Reminiscences of the Early Settleme?Tt

Reminiscences of the Early Settleme?Tt

284 Reminiscences of the Early Settleme?tt APPENDIX B. SELECTORS OF LAND IN CLUTHA DISTRICT. Tl~efollo\ving sct~tio~~swere all selcctrtl on November 16th. 184 7:- George Ross aucl .lntlrc.m Mercer, Port 3101~-nens.--Section 1, Blocli I., Clutlia; 30 acres. This section was recently p~~rehased by Messrs. R. and .T. Shiels, Port Molyneux, frorn the trustees in the estate of the latr .T. H. .Tenltinson. aucl a!ljt)ins the cld Ales- antlra Hotel. Jan~es1Villia1nson.-Section 4, Blocli SVII., ('lutl~a;50 acres. This is now part of the Otanomomo Estate. and not far from the present l~on~estead. Predericlc Jl'artl, Inch ('lutha.-Sections 1 to 4, Blocli IV., Inch Clutha; 300 :tcres. Tl~e])resent owners of this property are Messrs. Andrew ant1 Willianl S~naill,Tnch ('lutha. Susan Frazrr.-Section 2, Blocli IV., South Tualiitoto; .50 acres., Now occnl>ietl by Nr. Henry H. Frazer. Xary Frazer.-Section :?. Blocli TV., Soutl~Tualtitoto; 50 acres. Now occupied by Mr. H. H. Frazer, Lakeside. \Villiam 1Vestland.-Sectiorl 8, Rloclc IV.. North Molyncus; 50 acres. Now occupietl by Michael Muir. near Raitxngata. .Tol~n Brown and Sons.-Section 3, Blocli T., South AIolynens; 50 acrcs. This now bclougs to the Otago I'rcsbyterian Church Board of Properly, Dunedin. .Toll11 McI)ern~id.-Srction 4, Rloclc 1.. So~~thfifolyncus; 50 acres.. This is now occupicc! by Mr. IB. C' Port Molpncus. \\'. 11. ('11tten.-Srction 5. Rlo(>!i T.. Soutll Molyrir~~s;50 acres. Sow owtlctl hy Mr. .Tames Paterson, Port illolynrux. David Garrick.--Scction 1, Blocli IT.; .iO acres. Part of this section and closed road are now occupicd by Elixa 3[cGrcpor, Port Molyneus, and is in the ntlme of the trustees of the late .T. H. .Tenliinson, Port I\lolyneus. Part is ownecl by Mr. Fleming, of Bal- a seaside rrsitlencc. \V. A. h1osley.-Section tBlock II., South hfolyneux: 50 acrcs. This is in the oce~~pationof Ilressrs. Bates. Ralta Point, Port Moly- neus. Cl~arlesS1nit11.-Section 3, Bloelc 11.; .50 scares. South Moly- nens. Pnrt of this is now omnetl by Daniel Stewart, solicitor, Balclutha. as n seaside rrsit11.ncr and gronncls at Ralta Point. of Dfcnedi~zand Soi~tltOtago. IN 1848. J. L. Bn1ter.-April 28: Sections 2 ant1 4, Block LIT.. clntl~n; 100 acres. Now held by Mr. Chas. Dallas, Te Honka. 11'. 11. VaI13.v.-April 28: Section 7, Block VIII., Inch Clutha; .5O acres. Now ooweetl by Mrs. W. S. Mosley, Inch Clntha. Howard and Heber La1rcn1an.-Nay 2: Section 8, Block IV.; 50 acres, Inch Clutha. Now owneil by Mr. Geo. Gilrop, Inch Clntha. 1'. M. aud D. .T. Napier.--August 2.5: Section I. Bloclr XITI., Ineli Clntha; 50 acres. Xonr owned by Mr. William \\'ilson, Inch Clutha. James &IcHarcly.--August 25: Sections 3 and 4. Bloclr SIII., Inch Clutha; 100 acres. Sow l~elilby Mr. \\'illiam Wilson. Inch Clutha. Tho~nasRedpath.-August 25: Section 9, Bloclr XIII.., Inch Clutha; 50 acres. Sow occupied by Mr. .T. Crawford Antlerson. Thornas Redpath also took II~Section 11, Block XIII., Inch Clntha; 50 acres. Now owned by Mr. George Anderson, Inch Clutha. Joiln Ramage.