The Books of Ballymote and Lecan: Their Structure and Contents Compared Leabhar Bhaile an Mhóta / Book of Ballymote Conference Nollaig Ó Muraíle, RIA, 6 February 2015 1. BB 251 folios – each fo. 15¼ x 9¾ inches; Lec 311 folios – each fo. 11⅞ x 8⅜ inches. 2. Kathleen Mulchrone, Catalogue of Irish MSS in the RIA, fasc. xiii (1934): Lec (=MS 535 – 23 P 2), pp 1551 to 1610; BB (=MS 536 – 23 P 12), pp1610 to 1655. 3(a) BB: Dondcuachmuighi Ó hUathgaili; Lec: Donncuachbaid Ó Fuathgaili. Dublittir Ua hUathgaile. Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, The Irish Sex Aetates Mundi (DIAS, 1983). (b) Missi don chuachmaig ón chill / Ua hUathgail a hUsenglind. ‘I am from the cuckoo’s plain (?), from the monastery; Ua hUathgaile from Killeshin.’ (c) Cf Cuachmag, Hogan, Onomasticon Goedelicum, place-name nr Glenn Uisean (=Killeshin, Co. Laois). Cf also Seanchuach (Shancough), Co. Sligo; Shancoduff, Seanchuach Dubh, Co. Monaghan. (d) Glenn Uisen : Uisenglend; Cuachmag : Mag Cuach – or Cill Chuachmaige, or Cill Maige Cuach? 4. Giolla Mo-Dhuda Ó Caiside, Banshenchus, ‘Lore of Famous Women’. 5. Cland Ollaman uaisle Emna. Giolla Íosa Mac Fir Bhisigh, A éicsi Banba na mbend. 6. Secular genealogies in BB, pp 67-202 – all but 20 pp penned by Robeartus Mac Síthigh; remainder by Maghnus Ó Duibhgeannáin. 7. Michael A. O Brien, Corpus Genealogiarum Hiberniae, i (DIAS, 1962); Pádraig Ó Riain, Corpus Genealogiarum Sanctorum Hiberniae (DIAS, 1985). 8. Aided Dathí (The Death of Nath Í), Compert Conchubair meic Nesa (The Conception of Conchubar mac Nessa), Geinemain Cormaic Uí Chuind (The Birth of Cormac ua Cuinn), Aided Crimthaind meic Fidaig (The Death of Crimthann mac Fidaig), Eachtra mac Eachach Muigmeadóin (The Story of the sons of Eochaid Muigmedóin); treatise on the Aithechthuatha. 9. Cóir Anmann (The Fitness of Names – ed. S. Arbuthnot, 2005, 2006); Lebor na Cert (The Book of Rights – ed. M. Dillon, 1962); Auraicept na nÉigeas (The Poets’ Primer – ed. G. Calder, 1917). 10. Book of Oghams with illustrations of various versions of oghamchraobh. 11. Relationship by marriage between Tomaltach Mac Donnchaidh, lord of Corann and Tír Oilealla/Oirill, and Giolla Íosa Mór Mac Fhir Bhisigh – the latter’s wife, Caithirfhíona Nic Dhonnchaidh (d. 1412), was a second cousin to Tomaltach. (Tomás Ó Con Cheanainn noted Giolla Íosa’s references in Lec colophons to Tomaltach’s death in battle in Co. Sligo in mid-August 1397.) 12. Of 43 divisions in BB secular genealogies, only about 5 are entirely absent from Lec – due to major chasm/lacuna in latter (corresponding to BB, pp 87c–95a – c. 10 pp of material). 13. Two branches of Southern Uí Néill, descendants of Conall Errbreg and Cairbre, sons of Niall Noígiallach, and part of another branch, descendants of Laegaire mac Néill. 14. Due to lacuna, Lec lacks large portion of Uí Briúin genealogies – i.e. descendants of Brión, older brother of Niall Noígiallach. (Uí Bhriúin: principal rivals of Uí Fhiachrach, to whom Clann Fhir Bhisigh belonged; the Mac Donnchaid kings of Ballymote and district belonged to Uí Briúin. Main ruling families of Uí Briúin: Ó Flaithbertaig, Ó Ruairc and Ó Conchubair.) 