IEWSPAPER MATAWAN FREE PUB LIBRARY 165 MAIN ST MATAWAN, NJ 0 7 7 4 7 Bulk Rate US Postage Paid Eatontown, NJ. Permit #66 BAYSHORE EPENDENT SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, KEYPORT, MATAWAN, UNION BEACH AND KEANSBURG NOVEMBER 11, 1992 25 C E N TS VOL. 22 NUMBER 46 . '• « ' . Keyport Sports child 4 a heroes saves j f * meet aunt’s life again P age 11 P age 5 7 2 Area - - /x j* * '•i r t j D { u I f r * jKl j f ! .••• • I J i J Indians of poetry, celebrate freedom - ' . * Diwali i : -^ ? - - P ages 6 P age 3 'I BRSA Veterans Day Bill Parsells and Dorothy bonds Wegman of American Legion Post cause 321, Union Beach, adjust a wreath at the Borough's World War I doughBoy statue. P a g e 1 0 See Page 55 Photograph by Rich Schultz 2 NOVEMBER 11, 1992, THE INDEPENDENT PHONE BUSTERS SPECIAL Com e In And Mention Any Telephone Mattress Dealer And Receive An Extra 10% Off Your Purchase No m attress should Be Bought over the phone! Com e in and relax and you’ll Be happy on your new m attress for 10-15 yrs! OUR PLEDGE: I ORDER P IZZA OVER TH E PHONE • No Pressure B U T A M A TTR ESS — • Great Prices NO VVAYi • Great Service • You’ll Meet t h e o w n e r • y Face to Face V\\\ STEARNS & FOSTER ORTHOPEDIC ORTHOPEDIC CORRECT COMFORT S U P E R F I R M Your Your Your Mattress Box Final Cost Mattress Box Final Cost Mattress Box Final Cost TWIN 248 FREE 248 TWIN 98 FREE 98 TWIN 158 FREE 158 FULL 378 FREE 378 FULL 148 FREE 148 FULL 218 FREE 218 QUEEN 428 FREE 428 QUEEN 218 FREE 218 QUEEN 298 FREE 298 KING 628 FREE 628 FA M IL Y OW NED AND O PERA TED f f iP O T ric 1040 H ighw ay 35, M iddletow n, N.J. 07748 • (908) 671-6506 <• Mon..thr.u.Frj,.lft,9. Sat. 10-6. Sun. 12-5 -. THE INDEPENDENT, NOVEMBER 11, 1992 3 Indiahs try to m ix best of both cultures INSIDE STORY Immign nts miss Giving her best Sandy Burke will celeBrate the native I4ind, Put first anniversary of her Personal Best training center in Middletown by value opportunities conducting an unusual fund-raiser to benefit the Rainbow Foundation. She By Lauren Jaeger is featured In the Spotlight PAGE 1 6 When Sudesti Bharara formed the Jersey Shore Club of India 21 years ago, Sweet singers she found only five families from her na- MemBers of the Shore Hills tive land of India i o gather for a meeting on Chorus of Sweet Adelines the grounds of M^lonmouth Medical Center, International sing for fun and friend­ Long Branch. ship. But in 21 yeah, the growth of Indian PAGE 7 residents has increased dramatically, and with the increase, cluB memBership has grown by the hundreds. Today, there are To call the Independent approximately 1C,000 Indian residents in Monmouth County and 5,000 residents in Advertising... ......... ...747-0222 Ocean County. E ven with their new citi- Circulation........................... 972-2655 zenship, the new comers still closely oB­ Classified..............................747-6565 serve the Indian culture in clothing styles, News/Sports......................... 747-0222 religion and fami'y traditions. The culture has Been interwoven into day-to-day News releases or advertising copy American living. may be mailed or Brought to the For instance, although Diwali — The Independent office in the Jerral Festival of Light — a major holiday in Building at 766 ShrewsBury Ave.. India, is Barely recognized By most Tinton Falls, NJ. 07724. Americans, it continues to Be celebrated By Indians here The Jersey Shore CluB of India held its Diwali festival Saturday night at the C ollege Commons of Brookdale INDEX Community College in the Lincroft section , ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT . 18-21 of Middletown AUTOMOTIVE 72-79 'Everyone celebrates Diwali Bharara CHECK IT OUT................................27 said. “It’s when th e business year starts and CLASSIFIED ....... 63-71 we have a goddes of money to whom we CLUB CALENDAR ........... 15 pray, COVER STORY................................55 Food, song, dance and socializing mark DINING.............................................22 the holiday, which arrives in the fall at a Photograph by Rich Schultz EDITORIALS.......................................4 different time each year. Only the fire FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS HEALTH................ 17 crackers are miss ing from the American IN THE SPOTLIGHT............... 16 Ranee Chadhary 2. of Marlboro dances at the DiwaH (Festival of Lights) Saturday LETTERS......................................... 4-5 celebration, at Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, She is one of thousands of Monmouth LIFELINE :............................... 25 Bharara’$ life n Eatontown, where she County Indian residents who maintain the religious and family traditions of their OBITUARIES ......... 60 has lived with hex husband Sagdish, a. doc­ mother country. OLD HOUSE..................... 