H4124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 23, 2019 seems to be ending, society counts on cifically for his passion and commit- would like to congratulate the stu- EMS personnel to be there. They are ment to God, his family, and for edu- dents of Haverford High School for re- expected to work hard and be strong, cating the young people of our commu- ceiving the Governor’s Civic Engage- especially in times of trouble. nity. ment Award. This award is given to Madam Speaker, as a former EMT It should come as no surprise that Pennsylvania high schools that reg- rescue technician and firefighter with Lee was a beloved elementary and mid- ister over 85 percent of their eligible more than three decades of experience dle school teacher and then went on to students to vote. Haverford High was 1 being on the front lines with my fellow be my principal at Central Middle of 4 Philadelphia area schools and 1 of EMS professionals, I can personally at- School in Oroville, California, for 54 23 schools in our Commonwealth to re- test to their dedication to saving lives. years of career. Lee was known to be ceive this noteworthy award. The job of an EMS professional is not kind, with a sense of humor, and this At a time when some States are im- easy. It requires just as much compas- was one principal I was never really in posing restrictions on voting, we sion as it does courage. These men and trouble with. should all follow the lead set by the women are committed to making the Lee was devoted to teaching, but also students at Haverford High. They world better. devoted to his loving wife, Hazel, whom worked to educate their peers and EMS Week brings together local he married in 1948 and remained with bring them into the electoral process. communities and medical personnel to for 72 years until his passing. This Congress should do the same. honor the dedication of those who are Lee was a man of extreme dedication We need to ensure that our schools on the front line providing day-to-day and commitment to his wife, to his give students a thorough civics edu- lifesaving services. country, and to learning for the chil- cation so that they have the knowledge A thank-you to the EMTs, para- dren of his community. Of course, we and tools necessary to fully participate medics, dispatchers, and supervisors can all learn from that, as well. in our democracy. We need to expand across the country. Every American is Madam Speaker, God bless Lee voting rights and access to the ballot, grateful for their service. Jernigan and his family. as we are doing with passage of bills f f like H.R. 1 and H.R. 4. Again, Madam Speaker, I want to SUPPORTING OUR NATION’S HELPING FAMILIES ACHIEVE congratulate the students of Haverford VETERANS LIFETIME FINANCIAL SECURITY (Mr. HORSFORD asked and was High School for their outstanding (Mrs. MCBATH asked and was given given permission to address the House achievement and for being an example permission to address the House for 1 for all of us to follow. minute and to revise and extend her re- for 1 minute and to revise and extend f marks.) his remarks.) Mr. HORSFORD. Madam Speaker, I Mrs. MCBATH. Madam Speaker, SETTING EVERY COMMUNITY UP rise today to join my colleagues in sup- today I am introducing the Honoring FOR RETIREMENT ENHANCE- port of the SECURE Act, a bill that American Veterans in Extreme Need, MENT ACT OF 2019 gets to the heart of our retirement in- or HAVEN, Act, with my colleague come crisis. Mr. NEAL. Madam Speaker, pursuant GREG STEUBE of Florida. Unfortunately, too many of my con- to House Resolution 389, I call up the Under current law, when a veteran stituents are in danger of not having bill (H.R. 1994) to amend the Internal files for bankruptcy, his or her dis- enough money to put away for retire- Revenue Code of 1986 to encourage re- ability benefits from the VA or DOD ment. In fact, 86 percent of Nevadans tirement savings, and for other pur- count as income that is subject to the do not feel financially prepared for re- poses, and ask for its immediate con- reach of creditors; however, Social Se- tirement, and most older Nevadans sideration in the House. curity disability benefits are exempt. wished they had saved more money. