1 r: Xt '.,t '.: ..- f THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD. MOUTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. APRIL S, 1159. HI m t r i n .i r sF. A f" IT iinV Ifor' ZU.lt.ZLZi $insl6w, spdajjja ftwMays 'Es-'fe- f. MM. em satienliaVWbernjuitei. Hospital signup. Some arid 'BtoiyWinslow vjsiting ftiind' in Washing Mfihden arid Children of rWrlblk,1 notices of Choice' (B) seflectioria, attended ' the Union Easter Ser- ton, D. C. Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert which were mailed by x farm op- Ing the Easter at their holidays vice at the M. E. Church in Hert-- Ralph and Ruby White had an Hewitt and family of Newland. erators by March ; 16, may not Miss ' Chapanoke News 'home's here were: Pearl on Good from 12 to Easter egg hunt on for ' Mrs. , and of have reached field offices in PRESCRIPTIONS HERE - n w : TT 1 ford Friday Sunday Lyman family 4r i Bii.i j , WUHe ui miss iiicuua Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cassada and time for inclusion in mciuauua, o.qq p their grandchildren. Norfolk, Va., , visited the Earl this report Fnr Prnmnf Aomirnii Pillinor oi barium nuuii-- children of South Boston, Va. ;vniie daemon; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Boyce The teachers of the little chll Winslow family on Saturday - arrived Sunday to spend several , CARD OF THANKS A !:LlZ 1 1 U. have moved' Mills; they dn of the Sunday School, gave evening.- Mrs. Lyman spent the, Tf Tml ltn,r U r. Si. JiX J if fST . with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert! j. jrwu nave uau txuy uMiwifta ui "'"""" w.6-- - tnem an "eua- hunt'' at the churcl winter in Haiti visiting her bro- days yi cscripuuiis lllieu I nave uccii wiiu Wins'nv of Chowan living nti . - And Jane . omu.u--J....y. ther who is a there. Ownley. We would like to' take this op- elsewhere and wish them trans- " ents. Alvah and Edna Winslow. " missionary toyhave 5:45 Mr, and Mrs. John Ambrose College. At . on She nortunity- to say "thank vou" for Winslow of Rural Hall ; Sunday morning brought her projector and ferred .V,, Mrs. Hannah Jolliff and Sav-- Sidney Rebecca here, just brinbtjus the bottle or ( Rid-- there, was' a' Sunrise Service at showed slides of the mission field Eluott and children, and the flowers sent, the lovely car is ' vislted his sister Mrs Tom ', ! Mrs. Rosa ' ' I number on same and we will $1 age visited her sister, the the cemeteiy and at night an and gave them an f.a.sP5nhrtunWKYlth '"la" he many words. of, wmfort have them dick during Easter holidays. v aocpwijt1 o(,he ' Riddick of Trotville on I j .r ves at AhosKSe. ,"! to V -- - Sunday. c Easter program including' a play, trip. , '' spoken: us by our many transierred. & rfd Floyd Winslow) jNMolk, Va., ; Mr. a Mrs: Jimmie Baker of :. M L. CtmiQUd. ..Wi&niV .Jtom ..Waskw'jrwndg. and the spent Easter with his mother, "The. First .Easter." ',; neighbors during Norfolk, Va., spent Easter with The Rev. a Wins- u- - spent tne weeK-en- a recent death of ours Mrs. Mercer Winslow, idMrs. Leslie Winfnll Nonrt ft f