5 tor at Monmouth and Jersey Shore medica POLICE BEAT............... 59 centers ha1? been a positive experience tor ment to religion,’ said Mr. Jain, whose “Families help out each other. They are PROPERTY LINES............... 61 the past 22 years. faith is Jain, a small religion. more dependent on each other. Cousins REAL ESTATE NEWS............... 6 1-62 Andaman Jain Lincroft, an engineer for REGION ROUNDUP . ...........49-54 “It is a good sign to wish you all the help out Grandparents live with a son. Belcore, immigrated 29 years ago for Better Best.” addeti Lsha Jain, an Ocean woman “I don’t think there are any old people’s BILLSANDFORD ........ .23 economic opportunities. Many Indians SCHOOLS.........................................13 who is no: related to Mr. Jain, But is of the homes.” she added, noting that families just SINGLES................ ............. 3© come to this country for graduate, school, as same religion. take care of their elders without question SLICE OF LIFE...................................7 if is a way they can Better themselves, he Another last name which signifies a per­ and the grandparents take care of the chil­ SOCIAL................. 44-15 explained. son's religion is Singh. Any last name with dren if the mother works. SPORTS..................................... 56-58 In America, children can work by hav­ the word Singh means that they are of the “But here, we have more opportunities,” WILDLIFE......................................... 2 3 ing newspaper routes and other people can Sikh faith, explained iasBir Singh, an she said “Over there, culture and society YESTERYEAR..................................... 5 land joBs right after graduating high schoo; Eatontown social worker who also attended dominate a lot. You don’t get divorced, But in India, this is unheard of, according t( the festival. because ‘what will the neighbors say?’ A THOMAS R. DeCARO Jain. No children earn money and hardly Executive Editor The largest majority of Indians are of lot of people stay together Because they anybody at all lands a joB right out of higl; the Hindu religion, which as many varia­ worry what their friends and families will JUDITH McGEE FEENEY school, except for auto mechanics, he Managing Editor tions, just iike Christianity. There also are say. And others make their marriage work.” noted. But high school was not simple. Muslims, Christians, Buddhists as well as Sethi’s wedding was a three-day affair, MARK R. ROSMAN “High school was an all-day affair ” Mr, Sports Editor Jain and Sikh. Prejudice is uncommon in with 700 family members and friends at­ Jain recalled. “There were more hours and India, according to Mr. Jain. tending. two shifts. However, we have many reli­ The Hindu and Moslem fighting goes “The first day was the engagement,” RICHARD M. POLITY gions so there were more holidays.” Advertising Director Back hundreds of years,” Mr. Jain said. she said. “The third day was the reception.” Although men are considered the dom­ ’But people co-exist and appreciate each Luckily, her husBand understood that VINCENT J. GRASSIA inant sex in India, where more moms stav Assistant Advertising Director other ’ s point of view.” she wanted to live in America and they at home than in the United States, in other There is a lot more poverty, however, he soon returned. He now works as a phar­ HELENE TLUSTY instances women may have higher ranking. Classified Manager noted. macist. For example, a prime minister of India, The difference between the poorest and Mahendra Shah, Hazlet, arrived in this Indira Gandhi, was a woman. KEVIN L. WITTMAN the richest is much greater there than here, country in 1968 for economic reasons. P u b lish er “It seems like 30 percent of physicians he said. Although he loves the country and feels are women in India,” Mr, Jam said. “But in FRANK VINCI “Here we have a much larger middle that life is much easier here, one thing he C o n tro lle r America, it seems ike 5 percent.” class,” Mr. Jam said. “But in India, people says it lacks is the variety of vegetarian cui­ America does have its drawBacks, he are happier and they can depend on each sine. The Bayshore Independent circulation is sub said. “There is no support from relatives other and help each other. No one gets put By tradition, Hindus do not eat meat at ject to audit by Certified Audit of Circulations, Inc. here,” he said. “In India, there is more Published Wednesday by Greater Monmouth out on the street.” all, he explained. Publishing Co. 766 Shrewsbury Avenue, Tinton emphasis on ritual. People are more mate­ Sunita Sethi of Matawan has lived here “At home we can make anything, But Falls, NJ 07724. Phone 747-0222. rialistic here,” Mi'. Jain said. “Here, I’m for 19 years and did most of her growing when we are on the road, it is difficult,” Third class postage paid at Eatontown, N.J.
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