' LIST OF KANSAS OFFICERS. MADE A SLIGHT MISTAKE. , , . Rice to Go TJp. Patience Now, I see there is a rica I fecretary Martin Gives Names e aoverament Official Was Bound to trust. Patrice Just as if there were not al- Events. Men Who Served the Common-weal- th Get Bight, Bat Again ready enough 0 Kansa obstacles in the way of mar- Since Its Birth. Got Wrong. riage! Yonkers Statesman. Iest I , ' dis- - X Topeka; Kan., June 5. George W, "Whenever an unknown person .of "Lake Shore" Summer Tours. Par Alore PrTioB Record. After the Directors. 1 ilartin, secretary of the Kansas His- tinguished appearance enters my office, .Where are yon going to spend this year's The height of the flood in the Marais An attachment was run on all the im reminded of the experience of Frank vacation? The Lake Shore Railway's book des Cygnes river at Ottawa last week property of the directors of the Bank torical society, has just completed f Vanderlip," said a senator's secretary, of "Summer Tours to Mountains, ' Lakes offi- of Highland In of $63,000, by .oster of the territorial and state iccording to the Washington Star. rVhen and . Seashore" . will help yeu to decide. was 35 feet above low water mark. This the sum Vanderlip was Gage's private. any the of St. Joseph,' cers of. 'Kansas. The roster begins Secretary It will be sent on application to C. F. is six feet higher than previous First national bank ecretary, before he got wel accquainted, Daly, Chief Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. record. The territory between Ottawa Mo.: The bank attached the following with the organization of Kansas as t ae paid little attention to the people h territory and with the presen' lid not know. One day a member of the for Tortured and Rantoul was extensively given to property: Six hundred and forty acres ends v Pat Yis; but all me other senses is! ftdministraiton! territorial days cabinet called on Secretary Gage and waj Judge. In raising potatoes. The crop was ready of land and .the Highland residence In governprs ignored for some time by Vanderlip, to dig, but is a total loss. Parties who of G. W. Overlander, one of the di- Kansas had ten appointed anally going into the private room un- are familiar with the outlook before rectors of the Bank of Highland; 340 by the president They were: Andrew announced. The cabinet officer complained the flood estimate this loss alone at acres of land and the residence of H. Reeder, Daniel Woodson, Wilson to President McKinley, and the president Shannon, Geary, Stan- mentioned it to Secretary Gage, wh and $30,000. Farm lands from a distance Harrison Dillon, president of the bank John W. Fred P. thereupon reprimanded Vanderlip. Date of seven miles west of Ottawa and ex- and father-in-la- w of J. E. Marcell. ton, Robert J. Walker, James W. Den- "The next day, Vanderlip turning ove M tending over a territory as. far east and the two-sto- ry building occupied ver, Hugh S. Walsh, Samuel Madary a new leaf, one of the first persons t swept by the Odd Felows' hall and V. and George'M. Beebe. During that time enter was a distinguished looking old fel as Osawatomie have been bare I. low with a partriarchal beard. anderlij of crops. In North Ottawa some 25 Morton's drug store. there were only five territorial secre- received him with great consideration houses have been carried away or been taries, as follows: Daniel Woodson, handed out a chair, which the old fellov for Tired Mothers Will Sot Mention Polities. Fred P. Stanton, James W. Denver, took. with gravity and some wonderment moved from their foundations. On the party Seating himself opposite, asked east many residences have been In the early days of July a of Hugh S. Walsh and George M. Beebe. Vanderlip side distinguished will go Can- with a most engaging smile, 'What cai ' moved, and entire territory is Kansans to It is a strange coincidence that every I do for you, sir?" the on as strewn with wreckage. ada a pleasure trip, with fishing one of . the territorial secretaries were " Oh, nothing,' replied the visitor. a' diversion. In the party will be promoted to governors. There were just came to wind the clocks.' " Com Bothered the Mayor. United States Senator Long, of Medi- only two auditors, John Donaldson and cine Lodge; Federal Judge John Big Drop in Binder Twine. The city council at Cottonwood .Falls C H. J. Strickler, and two treasurers, '.We are selling the highest grade standard passed an ordinance to prevent cows Pollock, of Winfield; Morton Albaugh, Thomas J. Cramer and Robert B. binder twine made, shipping it to any ad- and other animals from running on state bank