▷㦽㱋琳theformulation formulation∻☭䫎䫼╷㦽▷佚㟔⎞匃噷㜋㌘ѭ of guidelinesof guidelines on onthe the assessment assessment and and classifi- 㜋❛䰘乺沂䫲〉⋑ⴝ巚㊩㮇㋽classificationcation of BRI projectsof BRI projects from thefrom睒∁㈩∁懷睓 perspective the perspective 沂䫲of preventing of preventing ecological and environmental risks, establishing 匃噷⟕じ䪈㥃佚㱉㮹⢐⾡懽㜋㌘琳ecological and environmental㍦㘔∁僿☛㬌梒 risks, establish risk preven- risk prevention and management systems, providing green 㐫䪈䰘乺㚩⡎琳tion 㬯㚩⡎∻估∁橀㾹⯽勃䰘乺㚩⡎ѭand management system, provide green solutions for solutionsBRI project, for andBRI projects,support decisionand supporting making decision-makingfor stakeholders. for stakeholders. This report is the Baseline Study (Phase I of the Guidance ThisProject). report Through is the Baseline in-depth Study analysis (Phase I ofof theenvironmental Guidance Project).policies, Throughsafeguard in-depth measures analysis and of practices environmental of govern- policies,ments, financial safeguard institutions measures and NGOspractices around of governments, the world, financialthis report institutions summarizes and best NGOs practices around thefor recognizeworld, this and reportaddress summarizes ecological, best environmental practices for recognizing& climate andrisks in addressingoverseas investment, ecological, formulates environmental a classification & climate frameworkrisks in overseasand positive investment, & negative formulates lists for aBRI classification investments, framework and put andforward positive specific & negative suggestions lists for to BRI promote investments, green anddevelop- putsment forward for BRI specificprojects. suggestions to promote green development for BRI projects. 睒∁㈩∁懷睓Secretariat匃噷⟕じ⬀橏呙䫣䷜≨ⴇ≕⾊㭳ⳮ of BRIGC Ms. Qiao Yujie 䤹忥盚 Tel: +86-10-82268647 ⌣䬣盚 Fax: +86-10-82200535 ⬳⭃盚∮⬀✛⊯嶅⯑✾⠒囶㙃哦⠐⟻ Address: No. 5, Houyingfang Hutong, Xicheng District, 撸匚盚 Beijing 100035, China 单⭃盚IUUQXXXCSJHDOFU Website: www.brigc.net 䤹⽓撸⋹盚CSJHD!GFDPNFFPSHDO Email: [email protected]; [email protected] CSJHDTFDSFUBSJBU!DPN BRIGC December 2020 | 2 Green Development Guidance for BRI Projects Baseline Study RESEARCH TEAM* ㉷㬋琳∮ⴙ⠌⍟⌜⌷⬫估⊏き睒∁㈩∁ 懷睓⬀橏⠌⍟滢ン忂⭞㬢槾╵⠐⠳⚬睒∁㈩∁懷睓匃噷 ⟕じ⬀橏呙䫣琯侄䷴匃噷呙䫣琰ѭ匃噷呙䫣㧬⬫㋽忆㥃 佚忥⢐䂣搤㉶⟴Ѭ䞳Ⲇ䯩忎⢐⏤㑳㉶⟴Ѭ匃噷㚄㬲 I. Advisors ⊧䅅⢐捴徱㉶⟴琳⏆揥⾡䞴睒∁㈩∁懷睓匃噷⟕じ⬀橏 ╵忎Ѭ⠌⍟⢐屑⚬ѭ International Advisors ㉷㬋琳匃噷呙䫣㽦㌒⠳⚬睒∁㈩∁懷睓沂 Ms. Kate HAMPTON, Convener of the BRIGC Advisory Committee, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) Ms. James THORNTON, Advisor of the BRIGC Advisory Committee, CEO of ClientEarth 䫲匃噷⟕じ㜋❛琯侄䷴㜋❛琰䰘乺沂䫲琳㞦儦匚☺睒∁ Mr. ZHANG Jianyu, International Liaison of the BRIGC Advisory Committee, Vice President of Environmental Defense Fund ㈩∁懷睓沂䫲☊劫☊偿㜋❛琳旗䒽╷䃬沂䫲⬫䞳Ⲇ䁥 