Scroll Down ▼ ▼ ▼ Index To The English Romantics By Peter Landry ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Index Aberdeen: 159; 167. Bailey, Benjamin (Friend of Abbotsford: 41. K’s): 130-2; fn#12-3, 227-8; Address to the Irish People (S’s fn#18, 228-9. work): 85. Ball, Sir Alexander (Governor Adonais (S’s work to the dead of Malta): 63. Keats): 98; 104; fn#51, 220. Barbados: 109-10. Aeschylus: 103; fn#37, 216. Basel, Switzerland: 180. Aids to Reflection (STC’s Bath: 70; 91; 93; 115; 145-6; 158; work): 76. fn#45, 219; fn#20, 236. Alastor (S’s work): 92; fn#23, 214. Bay of Spezzia: 99; 191; fn#19, 224. Albania: 166; fn#84, 248. Beaumount, Lady: 43. Alfoxden Days: 14-16; 56-8. Beaupuy, Michael (French mil- Ali Pasha: 166. itary officer befriended by Allan Bank: 21; WW moves to, WW in the early days): 6. 26-8; 69. Beddoes, Dr.: 62; 64. Allegra (A child of Claire’s & Bentham, Jeremy: 1; 67; fn#8, Lord B’s, Claire orig. called 222; fn#12, 223. her Alba, B renamed her to Beppo (Lord B’s work, 1817): 182. Allegra): 96-7; 100; 118; b., Berkeley, George (Philoso- 1817, 180-1; 190; d. at 5 yrs. pher): 68. of age, fn#24, 214; fn#33, 216; Biographia Literaria (STC’s fn#54, 242; fn#72, fn#74, 246. work): 65; 76; fn#17, 207-8; American Revolution: 110; 112. fn#19 & 22, 208; fn#26, 209; Amiens: Treaty of, 7; 24; fn#32, fn#14, 223. 201. Black Dwarf (Radical Paper of Ancient Mariner (STC’s work): the time): 112. 34; 56; 63; 66; 77; 129; Hazlitt’s Blackwood’s Edinburgh Maga- views, fn#46, 203; fn#18, 208. zine: 117; 135-6; fn#14, 223; Annesley Hall: 163; 167. fn#25, 230. Antwerp: 180. Bleak House: 122. Arethusa (S’s work): 98. Blois: 6; fn#7, 198; fn#33, 202. Aspern Papers: fn#54, 221. Blue Coat Boy: 48; 111; fn#6, 222. Athens: 166-7; 195; fn#23, 237. Bolivar (Byron’s sailboat): 101; Austerlitz, Battle of: 86. 191; fn#46, 219; fn#73, 246. -255- 256 Index Bologna: 183. Byron, George Gordon, Lord: Borderers (WW’s work): 13. 157-196; Early life, 158-63; Botany Bay: 11; fn#12, 198-9. Attends Harrow, 1801-5, Bowyer, James (Headmaster of 161; Quarrels & difficulties Christ’s Hospital): 65; fn#4, with mother, 159; 162; Con- 221-2. genital malformation of Bracknell, Berkshire: 89. at least one of his lower Brawne Family: 137-8. limbs, 159; Takes hereditary Brawne, Fanny (K’s love title through his uncle, interest): 137; 139; fn#29, 160; Cambridge & The 230; fn#31, 231. Lord’s Rejection, 163-6; Brighton: 6. At Cambridge (Trinity), Bristol: 16; 20; 51-5; 58; 61-2; 64; 70; 1805-8, 163; Takes his seat 145; 147; fn#18, 199; fn#6, 205. in the House of Lords, 165; Brampton: 60. First trip with Hobhouse Brocket Hall: 171; 173; fn#33, 238. to Greece, 1809-11, 165-7; Brompton: 24. Tours Canterbury & region Brougham, Henry: 1; fn#12, 223. with Hobhouse, 1811, 167; Brown, Charles Armitage Mother dies, 167; English (Friend of K’s): 130; 132-3; Love Affairs, 167-79; Meets 138; bio. fn#15, 228; fn#19, & marries Ms. Milbanke, 229; fn#30, 230-1; fn#32, 231. 