The Daily PRINCETONIAN Entered as Second Class Matter Vol. LXXXVI, No. 9 PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1962 Post Office, Princeton, N.J. TEN CENTS ICC Places Seven Clubs Shelter Space Open to All; On Indefinite Probation By JAMES H. WHITE Convictions been placed disciplinary Faculty Seven clubs have on probation for an Vary indefinite time, lOC Chairman William S. Magargee '62 announced yesterday. By JOHN M. JONES general positions are clear, but the for approximately 6050 persons. Edgar M. Gemmell '34, chairman battle is between two groups of in- Faculty opinion on The action was taken by the ICC late yesterday afternoon in the fallout of President Goheen's Fallout Shel- dividuals with similar convictions— shelter is sharply punishment of violations by the clubs during Bicker of the women issue split. ter emphasized yester- between two closely po- Yesterday's in the dormitories rule. Committee, not unified interviews and re- day that the litical factions. cent letters in support of both Placed on probation were Cottage, Campus, Dial Cannon, Charter, which the committee recently sub- Talks with several of the lead- viewpoints indicate that, as was Lodge, Cloister Inn and Tower. mitted to the President call for ing spokesmen on both sides of the stated by one member of the shel- A club on probation is forbidden to have either women or liquor any shelter space to be available to shelter issue indicated yesterday ter committee, "convictions are in the club. anyone at all on a first come-first that much diversity of opinion deeply held" on both sides of the The violations of university regulations occurred at club parties served basis. exists both among those who sup- issue. held in dormitories during Friday night of Bicker. The President appointed the com- port the construction program and According to a letter by Mr. "These parties were club functions," Magargee stated yesterday, mittee in September to investigate among those who oppose it. Gemmell which accompanied the "and therefore the club presidents were responsible for any incidents the possibilities of adapting univer- Last week the committee sub- committee report, the basic moti- which took place." sity buildings for emergency use mitted a report recommending >a vations behind the shelter recom- The actions of the clubs were violations of both university regu- as fallout shelters. six-month, $120,000 program which mendations are two "firmly held lations and the Gentleman's Agreement. In the faculty dispute over a would adapt certain buildings so as convictions": First, that a residen- It was pointed out that the Gentleman's Agreement pertains to Princeton fallout shelter program to create emergency fallout shelter tial university has a moral respon- actions of club members not only* sibility for the health and safety of while they are on the premises of its students. the club but also when they are at AIESEC Coordinating Committees Named; Second, that, beyond thatrespon- club functions anywhere. sibility, in a national emergency it Dean Lippincott deferred action has moral obligation to share until the ICC made its decision. Plans Underway for '63 Conference Here its facilities, to the extent of its Yesterday afternoon he was uncer- capacities, with the public Princeton will be the site of the Publicity will be directed by at tain as to'whether any further ac- Wil- A total of $100,000 must be rais- large." first International AIESEC Con- liam A. McWhirter '63. ed for the Congress of which tion would be taken by the univer- the To this extent the members of gress ever held in the United The Association Internationale Princeton group must solicit half. sity. the committee are agreed. Broader, States. The meeting will take place dcs Etudiants en Science et Econ- Conference Slated Magargee was unable to com- personal arguments are called in, during the 1963 spring recess. omic Commerciale sponsors a sum- Chairman Harman will attend ment on whether or not the proba- however, when overall justifi- This congress and the AIESEC mer job exchange program involv- National AIESEC the tion would last until after Junior the Conference cation of fallout shelters is debated. summer program will be coordinat- ing over 3000 students per year. in Chicago on February 23. He Prom weekend. He indicated that John A. Wheeler, Princeton ed by special committees, William American students obtain white he would have to talk to Dean Lip-, will also attend the International physics professor and a member of R. Harman '63, the general chair- collar jobs here for foreign stu- Congress in Berlin during the week pincott before a decision on the the committee, personally man, announced yesterday. dents who reciprocate by getting of February 28. stressed matter could be made. the responsibility of the university Javitch Heads similar jobs for U.S. students go- Other Questions Considered Committee