Resolution No. 2,n20- 267" RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLIVE' S STATE OF IOWA 2020 FINANCIAL REPORT, DIRECTING THE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESFOR THE CITY OF CLIVE TO FILE THE REPORT WITH THE AUDITOR OF STATE WHEREAS, the Director of Administrative Services has submitted to the City Council of the City of Clive, the State of Iowa 2020 Financial Report for the City of Clive, Iowa; and WHEREAS, the report shows total Revenues in the amount of$ 68, 142, 825 and total Expenditures of$ 56, 666, 763 with an ending Fund Balance of$ 45, 986, 416; and WHEREAS, the report is required to be published and submitted to the Auditor of State by December I" of each year; and WHEREAS, the report was published in the Des Moines Register on November 11, 2020; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLIVE, IOWA: That the City of Clive, Iowa, hereby approves the State of Iowa 2020 Financial Report and directs the Director of Administrative Services to submit it to the Auditor of State, this 12cn day of November 2020. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12t" DAY OF NOVEMBFR; 2 0. r B y. Cott Cirksena, Mayor ATTEST: Matthew D. Graham, City Clerk STATE OF IOWA 2020 1620775010000E FINANCIAL REPORT CITY OF CLIVE FISCAL YEAR ENDED 1900 NW l 14th Street CLIVE IA 50325- 7077 JUNE 30, 2020 POPULATION: 17506 CITY OF CLIVE, IOWA DUE: December 1, 2020 NOTE- The information supplied in this report will be shared by the Iowa State Auditor's Office, the U.S. Census Bureau, various public interest groups, and State and federal agencies. ALL FUNDS Governmental ( a) Proprietary ( b) Total Actual ( c) Budget ( d) Revenues and Other Financing Sources 14, 845, 173 14, 845, 173 14, 864, 698 Taxes Levied on Property 0 0 Less: Uncollected Property Taxes- Levy Year 14, 845, 173 14, 845, 173 14, 864,698 Net Current Property Taxes 0 0 Delinquent Property Taxes 2, 407, 151 2, 407, 151 2, 424, 950 TIF Revenues 4, 134, 950 0 4, 134, 950 4, 320, 175 Other City Taxes 818, 579 0 818, 579 733, 100 Licenses and Permits 622, 252 0 622, 252 804, 038 Use of Money and Property 0 2, 987, 663 3, 487, 337 Intergovernmental 2, 987, 663 1, 904, 626 8, 892, 798 10, 797, 424 11, 594, 206 Charges for Fees and Service 40, 300 0 40, 300 63, 799 Special Assessments 1, 019, 746 605, 297 1, 625, 043 160, 296 Miscellaneous 14, 925, 574 0 14, 925, 574 15, 050, 575 Other Financing Sources 11, 831, 233 3, 107, 483 14, 938, 716 15, 390, 265 Transfers In 55, 537, 247 12, 605, 578 68, 142, 825 68, 893, 439 Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 8, 346, 153 8, 346, 153 8, 683, 528 Public Safety 3, 596, 175 3, 596, 175 3, 813, 520 Public Works 17, 293 17, 293 27, 650 Health and Social Services 3, 966, 696 3, 966, 696 4, 288, 988 Culture and Recreation 1, 742, 384 1, 742, 384 1, 800, 549 Community and Economic Development 3, 307, 819 3, 307,819 3, 443, 702 General Government 5, 917, 688 5, 917, 688 5, 918, 889 Debt Service 8, 178, 832 8, 178, 832 13, 985, 997 Capital Projects 35, 073, 040 0 35, 073, 040 41, 962, 823 Total Governmental Activities Expenditures 6, 655, 007 6, 655, 007 7, 047, 884 BUSINESS TYPE ACTIVITIES 35, 073, 040 6, 655, 007 41, 728,047 49,010,707 Total All Expenditures 0 0 0 0 Other Financing Uses 9, 547, 911 5, 390, 805 141938, 716 15, 390, 265 Transfers Out 44, 620, 951 12, 045, 812 56, 666, 763 64, 400, 972 Total All Expenditures/ and Other Financing Uses Uses 10, 016, 296 559, 766 11, 476,062 4, 492,467 Excess Revenues and Other Sources