* if 4 W¥ c*\ <••> , ( arteret „ AMI > v P r •t "Speakhf fflOrTKSTOMS Oft1! PUD FT SAVES NO. 44 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1989 ,WNING VKTWTS PRICE THREE ERAI. SERVICE Crowns Kasha Carteret 1939 Sonp-Bojt Racing Champion CHEERING rm ff HELD TODAY Ol Collins JAM SOAP-BOX DERBY prf,l In Brooklyn; Father 01 2 Sleek Gold Car Crowds FiH Cluri« S*m* n,; . I i Funeral rervices Coarse Laig B«SW« ' this afternoon at Hoar Of SUrtkf '' : lumen Collinit, Jr., Wins 1939 Race 1 i H locust Street, 1 ,„, ,1 Saturday aft- PR0MINEfOKli)Dfg,w *' he fell overboard Title For Kasha TAKE PART IN EVBt V I , „ ,,f a fishing boat off Sandy Hook. U-Year-Old Boy Will Mll he conducted in ! |1|;ropal churoh by Represent Carterei ,... Orville N. David- At Akron, 0. ,.,l will be in Clover- ,i r»rk, Woodbrldge. CARTERET—A beautifully bal- Derby Day in Cartoret—mg I, was recovered by tnc'd tittle if old racer carried there ever a more exciting tl»se! hirtreii.year-old Bernard Kasha ,.r|n-ad Bay and tak- Apparently none of the I4M if 10 Charles Street to the 1939 i: Uyn Morgue, It was fans who jammed the Charles • Soapbox Championship of Carteret , ;Uieiet in a sealed Street race course thought at kt* on the Charles) Street race course i , i, itnker Joseph Sy- cause an atmosphere of feterifh • Saturday. In the climax race of ,i.i ha« charge of the excitement envnop«d all atta> * the afternoon Bernard started the boys in tbe rac«, the offMfJt down the ramp neck and neck with .inlx'r of a fishing charged with its conduct, the pa> tenyear-old Jimmie Baird. About lice who were bu«y all sftenMM : , . Wi>nt out Saturday half-way down Kasha's car gain- keeping thing* orderly, sod tatt ., ,!„• "Hilda" piloted ed steadily and he flninhed well countless number who hetpfjfV ,,,,! iM»pn, of 172 Rooee- ahead of the runner-up, his racing make thi> event the blfgest eft* ',.,„ who nearly lo«t his time being 32.9 second" for the held in the borough lor the keys of ,,: :i vain effort to,save run. ,,;.,.„ was in the bow of the community. Previously Baird had beat all , 1( i,, n Collins fell over- Long before 1 o'clock, the heat others in Clasa B, and Kasha had , t hi police, and when in- set for starting the first pair ff likewise topped the field in Class ,,, tin. accident Jumped soapboxers down tbe hill, ctowdt A. Aifi channel and swam began to line up along the Mptt • The current had al- After the rsce the two boyi stretched down both enrbf, and ,••,,. Collins fully fifty were brought back up the hill to these crowds remained tfaroofhoat : >><• Imat. Olsen was able the starting point, and there they the afternoon .increased eontin* ,, ••,• struggling man, but gave as fine a display of sports- ally as newcomers joined tb* i >,, loosen his hold whan manship as ever witnessed. watching throng. Chief of PoUe» L, : threatened to carry "I'm glad I won," said Kasha Henry J. Harrington was aaaUt» ed by Chief W. B. Hulchlnson of ll.T • ' into tho microphone Mr. Fltiger- Srirch for Body ald placed before him. "And he Metuchen and Motorcycle Officer Chiles Klasek of Rahway, who >n ui <ii, partly eihtunted, gave mi; a GREAT race." .- wnm to Collins' asatst- "And he gave m« a better patrolled the course, and the fol- , lowing mcmhrni of the local d*. ' ,. Him had disappeared, one,!" replied Baird quickly, in a pnrtment: , C«pt. J, J. bowllOf, ,MI'.-h by the Coast Guard voice ringing with conviction. Sergeant Daniel Kasha, whose *W» n,i 'Her craft nearby faiU Before the start ol the race were in the race and whoae ;r his body. each of the finalists had been nephew is the 1930 champion, and i, i:,riy besides Collins and wished luck by young; Charles RU>- Officers Calvanek, Henuel, Con- -ir|)hcn Danche and lel, 1938 champion ,who spent tht> nolly, Hu»niuk, Kalas and BangOt <( Carteret and Alex Shown above is U*e> scene as Mayor Joseph W. Mittuch presented to Bernard Kasha the trophy he won as 1939 Soapbox Derby Champion of afternoon at the starting position • Mayor Prtiontt Troflty ly <>f St'waren. The men and sent the first pair of racers Help cume from so . many I^turned at Baadf Hook by Carteret. The Mayor is leaning forward, speaking his congratulations into the microphone for all the witnesses of the race to hear. Bernard's down the track by firing Council- it iieems impossible to Uft 8«i» *fi - face it partly hidden by the trophy, gift of M. E. Coyle of Chevrolet Motors. Also teen in the foreground, left to right, are Louis Kasha, the man Chippy Outer's starting gun. all who contributed to the tr*at • ''t father, William Sitar of the Washington Garage which