i i INDIA NON JUDICIAL Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi e-Stamp vntqwqt Certificate No. 58831 1411 18-Jan-202011:18AM i TMPACC (tvy dr921303/ DELHI/ su BIN-DLDL921 30331 80520828291 65 VIKRAM BIDHURI Article 4 Affidavit Not Applicable 0 (Zero) I First Party VIKRAM BIDHURI r Second Party Not Applicable Stamp Duty Paid By VIKRAM BIDHURI Stamp Duty Amount(Rs.) 10 (Ten only) ;t t *:l ,;.: Please write or type below this line- Oath C No- 33/201 RA.J N i * 3 li Coui-t r i'om ra 28|AA?A?- New I Statutory Alert: \' 1 Form 26 (See Rule 44) AFFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONGWITH NOMINATION PAPER BEFORE THE RETI.JRNING OFFICER FOR ELECTION TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF NCT OF DELHI F ROM AC.s2.TUG H LAIGBAD ASSEM BLY CONSTITU ENCY" PART A l, Vikram Bidhuri, S/o Sh.Mahender Bidhuri, aged about 43 Years, R/o H.No.1179, Bangar Mohalla, Tughlakabad Village, New Delhi-LL0O$4, a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:- 1) I am a candidate set up by Bharatiya Janata Party (Name of the political party)/arna . (Strike out which ever is not applicable) 2l My name is enrolled in S2-Tughlakabad Assembly Constituency, (7-South Delhi Parliamentary Constituency) in the State/UT of NCI of Delhi (Name of the constituency and the state), at Serial No. 763 in Part No.56. 3) My contact telephone number is 9311233399 and my E-mail id is [email protected], and my social media account(s) (if any) is/are i" Facebook Page: ht!ps://www.fagebook.com/vikra mbid hurigfficia l/ il" Facebook lD: https ;//www.face book.com/Vikra m bBJ P ilt, Twitter http:/ltwitter.comlVikrambidhu ri?s=08 iv" lnstagram i hftp://instasram.€ bidhutiqfficjal?ulm source=ig profile shale& isshid=8io2viver520 4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing lncome Tax return: in S.No" Name PAN The fina ncia I Total income shown year for which lncome-tax return (in the last Rupees) for the last flve lncome-Tax Financial Years (as on return has 31-'t March) been filed L. Self AEMPVO695L 2018-19 20L8-19 i. Rs.5,69,400/- 20L7-18 ii. Rs.5,22,500/- 20L6-L7 iii. Rs.3,72,500/- 2015-16 iv" Rs.3,45,500/- 201.4-L5 v. Rs.2,67,100/- 2 Spouse DYFP82577B Not 2018-19 Applicable i. Not Applicable Mrs.Savita 20L7-t8 Bidhuri ii. Not Applicable 20t6-L7 iii. Not Applicable 201_5-16 iv. Not Applicable 20L4-LS v. Not Applicable 3 H U F(if the Not Applicable Not 2018-19 ca ndidate ls Applicable i. Not Applicable l(a rta o r copa rcener z0L7-L8 ii. Not Applicable 20L6-L7 iii. Not Applicable Oath L. No- 33120 RAJ T\l * r tom 2 io I\ew I't { 2015-1.6 iv. Not Applicable 20t4-L5 v. Not Applicable 4. Dependent-1 NO PAN Not 201.8-19 ALLOTTED Applicable i. Not Applicable Sh.Manav 20L7-18 Bidhuri ii. Not Applicable 20L6-L7 iii. Not Applicable 2015-16 iv. Not Applicable zoL4-L5 v. Not Applicable 5 Dependent-2 NO PAN Not 2018-19 ALLOTTED Applicable i. Not Applicable Ms.Anshika 20L7-L8 Bidhuri ii. Not Applicable 20L6-17 iii. Not Applicable 201s-16 iv. Not Applicable 201-4-L5 v. Not Applicable 6 Dependent-3 Not Applicable Not i. Not Applicable Applicable Not Applicable ii. Not Applicable iii. Not Applicable iv. Not Applicable v. Not Applicable Note: lt is mandatory for PAN holders to mention PAN and in case of no PAN, it should be clearly stated that "No PAN allotted". 5) Pending Criminal Cases I No- 33/2C RAJT.{I Adv0cate App Bl'Delhiir Perjod From ?7 ia'26!09t242 l' (i)raeela+e+h . (tick this alternative if there is no criminal case pending against the candidate and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) OR 1yr4u following cases are pending against me (if there are pending cases against the candidate, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details of all pending cases in the table below) Table a) FIR No. with name FIR No.13/2015 FIR No.26l2011 ln NIL and address of the in P.S.Pul police station P.S,Govindpuri, Prahladpur, Delhi concerned Delhi b) Case No. with SC No.5212017 Cr. Case NIL No"89323/2016 name of the court Titled as State Vs. Vikram Titled as Bidhuri & Ors. state vs. Balwinder Singh & Sh"Gulshan Kumar, Ors. ASJ, Saket Courts, Delhi. Ms.SwatiSharma, M.M., Saket Courts, Delhi c) Section(s) of the Sections t47, L48, Section L47,148, NIL concerned L49, 323, 325 and L49,323,325, Acts/Codes 308 of l.P.C. 336,427, 435, involved (Give no. 452, 506 and 1208 of the Sections, e.g. of l.P.C Section_of IPC etc.) d) Brief description of Rioting/Simple Rioting/Simple NIL the offence /Grievous /Grievous H urt/Atte m pt to Hurt/Mischief commit Culpable ca using Homicide . damage/Mischief by fire/House Trespass/Crimina I Com J.IL,' A J t\. t { * ,t fl \ I l lntimidation. e) Whether cha rges No Yes NIL have been f ramed (Mention Yes or No) f) lf answer against Not Applicable Charges were NIL (e) above is Yes, framed on then give the 13.04.201,8 under details on which Section L47, 148, the charges have L49,323,325, been framed. 