
7he PEtJPLE SPE.l'JK/ SrI1SSEN~, Ptf'EI/J,)' wT SINA'rOR BADiOND EARL BALDWIN Republlcan, ot Strattord, Conn.; born ln Rye, H.Y., August 31, 1893, the son of Luclan E. and Sarah Tyler Baldwln; attended the Central Grammar School; graduated trom Mlddletown High School ln 1912 and trom Weslelan Un1versity in 1916; entered Yale University ln 1910 but lett school when war was declared and enlisted as a seaman in the United States Navy; assigned to Otticers' Tralning School! was commlssioned an ensign at Annapolis in February 191~ and assigned to a destroyer, the U.S.S. Talbot; engaged ln trans-Atlantic escort duty and ln antlsubmarine wartare ott the Irlsh Coast ln the Inglish Channel and ln the Bay ot Blscay- promoted to . 11eutenant Junior grade in September 191b and tollowlng Armist1ce served ln the Medlterranean and Adrlatlc Seas, his ship was assigned to Trieste and Flume when: trouble broke out atter the Armlstice; resigned trom the Navy and returned to Yale Unlversity Law School ln August 1919, and graduated with a Bachelor ot LaW degree in 1921; tollowing graduation entered law otfice of Phl111p Pond in New Haven and practiced law there until July 1, 1924, when he became associated with Pullman & Comley in Brldgeport; marrled Edith Lindhola ot Middletown, on June 29, 1922, and they have three sons--Lucian, 21, Raymond, Jr., 19, who served overseas in the Navy, and Tyler, 15i prosecutor ot Strattord Town Court 1927-30; was made partner in the Pullman & Comley ti~ in '1928; Jutge of the Town Court ot Strattord 1931-33,; member ot the General Assembly ot 1931 and 1933, and served as house chairman of the Judiciary Committee and majorIty leader in 1933; pr1vate practice of law 1933-38; elected Governor of Connecticut in 1938; defeated for reelection in 1940; again elected Governor in 1942 and 1944- recelved honorary degree ot LL.D. from Wesleyan 6nlverslty, Middletown, Conn., 1939, and trom Trlnity College, Harttord, Coon., in 1940; Episcopalian; thirty-eecond degree Mason; Shriner; member ot Delta Tau Delta, Elks, Loyal Order of Moose, Eagles, Redmen, Grange, American Legion, Veterans of Forelgn Wars, Forty and Elght, Amerlcan, Conneatlcut, and Bridgeport Bar Associations, American Judicature Soclety, Graduates' Club ot Hew Baven and the Unlversity Club ot Bridgeport; trustee ot Wesleyan Unlversity, lent School, and of Wilbraham Academy, Wilbraham, Mass.; director of the Russell Manufacturing Co., of Middletown, Conn., The Mlddlesix Mutual Assurance 00., of Mlddletown - 2 - the Bridgeport Hospital, The Oonnecticut Mutual Insurance Co.; member ot the board of directors ot the Hartford Fire Insurance 00. and Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co.; served as chairman ot the New England Governors' Oonference; Executive Committee Governor's Oonference· elected to the United States Senate on November ,5, 194 6, to till the vacancy caused by the death of Francis Maloney 1n the term ending January J, 1947, and on the same day was elected for the tul1 term ending January 3, 19.53. SOATOR LEVERETT SALTONSTAIJ· Republlcan, of Dover, Mass.: born ln Chestnut Hll1 (Iewton), Mass., September 1, 1892- Roble and Greenough School: Harvard College, A.B., 1914; Harvard Unlversity Law School, LL.B., 1917: marrled Allce Wesselhoeft, of Jaffrey, N.1k, June 27, 1916; chlldren, Leverett, Jr. (first lieutenant, U.S. Army, disc barged) Peter B. (killed in action, sergeant, U.S. Marines~, Rosalle (deceased), Emily B, (Sm. lIe U.S~R.R. WAVES, disoharged), William L. (Quartermaster 3/c U.S.N.R., discharged), and Susan; served as first lieutenant, Three Hundred and First Field Artillery, 1917-18 (5 months service in France); attorney at law; member of board of aldermen, Newton, 1920-22: assistant district attorney of Middlesex County, 1921-22; member, Massachusetts House of Representatives 1923-36: speaker of the HouBe for 8 years of service- director of Greater Boston Community Fund Drive, 193A: e1eoted Governor of Massachusetts in 1938: reelected in 1940 and 1942; chairman, Hew England Governors' Conference, 1939-44: ohairman, National Governors' Conference, 1944; eleoted to the United States Senate on November 7, 1944, for the unexpired term of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. (resigned), ending January 3, 1949. SEIA TOR HJ:lfRY CABO! LODGE. Jr. Republican, of Beverly, Mass.; born in lahant, Mass., July;, 1902, grandson of the late United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and nephew of the late Congressman Augustus P. Gardner; graduate of Harvard College; marrIed EmIly Sears, of Beverly, in 1926, and Is the father of two sons; Boston EvenIng TranscrIpt, 1924-2;; New York Herald TrIbune, 1925-31; member, House and Senate Press GallerIes; member, NatIonal Press Club; elected Represedatlve to General Court- ot Massachusetts, 1932 and 1934; elected Un1ted States Senator on November 3, 1930, for the term ending January 3, 1943; served wIth t1rst American Tank Detachment, Libya, 1942; reelected Hovember 3, 1942, tor the term endIng January_ 3, 1949; resIgned from the Senate, February;, 1944, In order agaIn to go on actlTe duty in the Army; served im the Xediterranean and European Theaters unt1l separatIon, December 22, 1945; elected UnIted States Senator November 5, 1946, tor term enllng January 1953. SEM!OR IRVING McNEIL lVES Repub11can, ot Norwich, H.Y •• born in Bainbridg~,. H.Y •• January 24, 1896, son of George Albert and Lucy (Keeler) Ives; A.B. Ham1lton College, Clinton, H.Y., 1920; L.B.D., Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y., 1943. LL.D. Ham1lton College, 1946. marr1ed Elizabeth Minette Skinner, October 23, 1920. one son, George Skinner; with Guaranty Trust COe, of Hew York, 1920-23, Manufacturers !rust Co., Rew York City, 1923-30. 