FIFTY-SIX PAGES. Ai»ci8ei»eDt Weekly REGISTERED IN UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Volnme XXL No. 26. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK-CHICAGO Fabius Henrion THE LATEST MUSIC For Electric Pianos is produced by one concern, because they Moa-Br.akaVt HulUliW fur lb<-«lr« and mu<rli.( make a specialty of it. Have you |•U■lurt> sliiiwa. carry tbca. rbairi ONLY had our cataloguesand bulletins? III abl|i tb-ctiiul cba ra NOISELESS 9C * DOZENorMORE. ■ I alau acalliii fur oni II of door UB». A'ld - yiauD Less than a dozen, Sl.SO each. ■ ■ l*c|.|. II. 8THi;i CARBONS 1 FTKMTt’KK ni.. (■ r a u d Uatihia, UNITED STATES MUSIC CO., Mlrliican. Iloai « ON A. C. Largest Maker, In the World. mhcc. Ktt ('oiicr.ea 4S N. Wentern A.vc., CHICAGO, G. S. A. at., Ilielon, blaaa.; Write for Samples and our List of MonadiHH-k Hldf., FILM EXCHANGES. Han Kranclaco. Cal.; -N. Y. iUBcc. 41 Park IMai-,. Immediate —Sole Importers— Profits Often, Edward E. Cary Co aiul the nucleus of a L permanent, profitable liiisiness for less than S‘200. We originated [r H and sell Park and E'ac- ■ torv equipment for making E'ritter-(’risi>- FOITIIES RAOf II A tIMLE IIAMI Oprratinc tb. "Clrrllnit War.*' AmnaMscBt D.- ettes, a delicious, (juick Tie. If you want to KIJTVATK MANKIND, If The Highest Type of Combination .T<ai want tb make the Old Peple glad. tb« E ® selling pop corn confec- Young Peofile happy, and All the Peopla me * ThCLONQ” be Mire you hare a "Circling Ware” fnrtha, Dissolving Stereopticon and .Machine t ion which nets a profit MHi of 1909. Be 8r«t to w,>rk your owm terrllnry 5pringf:eld. O. with tbc ipoat practical ami leaat ei|.e,al,a BU- Moving Picture Machines of 500%. Send for ly book. lag Detice In uae ttperated by gaaollna engine litgh cUaa muatc by a high claaa cyllmter orgti or piano. B'rlla for ratalngoe wlib prica lag 173 High Street, lilt of teatimoolaia. AHMITAtiB * OL'IN.N, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. SprlmntD*. Erie Co., New York. TART A CONE FACTORS Selling Agent for ' FOR WHOLESALE 1909 MODELS FOR RETAIL M. CARY “WHITE SEAL” CONDENSERS AUTOMATIC PARISIAN ICE cities. Send for oar cAtAlogue on ConfetL, CARY COATED CARBONS. Caneg, Knives, Carnival Goods, Rubbsf g. CREAM CONE OVENS Balls, Rubbar and Gas Balloons. (PATENTED DIP BT8TKM.) MACHINES Canes ^ ICE-CREAM PUSH-CARTS We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati ana True method of making cooas—no rolling, vicinity for I. Eiaenstein A Co. PricM ta no burning bnnda. no wnata battar; aaeaa Cincinnati same as in Hew York. lime, labor, money, fnel. It raakea that oerer drip, that artlatie. that 8t to eat cone, the I’arialan. far ahead THE BOLDSMITN TOY IMPORTING CO.. t.f tbe tongh leathery kind. We boUd ma rblnea for tbe largeat manofartnrera. 122 K. Fourth St.. Chich'natl. O. To, can't afford to orarlaek tkla gold mlnm Write quick fur cirrnlar, and piicea corar Ing tbe butlneaa fully. COMPENSARC Theatrical Goods That'a the device that aavea .Moving Pic¬ ture Men two-thirds on tbclr electric light bllla, and yet gives better light. Fat'd Dec. 26, '06; Feb. 26. '07. Others Pending. Did you see our ad last week? Well, don't look it u|>. Just write for our Booklet 15018 Increase Your Seating Capacity ....WITH THE.... Milner Self-RighUng m Department C, FORT WAYNE, INDIANA, NEXT SEASON will he a big tme In Taudevlll* New tbeatrw are ,.|.enlng tt«l there le a demand for peopa Graded for all uses. Send for Circolari. wh.i have new arts. etc. Klnre IKT9 I ban Send In your orders for the le-en writing f<w pr"fr»l<i|iBl use. PITTSBURG Sketches, Monologues THE A, R. MILNER SEATING CO 'omedles. and Dramas I wrin CHIP RINGS All w.irk giiaranteeil to msM Addreat Lock Box 946 plleated material. Keaaooiba I'rlce, $2.r>0 per doi. Sole scents for the D CANAL DOVER, O. al that will make g.>«l In S and Canada. B. SILVERMAN JEWELRY any rlrruli BOB WATT. Dra CO., 702 Penn. Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE WHIPS SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINEAB OmCE OrNFSAL 1 -Souvenir Whips- SULLIVAN AND CONSIDINE BLDG., THIRD . .21^ AND MADISON iTREETS, SUITE 9 AND 1 The TIpp Novelty Co., SFJMTl.p:, UAhll. Nf--" V FRED LINCOLN, Gen. Mgr. CHRIS. 0. THE INDIAN SACK MYSTERY BRANCH BOOKtNO OFFICES. New, Clever and Mysterious. Can be per¬ Kerris Wheel, Merry go roiiiMl simI lielepeieleal formed by anyone. A sack is thoroughly ex- 67 Bo. Clark St., Third and Had.son B'.t. HIT and 1125 Markst tt. sttrartlona for Tiploa^t Beveatk Annual 6're4 amined, after which the performer gets Into Chicago, Dl. Boattia, Waek. Anieriran Tksatrs Bldg., Fair, Aug IS to JI Ineliialve. Addr<-M A •• It and tbe neck of tbe sack is then tied and , Ban Franalaoo, Cal. THOMAS, Secy., Tipton, Mo _ PAUL GOUDBON. HARST LEAVITT. sealtd. A screen la placed in front of It and In _ARCHIE LEVY. less than two minutes be escsiies and tbe knots rOR SALE Slot blarhlnra. 