15(a) Genealogies of Uí Fhiachrach in BB: about 1400 words – contrast with the following: (b) Lec’s prose work on Uí Fhiachrach complemented by Giolla Íosa’s genealogico-topographical poem of 224 quatrains, Imda gablán de chloind Chuind – composed 1417 as inauguration-poem for Tadhg Ó Dubda, succeeding his brother Ruaidrí as king of Uí Fhiachrach. (c) Prose text mentions c. 220 place-names and c. 190 family-names/surnames. Poem has approx. same number of family-names (not always same names!), but c. 50 fewer place-names. (d) BB’s Uí Fhiachrach tract: c. 1400 words. Corresponding prose text in Lec: c. 8,000 words; poem, Imda gablán, has further 4,400. So entire Uí Fhiachrach tract in Lec: c. 12,000+ words. (e) Compare Dubhaltach Mac Fhir Bhisigh’s Book of Genealogies – Uí Bhriúin tract: c. 19,000 words; Uí Fhiachrach tract: c. 14,000 words. (16) Lecan Miscellany – in T. Ó Raithbheartaigh, Genealogical Tracts, i (1932), pp 133-201. Outline of principal contents of BB (c 1390) [L= also in Lec; ● = item not found in Lec; numbers in brackets to the left refer to item’s position in detailed list of contents, below] 1 (14) Lebor Gabála – Book of Invasions: Version C, 15-49 [L13] 2 (27) Secular Genealogies, 67-201 [L4] 3 (28) Lebor Bretnach – Historia Britonum of Nennius, 203-11 [L5] 4 (29) Saints’ Genealogies, 212-29 [L3] 5 (33) Cóir Anmann – The Fitness of Names, 249-54 [L7] 6 (48) Lebor na Cert – The Book of Rights, 268-81 [L9] 7 (49) Banshenchus – Lore of Famous Women, 282-6 [L10] 8 (52) The Book of Oghams, 308-13 ● 9 ( 53) Auraicept na nÉces – The Poets’ Primer, 314-30 [L6] 10 (59) Uraicecht Becc – The Little Primer, 335-48 ● 11 (60) Dindsenchas – Lore of Famous Places, 349-410 [L12] 12 (61) Togail Troí – The Destruction of Troy, 411-34 ● 13 (63) Imthechta Aeniasa – The Wandering of Aeneas [The Aeneid], 449-84 ● Outline of Principal Contents of Lec (1397x1418) [B = also in BB; ● = item not found in BB] 1. Lebor Gabála – Book of Invasions: Version B (Ba/B I) (beginning missing), 1ra-16rb ● 2. Lebor Gabála – Book of Invasions: Variant of Version B (Bb/B III), 16va-33vb ● 3. Saints’ Genealogies, 34ra-52va [B4] 4. Secular Genealogies, 53ra-138vb [B2] 5. Lebor Bretnach – Historia Britonum of Nennius, 139ra-145ra [B3] 6. Auraicept na nÉces – The Poets’ Primer, 151ra-162vb [B9] 7. Cóir Anmann – The Fitness of Names, 173ra-175vb [B5] 8. Genealogical Treatises, 176ra-183rb ● 9. Lebor na Cert – The Book of Rights, 194ra-202va [B6] 10. Banshenchus – Lore of Famous Women, 203ra-212vb [B7] 11. Genealogical Tracts on the Eoganacht of Munster, 213ra-230vb 12. Dindsenchas – Lore of Famous Places, 231ra-263ra [B11] 13. Lebor Gabála – Book of Invasions: Version C, 264ra-311vb [B1] The Book of Ballymote (c 1391) – Detailed List of Contents (RIA MS 536 – 23 P 12) 1 Sex Aetates Mundi, 3 2 Poem, Reidhigh damh, a De do nimh – Donn Cuachmhuighe Ó hUathghaile, 94 qq, 7 3 Chronological tract on the Five Ages of the World, 9 4 Tract on place-names in Asia, etc., 10 5 Pedigree of St Joseph, 10 6 Latin account of the Ages of the World, 10 7 Poem, Sé bliadhna caogat maille, 7 qq (Written 1126), 10 8 Leabhar Comhaimsireachda Flainn Mainistreach – Synchronisms of Fl. M. (d. 1056), 11 9 Poem, Nin mac Bel roga na rig, 21 qq., 13 10 Measurements of time and space; beg. Tre gort crann, tre