Academic Statement on the Ethics of Free and Faithful Same-Sex Relationships Table of Contents Foreword Krzysztof Charamsa Foreword 3 In this time of epoch-making challenge the Academ- was changing, requiring “being” to make room for ic Statement on the Ethics of Free and Faithful Same- “becoming”. The problem of the coexistence of bib- Introduction 8 Sex Relationships offers a powerful intellectual and lical creation with evolutionary development had spiritual manifesto in favour of both non-heterosex- to be resolved, something which is possible, con- 1. Summary of Findings 12 ual people and the community of the Roman Catholic trary to the initial impressions of church authori- 1.1. Some Persons are Non-heterosexual in Orientation Church. Let me reflect on these four elements: time, ties. The ecclesial confrontation with the sciences message, people and the Roman Catholic Church. of evolution was also tortuous: only at the end of 1.2. Papal Teaching the twentieth century did the papacy recognise 1.3. The Biological Argument The time of the epochal challenge that the theory of evolution is more than a scientif- ic hypothesis,2 and therefore a religious faith which 1.4. The Biblical Argument When the Nicolaus Copernicus published De revo- sees itself as in agreement with human reason can- lutionibus orbium cœlestium in 1543, formulating the not avoid integrating its findings. 1.5. Conclusions heliocentric theory, he dethroned Earth and hu- 2. Recommendations 14 mankind from their position at the centre of the The Copernican revolution forced us to change universe and triggered a radical crisis in biblical our understanding of humankind in space; the Dar- 2.1. Official Consultation Process cosmology. The doctrine of the Roman Catholic winian revolution demanded a new understanding 2.2. Official Magisterial Document Church seemed to be in danger and it took well of humankind in history and time. Both revolu- over two centuries for Coper- tions demanded a revision of the 2.3. Episcopal Conferences nicus’ book to be removed from A RELIGIOUS FAITH WHICH biblical interpretations and theo- the Index of Forbidden Books. The SEES ITSELF AS IN AGREEMENT logical formulations that had 2.4. Elimination of Discriminatory Practices ecclesial reception of his discov- WITH HUMAN REASON hitherto provided certainty to 2.5. Restitution ery, and the consequent updating CANNOT AVOID INTEGRATING the minds of Christians, and any of biblical understanding, was ITS FINDINGS attempt at an objective assess- 3. Assessment of the Official Papal Arguments Against Same-Sex Relationships 15 lengthy, and in the process it cost ment of their correctness caused the freedom of Galileo Galilei and the suffering of ecclesial authorities to fear betraying revealed 3.1. The “Natural Law” Argument: Same-sex Relationships Are Immoral many. This was eventually acknowledged by the truth. The difficulty seemed insurmountable, nour- Because They Are Infertile papacy itself, which in 2000 asked for forgiveness ishing suspicions against and rejections of scientif- 3.2. Errors of the “Natural Law” Argument “for the violence some have used in the service of ic discoveries, for too long discredited as “passing the truth”.1 fads”, “ideologies irreconcilable with the faith” or 3.3. Errors in the Vatican’s Interpretation of Biblical Passages regarding Same- “hypotheses lacking certainty”. Fear paralysed for sex Behaviour Later, in 1859, the publication by Charles Dar- years the start of a serious dialogue with up-to-date win of On the Origin of Species, outlining the basis of scientific knowledge. Contributing Authors and Original Signatories 20 the theory of evolution, began the second great sci- Co-Signatories 21 entific revolution, and with it another challenge to In the twentieth century, scientific research the Roman Catholic Church. With Copernicus, the brought about a third epochal revolution, which ancient geocentric cosmology supported by bibli- no longer concerned the space of the universe, nor cal interpretation fell; with Darwin, the traditional the history of humankind, but our most intimate understanding of world history began to decline, dimension: sexuality. The shift in thinking now in- undermining many certainties of biblical chronolo- volves the construction and understanding of the gy. The biblical reference points concerning a defi- persons themselves, their identity and dignity as nite beginning and end of the world slipped into sexual beings marked by a diversity of sexual ori- indeterminacy. The entire understanding of reality entations. Facing this new challenge is probably 1 John Paul II, “Homily for the Day of Pardon” (12 March 2000), at http://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/homi- lies/2000/documents/hf_jp-ii_hom_20000312_pardon.html. 2 John Paul II, “Messaggio ai membri della Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze” (22 October 1996), §4, at http://www. vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/messages/pont_messages/1996/documents/hf_jp-ii_mes_19961022_evoluzione.html. 2 3 even more difficult than the two previous revolu- disordered’ because they lack procreative mean- are