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The HAVEN Act would amend bank- Fortunately, the SECURE Act will The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ruptcy law to exclude disability benefit make it easier for Nevadans to save for ant to House Resolution 389, the payments paid from the VA or DOD their retirement. It makes it easier for amendment in the nature of a sub- from that monthly income calculation, small businesses to offer retirement stitute recommended by the Com- treating it the same as Social Security plans to their employees, allows part- mittee on Ways and Means, modified disability. time workers to participate in 401(k) by the amendment printed in part B of Our disabled veterans earned their plans, and provides relief to pension House Report 116–79, is adopted, and benefits by serving our great Nation, plans, ranging from rural co-ops to or- the bill, as amended, is considered and we must protect them and their ganizations like the Jewish Federation read. families, especially during financial of America. The text of the bill, as amended, is as hardship. I am also proud to share that this follows: I encourage my colleagues to support legislation includes my bill, H.R. 2806, H.R. 1994 our Nation’s veterans and cosponsor which fixes a provision in the flawed Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- this bipartisan legislation. Republican tax plan that raised the tax resentatives of the United States of America in f rate for scholarship and fellowship stu- Congress assembled, HONORING LEE JERNIGAN dents up to 37 percent. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE, ETC. As a member of the Ways and Means (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given Committee, I would like to thank the ‘‘Setting Every Community Up for Retire- permission to address the House for 1 Chairman NEAL for his leadership in ment Enhancement Act of 2019’’. minute and to revise and extend his re- getting this bipartisan bill passed (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- marks.) unanimously through our committee. tents of this Act is as follows: Mr. LAMALFA. Madam Speaker, I The SECURE Act will help families Sec. 1. Short title, etc. rise today to recognize the life and achieve lifetime financial security, a TITLE I—EXPANDING AND PRESERVING honor the passage of one of my great core of the American Dream. I urge RETIREMENT SAVINGS constituents, Lee Jernigan of Oroville, every Member of this body to support Sec. 101. Multiple employer plans; pooled em- California. its passage. ployer plans. During Lee’s lifetime, he had joined Sec. 102. Increase in 10 percent cap for auto- f the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1943 and matic enrollment safe harbor after served as an aerial gunner and airplane CONGRATULATING HAVERFORD 1st plan year. mechanic on a B–17 during World War HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Sec. 103. Rules relating to election of safe har- II, where he flew 23 missions in the bor 401(k) status. (Ms. SCANLON asked and was given Sec. 104. Increase in credit limitation for small Asian Pacific. permission to address the House for 1 employer pension plan startup Lee graduated from Chico State in minute.) costs. 1950 and received his master’s degree in Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, we Sec. 105. Small employer automatic enrollment 1959 in education. Lee was known spe- all know that elections matter, so I credit. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 May 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6343 E:\CR\FM\K23MY7.003 H23MYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE May 23, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4125 Sec. 106. Certain taxable non-tuition fellowship subsection (c) thereof), whichever is applicable, ‘‘(B) AUDITS, EXAMINATIONS AND INVESTIGA- and stipend payments treated as merely because one or more employers of em- TIONS.—The Secretary may perform audits, ex- compensation for IRA purposes. ployees covered by the plan fail to take such ac- aminations, and investigations of pooled plan Sec. 107. Repeal of maximum age for traditional tions as are required of such employers for the providers as may be necessary to enforce and IRA contributions. plan to meet such requirements. carry out the purposes of this subsection. Sec. 108. Qualified employer plans prohibited ‘‘(2) LIMITATIONS.— ‘‘(C) AGGREGATION RULES.—For purposes of from making loans through credit ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Paragraph (1) shall not this paragraph, in determining whether a per- cards and other similar arrange- apply to any plan unless the terms of the plan son meets the requirements of this paragraph to ments. provide that in the case of any employer in the be a pooled plan provider with respect to any Sec. 109. Portability of lifetime income options. plan failing to take the actions described in plan, all persons who perform services for the Sec. 110. Treatment of custodial accounts on paragraph (1)— plan and who are treated as a single employer termination of section 403(b) ‘‘(i) the assets of the plan attributable to em- under subsection (b), (c), (m), or (o) of section plans. ployees of such employer (or beneficiaries of 414 shall be treated as one person.
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