j . w n p u 1 , . n VOLUME XI, NO. 3. PLYMOUTH, MICH., SEPT. 17 1897. WHOLE NO. 523 ]y large. Some of the best running and trotting horse-were entered, and while THIRTEENTH! no former records were broken, neither was the standard or record lowered In the bicycle races some of the best M y k e F o r W ! riders in the country participated, besides a number :>f amateurs. They were strong­ ly built, atliletic young men, whose THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL physiques indicated strength and endur­ Perfection! Perfection! Perfection!, ance. FAIR AS PREDICTED, The final heats were to have been rid­ GROCERIES. F den Thursday afternoon, but the' raip pre­ vented, and they were postponed until Not only a full and this morning. complete line of Perfection Dyes, That are the same to you as gold. The Most Successful Exhibition Ever Won By the Brown’s. butalso acom plete Get in line and come with the A hotly contested ball game was that Given By the Association. played on the fair ground Wednesday af­ and perfect assort­ crowd to J. R. Rauch & Son’s ternoon between the Ann Arbor Browns m e n t o f and the Plymouth teum. The Browns where you can get bargains the were ahead until the ninth inning, the score .standing 10 to 5. Plymouth came Fancy and Staple Groceries, year round. A few of our many to bat in the ninth inning, made five runs bargains will be enumerated below: Never in the history of the Plymouth an<ltied the score- The Browns came in Aid the Leading Brands of Flonr, Fair Association has the annual fair open- j U?, e teintJa inning and made one run. SALT pork, picnic hams, DRIED BEEF, LARD, Etc. ed so auspicidusly as the thirteenth annual1 Plymouth failed to get anything, and the fair which began Tuesday of this week.' S3uie ended in a victory for the Ann Ar- The weather bureau and the managers of j bor boys, the score standing 10 to 11. the fair were in harmony, and the weath T Following is the result by iumugs: er was all....................... that could be desired,.....................- while theTnnings Innings 123456789 10 Drugs # Medicines 2,000 yds. Unbleached Cotton, Suttons’s LL managers of the fair had left nothing un­ Browns 204100120 1—11 done which would enhance the conven­ Plymouth 040001005 0—10 % ! 4 l-2c Per Yard. ience of exhibitors, promote the comfort Cigars and Tobicco, of visitors or aid in the success of the fair1. Lost to Brighton. The list of entries in all departments is Frederick Stearns’ base ball club and' Any quantity. This offer has never before been equalled. very largely in excess of those of any for the Brighton's crossed bats on the fair Candies and Stationery, mer year. All day Monday and Tuesday ground Thursday afternpon. Some mighty Step in and see it. Secretary Collier and his assistants were good playing was done by both clubs, but; busy making out entry blanks. It is Stearn’= club won, }the score standing 15 Trusses, Toilet Articles, doubtful if Floral hall was ever so well to 4. The prominent features of the game e Good bleached factory, only 5c per yard. filled or presented so attractive an appear­ were the phenomenal fielding of Lorgion ance as it has this year. In the center of In fact, a perfect assort- the building the Mabley «fc Goqdfellow of the Steam’s club, augl the work of the Co. of Detroit, have a fine display, whiie Steam's batter}', Barry and Bates, Barry I ment of everything in above ttis display is ooe made by Nev" ; ^sco®™' 10 T“e f<>Uo’Vtag b this line, all at the comb, Endicott & Co., of .Detroit, of rich Innings 123456789 oriental rugs, curtains and tapestry. Brighton 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0— 4 In the north end of the hall Bauch Stearns 1 0 5 0 0 3 6 0 —15 Son show a fine and complete assortment of crockery, cut glass .ware, lamps and Lowest Possible Prices, DRESS TRIMMINGS! articles of bric-a-brac. T. G. Richardson, i Lyon Comedy Co. certainly posses^ two the Star Clothing House, and Dixou, the I of the best looking as well as talented fionst, of Northville, have handsomely | actresses as one will find on the roaid, the QUALITY CONSIDERED. W 6 can show you the best and largest line of arranged exhibits, while in the center of j Misses Ilattie Laurent and Lois Edwards, dress trim m ings you ever saw in Plymouth and this room is a display of eut flowers, so i Both are bright promising women and a t p r i c e s ------- s e e h e r e profuse and tastily arranged as to be al- will be heard from ip the future. most a flower show in itself. The east I ______ i.