Mr. Manish BAPNA, Executive Vice President and Managing Director of World Resources Institute (WRI) 㯖Ѭ䤣䙭ⴝ㰺㐫⏠㚨⢐䀘␜⟜✚位㦽歬䪈㍵⣑琳㨒䱲 Mr. Qasim Wasim DAR, Head of Social and Environmental Policy, Investment Banking, Habib Bank Limited (HBL) 㽦歬⢐愧歬䈉❙琳∻睒∁㈩∁懷睓╵㋽⬀⾹⟎沂䫲㟔⎞ Mr. Henri de BRANCHE, Senior Environmental Specialist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) 匃噷巫▷㦽㱋琳∻☭䫎䫼╷㦽▷佚㟔⎞匃噷㜋㌘ѭ 㜋❛䰘乺沂䫲〉⋑ⴝ巚㊩㮇㋽睒∁㈩∁懷睓沂䫲 Chinese Advisors 匃噷⟕じ䪈㥃佚㱉㮹⢐⾡懽㜋㌘琳㍦㘔∁僿☛㬌梒 Mr. YE Yanfei, Counsel (DG Level), Policy Research Bureau, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) 㐫䪈䰘乺㚩⡎琳㬯㚩⡎∻估∁橀㾹⯽勃䰘乺㚩⡎ѭ Mr. MA Jun, Advisor of the BRIGC Advisory Committee; Director, Research Center for Green Finance Development, Tsinghua University Mr. ZHU Xufeng, Associate Dean, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University Ms. YIN Hong, Deputy Director, Modern Finance Research Center, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Mr. ZHAO Kun, Director, Policy Research Division, BRI Construction Promotion Center, NDRC II. Project Leaders Mr. Erik SOLHEIM, Special Advisor World Resources Institute (WRI) Ms. ZHOU Guomei, Executive Director-General (DG level), Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center (FECO), Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) III. Research Team Members International Members Mr. Christoph NEDOPIL, Director Green BRI Center, International Institute of Green Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) Ms. WANG Ye, Research Analyst, Finance Center, World Resources Institute (WRI) Mr. XIE Wenhong, China Program Director, Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) Mr. Dimitri De BOER, Chief Representative, China Office, ClientEarth (International Coordinator) 睒∁㈩∁懷睓匃噷⟕じ⬀橏呙䫣䷜≨ⴇ≕⾊㭳ⳮ Ms. LIU Shuang, Senior Associate and China Finance Lead, World Resources Institute (WRI) 䤹忥盚 Ms. CHEN Xiaoting, Director, Global Coordination, Greening BRI Initiative, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ⌣䬣盚 ⬳⭃盚∮⬀✛⊯嶅⯑✾⠒囶㙃哦⠐⟻ 撸匚盚 Chinese Members 单⭃盚IUUQXXXCSJHDOFU Mr. LI Yonghong, Deputy Director General of Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center (FECO), Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) 䤹⽓撸⋹盚CSJHD!GFDPNFFPSHDO Mr. ZHU Yuan, Associate Researcher, Appraisal Center for Environment and Engineering (ACEE), Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) CSJHDTFDSFUBSJBU!DPN Ms. LAN Yan, Deputy Director, BRI International Green Development Coalition (BRIGC) Secretariat, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) (Chinese Coordinator) Ms. LI Panwen, BRI International Green Development Coalition (BRIGC) Secretariat, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) Ms. ZHAO