Hn8ton. brother. iliisjpafentsj Mb. and Mrs.' Rosser low and ;3ori,,i Worth of Greens- - ' MRS. RALPH HARRELL Mr. and Mrs. Louis kotvell and . , . If .IbaWr.' born vis'ted ..his Mary air. ana mrs. oemyo,i oioxesr.i ana of Beech were rjarents. " MRS. ROBERT TURNER Winslow of Hill Wayne Spring family of Ratcichi Mr. and Mrs. , nrwrPT Gale,, Chapel ' Mnnsv i.fpi.ipp dinner guests'. Qn her ' j " ipent Saturday night with li's Sundayof and atfendedtne funeral of Mrs. "R" M. Mu'nden and A'i VeKfr nf j IC&eriep1ace,Tne-Vear-oi- 5 "ON THE CORKER" mother, Mrs. John T. Lane and Miss'THittite I 'parents, Mary and Denipsey Eiwood White at Swan-- fSuffolk,. Va., ,a'nd json of s tle . Bagley IptciiPjryajs'and. W'nslowi Ellsberry. , , i v , Those from a Nowell of Norfolk, Va'., spent Pelphine Hollmgswortn Leplace, USED CARS 'Winslow' distance attending " The Rev. and Mrs. Orval Dil- - Miss Sybil and Virg'l the funeral were- - Allen White Easter with their mother,. Mrs. J. died ''Wednesday, March 25, in ' - -- - -- of Lansdown, Pa., and Esther WV Nowell, Sr. the George Washington "Hospital Mae and j Mrs. R. Whttc the in Washington, D. C., ; after a and David Klapack Gladys spent ' ' 'illness. '; children of Tennessee, brother Easter holidays' at her home in long '. Best Food He resided with Mr, and Mrs. Buys After-Easte- and sister of' Eiwood White. Windsor. r Children of Mr. and Mrs. Earl: Mrs. E. E. ' Jones is spending S. S. Hollingsworth of Ijames-vill- e, Mrs.' - ; Winslow spending Easter Sunday this week wilh friends in War Maryland. Hollings- DEALER NO. 1690 ' Pink Dref t ' Camay Soap with them. were: Mr. and Mrs. saw, i worth is the former. Josephine - cakes Murrnv Dail and f imilv nf Flori- - A M Godwin suffered a heart nelren 01 neruora. 1956 -- 4 39c ' Chrysler large pkg. 32C m Af iirBoir.cnH is Robert is survived by two CLEARANCE mu, Mil. aim mro vwuu aawwusnnkk. titixt th!.viao no.t - an m N. Y. .uia. ynb ul. sisters and two. brothers, all of 1956 QUART BOTTLES J Philadelphia. Plymouth Palmolive Juice I services Soap Apple COATS ALL Funeral were con SPECIAL SALE ducted Saturday morning In the 1956 Ford cakes r Catholic Church in Md. 4 31c ; 2 REDUCED Urbana, NEVER SAW Burial was, JPhiladelphia. YOU SUCH i 1955 Ford ' SUITS .' v i ? ;i "i KRAFT'S n,t. j ! I : Blue Cheer , LEGION. AUXILIARY Mayonnaise ! f 1955 most at i MrpTfura5 (Early Spring) ' Plymouth (Conlid irjifr Pat On: large pkg 34c pint 35c " erican. Legion jthe work 1954 DRESSES 3 DAYS ONLY done Plymouth by th,e .Auxiliary;. All 5c & Gum . V 3 10c The ' dolors fol- Candy Chewing for rctiremjs jot ; 1953 Come In For Best Selections! 9 x 12 RUGS lowed the., announcements. The Ford Early , . 3 89c meeting adjourned foij luncheon Fresh Country. Eggg .,. , dozen served by th'er JVSCS. j 1953 Plymouth 'The .ahVitation report was BELVEDERE Dress by" Mrs. R. of In Our Maket -- White's Shbppe given E.fLeary 1952 Chevrolet r- S201 Edenton aid MrsV Rolac Webb HERTFORD, N. C. PHONE $4995 ' of Hertford. Next the dis- KINGAN'S OR GWALTNEY'S Solution Dyed Viscose. New year If1 .1- trict meeting will be held at 1952Buick - - Choice of nrwjmj..