f BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 45 No. 18. Philadelphia, July 15, 1905, Price, Five Cents. NOVEL PROCEDURE. CANADA "JUSTICE" EJRST TRIAL UNDER NEW LEAGUE KICKS THE BEAM WHEN WEIGHED CONSTI1UTION. AGAINSFARAiLROAD. Umpire Bausewine Prefers Charges The Canadian Court of Appeals De Against Manager Kelley, Who prives the Widow and Child of the Will Now be Treated by President Late Edward Delehantyof the Dam Pulliam as Suggested by Court. ages Awarded by a Lower Court. SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." Buffalo, N. Y., July 10. According to New York, July 11. Umpire Bause authentic reports which reached h^re wine on July 6 filed charges with from Toronto, the Canadian Court of President Pulliam, of the National Appeals has deprived the League, against Captain widow and daughter of Joe Kelley, of the Cin Ed. Delehanty, the late cinnati Club. Bause©wine base ball player, of dam in his charges alleges ages they recently won that Kelley used offen the lower Canadian sive language toward court as a result of the him on the field immed death of the famous out- iately after the conclu fielder. Delehanty bought sion of the gtime of July a ticket from Detroit to 3 between Pittsburg and Buffalo just two years and Cincinnati, in Pitts ago and boarded a Mich- burg. Mr. Bausewine©s Central train for charges reached Pulliam this city. While near by mail. President Pul Bridgeport, in Canada, Ed Delehanly Joseph Kelley liam immediately an across the Niagara River nounced that he would from Buffalo, he became disorderly try the charges under Section 28 of while intoxicated, it is alleged, and the League Constitution, the proceed was ejected from the car. He got on ings at Boston in the McGraw-Drey- the international bridge and was fuss case having satisfied him that lie drowned in the Niagara River. Mrs. is not authorized to act under the Delehanty and her daughter brought Fleishman Resolution. President Pul action against the Michigan Central, liam at once sent copies of Bause- charging negligence, and the case was wiiie©s charges to President Herrman tried at Welland, Canda, some time and Manager Kellley, and announced ago. The jury brought in a verdict to them that he would give his de of $3000 for the widow and $2000 for cision in the case on Friday, July 14, the daughter. The Michigan Central at the headquarters of the National then took the case to a higher court. League in this city. In view of the fact that this is the first time charges made against a manager of a team by an umpire this season will be disposed DOWLING DEAD. of this way, the result of President Puplliam©s findings in the case will be patched with much interest. HARRY LUMLEY, The Well-Known, and Rather Eccent Outfielder of the Brooklyn National League Club. ric, Pitcher is Killed by a Train Near Hot Lake, Oregon. IN BLUE REDLAND. Harry Lumley, the hard-hitting right fielder of the Brooklyn Club, of the National League, was born in Forrest City. Pa., in 1880. His first professional engagement wt» with North Powder, Ore., July 1. Peter the Rome, New York League. Club in 1001. from which club© St. Paul, of the American As Dowling, pitcher for the La Grande Slim Chance to Reach an Upper Berth sociation, drafted him. He played with St. Paul in 1!)02. In 1903 he played part of the base ball team, was killed near Hot season with Colorado Springs, but finished the season with the Seattle Club, or the then Lake last night by train No. 2. He had Once More Manager Kelley is on outlaw Pacific Coast League. When that league entered the National Association, Brooklyn been at Hot Lake for treatment and drafted Lumley for 1004. He at once made his mark as a good fielder and hard left-handed was walking on the track home. His the Official Carpet The Bausewine hitter, and was re-engaged for this year. To date he has sustained the excellent reputation head was cut off and his body mangled. he made last year. "Pete" Dowling was well known in Charges. Tacoma, having played here with Butte in the days of the old Pacific BY HEN MULFORD, JR. went to the bad under the bombard section of the constitution quoted by National League. He was a southpaw President Pulliam. Kel laid his evi and twirled many a splendid game Cincinnati, July 8. Editor "Sport- ment of Cardinal bludgeons. during his career on the diamond, ON THE BROILER. dence in rebuttal before Thomas Jef Ing Life." That fight of the Red ferson Cogan a big Elk and one of which extended over the