Harman will probably take a to the students. Daniel G. Javitch '63 will ing abroad. The ICC also considered other head leave of absence from Princeton The University has, he feels, a questions concerning Bicker in its the fund raising committee. As- Last year Princeton sent fifteen next year in connection with his responsibility to make its space meeting yesterday. sisting him will be J. Roger Col- participants under the program and AIESEC activities. (Continued on page three) It was decided that two sopho- lins '63, Richard D. Lungstras '63 hopes to send 20 this summer. Last year Princeton sent 15 par- mores who had attempted to and G. William Helm '63. AIESEC Congress receives no ticipants under the program. This change clubs on Monday and Tues- Transatlantic transportation will government support but is financed year the university hopes to send Cloudy Weather day of last week wouldnot be per- be handled by James R. Sparling by contributions from foundations over 20 sophomores, juniors and mitted to change. '63. Easton'T. McMahon '63 is in and corporations with interests in seniors to South America, Europe May Delay Orbit Those sophomores who had charge of the reception program. international trade and business. and Africa. changed clubs on open house night CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., would, however, be permitted to Feb. 12—Marginal weather in make the change. the Atlantic recovery area has Magargee Admits Error Senator John Tower to Give Talk; cast a doubt on the possibility Commenting on this incident, Ma- of launching the Mercury man- gargee said, "There was a mix-up ned orbital flight Wednesday as a result of a mistake on my Will Define American Conservatism morning. part." As of 5 p.m. today, however, Senator John Tower (R.-Tex.) spokesmen for the National In addition, the ICC discussed will speak Friday, February 16, but made no decisions on "dirty Aeronautics and Space Admin- at 8:30 p.m. in McCosh 50. istration (NASA) remained con- Bicker." It was decided that the His subject will be "American issue should be discussed again at fident that the countdown wou'd Conservatism Defined," David B. begin at 5 a.m. tomorrow. a later meeting, but no date was Duval '62, president of the Prince- definitely The question mark on the set for this. ton Conservative Club, announced Magargee announced that each actual time of the launching is yesterday. caused by forecasts of increas- sophomore must sign the Gentle- "The youngest senator in Con- Agreement ed cloudiness, high winds and, man's in his club be- gress, .Tower is well qualified to fore Junior Prom weekend. rough seas in the recovery area speak to and for youth. Young along part of the first orbit Republican support was decisive in flight path the Atlantic. Voting across Hours Extended his upset victory for the Senate The area lies in the vicinity of The hours of the freshman seat vacated hy Lyndon Johnson," Bermuda. presidential run-off election on Duval said. Meanwhile, at Cape Canaver- Wednesday, February 14 have Senator Tower's address will al, astronaut John H. Glenn, the been changed from 7-10 p.m. to deal with the current revival of Atlas rocket, Mercury space- and 9 a.m.-9 p.m. The voting will conservatism in colleges the craft, worldwide tracking range gains, be in the Student Center. reasons for its rapid Duval and recovery forces were all re- The time change is designed added. ported in "GO" condition. to increase the number of fresh- Senator Tower has recently ap- Included in Glenn's physical men taking part in the election. peared on "Meet the Press" and examination were electro cardia- The election is being held to "The Nation's Future" to explain graph recordings and thorough break a tie for the presidency the conservative position on mat- examination of the eyes, ears, between William B. Parent and ters of national concern. nose and throat. The address sponsored JBryan G. Tabler. The deadlock is jointly The astronaut, expected back by developed in the class elections the Conservative Club, the at the cape by 5 p.m., will spend on December 18. American Whig-Cliosophic So- the evening reviewing flight ciety, the Clio Each freshman will be entitled Party and the In- plans and re- ter-collegiate other technical to one vote. Society of Individ- LONE STAR CONSERVATIVE: Senator John Tower (R.-Tex.) will ports. ualists. speak on "American Conservatism Defined," Friday in McCosh 50. 2 THE DAILY PRINCETONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1962 Daily NIXON AND THE BIG TOP The PRINCETONIAN It's Published five time* per week, Monday through Friday, during the college year, Gerber, Baby vacation three times per week, Monday, except during examination and periods By JAY GERBER Wednesday and Friday by The Daily Pwncbtonian Publishing Company Inc., E. 36 University Place, Princeton, N.J.
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