Over( Under) Expenditures/ and Other Financing 21, 449, 639 13, 060, 715 34, 510, 354 34, 510, 354 Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2019 32, 365, 935 13, 620, 481 45, 986, 416 39, 002, 821 Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2020 NOTE- These balances do not include the following, which were not budgeted and are not available for city operations: ension Trust Funds Non- budgeted Internal Service Funds Private Purpose Trust Funds Agency Funds Indebtedness at June 30, 2020 amount Indebtedness at June 30, 2020 Amount 0 Term Debt General Obligation Debt 25, 205, 000 Other Long- 0 0 Short- Tenn Debt Revenue Debt 0 TIF Revenue Debt General Obligation Debt Limit 118, 530,747 CERTIFICATION The forgoing report is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief Publication SignaW of Meparer Phone umber Printed name of Preparer 515- 223- Joyce Cortum 6220 Date Signed y 11/ 05/ 2020 2 io 2 A- Q LL6and i Si nature of Mayor or other Cityo8icial PLEASE PUBLISH THIS PAGE ONLY nnvnivur, rI. CITY OF CLIVE REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES FOR YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020 NON- GAAP/ CASH BASIS General Special TIF Special Debt Capital Item Description Permanent Total Governmental ( Sum of( a) Proprietary Grand Total ( Sum of a) Revenue ( b) Revenue ( c) Service ( d) Projects ( e) ( f) through( f)) ( g) h) g) and( h)) ( i) Section A- Taxes I 1 2 10, 260, 437 2, 307, 050 2, 277, 686 14, Taxes levied on property 845, 173 14, 845, 173 2 Less: Uncollected Property Taxes- 3 0 0 3 Levy Year Net Current Property Taxes 4 10, 260, 437 2, 307, 050 2, 277, 686 0 0 14, 845, 173 14, 845, 173 4 Delinquent Property Taxes 5 0 0 5 Total Property Tax 6 10, 260, 437 2, 307, 050 2, 277, 686 0 0 14, 845, 173 14, 945, 173 6 TIT Revenues 7 2, 407, 151 2, 407, 151 2, 407, 151 7 Other City Taxes Tax Replacement Excise Utility 8 0 0 8 Taxes Utility Franchise Tax( Chapter 9 1, 147, 277 1, 147, 277 1, 147, 277 9 364. 2, Code of Iowa) Parimutuel Wager Tax 10 0 0 10 Gaming Wager Tax 11 0 0 11 Mobile Home Tax 12 0 0 12 Hotel/ Motel Tax 13 900, 382 900, 382 900, 382 13 Other Local Option Taxes 14 2, 087, 291 2, 087, 291 2, 087, 291 14 Total Other City Taxes 15 2, 047, 659 2, 087, 291 0 0 0 4, 134, 950 0 4, 134, 950 15 Section B- Licenses and Permits 16 818, 579 818, 579 818, 579 16 Section C- Use of Money and 17 17 Property Interest 18 166, 076 38, 841 42, 066 268, 868 515, 851 515, 851 18 Rents and Royalties 19 106, 401 106, 401 106, 401 19 Other Miscellaneous Use of 20 0 0 20 Money and Property 21 0 0 21 Total Use of Money and 22 272, 477 0 38, 841 42, 066 268, 868 0 622, 252 0 622, 252 22 Property Section D- Intergovernmental 24 24 Federal Grants and Reimbursements 26 26 Federal Grants 27 5, 156 2, 663 7, 819 7, 819 27 Community Development Block 28 0 0 28 Grants Housing and Urban Development 29 0 0 29 Public Assistance Grants 30 0 0 30 Payment in Lieu of Taxes 31 20, 505 20, 505 20, 505 31 32 0 32 01 1 Total Federal Grants and 33 25, 661 0 0 2, 663 0 28, 324 0 28, 324 33 Reimbursements 1% nVUJ, 4UC va CITY OF CLIVE REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES FOR YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020 NON- GAAP/ CASH BASIS General Special TIF Special Debt Capital Item Description Permanent Total Governmental ( Sum of( a) Proprietary Grand Total ( Sum of a) Revenue ( b) Revenue ( c) Service ( d) Projects ( e) ( f) through( f)) ( g) h) g) and( h)) ( i) Section D- Intergovernmental- 41 41 Continued State Shared Revenues 43 43 Road Use Taxes 44 2, 250, 193 2, 250, 193 2, 250, 193 44 Other state grants and reimbursements 48 48 State grants 49 790 790 790 49 Iowa Department of Transportation 50 70, 960 70, 960 70, 960 50 Iowa Department of Natural 51 0 0 51 Resources Iowa Economic Development 52 0 0 52 Authority CEBA grants 53 0 0 53 Commercial& Industrial 54 365, 733 82, 246 76, 669 524, 648 524, 648 54 Replacement Claim 551 0 0 55 56 0 0 56 57 0 0 57 58 0 0 58 59 0 0 59 Total State 60 366, 523 2, 332. 