J anuary 2015 JANUARY 2010 E STaBliShEd in 1972 +(1)#1)V(%,&olum e,& 43, numb e#. r) 1 ESTABLISHED IN 1972 Volume 38, Number 1 DEVOTED TO ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, FURNITURE, ART AND DESIGN. '(*)$#%'Homestead Antiques +/0!.",#.+((#!0+./405/%+2&)# Celebrates Two Years The Story Behind the Cards Page 11 !)+.0+'*+)++"&.0)#*0++&#&!By Dede Horan +"#&+) &-)'*+)()"'. Anyone who collects vintage postcards has probably come across ones of illustrated highway maps. If these maps were from the M5#.9#;56*'4'9+..$'*70&4'&51($1:'51(2156%#4&5#59'..#5idwest with detailed small illustrations, they may well have #.#4)'#55146/'061(16*'4'2*'/'4#+0%.7&+0)64#&'%#4&5'#4.;2*1been designed by Gene McConnell, an artist and photographer 6f1)4#2*5#&8'46+5+0)%#.'0&#45/'0755*''6/75+%'6%!*'4'+551/'rom North Platte, Nebraska. 6*+0)(14'8'4;10'#66*'5*19H e receiv ed his art training at the Denver Art Institute which he a1(6*'&'#.'45*#8'#&&'&(4'5*0'9+08'0614;616*'+4561%-ttended on the GI Bill. His first job was as commercial tech - n0#44#;1($#4)#+0$1:'5#0&#((14&#$.'+6'/5#4'+&'#.(146*'$')+0ica l illustrator at Fort W arren. Later when he returned to North 0P+0)%1..'%614'574'61#5-#$1766*'>(4''?2156%#4&5(14%*+.&4'0latte he worked for the lo cal newspaper creating logos and il - #)'5 #0&70&'46?5#)4'#69#;61)'66*'/+06'4'56'&+02156%#4&5lustrations for advert isements. (;17#4'+06190(146*'561%-5*195612$;#0&$4195'6*'9'56'40In the early 195 0s McCon nell be gan pro duci ng humor post - /'/14#$+.+#car ds for the D un lap Comp an y. T hese ca rds were m ainly distrib - uted a0;10'+06'4'56'&+0)'0'#.1);9+..#224'%+#6'6*''#4.;5%*11.4't truck stops. But it wa sn't until he started designing map .#6'&+6'/557%*#5%.#552*16159+6*0#/'5.+56'&)4#&7#6+10%'46+(+car ds that he found his n iche . These map cards were produced %#6'5/+0+5%*11.%1//'0%'/'06$11-.'659+6*0#/'51(567&'065#0&in the 1950s and ‘60s. Each postcard had its origins in a road '8'01.&*+)*5%*11.#0&%1..')';'#4$11-56*'4612+%5)'0'#.1)+565trip. McConnell and ‘Doc’ Dunlap (publisher of the postcards) 5*17.&$4195'+0%.7&')4#8';#4&55%*11.5*152+6#.5/+.+6#4;(#%61drove across the plains states of Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa and 4+'5#0&1(%1745'6*'56#6'#0&(14'+)08+'95along Highway 30 into Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, and even ven - tured 146*'(+4566+/'+06*'*+5614;1(6*''08'4156%#4&west into Wyoming. On these trips, they would stop at ca*196*'4'fes they’d be on the road again heading for the next destination. 9+..$'#('#674'&#46+56'00;''08'4#46+56#0&(14/'4"'56914& and o ther comm er cial ven ture s where they t alke d w ith the own - McConnell took the photos with a Graflex 4x5 Speed Graphic %#46110+569+..$'5'6729+6**+5#44#;1('08'4'+)*$14*11& ''& ers abou t pro ducing po stca rds to pr omo te their bu sinesses. They camera , similar to the on e picture d on pag e 7 . Antiques Detective Q & A 12156%#4&510'(#814+6'':#/2.'+55*190*'4'#59'..#5%#4&5 $!!)#* also ca p tured im age s o f the scenic attra ct ion s whic h g a ve each Once back at th e shop, t he rea l work bega n. Referring t o the Page 13 lo catio n a dis tinctive person ali ty. S everal photo g raph s later, Contin ued on page 7 Clock na m es & S tyl e s O v er th e Ce ntu r ie s $0&)# **&#/ *0&-1#.'#0+./*0+ By Anne Gilbert 1913, showed constant changes in atmospheric temper - 0'&+ &' '(14%'&#.#4)'07/$'41(6*'#06+37'#0&%1. ature that then kept the mainspring fully wound. .'%6+$.'&'#.'4517661/#-'411/(146*'5'%10&*#0&(74 Clocks have many functions in addition to keep - The name for any clock with weights and pendu - 6%#/'#$176$;#%%+&'06#%%14&+0)616*'0'9 0+674'14670#6'.;#4+.;00'+&9#56*'4'&74+0)6*' ing time. They can be decorative, entertaining and lum not enclosed in a case was “wag-on-the-wall.” 190'454#&#0&'%-;4#060.#6' 6*';9'4' #66'/26'&64#05+6+10 *'9#5#$.'61-''26*'12'4#6+10 sometimes mysterious. Their names can depend on One of the most popular styles was the “banjo” #$.'61274%*#5'6*'$7+.