® IBM Software Group Accelerating the Development of High-Quality Software Petri Ahveninen/11.3.2005 IBM Software Group | Rational software IBM: A Foundation for the On Demand Era Rational WebSphere DB2 Lotus Tivoli Build Run Manage Software Development Transaction Requirements Management & Analysis Data Visual Modeling Management & Development Automated Collaboration Testing Systems Project Management Management Software Configuration Management 1 IBM Software Group | Rational software Application Development Challenges Change is Difficult! Multiple islands of skills, cultures, tools, methodologies and Client/Server World (distributed) standards Monolithic, brittle, hard-to-modify systems Slow / costly response to changing business requirements Heavy GUI Visual Studio (VB) PowerBuilder Delphi C/C++ HTML SmalTtalk Win PC UNIX J2EE App Server DB power tools Linux XML Windows Web Services ASP zSeries CICS iSeriesiSeries COBOL UNIX PL/I Linux RPG zSeries Windows CASE iSeriesiSeries 4GLs Emerging Web Systems (e-business) Green Screen StandStand-alone-alone (legacy) Predictably and rapidly deliver high quality applications at a lower cost IBM Software Group | Rational software Ad Hoc Software Development Lots of independent work Scope creep Requirements churn Different processes Communication and collaboration challenges Evolving infrastructure tools Disparate software tools Hard work! TheThe resultresult isis clearclear toto allall ofof us…us… CHAOSCHAOS ISIS THETHE NORM!NORM! 2 IBM Software Group | Rational software A Team-Based Approach All tools and team members support all development imperatives Continuously Develop Focus on Ensure Manage Change Iteratively Architecture Quality and Assets AnalystAnalyst ArchitectArchitect DeveloperDeveloper TesterTester DeployerDeployer DB2 Model, simulate, Model Visually construct, Design, create, Provision, configure, Pervasive applicationsapplications andand transform,transform, andand executeexecute teststests tunetune andand Lotus and Embedded assemble, and monitor data integrateintegrate troubleshoottroubleshoot Rational and generate code applications Tivoli business and generate code applications WebSphere processes Follow a common process Manage change Track project status and assets ProjectProject Manage requirements IBM and ManagerManager Manage requirements Manage quality 3rd Party Partners Servers IBM Software Group | Rational software Challenges in software development projects... 3 IBM Software Group | Rational software Software Development Drives Productivity Business Processes On Demand Operating Environment Software Development Supply Chain Management Automates and Integrates Other Strategic Customer Relationship Management Business Processes Product Lifecycle Management Human Resources Management Software Development Business Transformation IBM Software Group | Rational software The software development platform for an on demand world Best Practices Tools Process Made Practical Unified Tools for the Team Develop Iteratively Requirements & Analysis Manage Requirements Visual Modeling Use Component & Development Architectures Customer Automated Testing Model Visually (UML) Success Project Management Continuously Verify Quality Software Configuration Manage Change Management Services Accelerated Implementation Technical Support & Tools Application Project Implementations Education & Training Developer Network 4 IBM Software Group | Rational software RUP at a glance Develop iteratively Plan projects into iterations, a number of weeks. Each iteration should result in an executable part of the system. Major technical risks should be solved in early iterations. This will give you control of scope, budget and schedule earlier in the project. Manage Requirements Analyze and understand customer and problems and needs. Elicit, document (Use Cases and Supplementary requirements) and manage the changing requirements. Use Component Architectures Build executable architectures based on components to reduce system size and complexity and make the systems more robust and resilient. Model Visully Make visual models to improve communication about the system requirements and design and keep them consistent. UML provides notation for modeling different perspectives on the system. Continuosly Verify Quality Plan and run testing and other verification from the project to find deficiencies while it is still feasible to correct them. Allowing you to avoid similar mistakes Manage Change Manage integration and control versions and changes to code, documents and models to keep them consistent. Provide secure workspaces for team members. IBM Software Group | Rational software IBM Rational: Best Practices Leadership Rational Unified Process + Rational SUMMIT Ascendant The Two Prominent Commercial Methodware