Haishan, BRI International Green Development Coalition (BRIGC) Secretariat, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) BRIGC December 2020 | 3 Green Development Guidance for BRI Projects Baseline Study ㉷㬋琳∮ⴙ⠌⍟⌜⌷⬫估⊏き睒∁㈩∁ 懷睓⬀橏⠌⍟滢ン忂⭞㬢槾╵⠐⠳⚬睒∁㈩∁懷睓匃噷 ⟕じ⬀橏呙䫣琯侄䷴匃噷呙䫣琰ѭ匃噷呙䫣㧬⬫㋽忆㥃 佚忥⢐䂣搤㉶⟴ѬIV. Support䞳Ⲇ䯩忎⢐⏤㑳㉶⟴Ѭ Organizations 匃噷㚄㬲 ⊧䅅⢐捴徱㉶⟴琳⏆揥⾡䞴睒∁㈩∁懷睓匃噷⟕じ⬀橏 ╵忎Ѭ⠌⍟⢐屑⚬ѭForeign Environmental Cooperation Center (FECO), Ministry of ㉷㬋琳Ecology and匃噷呙䫣㽦㌒⠳⚬ Environment (MEE)睒∁㈩∁懷睓沂 䫲匃噷⟕じ㜋❛Appraisal琯侄䷴㜋❛琰 Center for Environment䰘乺沂䫲琳 and㞦儦匚☺ Engineering睒∁ (ACEE), ㈩∁懷睓沂䫲☊劫☊偿㜋❛琳Ministry of Ecology and旗䒽╷䃬沂䫲⬫䞳Ⲇ䁥 Environment (MEE) 㯖Ѭ䤣䙭ⴝ㰺㐫⏠㚨⢐䀘␜⟜✚位㦽歬䪈㍵⣑琳㨒䱲 World Resources Institute (WRI) 㽦歬⢐愧歬䈉❙琳∻睒∁㈩∁懷睓╵㋽⬀⾹⟎沂䫲㟔⎞ 匃噷巫▷㦽㱋琳ClientEarth∻☭䫎䫼╷㦽▷佚㟔⎞匃噷㜋㌘ѭ 㜋❛䰘乺沂䫲〉⋑ⴝ巚㊩㮇㋽Children's Investment Fund Foundation睒∁㈩∁懷睓 (CIFF)沂䫲 匃噷⟕じ䪈㥃佚㱉㮹⢐⾡懽㜋㌘琳㍦㘔∁僿☛㬌梒 㐫䪈䰘乺㚩⡎琳㬯㚩⡎∻估∁橀㾹⯽勃䰘乺㚩⡎ѭ 睒∁㈩∁懷睓匃噷⟕じ⬀橏呙䫣䷜≨ⴇ≕⾊㭳ⳮ 䤹忥盚 ⌣䬣盚 ⬳⭃盚∮⬀✛⊯嶅⯑✾⠒囶㙃哦⠐⟻ 撸匚盚 单⭃盚IUUQXXXCSJHDOFU 䤹⽓撸⋹盚CSJHD!GFDPNFFPSHDO CSJHDTFDSFUBSJBU!DPN * The authors and advisors of this policy study serve in their personal capacities. The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of the individual experts participating in the research and do not represent those of their organizations and the BRI International Green Development Coalition. BRIGC December 2020 | 4 Green Development Guidance for BRI Projects Baseline Study TABLE OF CONTENTS ㉷㬋琳∮ⴙ⠌⍟⌜⌷⬫估⊏き睒∁㈩∁ 懷睓⬀橏⠌⍟滢ン忂⭞㬢槾╵⠐⠳⚬睒∁㈩∁懷睓匃噷 ⟕じ⬀橏呙䫣琯侄䷴匃噷呙䫣琰ѭ匃噷呙䫣㧬⬫㋽忆㥃 佚忥⢐䂣搤㉶⟴ѬEXECUTIVE䞳Ⲇ䯩忎⢐⏤㑳㉶⟴Ѭ SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................................................匃噷㚄㬲 9 ⊧䅅⢐捴徱㉶⟴琳⏆揥⾡䞴睒∁㈩∁懷睓匃噷⟕じ⬀橏 ╵忎Ѭ⠌⍟⢐屑⚬ѭLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 14 ㉷㬋琳匃噷呙䫣㽦㌒⠳⚬睒∁㈩∁懷睓沂 䫲匃噷⟕じ㜋❛CHAPTER琯侄䷴㜋❛琰 1. JOINT RESEARCH䰘乺沂䫲琳 ON㞦儦匚☺ GREEN DEVELOPMENT睒∁ GUIDANCE ㈩∁懷睓沂䫲☊劫☊偿㜋❛琳FOR BELT AND ROAD旗䒽╷䃬沂䫲⬫䞳Ⲇ䁥 INITIATIVE PROJECTS ......................................................................................................... 15 㯖Ѭ䤣䙭ⴝ㰺㐫⏠㚨⢐䀘␜⟜✚位㦽歬䪈㍵⣑琳1.1 Research background ..................................................................................................................................................................㨒䱲 16 㽦歬⢐愧歬䈉❙琳1.2 ∻睒∁㈩∁懷睓Significance ......................................................................................................................................................................................╵㋽⬀⾹⟎沂䫲㟔⎞ 17 匃噷巫▷㦽㱋琳1.3 ∻☭䫎䫼╷㦽▷佚㟔⎞匃噷㜋㌘ѭPurpose of the study ...................................................................................................................................................................
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