&+0)#6 "#&59146*.8&+0 #(.1#6#0&8+#$.'(146*'&'#.'456*#64'/#+0'& their shapes and purpose. For example, the “mystery” wall clock, resembling the shape of a banjo. First in - "*'#6+&)'1.14#&1!*';274%*#5'&+6#5#0+0%1/' ./156#;'#4.#6'49'9'4'#$.'61914-176#.'#5' clock. The works are completely hidden, and it appears troduced in America as the “improved timepiece,” it 2412'46;(41/6*'(1.-59*1(14/'4.;190'&#7...'05 /1&+(+%#6+109*'4'$;6*'6'4/9#55*146'0'&#0&*'9#5 to work mysteriously, often with human figures that was patented by Simon Willard in 1802. So popular, it 06+37'5#8'4;57%%'55(7.#0&9'..'56#$.+5*'&#06+37' #$.'61$7;1766*'4'&7%'&6'4/#0&9'9'4'#$.'614' move witho ut imp ulse. It was invented by magician has never stopped being made. /#..756691/106*524+14616*'5#.'1(6*'$7+.&+0)# 6740+661+65(14/'456#6'#57%%'55(7.#06+37'/#..#0& Harry Houdini in 1923 for Cartier. By the late 19th century gilt-bronze mantel clocks 0'96'0#060%*#06'&105+)0/'065611-18'46*'#7. 12'4#6'+6#5#)11&56410)$75+0'55%10%.7&'&4#& A s for entertainm ent, consid e r the c lock with the with figures of poets and Caesar reclining on a marble ..'0#06+37'$75+0'55#0&5+)0'&#.10)6'4/.'#5' '%-;4#06#&&'&<0&6*#0-561#4+.;00'+& fig ure of Nap oleon on to p th at w alk s back and forth base, were popular. and6.11-'&.+-'#)11&51.+&$75+0'556*#&64'/'0 in and out of his tent. Or, the blinking eye clock. *'/#&'6*'&+(('4'0%'(1475=They became important decorative accessories &175%#5*(.19#0&9#59'..470"'&+&06*#8'#0;+0The eyes connected to the escarpment of a human or duri6*#22'0'&$;#%%+&'06ng the Art Nouveau, Arts '4'0&+2+6;'4*#254and Crafts, Deco and 6'06+101()'66+0)+0616*'#06+37'$75+0'55"'9'4',756animal figure, move without apparent impulse. Origi - 9#5+6/'#0661$'Modern periods. Many cases were designed by a fa - #(6'4#0+0%1/'2412'46;5#+&4#&4#06nally it was made in Germany in the 17th century, and mou69#5'+6*'4756#-'18'46*'$75+0'55146*'$75+s artist or important porcelain maker. They re - in A#4.;10+6$'%#/'#22#4'066*'0'9190'4917.&merica mid-19th century. 0'559#5)1+0)61(1.&6*#&$''0#8+#$.'$75+0'55#0&flected the designs, motifs and materials of their 016$'#$.'61(7.(+..6*'6'4/51(*+5.'#5''9#564;+0)Some clocks, such as the Atmos, had a scientific 9'-0'9+6%17.&$'#)#+0016'&'%-;"'%17.&016decades. Even Rene Lalique created a frosted glass 6167406*'$75+0'55+061#75'&(740+674'/#46#/10)16*'4purpose. This shelf clock, invented by the French in “John Bull” blinking eye clock. Skinner Auctions, Boston, MA /18'(149#4&*#&#4+.;00016$''06*'4'Continu ed*'9#5#$.' on page 9 6*+0)5#0&+69#5016914-+0)*'%106+07'& Homestead Antiques Willowstone Marketplace )" ##( 2150 West Garden of the Gods Rd. d 6530 Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada d r 1 i (,$')!+) a 2 a ) January 3, 4, 5, 2014 at Wings Over Rockies 4 d # Colorado Springs 5 P 2nd Anniversary Feb. 1-8 0 n 4 8 e a 7711 Ea. Academy Blvd., Denver # & t g t S O a i + t ! C + s d m # e + , Denver Postcard and Paper Show o r t * Ragtime Annies y % P e r ' e ) . + l o P 0 # .1.3 i ) s S January 16 & 17 a . 4501 Wadsworth Blvd. $ e ' # * r B U +(+."++((#!0& (#/&.+*$)+*0 P ) Jeffco Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall Wheat Ridge, Colorado +1("#.+1*03&.$.+1*"/ Check calendar for Colorado Antique Gallery Antique Collectibles Doll Show antique discussion 5501 So. Broadway topics & times The Ranch, Loveland LittlFebruaryeton, Co 22lorado r o . 3 t ) c 0 c ' n 0 e + I l 1 l , & - Total o s Heirlooms Antique Mall $ 1 $ e C 2 s 3 ' * Heirlooms Antique Mall i 4 s 1947 S. Havana, Aurora, CO 0 Makeover r 0 e * 0 # t p 8 * 1947 S. Havana, Aurora, CO 1 ) r a 8964 E. Hampden Ave., Denver, Colorado t 303-337-6880 Inside & Out e + ( x t S O ) o n + 303-337-6880 / C n B + E i ' , & a y e & t # e e l n Eron Johnson Antiques r Stop by on your way up or back from the slopes! i 0 + u a p $ & o '$#$#($# #)&*( ) # S B www.
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