439 0 76, 669 70, 960 0 2, 846, 591 0 2, 846, 591 60 Local Grants and Reimbursements County Contributions 63 14, 809 14, 809 14, 809 63 Library Service 64 34, 203 34, 203 34, 203 64 Township Contributions 65 0 0 65 Fire/ EMT Service 66 0 0 66 SERT 67 18, 575 18, 575 18, 575 67 Urbandale Sanitary Sewer Fund- Reimb 681 1 5, 161 5, 161 5, 161 68 Nature Conservancy Grant 69 40, 000 40, 000 40, 000 69 Total Local Grants and 70 49, 012 18, 575 0 0 45, 161 0 112, 748 0 112, 748 70 Reimbursements Total Intergovernmental( Sum of 71 441, 196 2, 351, 014 0 76, 669 118, 784 0 2, 987, 663 0 2, 987, 663 71 lines 33, 60, and 70) Section E- Charges for Fees and Service 72 72 Water 731 0 4, 474, 571 4, 474, 571 73 Sewer 74 0 3, 221, 672 3, 221, 672 74 Electric 75 0 0 75 Gas 76 0 0 76 Parking 77 0 0 77 Airport 78 0 0 78 Landfill/ garbage 79 1 933, 348 933, 348 933, 348 79 Hospital 1801 0 0 80 nrlV nl• UL` rY CITY OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES FOR YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, NON- GAAP/ CASH BASIS General Special T1F Special Debt Capital Item Description Permanent Total Governmental ( Sum of( a) Proprietary Grand Total ( Sum of a) Revenue ( b) Revenue ( c) Service ( d) Projects ( e) ( f) through( f)) ( g) h) g) and( h)) ( i) Section E- Charges for Fees and 81 81 Service- Continued Transit 82 0 0 82 Cable TV 83 0 0 83 Internet 84 0 0 84 Telephone 85 0 0 85 Housing Authority 86 0 0 86 Storm Water 87 0 1, 196, 555 1, 196, 555 87 Other: 88 88 Nursing Home 89 0 0 89 Police Service Fees 90 17, 560 9, 882 27, 442 27, 442 90 Prisoner Care 91 0 0 91 Fire Service Charges 92 2, 455 2, 455 2, 455 92 Ambulance Charges 93 370, 969 370, 969 370, 969 93 Sidewalk Street Repair Charges 94 0 0 94 and Urban Renewal Housing 95 43, 264 43, 264 43, 264 95 Charges River Port and Terminal Fees 96 0 0 96 Public Scales 97 0 0 97 Cemetery Charges 98 0 0 98 Library Charges 99 12, 389 12, 389 12, 389 99 Park, Recreation, and Cultural 100 504, 548 504, 548 504, 548 100 Charges Animal Control Charges 101 0 0 101 Misc Fees& Charges 102 10, 211 10, 211 10, 211 102 103 0 0 103 Total Charges for Service 104 1, 894, 744 9, 882 0 0 0 0 1, 904, 626 8, 892, 798 10, 797, 424 104 Section F- Special Assesments 106 1, 058 39, 242 40, 300 40, 300 106 Section G- Miscellaneous 107 107 Contributions 108 18, 070 13, 315 31, 385 31, 385 108 Deposits and Sales/ Fuel Tax 109 21, 946 21, 946 21, 946 109 Refunds Sale of Property and Merchandise 110 214, 224 214, 224 143, 275 357, 499 110 Fines Ill 108, 427 108, 427 108, 427 Ill Internal Service Charges 112 0 0 112 Sales Tax Collected 113 19, 409 19, 409 338, 669 358, 078 113 Reimbursements& Refunds 114 396, 683 97, 811 118, 801 613, 295 123, 353 736, 648 114 Revenue Share 1151 11, 060 11, 060 11, 060 115 Developer Fees 116 0 0 116 Unclaimed Property 117 0 0 117 119 0 0 118 119 0 0 119 Total Miscellaneous 120 789, 8191 111, 1261 0 0 118, 8011 01 1, 019, 746 605, 2971 1, 625, 043 120 ncv r1lI ur.
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