1n general insurance business, Horwich, N.Y., 1933-45; member, New York State Assembly since 1930, minority leader, 1935, speaker, 1936, majority leader since 1937; while cha1rman ot New York State Jo1nt Leg1slat1ve Committee on Industr1al and Labor Cond1tions became author and sponsor of leg1slation oreat1ng Rew York State Department of Commeroe and New York State School of Industr1al and Labor Relations at Cornell University. chairman, New York State Temporary Commission Against Discr1mination, 1944-45; apPointed dean, New York State School of Industr1al and Labor Relat1ons, June 23, 1945; served withthe Un1ted States Army 1917-19; discharged w1th the rank ot first l1eutenant, Infantry; with A.I.r., France and Germany, 15 months; member, board ot trustees, Ham1lton College; member, board temporary trustees Rew York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 1944-4;; member, New York State War Council, 1942-45; member, American Leg10n, Veterans of Fo.reign Wars, Ph1 Beta lappa, Theata Delta Ch1; Elk; Rational Granger; Presbyter1an; directed preparation and publication ot textbook: The Amerioan Story of Industrial and Labor Relations, 1943i elected to the United States Senate on November ;, 1940, for the term endlng January 3, 1953. GpVERNOR JAMES H. DUFi', Governor of PennsylvanIa. b. Manstield (now CarnegIe), h., Jan. 21, 1883; s. Joseph Miller and Margaret (Morgan) D.; A.B. PrInceton, 1904i student U. ot Pa. Law School 1904-06; LL.B., U. ot ~ittsburgh, 1907; m. Jean Taylor Oct. 26, 1909. PractIced law, 1907-4;, partner Duft, Scott & Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa.; became atty. gen. of Pa. Jan. 1943: gov. ot Pa., sInce 1946. Ohmn. HIstorIcal Commn.; sem. Pardon Bd. ot Oommonwealth of Pa.; pres. VirgInIa Kanor Co. Lite trustee Oarnegie LIbrary, CarnegIe, Pa. Kem. Allegheny County (Pa.) Bar Assn., Internation. Rotary. RepublIcan. Mason, Ilk, Hat. elector 1n Pa., 1912; mem. Rep. nat. convs., 1932, 36, 40. Home: 816 WashIngton Ave., CarnegIe, pa. otfIce: Berger Bldg., PIttsburgh, pa. \ , . .'.. April 19, 1948 MEMO: To All Stassen Headquarters FROM: Warren E. Burger The attached program is under consideration for operation in the various States. Several state Chairmen A have requested no activities in their states. Will you give us your comments and suggestions on this program and your approval or disapproval (and reasons) of its application to your state. April 19, 1948 HEADQUARTERS MEMO TO: All Staff & state Headquarter Offices FROM: Warren E. Burger One of the most important operations remaining in the next ten weeks will be the program of reaching the individual delegates as they are elected in each state. Operations have been set up to see that our information and story gets to them. In addition to that Governor stassen will have personal contact with many of these delegates, both through personal letters, telephone calls, and personal conferences. It is at this point that the Citizens for stassen in the various states can become one of the most effective instruments in the entire operation. As a matter of fact, it can be one of the most important contributions which the Citizens for stassen will make to the entire program. This will be the process of having the Citizens for stassen in each state write letters to the delegates, representing their state, urging the nomination of Harold stassen. The emphasis will, of course, be on states whose delegates are elected by Convention but the technique will also apply to the states where delegates have been elected by a Primary. This will reinforce the delegates who have already declared themselves for stassen, or been elected as Stassen delegates, and it will help win over second choice support for delegates who are pledged or have preference for some other candidate. The procedure might well be along the following line: 1. As soon as the delegates from each State are elected a mimeographed list of these delegates, with their full names and addresses, will be prepared. A special letter . should then be sent to the particular State involved enclosing a copy of the list of delegates and alternates and urging each of our Citizens for Stassen to write to each of the delegates and alternates to the Convention.
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