MedCom – the Danish Healthcare Data Network / December 2005 / MC-S204 MedCom IV – how it turned out Introduction: MedCom V takes over 2 Aims of MedCom 2 The MedCom steering group 2 MedCom IV The local-authority projects 3 Advice communication 3 Correspondence message and warning of completion of treatment 3 Medical practice – home care 4 LÆ forms 5 The Internet strategy 6 The SUP project 11 The infrastructure project 6 Web lookup of clinical biochemistry Mini-IRSK 13 laboratory results at Sundhed.dk 6 Mini-IRSK – that’s why! 13 X-ray lookup 7 Before – After 14–15 Teledermatology 7 The telemedicine cooperation platform: Standardisation 16 The Collaboration server 8 The XML-EPR standards 16 Videoconferencing 9 EDI-XML conversion 16 WebReq – requesting of Existing EDI/PLO format 17 laboratory tests 9 MedCom V MedCom V (2006-2007) 19 Web services and Service-Oriented Architecture 19 MedCom V and the structural reform 19 Local-authority projects 20 Cooperation with Sundhed.dk 21 The SUP/WEB-EPR project 21 The medicines project 22 Consolidation – standards and Healthcare Data Network 23 MedCom IV projects 32 PC Ye elevantlevant Now Yes Æskula Yes ette Statistics 25 Æskulap Names 29 Yes otvikles developed ikke Æskulap Yes Doctors’ systems – who can do what? 25 MiniMinicall kald The primary group 29 Yes WebReq Disk. What can the counties do now? 26 Disk. MedCom’s infrastructure group 29 listsæger Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Udv ej 2.30 + bj. Udv ej Local-authority suppliers – r. 2.30 + bj. MedComs local-authority group 30 – teledermatologyteledermatologi who can do what? 27 – teledermatologyteledermatologi MedCom’s SUP steering group 30 rgevningsepikrise letter Local authorities-hospital atientulantepikrise letter MedCom’s Mini-IRSK- communication 27 ualtydestueepikrise letter project leader group 30 magelleddiagnostisk diagnostics letter epikrise LægevagtsepikriseOn-call GP service letter Internet strategy 28 SpeciallægeepikriseSpecialist letter Danish Centre for BookingsvarBooking result SUP statistics 28 FysioterapiepikrisePhysiotherapy letter Health Telematics, staff 31 KorrespondancebrevCorrespondence message ialistiallægeepikrise letterepikriseervice letterletterepikrise 2 MedCom IV-V MedCom V takes over Over the last 13 years electronic to the local authorities will sub- communication has been making stantiate this trend. The MedCom inroads in the Danish healthcare The weighting of good con- steering group sector. From a small beginning tact with patients is not just a with the exchange of prescrip- matter of geographical proximity MedCom’s steering group is tions between general practice but also of openness, where the the top-level body in Med- and pharmacies, communication patients have easy and quick Com cooperation and con- has gradually been expanded in access to all relevant information sists of the parties who both content and volume. Today about their own treatment. finance MedCom, together with selected observers. Denmark is one of the countries All these development trends to have gone furthest in this area. endow electronic communication ● Vagn Nielsen, Ministry of Several million messages are with a very central role, as an in- the Interior and Health exchanged every single month dispensable aid in the everyday (Chairman) between all the parties concerned work of the health service. There ● Leif Vestergaard Pedersen, in the primary and secondary is strong evidence for this in the Århus County (Deputy healthcare sectors. many measures taken during the Chairman) It should be noted that elec- MedCom IV period. In all their ● Lars Hagerup, Association tronic communication has never diversity, they speak their clear of County Councils ● been an end in itself, but solely a languages about greater dissemi- Anders Kristian Jørgensen, PROGRATOR means of boosting quality, effi- nation, more actors, new forms ● Arne Kverneland, National ciency and service. of communication. A common Board of Health The Healthcare Data Net- feature of the projects is increas- ● Niels Mortensen, Funen work has been introduced and ed use of the new opportunities County expanded in a healthcare sector presented by the Internet-based ● Flemming Engstrøm, undergoing dynamic develop- Healthcare Data Network. The Copenhagen Local ment, characterised in particular close interaction with the new Authority by a high degree of specialisa- aids, such as the electronic ● Claus Nielsen, National tion, but also by a need for and patient record and Sundhed.dk, Association of Local willingness to preserve a decen- is also characteristic of the cur- Authorities ● tralised structure in the health- rent development of the Health- Sven-Åge Westphalen, National Board of Social care sector with significant proxi- care Data Network. Services mity to patients. The structural