---411gnst 25: Section 12, Block XIII., Inch Clutha; 50 acres. Part now owned by R. Greig and Co., cl~icory farm, and part by Mr. Geo. Anderson. Stirling. IVilliam Boswell (or Bnsnell).-August 25: Section 10, Bloclr SIT., North Molynenx; 50 acres. Part of this is now held by Mr. Joseph Smith. Stirling. anrl part by Mr. Frederick Harraway, Stir- ling. W. B. and A. D. Fuller.--1ugost 25: Section 4, Bloclc T., South Molyneux; 50 acres. Sow owned by Mr. IVilliani Hax. Hilly Park, Romahapa. LVilliam Cha1rners.-Augnst 23: Section 8. Bloclr LXXXT., Clntha; 50 acres. This is part of the Moa Hill Estate. now occu- pied by 3lr. Gilbert Stewart, Wharepa. 1Villia1n Cha1tners.-August 25: Section 3, Block XTV.. Clutha; 50 acres. Now occupiecl by Mr. David Dnnn. hrikilti Bush, Puerna. Thornas Ferguson.--October 13: Section 4. Bloclr VIII.; 50 acres, Tnch C'lntha. Sow owner1 by Mrs. \V. S. Mosley. Inch Clutha. IN 1849. Robert Craig.-January 5: Section 2, Bloclc XIS.. C'lutha; 50 acres. Sow owned by Mr. Irving Dent, farmer. Puerua. J. H. Stirling.-Jannary 5: Section 3, Block XIX., Clntha; 50 acres. Kow owned by Miss Spiers, Poerna. 286 Re~ltiniscencesof tlte Early Settletnent .T. and 11. Barr.-January 5: Se.cti011 Q, B10~1i \ITIT., Inch Clutl~a;3 acres. Sow held by Mrs. IV. S. Mosley, Tnch Clntl~a. R. D. Smith.-February 24: Section 9, Block SZI'.; 50 acres, Inch C'lutha. Now ciividerl into a toivnship at Stirling Rridge, Inch Clut,ha. C. Brotherston and May Taylor.->!arch 23: Section 8, Bloclr XXVIII., Cluthn; 50 acres. Now held by Nr. .lames Lamoncl, Puerua. David and \fTilliam Laing.--Marc11 23: Section 7, Bloclc IV., Inci~Clutha; 50 acres. Now Iield by Mr. James Slnaill, Inch Clntha. David and Ii'illiam Laing also at same date toolc up Section 2, Block XI.II., Tnch (,'lntha. Sow l~artoccnl)icil by Mr., .Tohn IVil- loclrs, Ineh Clutha. Jarnes Stevrnson.--March 23: Section 10, Block S.. Inch Clutha; 50 acres. Now held by E. R. Bowler's Trnstces. Occupied by Mr. .Tames, Inch C:lutha. .John Hutchinson.-March 23: Section 4, Block V., North Moly. neux; 50 acres. Xow helcl by Mr. Wm.. S~naill,Snmmerhill, I<ai- tangata. C. $1. and \V. G. Taylor.-April 13: Section 6, Bloclc LXXXI., Clntha; 50 acres. This is now part of the Moa Hill Estate, now held by Mr. Gilbert Stewart, Wharepa. James Smith.-May 14: Section 4, Bloclr IV., South Molynenx. Now held by Messrs. Shiels Bros., Port Molyneur.. \Villiam anti Peter Smith.-May 23: Section 11, Block X., Inch Clutha; 50 acrcs. Now held by Mr. A. Rennie, Inch Cutha. F. S. Pil1ans.-September 7: Section 12, Bloclt X.; 50 acres, Ineh Clutha. Now held by lfr. A. Rennie, Inch (.'lutha.. Wm. Pcrlrins.-Pcptcmber 28: Sectiun 11, Bloclc XXTII., Clntha; 50 acres. Now ownetl by Mr. \Villiam John Mnrdoch, farmer, Puerua. IN 1850. .James and George Wallace.-February I: Section 2, Bloclr XV., Clutha Survey District; .70 acres. Now held by Lefevre. T. B. Archibald.-February 1: Section 6. Block XV.. ('lutha Snrrey District; 50 acr~s. SOWl~elcl by 1,efcvre. Alex. Swan.--February 1: Section 5, Block XXIIT.., C'lntl~a Survey District; 50 acres. Sow owned by Mr. Gillies RIcICcnzic, Cheviot House, Puerua. Thomas Tr1unble.