173-4; Hobhouse describes Bruges: 180. the wedding ceremony, Brussels: 172; 180. fn#40, 239; Italy, 1816-20, Burgage Manor, Southwell: 162. 179-87; Claire gives birth Burke, Edmund: 9-10; 152. to Lord B’s baby, 1817, 180; Burdett, Francis, Sir: 113; fn#10, Takes up with Countess 222. Teresa Guiccioli, 182-92; Byron, Augusta (Lord B’s half- B’s love of exotic animals, sister): 158; 173-8; fn#43-4, 186-7; B & S concoct to 240; fn#47 & 49, 241. bring Hunt out to Italy, 98- Byron, Catherine (Née Gordon 9; Trelawny recollects how of Gight, Lord B’s mother): B treated women, 178; Pisa 158-62; 167; fn#35, 202; fn#5 Circle, 187 & 190; B took a & 8, 234. hardy dislike to Mrs. Hunt Byron, Admiral John (Lord B’s and her uncontrollable grandfather): 158. brood, 189; List of Byron, John, “Mad Jack” servants, fn#21, 236; Last (Lord B’s father): 158. Years, 1821-24, 187-95; His Index 257 Byron, Cont. ... Chelsea: 121. moods, 186; Abstemious Chester, John (Friend of WW’s): in eating and drinking, 16; 58. fn#42, 240; Last Quixotic Childe Harold (Lord B’s work): crusade in Greece, 192-5; 129; 157; 166; 168; 181-2; fn#26, His last couple of days, 214; fn#22 & 26, 237; fn#27, 193-4; Trelawny recollects 238; fn#59, 242-3; fn#76, 246; viewing B’s dead body, 194- fn#81, 247; fn#91, 249. 5; Macaulay on Lord B, 196. Christabel (STC’s work): 63; Byronic Hero: Short definition, 66-7. 158; 195. Christ’s Hospital (Boys’ School, London): 4; 48; Calais: 6; 91; 96; 120; 132; fn#33, 202. 65; 111; 123; It & its system Calne, Wiltshire: 70. described, fn#3-4, 221-2. Calvert, Raisley (School Church of England: 31; 82; 84; Friend of WW’s, Calvert fn#41, 203. died young & left Legacy Clairmont, Charles (One of to WW): 11-2; 14; fn#14, 199. two children Mary Jane Cambridge: 5-6; 11; 21; 48-9; 51- Clairmont brought into her 3; 68; 145; 163-4; 176; 187; fn#3 marriage to Godwin): 88; & 5, 197; fn#5, 204-5; fn#6, 105; fn#12, 211. 205; fn#37, 216-7; fn#13, 235; Clairmont, Mary Jane (God- fn#17, 236; fn#64, 244. win’s 2nd wife): 88; A Canterbury: 130; 167; 180; fn#13, vulgar & a worldly woman, 227-8. fn#12, 211. Cap of Liberty (Radical Paper Clairmont, Jane (Known as of the time): 112. Claire, One of two children Carlyle, Thomas: 121-2; fn#18, Mary Jane Clairmont 208; fn#9, 222; fn#25, 225-6. brought into her marriage Casa Lanfranchi: 102; 189-91. to Godwin, One of Lord Casa Magni: 99-102; 105; 192; B’s Lovers & maybe one of fn#46, 219; fn#74, 246. S’s, too): 100; 118; 179; 189; Cavalli Bagni in the Romagna Whatever her half sister (The Italian convent in Mary was involved in so which Lord placed his was Claire, fn#18, 212-3; child, Allegra): fn#54, 242. fn#20, 213; fn#54, 221; fn#53, Cawthorn, James (One of Lord 242; What became of her?, B’s publishers): fn#15, 235. 