Products Actionable Process Rational Unified Process Guidance The de facto standard supporting Iterative Development ProjectProject Process Project/Project/ PlanningPlanning && Guidance PortfolioPortfolio Rational SUMMIT Ascendant EstimationEstimation based on AnalysisAnalysis Provides comprehensive proven library of Enterprise IT customer processes, planning and success estimation and portfolio management tools Process Effective Authoring & Measures Configuration Added 1Q 2004 5 IBM Software Group | Rational software Application Development Lifecycle Process Maintain a high level of efficiency Modelling Address the user/client business needs Focus on the most essential capabilities Keep the project on budget and schedule Reqts Analysis Design Build Test Deploy IBM Team Infrastructure (Application Code & Project Management) Other IBM Software Group | Rational software Application Development Lifecycle Process Maintain a high level of efficiency Modelling RequistePro, Rose Address the user/client business needs Focus on the most essential capabilities Keep the project on budget and schedule Reqts Rose WebSphere Business Analysis XDE WebSphere Integration Studio Modeller Design Application Developper TeamTest Robot J Build PurifyPlus PurifyPlusRT Rational targeted Test Runtimes Deploy IBM Team Infrastructure (Application Code & Project Management) Other RUP, Process Workbench, ClearCase, ClearQuest, Multi-Site, ProjectConsole, SoDA 6 IBM Software Group | Rational software Address Risks Earlier in the Project Lifecycle Risk Resolution Risk Management Period Period Waterfall Iterative Risk Risk Risk Reduction Time IBM Software Group | Rational software The Rational Approach: Frictionless Software Development Results:Results: ReducedReduced DevelopmentDevelopment Costs,Costs, ImImprovedproved TimeTime ToTo Market,Market, andand Higher Higher QualityQuality Test Manager* ManageManage ContinuouslyContinuously Robot Requirements Verify Quality XDE Tester Requirements Verify Quality PurifyPlus RequisitePro* Test Real Time RQA (Rose Plugin) Results: DevelopDevelop IterativelyIteratively ModelModel && * Rational Unified Process DevelopDevelop ManageManage VisuallyVisually ChangeChange Rose Family, XDE, ClearQuest & ClearCaseLT* Rapid Developer ClearCase family UseUse ComponentComponent Software Architectures Best Practices Engineering Architectures Communication Documentation Rose Family, XDE, Rapid Developer Automation Reports and Metrics ProjectConsole*, SoDA* * Components of Rational Suite Team Unifying Platform (TUP) 7 IBM Software Group | Rational software Get Your Team on the Same Playbook: Rational Unified Process Disciplines group activities logically IBM Software Group | Rational software REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT 8 IBM Software Group | Rational software Requirements: Consolidate and Analyze Requirements with RequisitePro Microsoft Word Database A familiar way to work Revision History Contextual information Security & Organization Extensive formatting Reporting and metrics The Power of a Database and the Freedom of Word IBM Software Group | Rational software Työeläkevakuutuksen Uusimmat järjestelmäkehittäjä tiedotteet Arek Oy on eläkevakuutusyhteisön perustama osakeyhtiö, joka rakennuttaa 7.9.2004 eläkevakuutuksessa tarvittavia tietojärjestelmiä ja tuottaa asiakkailleen Ansaintajärjestelmän järjestelmäpalveluita. toteutusprojektien Toimintaamme luonnehtivat työeläkealan suuret tietojärjestelmähankkeet, toimittajavalinnat joissa käytämme modernia teknologiaa: J2EE-arkkitehtuuria, Meridea- sovelluskehitysalustaa ja Rational-kehitysvälineitä. Meneillään on hanke, jossa rakennamme työeläkejärjestelmää laajasti palvelevaa vuoden 2007 alussa tuotantoon otettavaa ansaintajärjestelmää. Copyright © 2004 Arek Oy. Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään. 9 IBM Software Group | Rational software MODELING IBM Software Group | Rational software Model And Develop Visually Software Why model your software? “See” your software Document design decisions Identify inconsistencies Improve communication Identify and apply reusable patterns Generate code from models Complex software requires tools that manage complexity 10 IBM Software Group | Rational software Modeling Considerations Won’t modeling slow down development? Modeling happens informally on whiteboards whether you use a tool or not Time is often wasted trying to remember design decisions that were made but not recorded Familiarizing a new developer on a system that has been modeled can cut weeks off the ramp up Models can be leveraged to generate code Modeling tools should accelerate development, not slow it down IBM Software Group | Rational software CODING 11 IBM Software Group | Rational software
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