Summary De Concorde aux nouveaux projets d’avions supersoniques From Concorde to new supersonic aircraft projects AAE Dossier # 46 2019 Summary DE CONCORDE AUX NOUVEAUX PROJETS D’AVIONS SUPERSONIQUES FROM CONCORDE TO NEW SUPERSONIC AIRCRAFT PROJECTS AAE Dossier #46 2019 Summary © AAE – 2019 Tous droits réservés / All rights reserved Crédits photo couverture / Cover credits: Spike S-512 © Spike / Concorde © British Airways Boom Overture © Boom / Aerion AS2 © Aerion AAE Ancien Observatoire de Jolimont 1 avenue Camille Flammarion 31500 Toulouse - France Tel : +33 (0)5 34 25 03 80 [email protected] www.academieairespace.com ISBN 978-2-913331-80-8 ISSN 1147-3657 Dépôt légal : juillet 2019 Summary Dossiers récents / Recent Dossiers n°45 Cybermenaces visant le transport aérien, 2019 Cyberthreats targeting air transport, 2019 n°44 Le transport de passagers par appareils à voilure tournante à l’horizon 2050, 2018 Rotary wing aircraft for passenger transport by 2050, 2018 n°43 L’Espace au service de la sécurité et de la défense ; pour une nouvelle approche européenne, 2018 Space systems supporting security and defence; a new European approach, 2018 n°42 Aviation plus automatique, interconnectée, à l’horizon 2050, 2018 More automated, connected aviation by 2050, 2018 n°41 Les disparitions d’avions : une question pour les transports aériens, 2017 Missing aircraft: an issue facing air transport, 2017 n°40 Présent et futur des drones civils, 2015 Present and future of civilian drones, 2015 n°39 Matériaux aéronautiques d’aujourd’hui et de demain, 2014 Aeronautical materials for today and tomorrow, 2014 n°38 Comment volerons-nous en 2050 ?, 2013 Flying in 2050, 2013 n°37 Le Traitement des situations imprévues en vol, 2013 Dealing with unforeseen situations in flight, 2013 n°36 Quel avenir pour l’industrie aéronautique et spatiale européenne ?, 2013 What future for European aeronautics and space industries?, 2013 n°35 Trafic aérien et météorologie, 2011 Air traffic and meteorology, 2011 n°34 Une stratégie à long terme pour les lanceurs spatiaux européens, 2010 Long-term strategy for European launchers, 2010 n°33 Les Aéroports face à leurs défis, 2010 Airports and their challenges, 2010 n°32 Prise de risque : conclusions et recommandations, 2009 Risktaking: conclusions and recommendations, 2009 n°31 Pour une approche européenne à la sécurité dans l’espace, 2008 For a European approach to security in space, 2008 n°30 Le Rôle de l’Europe dans l’exploration spatiale, 2008 The role of Europe in space exploration, 2008 n°29 Le Transport aérien face au défi énergétique, 2007 Air transport and the energy challenge, 2007 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1- Foreword ...........................................................................................10 2- Introduction ......................................................................................14 3- Concorde ..........................................................................................18 Operational performance ..................................................................................... 20 Lift-to-Drag ratio (L/D) ............................................................................. 22 Thrust levels, specific fuel consumption and weight of the propulsion system ........24 Definition of operational weights ................................................................ 26 Fuel consumption with relation to the new CO2 standard ................................. 28 Airport noise ...................................................................................................... 30 4- Concorde B .......................................................................................34 Aerodynamics .................................................................................................... 34 Propulsion .......................................................................................................... 36 Other modifications ........................................................................................... 36 5- Future supersonic transport aircraft (ATSF) .......................38 Improving aerodynamic L/D ratio ......................................................................... 38 Improved specific fuel consumption and engine noise .......................................... 42 Development costs and cost price ....................................................................... 44 6- Noise during cruise, sonic boom .............................................46 7- Supersonic business aircraft ....................................................50 Use of business jets ........................................................................................... 50 European project: HISAC .................................................................................... 52 New aircraft proposed ......................................................................................... 56 Aerion: cruise at Mach 1.4 ........................................................................ 56 Spike S-512: cruise at Mach 1.6 ...............................................................62 Boom: cruise at Mach 2.2 .......................................................................64 Summary of the proposals ........................................................................ 68 Considerations regarding development programmes ............................................ 76 8- Conclusion ........................................................................................82 Appendix 1: Requirements for the development of a new aircraft ....................90 Appendix 2: Concorde propulsion ..............................................................................94 6 Summary Table of figures Figure 1: A production Concorde, with extended rear ......................................18 Figure 2: Concorde, the prototype and production aircraft ..............................20 Figure 3: Reminder of certain physical laws (simplified equilibrium of an aircraft in level flight) ............................20 Figure 4: Internal temperatures of Olympus and subsonic engines ................24 Figure 5: Weights of the propulsion system of Concorde as compared with subsonic aircraft .......................................................................26 Figure 6: Concorde: weight distribution at take-off...........................................28 Figure 7: Comparison between Concorde and current aircraft with regard to the new CO2 standard for subsonic aircraft ...............28 Figure 8: Comparison of airport noise levels of Concorde and current aircraft ............................................................................30 Figure 9: Noise evolution as a function of jet speed (same thrust) ..................32 Figure 10: Aerodynamics envisaged for Concorde B ........................................34 Figure 11: Engine envisaged for Concorde B ....................................................36 Figure 12: Evolution of supersonic designs 1980-2000 .....................................40 Figure 13: Commercial layout and cabin width ..................................................40 Figure 14: Example of a variable cycle engine ..................................................44 Figure 15: QueSST demonstrator configuration C606 .......................................46 Figure 16: Use of business jets as function of their resale prices .....................50 Figure 17: European HISAC project ...................................................................52 Figure 18: The three HISAC families .................................................................54 Figure 19: Aerion SBJ project ............................................................................56 Figure 20: Aerion AS2 project ............................................................................56 Figure 21: Aerion AS2 project ............................................................................58 Figure 22: Time savings promised by Aerion .....................................................60 Figures 23 and 24: GE Affinity Engine .............................................................................60 Figure 25: Spike S-512 (2014) ...........................................................................62 Figure 26: Spike S-512 (2015-2017) ..................................................................62 Figure 27: Boom: the model, and the “Dream team” .........................................64 Figure 28: First Baby Boom XB1 .......................................................................66 Figure 28 b-c: Baby Boom XB1 ................................................................................66 Figure 29: Concorde and summary of proposed projects ..................................70 Figure 30: Concorde and aerodynamic characteristics of proposed projects .........................................................................70 Figure 31: Comparison of the characteristic weights of Concorde with the proposed projects ................................................................72 Figure 32: Comparison of ranges as proposed by manufacturers and estimated ..........................................................76 Figure 33: Lifespan of a conventional subsonic aircraft programme .................78 Figure 34: Integration plan for a subsonic aircraft propulsion unit .....................80 8 Summary 1 FOREWORD Several supersonic business jet projects have been announced in recent years, mainly from the
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