c\ T lancnestei mii Jtieruiu 'Ihe Weather Per flw Heath ef Neeemben 1V4S r _ _ • Forecaet ef C. S. WMtiier Boreeu About '{gfwii 8,537 Member of the Audit Fair and colder tonight MlMtononMta _rtb« No. M, Im- Boreas of Clroolationa pMvod Order■ ' r dor RedR* Men, will in^ is Easy at Hale ^s MancheMer— jA City of Villafte Charm hold lie regeler caeetinc nom­ ination a t MHMra M oikhr ‘ ve- nlBf ta ^ ZMMi club on Brain- VOL. LXllL, N0. 61 (ClassWed AdvertieiBg oa Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1943 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS mSTdit» afU fbt o’clock sharp. The degree team will hold a re- heaieal at the close of the meet- f , i*»r- / Seamen Saved from Submarine and Sharks Misa Ruth B. Lareon. daughter Fifth Army Gains er. ef Mr. and Mra. John A. L«raon y 0# 31 East Middle Turnpike, who / X ^ lor more than « x months hs.s been a dviltan employee of the Weather Wing of the Army Air Forcee at SWEATERS -V In Cassino Drive; AahevUle. N. C., has been awarded a dletliictive lapel emblem by the by Reds; War" Department fhr satisfactory For All Sizrs aen-lce. Italians in Battle Kvpi’v \Kirnan can wrar Mra. James R. Haren of Frank­ swcalpr.s iiPfl \vp havp tlirm in lin street has returned to her home Important Height ^ p - O i v e t t Cherkasy Entered • from Memphis, Tenn., where she pvpi'v ,si'/.p. '1 hpro are tartli- attended the graduation exercises tured in L u n g e ror- of her husband from the Nival Air van.-i ivitli coliar.s aiul puckpt.s Technical Training Center. ami .'inme w ith rib knit in ma­ 'ward o f Mile; Fierce E isllt-P oitlt Koiipv's 2iifl Ukruiniaii ■ Sofia Attack Rev. 8. J. ^aczepkow.ski of St; roon, light I blue, navy, giTPn, Battle Fought for ® Textile Pay Army Eiigugiiig in Vio- John's' church, on Golway street, ami I’o.^sp in the larger si/.p.s, :'S J Beautiful Satin Wool Filled announces confession periods for San Pietro at Foot Farm Plan Ipiit Fighting Iiitiide Saturday and Sunday morning. to 52. J’rite.s vary from . Of Seized Mountains. Real Warning Raise Goal Confession for children and youth Tt»wn; Soviet Troops of the pariah will be tomorrow 1 I PUFFS $ 1 2 .9 5 Nebraska Governor As­ evening from (I to 7 o'clock. Spiii w Allied Headquarters, Al­ To Quit War For Union Making Gontiiinons At* day morning at 8:l.^ for children Gorgeous puffs that will gladden her heart, Warm, luxiirioui piiff.s in Ro.se, Blue. Green, and Peach, giers, Dec. 11.— {IP)— Slug­ serts Program *Dia- 7 --------- tacks in Heavy Snow­ and youth, and for adults at S.'.tO. ging forward through the Mass and communion w^ll he ob­ $4.98 to $6.98 v; metrically Opposed to More Thun 200 Leaders storms in Area South­ served at 9 o’clock. I .MR. AND MRS. EMBROIDERED mountains west of Filignano Mounting Signs Bulgur* in a drive on Cassino from ^ Plan of Netv Deal. iun and Hiinguriun Call Cpon Employers west o f Kremeiichug. Nurses' Aides who graduated the'*east, American troops of last month may secure a picture Governnipiits Faring For Increase of at of the group, taken at the time of ill the Smaller Sizes SHEET SETS $5.98 Lieut. Gen. Mark' W’. Clark’s Salt .Lake City, Dec. 11 A UHitldii, Dei'. 11.— (/P)— the graduation exercises, at the Heavy quality sheeting with hemsilched .sheet and embroidered Fifth Army have lunged for­ farm ' program which its author Least 10 Cents Hourly , A#- Showdown with People Geti. Ivan Konev's 2nd Elite Studio. we have a good supply of i pillow cases. All white. ward for one mile and gained said is “In many instances diamet­ Ukrainian Army has expand­ an important height, headquarters rically opposed to the plan of the London, Dec. 11. —WP) -With a Washington, Dec. 11 —• (/pi — Members of the Army and Navy smart, looking boxy alip-over.s ed its Chei'kasy bridgehead VM ■ announced today. Other Fifth New Deal administration’’ was pre­ mighty air blow on Sofia, capital Wage increases totaling about a u b Auxiliary are requested to and cardigans in a vhriety of 5 2 ”x 5 2 " Printed Army troops driving for Passino Their ship, the Cuban freighted Libertad, was torpedoed off Charleston, S. C.. and sank \within one in tlie great Dnieper bend make their reservations for the from the south from the Mignano sented today t* a regional confer­ minute. Eighteen survivors clung to overturned boats and a splintered hatch cover for 53 hours, of Bulgaria, the Allies yesterday $125,0l)0.