Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1975-02-06 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1975). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 378. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/378 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ._!' .:-.'j F~ ·: ';:: : ,. ~ ,'"\ :\ ~ . ; \ ~ ~ ,;f.j w.j VOL. 69 NO. 13 THURSDAY, FEB. 6,- 1975 NEWS POTPOURRI SPORTS Career:-planning· program . page 8 Alice doesn't live here ... page 3 Women 2-0 in basketball. page 4 Spring events ... page 11 Sayres on student union .. page 11 Stevens' crystal ball . ; . page 5 .Sportswomen Women's athletic program gaining in status and supp.ort By MARY C. HENKEL totem pole over there." She sees a long way yet to go for downstairs serves mostly the men's varsity teams. After M81111111ntEdltor Xavier in women's sports programs. games, Anne explains further, visiting teams share the same Anne Ernst, co-captain of the Women's basketball team, shower facilities with the home tesam. Many schools are scrambling or maneuvering to make qualifies Bierman11's observation. "We're low on the totem This led Tony Brueneman to interject "There's another women•s sports programs look good, under the pressure of pole, but that's because we're a new program," she says. "I've plus: two women's teams can share a locker-room without HEW guidelines for enforcement of Title IX (of the seen it grow." She has been active in the development of killing each other." Educational Amendments'of 1972) .. Suddenly there is big sports programs at Xavier for her four years as an un- · Brue.neman, something of philosopher of athletics and of coverage of local women's college athletics in the Sports sec­ dergraduate, and thinks that women's athletics are progress- women's athletics in particular, deserves much credit for the tions of the Cincinnati papers. With these signs and portents ing "reasonably;' here. · , · advancement of women in sports at Xavier. Before official of a new era, a status report on the sportswomen of Xavier is Ernst cites- renovations in the fieldhouse second-floor attention was being paid to women who wanted to play in order. locker-room, and WVXU's game coverage as evidence ofim­ sports here from many other quarters, Brueneman was active This year for the first time, Xavier will have an inter­ provement in the status of women's sports. "A lot of girls on and generous in his support and aid to student initiatives and collegiate sport for women in each ·of the fall •. winter and spr­ our team have the attitude that we should have alocker-rooni beginning teams. Though he noted that he spoke to the News ing sports seasons. Try-outs for tennis in March are still all to ourselves; but we're a new team, and only one of eight. froni'"no authoritative base-only as former coordinator for open, and encouraged by coach Jim Brockhoff. Involvement . They re-did the locker-room for us, added shower stalls ... " Women's Intercollegiate Athletics," Brueneman has definite- · in club sports (like. sky-diving, karate, sailing and bowli~g) As for radio coverage, the campus broadcasting statiQn will ly been a key person for sportswomen. and intramurals has been open to women in the past. carry all home games this year, making Xavier the "only Brueneman sees ·~a humanistic movement in athletics to­ Xavier's first season ·in intercollegiate volleyball this fall school in Ohio that broadcasts Women's Intercollegiate day," and the emergence of "a whole new ethic in sports." He sparked a "goo~ interest among campus women" according . Basketball," according to the team's coach Tony Brueneman. sees this positive development in women's sports especially, to coach Mary Biermann. "One thing we did not'lack; and Under the presc:nt arrangement, male varsity wrestlers and and is concerned that "in the rush for equality, with men, that was enthusiasm," Biermann says. It seems to her, other groups, male and female, are scheduled for the same women triay take the worst of what men have." however, that women's athletics are the "lowest thing on the shower room at different times; another shower-room · Sportswomen to pege 12 Health Center grievance plan is ·announced · By RON CSERBAK heads the Task Force, said she was X.vllll' N.wa SIAH Writer ~oth, "pleased and not pleased" by The Xavier community has arriv~ this action. "I was impressed that the ed at a compromise solution to the Medical Staff met and came up with Health Center controversy. This some sort of alternative in response controversy came to the force after a to students complaints, but this Nov. 7 Newl· editorial which suggestion is· not quite as strong as questioned the Health Center's treat­ we would like." However, her ment of women. · response was to encourage students A Health Center Task Force, to see Dr. Konerman, personally or formed by four students, backed a in groups, if they have some question proposed Health Service Committee or complai.nt. · that would receive student input on Junior Tim Lynch, another · . health care matters. This proposal member of the Task Force, said he was first advanced by Mr. Roderick still saw advantages in having a com­ Shearer, Vice President for Student mittee, but would cooperate. 