2S Eillson I are found untouched and still sealed. I'riee, slot plH.rwigrapbs; Wlndaor tytw, |4<> <■’ comoiete with sack. $2.2.'>. THE OAKS NOV¬ other inarhlties at ore* half iirlee. May*’ ELTY CO., Dept. 56, Oihkoth. Wis. I>. varman. Itl raltsa Bldg., PIttsbargh, Pe .Mention this paper and we will send free with Moving Picture Machines, sack, tbe full directions for eseaiM- from any -1 NEW IDEA HAND STRIKERS bandruffs, leg-lrocs, vault and large safe. Stere'rpticont, Slide,, AcceM'iriat. get the money at parks, reletiralloiia ai ■Ilea I'rl.-e eoirit'lele, $IA Address Bbepa' SONG SLIDES. SONG FILM, TRAVELOGUE Oa., 26 Eagis Bldg., Salt Laka City. 1 SLIDES. SONG RECORDS. ANNOUNCEMENT CHAS. M. STEBBINS, SLIDES. TRAVELOGUE RECORDS. ETC. Low. Heod Ml rio for big prof.-* eat rates coneiatent with beat sarrice.. WRITE 1028 MAIN STREET, - - KANSAS CITY, MO. TO-DAY. ratting, Irirkt, lllualona Larce Line of fAwm Eit. 18M. iiiann'o moniifarlurel. LEN SPENCER’S LYCEUM, BERG MAGIC and NOVI 64 West S8tb Straet, Nsw York City. IF YOL’ HKK IT IN TIIK MIM^HOAItli, TP.Mr TIIFM H4). .OO.. 1191 Broadway. Bern Volume XXL No. 26. CINCINNATI—NEW YORK—CHICAGO June 26, 1909. 'IONS Of l>nE STn Od ArouseroeDt bife n aba ffiORIES I>r. I. Mortimer Sloan, veteran humorist and actor-manager, who came | "Yes, 1 did," admitted Wu Ting Fang, and his gray eyes twinkled. "I to Washington In the territorial daya of lbT9, with Westman’s Eques Curricu¬ did many 'stunt.s,' as you call them, and I learned many things. For instance, lum and Eastman'a Equine Paradox, a tent show owned by Jim Hughea, a I learned that a ‘hot dog' may be a sausage with mustard between two pieces pioneer stage driver and temperance of bread, or it may be an imitation sausage made of candy. ^ --, lecturer of California, is an Invalid “And I went down the 'shoot the chutes,’ ” he explained, "not so much ' ' ■ •' ! Paxton Hotel In Seattle, because because 1 wanted to, but because the ladies in our party urged me to. Never- ( “ 1 Injuries sustained In falling oft a theles.s. It was very fine. ' n ^ trolley car after recovering from blood "Shall 1 go to Coney Island again? Well, if I do, I think I will go into ;-“i I ^ i ' I>olaonlng In his hand. He Is as op- training first,” and he settled back more comfortably on his cushions. 9 ^ I tlmlstlc as he was 37 years ago, when y ^ i L^' * started In the theatrical business , i after graduating from a medical col- Miss Millie Hylton, the vaudeville actress, tells a good story of an incident - - —»- -t-- - *. _ lege. He was with the Portland Stock which occurred w hen she was touring in Holland sometime ago. In the com¬ Company in 1880-81, when Maude ^Adams was playing child's parts, other members being Mrs. N. E. A. Adams, pany in which she was playing there was a well-known lion tamer who had and Lolo O'Connor. a termagant of a wife, and at every I»r Slocum tells a good story about Harry C. Hayward, manager of rehearsal the ill-assorted couple were " •oo'^ • i | i—"' ■ | ! i ■ ’ the Auditorium Theatre and representative from Spokane in the state legis¬ quarreling bitterly. i ’ ' lature. He came to Spokane 20 years ago as manager of a company, to One night matters came to a crisis. ^ make arrangements for dates and other things the man ahead had to attend The lion tamer had Just finished his to in those days. He met Mr. Hayward, who was then clerk at the Spokane performance, and was bowing himself v( Hotel. This is the conversation that followed: off the stage amid the plaudits of the [ ^ "Say. Harry, 1 want to get the opera house." said Dr. Slocum, "who is audience, when his wife made a grab ' ^ ^ the manager*" at him and began to belabor him \ \\V IfA \ "I am." replied Mr. Hayward. soundly. The poor fellow stood it as l_i V \ ' \ "Fine. Where can I find a good billposter?" long as he could, then suddenly he "Why. I can fix you up. I run a billposting business here." broke from her grasp and, flying toward the cage of the fiercest lion, opened the door and popped in. "Dandy business' Now. if you'll tell me where I can find the city clerk, »o I can arrange for the license, I will be much obliged." For some time the virago stood and taunted him in a vain endeavor to "I>on't let that worry you.
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