()0() annually for Ameri- and has driven into Cherkasy Christmas dinner at the clubhouse colors and of 100*^; wool. The area fought a d^rce bSttle for the ence of western Republican lead­ while 10 others became exhausted, dropped off, and were seized by sharks. Julio C. de Cabnrrocas, drove home a warning to Adolf ca'a 600.000 cotton-rayon textile Monday evening at 6:30, by con­ ers. itself where “ violent fighting .sizes are from -‘?4-10. Priee.s LUNCH CLOTHS forttfled 'village of San. Pietro, sev­ shown receiving treatment, was bitten by a shark be struggled in the water. The men were Hitler’s Balkan satellites to get workers were demanded today by is taking place in the town,” tacting Mrs. Irene , Palshaw to­ en miles southeast of Cassino, and “ To Be of enduring use to the picked up after being spotted by a Navy blimp.—NEA Telephoto. out of the war amid mounting night. They are also reminded to FUR United States,” said Gov. Dwight the Textile Workers Union, a CIO range from . Fine quality material in fruit and floral at the foot of the mountains pre­ signs that the pro-Nazi .^Bulgarian affiliate. a DNB broadcast said today. provide a gift for the grab-bag, : designs. viously gained by General Clark’s Griswold of Nebraska, “ a farm and To the southeast, the Germans ranch program must accomplish and Hungarian governments faced More than 200 leaders of the and for their, "palsie-walsies." $2.29 warriors. a showdown with their own mass­ said, Soviet troops were maklni; two things. It 'must promote the union called upon textile employ­ continuous attacks in heavy Italian Troop* Lose Ground es. ' . ers to grant increases of at least Charles Schlener of Oakland COATS (;IVE A DRESS LENGTH! production of all the food, fat and Hersliey Asked snowstorms in the area southwest Italian troops, fi^fllUng Pre­ fibre needed and it must render un­ R esista n ce The heavy attack—the Sofia ra­ 10 cents an hour and asked the street, formerly employed by Mi­ $3.98to$7.50 J a p s’ A ir dio said waves of Allied planes of Kremenchug where the Soviets chael Sheehan as an assistant What liner gift could any mier Marshal Pietro Baduglio's to the farmer and stockman a re­ War Labor Board to set up a sep­ dumped explosives for 105 min­ arate panel to consider their wage were hamfnerlng at the approach­ manager at his Community Lunch woman want than a beauti­ FLORAL SCREEN PRINTS promise that they would join the turn commensurate with the value To Give Stand es of Krivt.i Rog and Kirovograd. on North Main street, has pur­ Allies in the drive to oust the of hia products." utes—came at the height of what .cases. ful fur coat'.’ appeared to be a Bulgarian gov­ Serious Keverne* Admitted chased the Diana tavern on Spruce stunning floral patterns in th* Nazis from Italy, were thrown Requirements To Achieve Goal W a n in g in Marshalls Seek L'nifunii Wage Scale Moscow admitted serious re­ street, and ia to conduct the busi­ NORTHERN BACK newest screen prints. back, by the Germans in their first To achieve that goal, he said in. ernment crisis. A few hours after Emil Kieve, union president, $ 1 . 2 9 Upon Fathers the raid. It was announced that verses, however, in the Kiev bulge ness. MUSKRAT COATS Yard engagement on the Fifth Army a prep#ired address, the farm pro­ said at a meelins of workers' lead­ 200 miles to the northwest, where front. The Italians had advanced gram ahould: the Parliament had been sent ers that they sought uniformity of home for a week, a move suggest­ massed German armor has driven Corporal Edward AmorV Cheney, into the foothills north of Mig­ 1. “Strive for abundance; not stin the wage scale so tha( the same Gen. Nikolai Vatutin’s forces back son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. nano, but they lost the ground to scarci^.’’ Called Before Closed F i g h u n ^ ing an attempt to stem gi-owing rite will prevail tiff-QUghout the SWEATER SETS demands for peace. to the area south of Malin, 30 Cheney, of 98 Forest street, has a counter-attack by units of the 2. "Place the few production nation. x miles east of Korozen and only 55 Session of House Mili­ Rieve termed the meeting "hia- reported at Keesler Field. Biloxi, are most fashionable now. W'e have some regulation length in blue, $298 Hermann Goering Armored divi­ adjustments it needs on market­ ehells Dump 46 Tons Rages in Rire Great Destruction Caused . miles west of the great Ukrainian Miss., a unit of the Army, Air green, yellow, and sea foam in U)0'/r wool.
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