last ten or troopers to reach the first division Once more Manager Kelley is in the , Cincinnati©s best known attorneys twelve years. He ©was a star for a looks to be as tough a proposition as line of Presidential fire. This is the and he gave the opinion that he could time in the National League -when he the quelling of the mutiny aboard the third time this season that he has not legally be found guilty. was with Louisville. McCloskey brought Kniaz Potemkise in the Black Sea. been treed by trouble. Umpire Bause Garry Herrmann joins Harry Pul him West and he was with Butte for The Cardinal visit to Redland was cold wine is his latest accuser. Fortunately liam in Buffalo next week and the Red several seasons. He was known over cream after that awful scorching in no allegation of of heated language is chief will carry all the Kelley testi the greater part of the country, Tobyland on the Fourth, but just when made and the entire matter seems to mony to the Queen City of the Lakes. things -were moving nicely "Chappy" hinge on what Kel calls a "kidding" A Base Ball Hero. McFarland turned up with an. unex match and which the umpire took to UNFORTUNATE RUN-INS. pected of foolers and the team was heart as a personal affrontj, calculated These umpireal run-ins are unfor Willlamsport, Pa., July 5. Jerry Ponovan, again sidetracked. The rest of this tunate and Kel seems to be a target at catcher for the Williamsport base ball team, to lower his dignity as an official of early yesterday affected the ©rescue of two of firecracker month ©will be spent in the the game. The millinium will come to which they like to shoot. his fellow players, McCarthy and Hinchman, East and the prospects to take the ele Balldom when the umpire can escape "I like Bausewine and think he is who were sleeping In an upstairs room of the vator to the upper story on the trip from the field of duty without being absolutely on the square," said Kel, Hotel Savoy, where they boarded, when the are as remote as the prospect of in caught by the cross fire of sarcastic "and had no idea he would take to building caught on fire. Donovan made hla ternal peace in the country of the players of both teams figuring out how heart any bantering shots." way up to their room through smoke so dense great White Czar. The in-and-out they each got the worst of it. The Pirates were gross offenders that he had to feel his way, awakened and work of the Red twirling corps is de On the complaint registerefl by Um against the judicial dignity of that led them, scantily clad, to safety. The hotel cidedly puzzling. Just when every pire Bausewine I look for no severe official on the afternoon of the Fourth was partially destroyed. Several guests and thing is moving along the groove of action. Kel has sent affidavits enough, but if any complaint was lodged some of the help ,also had narrow escapes. success some one slips and there©s a to offset the umpire©s brief statement against Fred Clarke for firing mud blow-up to mourn about. Not one of of alleged bald fact, and it may be that balls at the umpire the news has not the sextette has proved a consistent he will run down from Boston to per yet reached Redland. winner. Neither Jack Harper, Bob sonally look after, his interests. Ewing nor Frank Hahn approach the THE MT. CARMEL TRIP OFF. form they showed a year ago. Orvall NO CHANCE OF GUILT. Frank Bancroft weakened on that, Overall is about the best of the five. Even if all that Umpire Bausewine proposition to ta.ke the Red troopers Tom Walker is below his 1904 stand asserts is true and Kel says he has into the coal regions next Sunday and ard and Charley Chech, who last week erred in his interpretation there is no the expedition to l^It. Carrael ia off. loomed up as a valuable slab reserve, grounds for punishment under the COM©INUBB ON THIRD PACK. SPORTESTO LIFE. July 15, 1905. had not McGinnity, his opponent, had New York in New York and Boston In Boston before th« preliminary injunction was awarded. one of his unbeatable days. The final are the highest possible test of the strength A preliminary injunction may be made manda game of the series, on relative per of a club and shows that Connie Mack has the tory only in exceptional cases, as where there PHILADELPHIANEWS formances of Caldwell and Ames, goods in the Athletics." is a ©race against the law,© or, as in Whitemau would have been a Philly victory had The Phillies© remarkable improvement Is vs.
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