MedCom V takes over where ● Sten Christophersen, reform with the transfer of a MedCom IV left off – not essen- H:S Informatik whole series of healthcare tasks tially different in nature, but a ● Gitte Hansen, Ministry of natural continuation of the work Finance carried out over the years and at ● Henrik Bruun, Danish Aims of MedCom. MedCom the same time innovative in rela- Pharmaceutical Association aims to contribute to the tion to the utility electronic com- ● Morten Rosted Vang, development, testing, disse- munication will provide for the Ministry of the Interior and Health mination and quality assuran- healthcare sector of the future. ● Morten Elbæk Petersen, ce of electronic communica- This brochure first describes Sundhed.dk tion and information in the the status of the projects in the ● Jens Parker, Organisation healthcare sector with a view MedCom IV period (2002– of General Practitioners to supporting coherent treat- 2005). The principal features of ● Henrik Bjerregaard ment, nursing and care. tasks for the next two years in Jensen, MedCom MedComV are then outlined. Published in December 2005 by MedCom, Rugårdsvej 15, 2., 5000 Odense C. Editor: Lars Hulbæk, MedCom. Text: arki•tekst kommunikation. Layout: Christen Tofte Grafisk Tegnestue. Printed by: one2one. Print run: 1000. ISBN: 87-90839-97-8 The local-authority projects 3 Local-authority projects 92 local authorities were connec- Both technical and organisatio- Advice ted to the Healthcare Data Net- nal processes have to be arranged communication work, and advice communica- and coordinated. This work is tion covers 44% of the Danish continuing at hospitals, local population. All the counties, the authorities and suppliers. The advice communication Copenhagen Hospital Corpora- comprises a simple automated tion and the Bornholm Regional orientation between a hospital Municipality have activities rela- Correspondence and local authority on whether a ting to electronic hospital-local message and citizen is admitted or discharged. authority communication in co- If the citizen receives home-care operation with a constantly ris- warning of services, the local authority addi- ing number of local authorities. completion of tionally supplies contact infor- There is a high level of inter- mation to the hospital depart- est in advice communication. treatment ment in the admission result. The local authorities see benefits Advice thus comprises advice of in advice of admission/discharge. There is strong national interest admission, admission result and However, there is a need for con- in establishing electronic com- advice of discharge. tinuous optimisation of auto- munication between the local At the end of October 2005, mated advice communication. authorities and the partners they ★ Local authority connected to the Healthcare Data Network ■ Spearhead county: All municipalities on the way ■ All local authorities connected ■ County taking part in the local-authority project The diagram shows those local authorities and counties that have implemented advice communication. The counties of Frederiksborg, Funen and Storstrøm have been spearhead counties in the Hospital-Local Authority XML projects. These counties have had a target of attaining 80–100% local-authority connection in advice communication. 4 MedCom IV cooperate with in the healthcare Care systems in Denmark broken down by sector. In particular, there is a number of local authorities. November 2005 widespread wish to exchange data on care, training and medi- M-Care (2) cation. Two messages – the corre- Lyngsø (11) Rambøll Care (72) spondence message and electro- nic version of the warning of KMD Omsorg (15) completion of treatment – were pilot-tested and pilot-implemen- ted in the MedCom IV project period. VITAE (39) The pilot implementation of the correspondence message, at the end of 2005, covers hospi- Uniq Omsorg (77) tals, local authorities, pharmacies and general practitioners. The correspondence message is free- dissemination. dence standard. Some hospitals text-based, and can be used for Pilot testing of the correspon- are working in the same way by the exchange of data between the dence message and warning of sending a discharge report and parties until it becomes possible completion of treatment has rehabilitation plan via the corre- to exchange structured data. In been concluded. Several ECR spondence message. addition, the correspondence suppliers have adapted or are in There is thus a solid founda- message can serve as a bridge- the process of adapting the corre- tion for the dissemination of the builder between the electronic spondence message, so that the correspondence message in specialist systems, which vary local authorities can send data 2006–2007, as this form of widely
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