• J / f t . li«3)NESDAY, SEPTEMBER 86, M 6t A n rage Dally Net Preaa Ron The Weaflier For tlw Week Ended Foreeeet ef D. M W t b ir 1 rAOB TWENTY-FOUR . aeptonber >L IMS illattrbp0tor cofttins Hfralb FMr, mUder t o n ig h t ,' pntctay groimd fog. Low ti 13,720 Tomorreer eoniiy and mild. Omar Shrine Club members are ; ; i ' 11111111,, . 'ii ' i i i i i i i i i i i iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiii » gi( the Audit 70-75. reminded to make reservations m t OfaMoInttae About Town wfth the cluto secretory, Walton R. FREE MAIN STREET AND REAR OF STORE PARKING . PHONE 643-4123 Open Tuesday Memcheeter— A City o f ^ittage Charm FergusMi, 1<>* Garth Rd., for the At m c*mper§ of tho RAFCA meeting Friday Night at the Coun­ You Can Chapter will make a to try. ClUb. It will bo Potentate’s VOL. LXXXn, NO. 804 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) ' MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1963 (OlMtefted AtvertWng ee PRICE SEVEN CENTS Sprlniflsrook Farm on .Hie Mo­ Nig^ht, and Sphinx Temple Poten­ hawk Trail, Shelbum^, Maas., <m tate Arthur E. B. Tanner will at­ Friday, Saturday > and Sunday. tend. BJntortalnment will be by Charge It At There wlU aleo b6 ehelter camp- Fred Ellis of Wethersfield, who HOUSE h. HALE inV at the Of^iHn Coolidge Stole will narrate films about his hunt­ House 271-155 in Favor Park, Plymouth, Vt., the first ing trip to Tanganyika two years State News weekeiul dr October. Those Inter­ ago. The social hour Is at 6:30 ested Ih making the trip may and dinner at 7:30. «saO”Albert Oalnes, 110 Eldridge Roundup Senate Crime Probe JM, fdr reaervatlcm. The Infant Jesus of Prague JEWELRY Tax Bill Goes to Senate Mothers Circle will open its 1963- St. Francis Xavier Mothers 64 season with potluck tomorrow Circle will have a poUuck tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the home of the Mulvihill Dead, at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Rob­ new leader. Mrs. Frank Glorgia, by Coro ert McNamara, 27 Englewood Dr. 699 W. Middle Tpke. Coro pearls in iiilii FABULOUS! Aides Want Ended McLevy’s Advertlsennena — popit style. How Tax Cut Works Chapman Court, Order of M ayoral Career Amaranth, will sponsor a mili­ Hears Joseph Valachi Uake interertlng plana. Regular depoelto hi llie Winter VacaUon tary whist Monday at 8 p.m. at WASHINGTON (AP)—^The tax bill approved Wednesday the Masonic Temple. Tickets will 1.00 Final Vote BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Oomel- CMb of the Connecticut Bank and by the House would reduce income taxes by $11 billion for the ius F. Mulvihill, Bridgeport’s Trust Company grow Into sub­ be available at the door. nation as a whole. If the Senate passes it in its present form, stantial amoimta soon. Yoii'll be Democratic chairman for 15 years on that dreajned-o# trip or cruise The British American Club will This Y ear what ■will the measure do for you ? Here are answers to some under whose leadership the So­ sooner than you think. Three Man- hold a dance Saturday from 9 of the questions a puzzled taxpayer might be raising: cialists’ long reign at City Hall Killer Tells diester offtcoe to serve you at 808 p.m. to 1 a.m. for members and was ended, died today after a long • Bracelets of ma­ Q. w ill this mean more money^ illness. He was 70. Main, 16 North Main and the their guests. Charlie Varrick’s WASHINGTON (AP) — in my pocket? ment would begin withholding less orchestra will furnish the music. hogany and wal­ money from their weekly pay- Death came to Mulvihill, a canny Patkade. The House has passed Presi­ A. The Treasury Department political figure who held many lo­ nut wood. dent Kennedy’s $ll-billion tax says "'Virtually every American checks. Faets About Q. Is it possible I won’t have to cal and state posts, in Rocky Hill cut bill by a 271-155 vote, taxpayer” will pay leas taxes If ■Veterans Hospital. • Matching earrings the bill is apprwed by Congress. pay any tsixes at all? He resigned as Bridgeport party and rings. handing him one of the big­ Q. How much more money? A. The bill would eliminate tax- IS the paying for 1.6 million Individuals leader last year because of de­ Cosa Nostra gest legislative victories of his A. ’That depends on your In­ clining health. come. For example, the Treasury and families. A single person now 2 All in fall’s newest administration. His final days were clouded by shades, shapes and The batUeground immediately figures that average tax reduc­ has to pay taxes if he earns $667 a federal income tax evasion WASHINGTON (AP) — ^uncoa shifts to the Senate, where