'Development and approved by Fr. "If students are still hesitant a bout Robert Mulligan, University Presi­ using the Health Center, Lynch /' dent. stated, or feel they're not being . ·/. However, on January 8, Xavier heard, then it would indicate that The sun shines on D'Artagnan and two Health Center's Medical ~taff met something else has to be dmie." Second time through Xavierites, briefly, during the first Monday of with Mr. Shearer and Fr. Mulligan, Mr. Shearer pointed out that the . the second semester. and formulated an alternate Medical Staffs plan was more proposal that is outlined in the letter Health to page 12 Mulligan is below. Senior Tracey Robson, who ·oybicz and Henz NEW COMMUNICATIONS PLAN. recovering On Wednesday, January 8, the Medical Staff of Xavier's Health are nom inated Center met with Father Mulligan and Dean Shearer to discuss from the best means of establishing better communications between the Health Center and those members of the Xavier community to fi.ll senate posts eye surgery which it serves. · . By MARY C. HENKEL pending legislative approval. From time to time a student may wish to raise a question about A proposal that the Student By PAUL RANIERI treatment, type of medication, expanded services, or he/she M11111111nt1 Editor ASSOCIATE EDITOR Presidential nominations to va.: Senate officially support tho-protest may wish to make a complaint. The meeting was devoted to a statement circulated during the Xavier President Rev. Robert consideration of the various alternatives available to facilitate cant student government posts, Mulligan is currently recuperating further protest of issu.es surrounding Board of Trustees. meeting this type of two-way communication. · demonstration on December 19 will from an eye operation performed in A student and faculty health services committee was discuss­ the flat-rate tuition to go into effect Chicago during the Christmas vaca­ next year, and important con­ also come before the Senate. If the ed but a more direct plan of communication was offered. Senate agrees ·.to endorse this call tion. Beginning immediately, anyone or any group having aques~ stitutional ratitications will be on the Following growing diScomfort agenda for the Student Senate when · for greater student participation in tion, concern, complaint or suggestion regarding .healt~ care policy-making, a letter to the Board and then pain in his right eye, Fr. may seek an appointment with Dr. Konerman who IS Cha~rman it convenes this afternoon. Mulligan underwent an initial eye Student Body President Mike Mc­ stating this as the official position of of the Medical Staff Committee this year. The appqintment may the students' representatives will be examination. He was then advised to be made by calling ~631 or stopping by the desk at the Health Caffrey will ask Se.nate approval of have the operation performed im­ the appointment of Student Senator drafted. ·Center. Revisions in the constitution of mediately in Chicago in order to pre­ M~uty Dybicz to the post of Vice­ Additional meetings of the Medical Staff will be called dunng the new Social Activities Committee vent any further damage to the eye. the second semester to evalute any suggestions which have President at the Senate's next Fr. Mulligan explained that the meeting. Dybicz, if confirmed, will made by Mr. Rod Shearer, Vice­ been made as well as to determine whether or not this means of President for Student Development, retina, the tissue covering the eye, . communication has been effective., J K M succeed Dave Ellerbrock,. who . had been torn. This could be caused Harry . onerman, .0 . resigned from the Vice-Presidential though the overall constitution itself has · already been · passed. The either by a blow of some sort to the - · Chairman post ea~ly last December. Mimi eye or a premature aging of this par- McGrath Health Center Henz is nominated to take over as procedures and constitution of the secretary to the Student Senate, also Dyblcz to page 12 Mullgen to pege12 "t.· '··,. Larry ·s · eehe this week Xavier News columnist in the news compiled br PAUL RANIERI While some of you were making Gasid indigestion compounded Xavier offers van for student use the Mecca to the South during vaca­ Xavier has recently acquired a van which can be used by students.
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