commissioner; Cyrus Ice- Mitchell. The three attorney generals dress in any quantity and. at a much lower land, of Troy; W. P. Hackney and price than dealers can buy in carload lots. walks and parkways. Shortly after were: Andrew J. Isaacs, William Wear For our special inside price, our guarantee (brother-in-la- w of the ordinance was passed E. D. Forney, T. J. Rafferty and A. C. Davis. The three superin- end money refund offer, for our insurance who cows Judge Pollock), of Winfield; B. P. schodts H. proposition against hail or storm, for the had assisted in driving the tendents of were: James lowest to pasture, was arrested on complaint Waggener, of Atchison, and C. S. Noteware, Samuel W. Greer and John price, the most liberal binder twine Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of na- offer that will be made this season, cut this of Mr. Grisham, the mayor. Forney Jobes, president of the American C. Douglas. Two chief justices reigned notice out and mail to us today and you will the late General Roger Hanson, was said to have allowed the cows to tional bank at Kansas City. during the territorial period Samuel hear from us bv return mail. Address, C.S.A., wants every SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago. 111. woman to get on the mayor's walk. Forney owns Voang Girl Snes Aged Citizen. D. Lecompte and John Pettit The six of accom the only pasture adjacent to territorial associate justices were: S. know the wonders available A breach of promise suit was filed The savage Filipinos tn Warm Baths with the city by closing W. M. Burrell, at St. Louis look plished by Lydia E. Pinkham's and he retaliated at Fort. Scott that promises to be Johnston, James upon the bright new $10 bills as orna- his pasture to 50 cows whose owners sensational. Emma Bunn, 17 years Thomas Cunningham, Joseph Williams, ments. The savages are not alone in the Vegetable Compound. depended upon his pasture for grazing Rush Elmore and Sterling G. Cato. possession of that kind of artistic taste. ; old, through her father, Thomas Bunn, Washington Post. "Dea.b Mrs. Piskham I cannot purposes. The matter was compro- a Holiness preacher, sues Benjamin, Kansas had one delegate in congress tell you with pen and ink what good mised. in days. W. Whitfield "Vegetable . money - past territorial John Iijdia. E. Pinkham's Files, a weatthy lender, It Cures While You Walk. Compound did for me, suffering from 60 years of age, for $10,500. Files served part of the time and Marcus J. Train Killed a Pioneer. Gov. Allen's Foot-Eas- e is a certain cure for the ills peculiar to the sex, extreme married his fourth wife about three Parrott the remainder. Reedet hot, sweating, James, better known as "Texas" son tested Whitfield's seat one term callus, and swollen, aching lassitude and that all pone feeling. I Brown, a pioneer and wealthy retired weeks ago, the bride being a girl of feet. Sold by lill Druggists. Price 25c. Don't would rise from my bed in the morning 20 years of age. with the result that the place was de- accept any substitute. Trial package FREE. feeling more tired when went to farmer hose home was in Pittsburg, about Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. than I PbH(p clared vacant. pas bed, but before I used two bottles of was killed by a Missouri Pacific I. O. O. F. Grand Officers. Since acquiring statehood, Kansas Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable senger engineer blew his According to a New York paper, a train. The Returns from I. O. O. F. lodges of the has had these officers: policeman shot a man in the Bowery. He Compound, I began to feel the buoy- crossing .which at- ancy my youncrer returning-- . whistle for the state that voted for grand officers in- Governors Charles Robinson, Thom- will probably recover, as that is not a of days tracted the attention of Brown, but he vital spot. Indianapolis Journal. became regular, could do more work dicate the election of the following: as Carney, Samuel Crawford, Nehe-mia- h could get J. and not feel tired than had ever been concluded he across the track Grand master, G. W. Allaman; deputy M. Harvey, Thomas I safely. In attempt his foot slipped Green, James Fits stopped free and permanently cured. able to do before, so I continued to use the grand master, J. I. Saunders; grand A. Osborn, George T. Anthony, John which slacked his .speed and the result No fits after first day's use of Dr. Kline's it until I was restored to perfect health. "warden, A. W. Hershberger; grand P. John, Geogre W. Glick, John Great Nerve Restorer.
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