336,427,452, 435, 506, 1208, tPc NIL s) Whether any No No Appea llApplication for Revision have been filed against the proceedings (Mention Yes or No) 6) Cases of conviction (Tick this alternative, {fft.declare that I have not been convicted for any criminal offence. if tn" candidate has not been convicted and write NOT APPLICABLE against the alternative (ii) below) OR (ii) I have been convicted for the offence below: NOT APPLICABLE (lf the candrdate has been convicted then ticl< this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details in the Table Below) TABLE a) Case No. NOT NOT NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE b) Name of the court NOT NOT NOT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE c) Section(s) of the NOT NOT NOT Acts/Codes APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE involved (Give no. of the Sections, e.g.Je"clla!--of i!c:- t !' ( f I * ".ii ll I [--. !, rri NpW A I iPC etc.) d) Brief description NOT NOT NOT of tlre offence for APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE which convicted e) Dates of orders of NOT NOT NOT conviction APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE f) Punishment NOT NOT NOT imposed APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE s) Whether any NOT NOT NOT Appeal has been APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE filed against the conviction Order (Mention Yes or No) h) lf answer of (e) NOT NOT NOT above is YES, give APPLICABLE APPLICABLE APPLICABLE details and present status of a ppea I (6A) I have given full and up to date information to my political party about all pending criminal cases against me and about all cases of conviction as given in paragraph (5) and (6).: [Candidates to whom this item is not applicable should clearly write NOT APPLICABLE lN VIEW oF ENTRIES lN (5) (i)AND (6Xi), abovel Note: L. Details should be entered clearly and legibly in BOLD Letters. 2. Details to be given separately for each case under different column against each item. 3. Details should be given in reverse chronological order, i.e the latest case should be mentioned first and backwards in order of dates for the other cases. 4. Rdditional sheet may be added if required" a I i I 5. Candidate is responsible for supplying all information in complainace of the Hon'ble Supreme Court's judgment in W.P.(C) No'536 of 2011. 7) That lgive herein below the details of my assets(movable and immovable etc.) of myself, my spouse and all dependents: A. Details of Msva[!e]\S!g!g: Note 1, Asset in the joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be airran 5'vL". Note 2. lncase of deposit/investment, the details including Serial Number, Amount, date of deposit, the scheme, Name of Bank/lnstitution and Branch are to be given. Note 3. Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as per the current market value in Stocl< Exchange in respect of listed companies and as per bool<s in case of non-listed companies should be given. Note 4. Dependent means parents, son(s), daughter(s) of the candidate or spouse and any other person related to the candidate whether by blood or marriage, who have no separate means of income and who are dependent on the candidate for their livelihood. Note 5, Details including amounts to be given separately in respect of each investment. Note 6. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets. Explanation: For the purpose of this form the expression "off shore assets" includes details of all deposits or investments in Foreign Banl<s and any other body or institution aboard, and details of all assets and liabilities in foreign countries" bt Com No- 3-3/201 F.t i-'i A J tv k .&. h ,*# Nev,r c L I S. Descriptio n Self Spouse HU Dependent-1 De pendent-2 Dependent-3 No Mrs.Savita F Mr.Manav Ms.Anshika Not Bidhuri Bidhuri Bidhuri Applicable Cash in Rs.1,20,000/- Rs.75,000/- NIL NIL NIL Not ha nd cable ii" Details of (i) sB A/c No.
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