----- 1_____ end of the hall is devoted to fruits, vege-1 ~ rom .. n , Everything First Quality tables and canned fruit, and here the far | y Russeline, yard wide, only - 8 cents mers and housewives have placed on ex- f Dawson Pettibone has finished his new hibition the finest specimSus of tfie pro-;; well in the rear of .his kitchen. It ao.vy Silicia, - 8 cents per yard. ducts of the soil andtlieirown handiwork, has eleven feet of ice water in it, and'fie No Seconds. One farmer has taken this time and oe- has washed over $85,000 in dust from the casion to declare his political preferences, dirt taken out. for on a mammoth pumpkin ‘are carved | The high wind yesterday raised con- th^ ter\ ‘-, or Presldent’ H S: PiQgre.e fe,derable dust Jack Buckinbill. who —1.100,” while another pumpkin chi oni- was out on the Eldorado road with his cles the fame and value of-the work done | team, says he was Pearly blinded by it. by Secretary Collier. The west end ; of i When he came home he coughed up ^ j i-!S monopli/.ed by Cohner & Son j $73.89. One of our greatest needs is HUNTER and F. E. Laniphere, the former with a street sprinkling, C rockery Galore! complete exhibit of heavy and shelf hard- r ,._1TQ ware, and line cutlery, aid the latter with I „ ““"l*"8 ? dead C ‘h * wT L^W anfcdtM Jn^ lfe fr0be4' examined i(isit is f°™‘ffound thieverythat every one of Our Crockery Departm ent has lately been replenished with The south end of the building was real­ them has from six to eight ounces of gold a large new stock and we can truly say Plymouth ly the “woman’s pavillion.’l Here was ar­ dust in its stomach. This Carelessness in never before saw such a display, ranged a bewildering array of fancy and allowing loose gold to escape into the-riv- fine needle work, crazy qfirlts, log cabin, er will ruin the fishing unless stopped. quilts, in^ilk.and wool, tidies, rugs, eas£l The Widow Larkin yesterday met with scarfs, stand scarfs, beautifully embroid­ a misfortune which will, we are sure, call Genuine English 100-Piece Set, Alwavs Sold For $15, ered linen for the dining table and toilet forth the sympathy of the public. During articles, all the work of the deft fingers of the heavy rain storm in the afternoon a the wives and daughters in this part of i regular torrent rushed down the gully onlv $7. , ' Wayne Co. One article, in particular, in "tick of hei‘ house-and washed so much this “pavilion" is worthy special mention. rS°‘d dusit *nt0 her pig sty that the pig It is an easel scarf made of bits of ribbon, wws smothered. A subscription has been the shades and colors being harmonious- j sorted for her benefit GALES ly blended, while at either end of the! scarf is a long fringe made of “raveled An Orthographical Curiosity. ribbon The pencil sketches of horses Latest Styles In Neckwear for Ladies and heads drawn by Miss Anderson, of Can­ Secretary Collier of the Plymouth Fair ton, is also worthy of special mention; , ; *Association-hist week received the follow. In the south end N. .‘Steele & Co. have t ing letter, which we publish exactly as it Gents. a beautifijl exhibit of millinery and fancy ! js written- £ School Books. School Books. »f Plymoth I Have'Got . satisfied with only the best, and hiseibib ! f ™ «« With “““ “ g it is up to the standard. ’ ! “ “ " ' f »"",e “ ,en rentes a Play and The exhibit of stock is unusually lan?e 1 ' l f "T th,ri’, ,s ,T ’ anil fine, and has never been excelled in I r,'n sc? ,,' w !' Comtj in and buy School Books and this county,if indeed, it has been equal-1 T'9,k“ CkJ th * ' T ’"!' flnd 'Vi'b Wall Paper, 1-4 Off. led at any county fair in the state. The , J s d foot square, rite BaCke farmers of Wayne Co. are commendably | t CH,rge me to rlIn ,hrue School Supplies at Bottom Prices. proud of their stock, and the best in the j ‘ e 10 ^ county tyis been on the Plymouth fair j grounds this weak. The Word “ Limited.M The poultry exhibit is a whole "poul- ! try show.” Plymouth Rocks, Buff and “The word ‘limited’ iu connection With Buy your Dress Goods of us and Brown Cochins" turkeys, geeseand ducks, I corporations and business concerns and Red Ink, the finest ot each species, are there. The j firms,” explained a prominent lawyer to a Children have brought their pet!i.
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