sponsored Bernard, and I. Robert Faris*, general chairman of the race committee. Riedel officially congratulated parriicks. success of Perb/ Day. > race wilt be found on p«ff« 2 of this issue. Photot were made by Walter l&jrueiuld and Michael,Totii, Jr. Kasha and Baird, speaking into W. Mittuch «ame « Will ^ tha microphone fer, an tonlmued • Dr. Strandberg Gets ,oflp in runner-up and awarded the tro- phy and prizes. % youngsters swarming aroand W» Knslni will leave for Akrort, truck; the Harrow LoadspaaJMr Praise For Services To SchoolsIN WOODBURY POOL B. OfE. Member Scanned By Elliot a week from today to nice in tfte. System donated its services, and DERBY AII-American Soupbox Derby as I p F. Fitigeraligerald did a mast" Mayor Laads Late Presi- Lad Seized With Heart At- State Commissioner Ashed representative of this newspaper I fly job announcingdk» events, Classified Accord- mid the Economy Garage, sponsor I fiit.-^ut'i sing the ae^awl^port of tack ; Schoolmates Act For Ruling On Status the race with a line drwitty side | To Ages Into Clan dent Of B, ot E. At CONNOLLY TO TAKE PRIEST OBSERVES of the local race. As Pall-Bearers Of Czyewski rcinurks. Ren Kabinowitx kept the rA'AndClui'B' Cornerstone reconlft straight from his post PRINCETON BRIDE CAItTKKET—Thomas Uliano, 20TH ANNIVERSARY atop the starting ramp. The Wash. V A KT KRKT—School Commis- CARTERET — Characterizing inicton Garage distributed paper Thf Soapbox nint'-yi'ttr-old son of Mr. and Mrs. sioners Ambrose Mudruk and SAIL TO N. Y. FAIR Ih'in hrre Saturday waa run the late president of the Board of Albert Uliano of 15 Lincoln Ave- St. Demetrius' Pastor Hon- hats and snappers to kee«- thej y p Son 0( Carteret Policeman, Benedict W. Harrington are in crowd happy. nue, one of the two residents of Trenton today seeking the advice \* mewlinwithg thtoe theibeysr weindelasei- Educatioll, r)r Herbert L. Strand- Mias Louise Engelke ored By Parish Here SLATED BY CASEYS Fred Wohlgemuth of thf Ec«n< berg, as "the man who was chief- Carteret who met their deaths sud- of Dr. Charles W. Elliott, Commis- omy Garage, co-sponsors with thq v from thirteen to denly on Saturday, was buried At Banquet Sunday sioner of Education for the state, old in Class A and ly reaponsiblu for the progress of To Wed Tomorrow Boat To Leave Moore Dock Carteret Press, and Robert Farias^ the schooltt," Mayor Mittuch ac- Tuesday morning. The funeral, as to. the exact situation which (tontimtd(Cotid on ttagiR 1)i) roni tin to twain ill Class CARTERET—Miss Louise En- attended by a large number of CARTERET— Over 200 persons now exists in the local Board of Week From Tomorrow heat results in ClMfJ were cepted the new Washington School gelke, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. relatives and friends, took place attended the banquet in German Education. Mrs. Caroline Wincfeell ' Building for the Borough at thu Lutheran Hall Sunday night to At7:30r*.M. >ws: times Baird, Jr., and Richard Engelkc of Princeton, will in St. Joseph's church, with the The four Democratic members Makmler, wra *y BUrd; cornerstone laying held Friday mark the twentieth anniversary of I become the bride of William Con- pastor, Rev. Joseph A. Mulligan of the boai'd, Commissioners Mud- CAItTKKET — Carey Council, Funeral Ritoe For Loc«4 '. and William Tarn- night at the school on upper the ordination to the priesthood rak, Harirngton, Lukach and Dzu- Knights (if Columbus, has com- nolly, son of Police Officer and celebrating a mass of requiem. Resident Held Saturday Roosevelt Avenue. The program of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church rilla, at a special meeting Monday pleted pliiiis for its moonlight sail lha winner; AJheH Xlaha Twenty-four schoolmates and Mrs. John Connolly of Atlantic of Very Rev. John Hundiak. Fa- night, voted to name Stephen to the World'a Fair a week from CARTERET — Tho funeral ol > MakHnskr, Hakflnahy was changed at the lust minute friends of the boy, members of Street tomorrow afternoon. Tho ther Hundiak, who was ordained Czyewski a ninth member to fill tomorrow. The steamer "Mayfair" Mrs. Caroline Winchell, who died and the Mayor accepted the the fourth grade at Nathan Hale July 28, 1919 at Winnipeg, Can- the vacancy existing since last Feb- will leuve. the Benjamin Moore at her home in upper Roosevelt »• Kobert lUaht, B»ird building instead of that ceremony wedding will take place in St. School, were in the line of'bear- ruary through the death of Dr. Company's dock at 7:30 P. M., Avenue last Wednesday, was held : I'aurd vs.
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