crann cu, 14 11 The Tower of Babel, 14 12 Description of Christ and his Apostles, 14 13 The development of the Ceremonies of the Mass, 14 14 Lebor Gabála – Book of Invasions: Version C, 15 [=Lecan 264] [Lacuna – one folio lost (post 1728) between 16 and 17] Poem, by Gilla MoDhubhda, Éri ógh, inis na naemh, 84qq, 49 15 List of the Christian kings of Ulster, with some pedigrees, 51 16 Poem, Cland Ollaman uaisle Emna, 80 qq, 52 17 List of the Christian kings of Leinster with their pedigrees, 54 18 Poem by Ó Duinn, Cóicedh Laigen na lecht righ, 70 qq, 55 19 List of the Christian kings of Connacht with pedigrees, 57 20 Poem by Ó Duinn, Cruacha Condacht raith co rath, 74 qq, 58 21 List of the Christian kings of Munster, with pedigrees, 59 22 Poem, by Seaán Ó Dubhagáin, Caiseal cathair Chland Modha, 71 qq, 60 23 Tecosca Chormaic – Instructions of Cormac, 62 24 Briathra Fíthail – Sayings of Fíthal, 64 25 Gnomic sayings, beg. Maith dan eagnaí, 65 26 Trecheng Breth Féni – Triads of Ireland, 65 [Lacuna – one folio lost (post 1728) between 26 and 27] 27 Secular Genealogies, 67 [=Lec. 53] Uí Néill, 68; Uí Briúin, 89; Uí Fhiachrach, 107; Airgialla; 109; Laigin, 119; Múscraige, 139; Fir Alban, 148; Síl Ír, 151; Síl Ébir (Munster), 171; Dál Cais, 182; Síl Luigdech meic Ítha, 196 28 Lebor Bretnach – Historia Britonum of Nennius, 203 [=Lec. 139] 29 Senchas Naomh Érend – Saints’ Genealogies, 212 [=Lec. 34] Poem, Naemsenchas naem Insi Fáil, 229 30 The History of the Hebrews, 236 31 The palace of Emain Macha, Ba mor a n-ordun du Conchobar, 247 32 Oididh Dathi – Death of Nath Í, 248 33 Cóir Anmann – The Fitness of Names, 249 [=Lec. 173] 34 Treatise on the Aithechthuatha, 255 35 Poem, Is ór glan is neam im gréin, 7 qq, 256 36 Do ingantaib Érenn – The wonders of Ireland, 256 37 Tochmarc Luaine acus Aided Athairne – Wooing of Luaine and killing of Athairne, 257 38 Compert Conchubair meic Nessa – The Conception of Conchubar mac Nessa, 259 39 Geineamain Cormaic Uí Chuind – The Birth of Cormac ua Cuinn, 260 40 Echtra Cormaic i Tír Tarrngire acus Ceart Claidim Cormaic, 260 41 Aidid Crimthaind meic Fidaid 7 Tri meic Eathach Muigmeadoin .i. Brian, Ailill, Fiachra, 263 42 Eachtra mac Echach Muigmeadoin, 265 43 Imtheachta Moighi Ruith, 265 44 Seats of learning frequented by Tuatha Dé Danann, 266 45 Baili Findachta rígh Condacht, 266 46 De urgartaib ríg Érend – The prohibitions of the kings of Ireland, 267 47 Poem, by Cúán Ó Lóthcháin, A fhir áin iadas in teach, 37qq, 267 48 Leabar na gCeart – The Book of Rights, 268 [=Lec. 194] 49 Banshenchus – Lore of Famous Women, 282 [=Lec. 203] 50 Treatise on Irish Prosody, 289 51 Lebhar Ollaman – The Book of Ollam, 299 52 The Book of Oghams, 308 53 Auraicept na nÉces – The Poets’ Primer, 314 [=Lec. 151] 54 Lebur Ferchertne, 321 55 Poem, Tré fhocla tacrait filid, 51 qq, 331 56 Poem, Do dligegaibh dunta na nduan, Dunta for nduan decid lib, 9 qq, 332 57 Poem, Da cuincead neach a ndliged, 9 qq., 332 [58] Note on loss of BB by Mac Donnchadha to Aodh Óg Ó Domhnaill, 1522, 333 59 Uraicecht Becc – The Little Primer (On the Privileges and Rights of Various Classes), 335 60 Dindseanchus Érend – Lore of Famous Places, 349 [=Lec.
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