being superseded, which can be illustrated with For ethics, as for anthropology, the lack of knowl- tions, because it questions something central to ing and purpose” (§1.5). Therefore, it is urgently the following example. While the recent document edge about sexual identity is an obvious problem: being human: namely, being both an “individual” recommended that “the competent authorities in on biblical anthropology of the Pontifical Biblical one cannot conclude an exact ethical evaluation of and “in relationships with others”. Once again, the the Catholic Church set up an official consultation Commission definitively recognises that the bibli- acts of a sexual nature without an adequate under- age-old certainties and the hitherto unquestioned process to seek the opinion of Christian theologians cal passage in Gen 19:1-29 has nothing to do with standing of the sexual nature of the subject of the constants of our understanding of reality tremble and experts in other relevant disciplines with re- homosexuality, the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic acts themselves (agitur sequitur esse). Biblical texts before the challenge of discovery, with the mind of gard to the ethics of same-sex relationships” (§2.1). Church, which is binding on all Catholics, still uses were based on a knowledge of sexuality specific to some Christians taking refuge more often than not In such a transparent process of ecclesial study, the that passage as the first biblical step in condemn- their time, and they need to be read on the basis of in the rejection of developments in human knowl- scientific authorities consulted should represent ing homosexuality as a grave depravity.3 This is just the greater knowledge we have today. edge. the views of the majority of the one of the doctrinal inconsistencies that – as rec- THE CONTRADICTION relevant academic communities. ommended by the Academic Statement on the Ethics In favour of the human person In the past, biblical cosmology BETWEEN TODAY’S It is the responsibility of the of Free and Faithful Same-Sex Relationships – now and historiography were in crisis, UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN competent church authorities demand a thorough revision. Such a revision can- There is an important difference between the devel- now biblical anthropology seems SEXUALITY AND THE BIBLICAL to issue a new pronouncement not be satisfied by merely passing over in silence opment of knowledge about our sexuality and that to be under threat. On that issue MESSAGE IS ONLY APPARENTLY revising the current doctrinal the key passage responsible for a centuries-old about the solar system or the evolution of species. too the biblical message seems at INSURMONTABLE and moral position in the light homophobic interpretation of the biblical and In the past, scientific novelties could remain, all first sight to contradict the find- of current scientific and biblical post-biblical world. things considered, matters not of primary impor- ings of the human sciences. The Bible seems to op- knowledge. The present research can be considered tance for the daily lives and spiritual experience of pose the fact that sexuality in its nature may not the first step in this process of maturation. Point by point the Academic Statement punc- most people. In contrast, today the understanding be defined by heterosexuality alone: instead, it in- tually demonstrates that the entire biblical argu- of sexuality touches every human being and direct- cludes a range of sexual orientations, among which Even in the event that the magisterial authori- mentation long considered fundamental for the ly involves their daily experience of interperson- is homosexuality. As with regard to the discover- ty of the Church lacks absolute certainty about the condemnation of homosexuality can no longer be al, family, social and ecclesial relationships, their ies of the heliocentric system and the evolution of new human and biblical knowledge on same-sex considered as such in light of the development of love life, and above all their positive acceptance of species, so too the contradiction between today’s sexual orientation, it will not be possible to deny the human sciences and biblical studies. In this themselves, their identity and dignity. In this light, understanding of human sexuality and the biblical at least the existence of well-founded doubts about sense, the Declaration adopts and develops the oth- there is much greater urgency in religion’s duty to message is only apparently insurmountable. The the validity of the traditional systematisation of er principle recognised by the above-mentioned make sense of same-sex sexual orientation than in Word of God is in fact open to and prepared to ac- Church knowledge on sexuality. The communi- document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission: its duty to address the movements of the planets cept the gifts of human reason regarding sexuality ty of believers cannot neglect for generations to “the Bible does not speak of erotic inclination to- or the evolutionary developments of species.
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