104-5. Chaworth, Mary (Lord B’s cou- Clapman: 64. sin & early love interest): Clarke, Charles Cowden: 127-8; 163; 167-8; fn#26, 237. fn#4, 226. 258 Index Clarke, James (Scottish doctor Coleridge, Cont. ... who treated K at Rome): Marries Sarah Fricker, 140-1; fn#33, 231. 54; Son Hartley born, Clevedon: 54. 55; Unitarian Minister at Cloud, The (S’s work): 98. Shrewsbury, 57; Wedg- Cobbett, William: 1; 112-3; woods Give Life Annuity, fn#7, 233. 57; Trip to Germany, 1798, Cockermouth: 4. 58; Son Berkeley birth Cockney School of Poetry: 119; & death, 58-9; Two year 135; fn#14, 223. sojourn at Malta & Tour Codrington, Edward, Sir: 40. of Europe, 63; Opium Use, Cogni, Margarita (One of Lord 63-5; STC’s Writings, 65-7; B’s Italian love interests): Philosophy, 67; A ride with 182; fn#62, 243. Basil Montagu & Tales of Coleridge, Berkeley, (STC’s Wordsworth, 69-70; Last Son): 58-59; fn#21, 208. Ditch Effort to Deal with Coleridge, Derwent (STC’s Opium Habit, 71; Moves Son): 20; 61. in with Dr. Gillman, 70; Coleridge, Hartley (STC’s Hazlitt compares STC with Son): 13; 20; 55; 58-9; 61; 147; Godwin, 71-3; Robinson fn#21, 208. writes of STC, 73; Robinson Coleridge, John (STC’s Father): compares STC to WW, 73-4; 47. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 76; De Quincey’s Views, 74; (STC): 47-77; STC & Hazlitt’s Views, 74-6; Takes WW first meet, 12; Uni- a Tour of the Rhine with tarian minister, 15; Life WW & WW’s daughter Dora annuity given by the (1828), 76; His Epitaph, 76. Wedgwoods, 15; Brilliant Coleridge, Sarah (Née Fricker, conversationalist, fn#7, STC's wife): 13; 20; 25; 52-5; 59- 205; Opium Habit, 20; WW 63; 147-8; fn#6, 205; fn#9, 206. raises to STC his Opium Collis Browne’s (Opium): 64. Habit, Friendship Goes Constant, Benjamin: 178. Downhill, 25, 62-3; quarrel Cookson, Wm. (WW’s uncle): with WW became a cause 5; 11; fn#3, 197. célèbre, 27 & 70; Death, 41; Corsair, The (Lord B’s work, Cambridge & Opium Use, 1814): 177; fn#27, 238; fn#45, 48-9; Joins King’s Regiment 241. of Light Dragoons, 49; Corsica: 102. Index 259 Cottle, Joseph (Bristol Book- Dover: 91; 96; 132; 179-80. seller & Publisher): 16; 58. Dover’s Powder (Opium): 64. Cromarty, Scotland: fn#20, 229 Dresden: 105. Duff, Mary (Lord B’s child- Dalby’s Carminative (Opium): hood love interest): 167. 64. Dulwich (School): 161-2; fn#11, Davy, Humphry: 62. 234. De Quincey, Thomas (Writer): Dumfries: 133. 8; Describes Dove Cottage, 18-9; Describes Mary WW’s Earl of Abergavenny (Ship): 26. wife, 22; Describes DW, 23; Edinburgh: 84-5; 89; 135; fn#14, Resident of Grasmere, 28; 223; fn#25, 230; fn#33, 231. Drug Use, 65; A description Edmonton: 127. of DW, 41; On STC, 74; Edward, Henry, Lord Grey de Describes Greta Hall, 148- Ruthyn (Ruthven) (Lord B’s tenant at Newstead 50; fn#4, 197; fn#8, 198; fn#19, Abbey): 161; 163.
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