-- Tweed Patterns. Plymouth. All Meat Franks; lb. 49c Colors. Heavy Latex Back. Report of the Courtesy Com- " 1951 Ford GWALTNEY'S "7"""" Regular $64.40 Value! mittee was made by Mrs. D. W. A-- & 9 x 12 Rug Cushion and Davenport of Creswell and Mrs. lb', l Used Cars Trucks Margaret Waters of 1951 Sausage Meat, h . 39c 0 27 x 48 Scatter Rug. This Plymouth. Mercury 1958 FORD Custom or Is the Rug Buy o the Sea-- , RICHMOND BRAND .." Allotments For 1951 Plymouth j 1958 500 son. FORD Fairlane Cotton Increased SUBURBAN Bacon, lb. ; . 49c 1957 FORD or per y Fairlane Limited !- ; Upland cotton allot- -' Quantity- acreage? 1952"chevrolet - " ' ' " in-- COUNTRY STYLE X 1957 FORD Country Sedan Select Yours ments for 1959 have&een j ''. .."jrj Early! creased . C.O.E. 1955 FORD Fairlane or by 1,023,529 acres: All Pork lb. selection alter- -' 55c 1HREE DAYS ONLY through of the Sausage, 1 1955 BUICK Hardtop rSER US IOR BETTER BUYS IN USED CARS a - 1954 PLYMOUTH or tonat:CjiCriftproducers,'" the 'IK & Depart . BONELESS PORK ment of has an-- 1 or Friday, Saturday, Monday Agriculture 1953 RAMBLER nounced. , . Tendeiloins ' 1953 CHEVROLET or I The reported total, which is J to some as 1953 FORD or W. H. Furniture subject adjustment ( Morgan Company J compilation of' final signup f s'; II). silo 1952 CHEVROLET Hardtop is completed, is based on 1914 1959 f information 1 can 1952 PLYMOUTH or I received for the pe- Ballard's Biscuits free with $5 order riod ending March 16, the dead- - 1951 FORI) or , 1951 CHEVROLET or J.C.BUIARD&UlY,ir 1951 m - CHEVROLET Hardtop W "BLANCHARD'S" SINCE-'i- J.;"- 1950 FORD or ' 1949 FORD or nn--""- WT; 'WE DELIVER 1958 FORD ia-To- n Pickup 1956 FORD Pickup 1952 FORD Pickup After Easter Sale 1949 ' ' " "" ' " " "" FORD Pickup " -' For some truly amazing bargains, run, dbn't wsllt to , 2-T- 1948 DODGE on Truck Blanchard's where prices have been slashed on top DOLLAR DAY FOOD SPECIALS quality merchandise so as to move it ou and make ' Fresh Dressed room for more new Summed . o-- - WlflSLOW-BLANCHAR- i Spring and goods MOTOR CO. 1 Q Look over these money-saver- S '. then hurry in! - - -- -n - u Fresh . - - .j.- t- SEALER'S NO. 1T41 Eggs 4 n.00 GRADE A 3531 -:- - C. j PHONE xHVitCZ.T, N, BOT& 6-1- One Lot StjriTS 'f-- Sizes 8 HarrelFs Meat 1 $1.00 - Sausage blues, grays, tans, browns; also O C(3 f O Magnolia Bacon k lbs. $1.00 HENS Sport Coats now reducedrk . M v i -;r w ( i Men's And Biscuits . i- f 10j catw Slacks , Uoys' Slacks, T-" - j : $1.00 J il JL. -- LM!- V One iot; incomplete sizei but Sport Shirts all real bargana.i ( Now ib. Sizes 8-- kin. a .variety- of a "fisherman needs ' 10 1. $1.00 Tide 3 L00" stales, colors and- materials. Sugar fw? 27 25 off OUR STORE IS HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN . off WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR FISHING. CELERY krge stalk 7c DeLaney's Alterations Extra afi COME IN TODAY FOR YOUR EQUIPMENT! FORDHOOK or RODS REELSBAIT LINES CUCUMBERS garden trcsli, eaih .
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