Henryk Grossman bibliography Prepared by Rick Kuhn School of Social Science Faculty of Arts Australian National University ACT 0200 Australia 28 June 2006 Contents Preface 2 Material by Henryk Grossman 4 Books and articles 4 Reviews 9 Published correspondence 10 Translations 10 Journals which Grossman edited 10 Archives 10 Interviews and personal communications 13 Photographs 13 General bibliography 15 Rick Kuhn Grossman bibliography Preface This bibliography was prepared by Rick Kuhn in the course of a project that has given rise to the following publications: Henryk Grossman and the recovery of Marxism, University of Illinois Press, Champaign 2007. ‘Introduction to Henryk Grossman’s critique of Franz Borkenau and Max Weber’ Journal of classical sociology 6 (2) July 2006, pp. 195-200. ‘Henryk Grossman and the recovery of Marxism’ Historical materialism 13 (3) 2005, pp. 57- 100 (preprint version http://eprints.anu.edu.au/archive/00002810/01/Henryk_Grossman_and_the_recovery_of _Marxism_preprint.pdf). ‘Economic crisis and socialist revolution: Henryk Grossman’s Law of accumulation, its first critics and his responses’ in Paul Zarembka (ed.) Neoliberalism in crisis, accumulation, and Rosa Luxemburg’s legacy: Research in political economy 21, Elsevir, Amsterdam 2004, pp. 181-221 (preprint version http://eprints.anu.edu.au/archive/00002400/01/Economic_crisis_and_socialist_revolutio n_eprint_secure.pdf). ‘The tradition of Jewish anti-Zionism in the Galician socialist movement’ Australasian Political Studies Association Conference, Canberra, 2-4 October, 2002, http://auspsa.anu.edu.au/proceedings/2002/kuhn.pdf. Revised version http://eprints.anu.edu.au/archive/00002904/01/Tradition_of_Jewish_anti- Zionism_in_the_Galician_socialist_movement.pdf. ‘The Jewish Social Democratic Party of Galicia and the Bund’, in Jack Jacobs (ed.) Jewish politics in Eastern Europe: the Bund at 100 Palgrave/New York University Press, London/New York 2001, pp. 133-154. ‘Żydowska Partia Socjalno-Demokratyczna Galicji a Bund’ in Feliks Tych and Jürgen Hensl Bund 100 lat historii: 1897-1997 Fundacja im. Ericha Brosta przy Fundacji im Friedricha Erberta, Żydowski Instytut Historicyczny, Instytut Badawczo-Naukowy, Warsaw 2000, pp. 145-170. ‘Henryk Grossman, a Marxist activist and theorist: on the 50th anniversary of his death’ in Paul Zarembka and Susanne Soederberg (eds) Value, capitalist dynamics, and money: Research in Political Economy 18, Elsevir Science, New York 2000, pp. 111-170. Postprint version http://eprints.anu.edu.au/archive/00003297/01/RPE_1_postprint.pdf. Preface to Henryk Grossman ‘The theory of economic crisis’ in Paul Zarembka and Susanne Soederberg (eds) Value, capitalist dynamics, and money: Research in Political Economy 18, Elsevir Science, New York 2000, pp. 172-174. ‘Capital development’ Socialist Review 245 October 2000, pp. 22-23, http://www.anu.edu.au/polsci/rick/capitaldevelopment.htm. ‘Capitalist breakdown controversy’ in Phillip O’Hara (ed.) The encyclopedia of political economy Routledge, London and New York 1999, pp. 69-72. ‘Jewish socialists in Galicia and Marxist debates over the national question before World War I’ paper presented to the Political Thought and Capitalism Seminar University of Newcastle 17-19 February 1998, http://eprints.anu.edu.au/archive/00002598/01/Jewish_socialists_and_national_question .pdf. 2 Rick Kuhn Grossman bibliography ‘Henryk Grossman in Galicia’ in Antoni Komendera, Roman Padola and Michal Sliwa (eds) O czlowieku i wartosciach. Ksiega pamiatkowa poswiecona 35-leciu pracy naukowej i 40-leciu pracy nauczycielskiej Profesora Jana Szmyda Wydawnictwo Naukowe WSP, Kraków, 1997, pp. 318-334. ‘Grossmann on class struggle, beyond exegesis: a response to Lapides’ Science & society 61 (2) Summer 1997, pp. 236-243. ‘Capitalism’s collapse: Henryk Grossmann’s Marxism’ Science & society 59 (2) Summer 1995, pp. 174-193. 3 Rick Kuhn Grossman bibliography Material by Henryk Grossman Items are listed by their dates of publication. The author’s name is that given in the item. Books and articles Grossman, Henryk Proletariat wobec kwestii żydowskiej z powodu niedyskutowanej dyskusyi w ‘Krytyce’ (The proletariat and the Jewish question, arising from the undiscussed discussion in Krytyka) Kraków, Drukani Wladysława Teodorczuka, January 1905, pp. 45. Also published in a modified Yiddish version: ‘Dem proletariat benegeye tsu der yidenfrage’ in Yidisher sotsial-demokrat 1, April 1905, pp. 6-13 and 3, June 1905, pp. 7-11. ‘Od redakcyi’ (‘From the editor’) Zjednoczenie 1, February 1905, pp. 1-3. Grossman edited this issue of Zjednoczenie. Komitet organizacyjny żydowskiej Partyi socyalno-demokraticyczney w Galicyi Czego chcemy? (What do we want?) Kraków April 30 1905, pp. 8. Also published in Yiddish: ‘Vos Viln Mir?’ (‘What do we want?’) Yidisher sotsial-demokrat 2, May 1905, pp. 1-9. Grossman wrote this manifesto, according to Leon Feyner ‘Di bundishe presse in Krake fun 1905 bis 1930’ Historisher samlbuch: materialn un dokumentn tsushtayer tsu der geshikhte fun algemainer yidishn arbeter-bund Farlag ‘Ringen’, Warsaw 1948, p. 18. Solomon Reyzen indicated Grossman ‘published’ the manifesto Leksikon fun der yidisher literatur, prese un filologie Volume 1, Vilner Farlag fun B. Kletskin, 2nd edition, Vilno 192, 6 column 616. ‘Odpowiedzi Polskiej Partyi Soc.-Dem. Galicyi’ (‘Reply to the Polish Social Democratic Party of Galicia’) in Żydowska Partya Socyalno-Demokratyczna Galicyi Przed Kongresem Kraków, 2 June 1905, pp. 1-6. Probably written by Grossman, according to Henryk Piasecki Sekcja Żydowska PPSD i Żydowska Partia Socjalno-Demokratyczna Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1982, p. 126. Jüdische sozial-demokratische Partei in Galizien Bericht zum Gesamt-Parteitage der Oesterreichischen Sozialdemokratie in Wien 1905 (1 Mai-23 Oktober 1905), (Report to the Congress of the General Austrian Social Democratic Party in Vienna 1905 (1 May- 23 October 1905) ‘Der Sozialdemokrat’, Krakau 1905, pp. 2. Jüdische sozial-demokratische Partei in Galizien An die Sozialdemokraten in Oesterreich! (To the Social Democrats of Austria) ‘Der Sozialdemokrat’, Krakau 1905, pp. 2. Grossman wrote this appeal, according to Leon Feyner, ‘Di bundishe presse in Krake fun 1905 bis 1930’ Historisher samlbuch: materialn un dockumentn tsushtayer tsu der geshikhte fun algemainer yidishn arbeter-bund) Farlag ‘Ringen’, Warsaw 1948, p. 19. Grossmann, Jindřich ‘Židovskă Strana Sociálnĕ Demokratickă v Haliči’ (‘The Jewish Social Democratic Party of Galicia’) Akademie: Socialistickă Revue 1906. German translation ‘Die Jüdische Sozialdemokratische Partei in Galizien’ in Raimund Löw Der Zerfall der ‘Kleinen Internationale’: Nationalitätenkonflikte in der Arbeiterbewegung des alten Österreich (1889-1914) Europaverlag, Wien 1984, pp. 220-227. Grossman, Henryk Der Bundizm in galitsien (Bundism in Galicia) Ferlag der Sotsial- democrat, Kraków 1907 (cover indicates 1908, title page 1907), pp. 48, dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Bund in Russia. Also published in Der sotsial-demokrat between September 13 1907 and November 29 1907. Grossmann, Henryk ‘Eine Wiener Volkszählung im Jahre 1777’ (A Viennese census in the year 1777) Statistische Monatsschrift new series 16, 1911, pp. 56-58. 4 Rick Kuhn Grossman bibliography Grossman, Henryk ‘Rozległość Galicyi po zajęciu jej przez Austrę’ (‘The size of Galicia after its occupation by Austria’) Kwartalnik Historyczny 15, 1911, pp. 472-478. Grossman, Henryk ‘Polityka przemysłowa i handlowa rządu Terezynansko-Józefińskiego w Galicyi 1772-1790: Referat na V. Zjazd prawnikow i ekonomistow polskich’ (‘The industrial and commercial policy of the Theresian-Josephine regime in Galicia 1772- 1790: Thesis for the V. Congress of Polish Economists’) (Till’s) Przeglad prawa i administracyi, 1912, pp. 1-43. Grossmann, Henryk ‘Die amtliche Statistik des galizischen Aussenhandels 1772-1792’ (‘The Official Statistics of Galician Foreign Trade 1772-1792’) Statistische Monatszeitschrift, new series 18, 1913, pp. 222-233. Grossmann, Henryk Österreichs Handelspolitik mit Bezug auf Galizien in der Reformperiode 1772-1790 (Austria’s trade policy with regard to Galicia in the reform period 1772- 1790) appeared as Studien zur Soziale-, Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsgeschichte, herausgegeben von Carl Grünberg, 10. Heft Konegen, Wien 1914, pp. xvii + 510. Grossmann, Henryk ‘Die Anfänge und geschichtlich Entwicklung der amtlichen Statistik in Österreich’ (‘The beginnings and historical development of official statistics in Austria’) Statistische Monatsschrift, new series 21, 1916, pp. 331-423. Also appeared as ‘Sonderdruck aus dem Juni-Juli-Heft der Statistichen Monatschrift’, new series 21, 1916, pp. 93. Grossmann, Henryk ‘Erwiderung’ (‘Reply’) Statistichen Monatschrift 21, 1916, pp. 676-677. Grossmann, Henryk ‘Die Kreditorganisation des Königreiches Polen vor dem Kriege’ (‚The organisation of credit in the Kindom of Poland before the War’), in Ludwig Ćwikliński (ed.) Das Königreich Polen vor dem Kriege (1815-1914): Zehn Vorträge, gehalten in Wien im März 1917 Deuticke, Leipzig and Wien 1917, pp. 180-209. Grossman, Henryk ‘Znaczenie i zadania pierwszego proszechnego ludności w Polsce’ (‘Significance and tasks of the first general census in Poland’) Miesięcznik Statysticzny 1, 1920, pp. 88-106. Grossman, Henryk ‘Statystyka ruchu towaronego na kolejach zelaznych’ (‘The statistics of railway freight and goods transport’), Miesięcznik Statysticzny 3, 1921, pp. 1-28. Grossman, Henryk ‘Majątek społeczny Królestwa Polskiego’ (‘The social wealth
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