-March 28: Section 5, Block IV., North Molyneux Surrey District; 50 acres. Now held by Mr. Michael Moir, "The Gask," Kaitangata. Saniucl 13lythe.-.411gust 28: Section 6, Bloclr L., Clntha Survey District; 50 acres. Sow owned by Mr. Thomas Samuel Soper, farmer, Te Houlta. Willialn Cnrrir.--October 14: Section 10, Bloclc XI., Inch Clutha Survey District; 50 acres. -\'ow held by Mr. Archibald N. Hislop, Inch Clutl~a. Xdwarcl Cocks11ott.-Ju~:e 10: Section 2, Blocli IV., South Moly- neux; 50 acres. Sow l~eltlby ~Messrs.Shiels Bros., Port Molyneox. Will~amI<irklanil.--.July 30: Section 8, Blocli XU., Inch-Clutha Survey District; 30 acres. This is now inclnclecl in Mr. Archibald Anderson's lier~nitage):stare, ant1 Sections 3 to 8 are leased by Hislop, 130yi1, and Ilar\.ey respecti~cly. Stephen Phillil>s.-October 18: Section 9, Bloclr CI., Clutha Survey District, .TO acres. Part of late Peter Syson's Corydon Estate; now held by Mr. David Murray, Wharepa. IN 1853. - Alex. Gorclon and J. Ross.-February 25, 18.53, and March 9, 1854: Section 23, 131ock II., Wharepa, 104 acres, 1 rood, 38 poles. (It will be seen that two clates are given for the taking up of this section.) This is now owned by Mr. William Ross, Wharepa Bush, Toiro.. Thomas Edmonston.---4pril 30: Section 6, Block XIII., Inch Clutha Suryey District; 50 acres. Sow held by Mr. Adam Bell, Inch Clutha. Thomas Edn~onston.-April 30: Section 8, Block XIlI., Inch Clutha Survey District; 50 acres. Sow held by Mr. Adam Bell, Inch Clutha. Peter Ayson.-March !): Section 21, Block I., Wharepa; 81 acres, .2 roods, 22 poles. This was held by the trustees in the estate. of Peter Ayson, Corydon, until recently, when Mr. David Murray, \l:l;arepa, purchased the estate. 288 Re~niniscencesof the Early Settlewent C. 11. Kettle.-April 11; Section IT. Block 11.. 1Yharepa: 83 acres, 2 roods. 15 poles.. Now owned by Mr. ('ross. ICailiilcu Busl~, Wharepa. C. I-I. Street.--May 4: Section 20. Block I.. IVharepa Survey District; 83 acres, 2 roocls, 28 poles. Kow ou7ned b- Mr. John Gordon, farmer, Toiro. The residence of the late .Job Dabinett, Wharepa Bush, was on this sectiou. C. 11. Kettle.-May 6: Section 16. Blorli II., IVharepa; 83 acres, 2 roocls, 27 poles. Kow olvned by Mr. ('ross, Kaihilru Rush. Wharepa. Adam Begg.-May 10: Section 22. Bloclr I.. IYharepx; 83 acres, 1 rood, 13 poles. The late Mr. Peter Aysou. Corydon. purchased this section, which is still lanown as Begg's Hill. Xom held by Mr. D. Murray. TVharepa. .loht~and James Son~errille.-May 10: Section 23. Block I., Wharepa; 99 acres, 3 roods. 27 poles. Kow helcl by Mr. John Aitlren Somcrvillc, TIraitepeIra. Robert Campbell.-May 30: Section 20. Block 11.. Wharepa; 77 acres, 3 roocls, 37 poles. Part of Glenfalloch Estate; afterwards ownecl by Captain 1\Iclvill, IYharepa. and recently sold to W, S. Thomson. James McNei1.-.June 5: Section 22, Bloclc 11.. Wliarepa; 105 acres, 0 roods. 21 poles. Recently purchased by Mr. William Ross, Wharepa Bush, Toiro.

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