admin­ tions for those in the $6,000-$10,000 a year. ’Ihe new minimum would charge. sizes. income range will be about 20 per be $900 a year. A married couple Mobster Joseph Valachi came word for istration forces already are In February, a grand Jury In­ to the Capitol today to testify launched an all-out drive for pas-' cent. Using percentages, the big­ with no children now pay taxes if dicted him for failing to file tax sage this year. The prospects are gest tax cuts will go to those they make $1,383 a year. The new returns' for some $76,000 In Income in a Senate crime probe and highly dubious. earning less than $10,000 a year. minimum for them would be from 1936 to 1959. put the finger on underworld If the Senate should approve the But, whatever the percentage, $1,600. After pleading guilty, he. was and those with high salaries will.usual­ Q. Does every provision In the big shots. this bill In its present form, ulUmate fined $2,000, given a six-month The convicted dope peddler and LAYEricAKES reductions would range between ly get more dollars In their jiocket bill mean a cut in my taxes? suspended sentence and placed on A. No, several provisions of the murderer was hustled into a $100 and $200 a year for most tax- than those with lower salaries. probation. for a year. He paid the guarded hearing room in the old paying families—more in the up­ Take the case of a married cou­ bill actually raise taxes in certain 6 back taxes and interest penalties. Senate office building where the per brackets. ple with two children, earning respects, but experts at the Treas­ In 50 years In politics, Mulvihill 3 for 1 .0 0 $6,000 a year and now paying a ury Department figure these are Senate InvesUgations subcommit­ The bill won the votes of 223 also served five terms In the State tee was to hear in private what SPOTTED Democrats and 48 Republicans In tax of $600. Under the bill, Uiey offset by the general reduction In tax rates. Senate, was State Motor Vehicles he learned about a nationwide ROYAL ICE CREAM. Save 2 0 c .............. ....Vi gal. 79c the House roll call late Wednes­ would pay $450 in 1965. This would Commissioner and State Rent crime syndicate as one of Its day which capped two days of de­ mean a tax cut of 25 per cent and Q. Can you give me an exam­ • Many popular ’’af­ ple? Commissioner. members. SHURFINE EVAPORATED M ILK ----- . 6 cans 83c bate. Opposing passage were 126 a savings of $150. At the time of his death, he was A public hearing is to be held ter 5” styles of Republicans and 29 Democrats. But, If this couple earned $20,000 A. The most important is the provision that would prev(ent tax­ a member of the Democratic State Friday. GUT-RITE WAX PAPER ....................... , . 2 boxes 49(^ crystal and pearl BEAUTY! Just before passage, the Demo­ a year, they would pay a tax of Central Committee. After the closed hearing had crats turned l»ck, 226-199, a Re- $4,124 now and, if the bill is payers from deducting ' certain from state and local taxes from their Perhaps his greatest political been under way for aboiM 40 min­ SOFT-WEVE ’TISSUE............................... ___ 4 rolls 49c ill ublican-baCked move to cancel passed, $3,428 In 1965. This would achievement was master-minding utes, Sen. Edmund S. Muskle, le tax cut unless the President mean a tax cut of only 17 per taxable income. At present, tax­ payers may deduct state and lo­ the defeat of Jasper McLevy, the D-Malne left the hearing room SHURFINE FROZEN STRAWBERRIES gout back spending below the cent but of $696. colorful old Socialist who was briefly on an errand. He told 2.00 present rate. Q. Do I have to wait until 1966? cal taxes on gasoline, cigarettes (in some states), and liquor (In Bridgeport’s mayor for 24 years. newsmen Valachi was talking 3 16-oz. boxes 1.00 The outcome was a special .tri­ A. No, the full tax cut would go It was Samuel J. Tedesco, Mulvi- freely. umph for Rep. Wilbur D. Mills, into operation then. But two-thirds some states). ’They also may de hlll’s protege, who finally evicted of the cut would start In 1964. duct poll taxes and fees paid for Muskie said Valachi was giving D-Ark., chairman of the Ways and McLevy from City Hall in 1957. a recital of facts, names and Means Committee, who led the Most taxpayers would feel this on Although Tedesco won by the Steak Sale the first of the year as the govern­ (Continued on P age Six) events interrupted only occasion­ tight to prevent defections by hairline margin of 161 votes, Mul- ally by questions from senators.
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