'Theosophy and Occultism As Taught by Madame Blavatsky 'Theosophy Annie Besan.t, D.Litt., P.'f.S. Questions and An~wers Rt. Rev. C.W. Leadbeater A Vision of the Future George S. Arundale, M.A., D.Litt. 'The Occult .Cife Capt. Leo L. Partlow july, 1932 'Theosophy Occultism r,~,,...-9<:"N,,...-9=,~,,~,,~,,~,~ ~ Our Policy ~ W orld Theosophy is an unsectarian publica- - l tion dedicated to the art of livingt to world ~ ' ~ Brotherhoodt and to the dissemination of truth. f - Theosophy means Divine Wisdom. - j Contributions will be considered on the sub- ~ S' jects of Theosophyt philosophyt religiont educa- z i tiont sciencet psychologyt artt healtht citizen- ! ~ shipt social servicet and all other branches of ~ S' humanitarian endeavor. z '~~ . Contributors are earnestly requested to re- ~i: member that harmony t understandingt and eo- = operation are vital essentials of practical brother- ,_~ hoodt .and are impeded by coritroversial opinions i_~ S' of a criticalt personal nature. z 2 .The . pages of this magazine are open to all - i_· phases , of thought provided they are in conso- ~ S' nance with the ideals of Theosophy. But the ~ \.! z: Editor is not responsible for any declarations of I. ~ opinions expressed by contributors. · ~ S' uThe inquirg of trutht which is the lorJe-mak- , l ing or wooing of it; the knowledge of truth, the ä ts preference of it; and the belief of truth, the enjoy- ~ S' ing of it, is the sovereigp good of human nature.,, , {,. ' ' j ~"'''~.j..~11~.j._~ll~.j._~ll~.j._~ll~.j._~ll~.j..~ll~J.~1~:ffl World 'Theosoph.Y A Journal Devoted to the Art of Living Marie R. Hotchener, Editor (Form erly Co -Editor of The Theosophist ) Henry Hotchener, Publisher V ol. II. No. 7 J uly, 19 32 CONTENTS SERVICE TO MANKIND (Fronti spiece) __________________________________________________________________ 49 0 LEST WE FORGET ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 491 OVER THE WIDE WORLD ____________________________________________________________________The Editor 494 THEOSOPHY AND OCCUL TISM ________________________As taught by Madame Blavatsky 501 P RA YER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C· J inaraj adasa 5 04 THEOSOPHY ________________________________________________________________Annie Besant , D.Li tt ., P .T .S 5 0 5 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ________________________________________Rt. Rev. C . W. Leadbeater 511 GOD SMILES __________________________________________________________________________________George Burt Lake 5 14 A VISION OF THE FUTURE ____________________________George S. Arundal e, M.A. , D.Litt. 515 THE WISDOM OF FOLL y ______________________________________________Ellcn Thorneycroft Fowler 5 18 VISION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__________Geoffrey Hodson 5 19 THE CANDID OCCUL TIST ___-------- -----------------------------------------------------John Elliott 5 2 3 EVOLUTION AND IMMORTALITY ______________________________________John Haynes Holmes 526 THE CAMPER ______________________________________________________________________Diana Gracey Winslow 5 2 8 OCCULTISM OF MEMORY , HERE AND HEREAFTER ___________Marie R. Hotchener 529 RE VELA TION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J . H. Knoche 5 3 2 THE OCCUL T LIFE _______________----· _______________ _______________________________________Leo L. Partlow 5 3 3 BROTHERHOOD-THE UNIVERSAL LOVE ·---·-------------------- ____Norman lngamells 5 3 8 GOD 'S PLAN FOR OUR AGE ----------------------------------------·The Rev. -Edmund Sheehan 541 THE UNITY OF HUMANITY ______________________________________________________l\.. Karoli Gallion 543 THE MASTER-MAGICIAN ___------------ ·-----------_________________________John Caldwell-J ohnston 5 44 TESTS AND INITIATION ___------- -----------------------____________________________Carl F . Propson 5 45 INTELLIGENCE IN NATURE ________________________________________________________________R. F . Goudey 547 THE UNEMPLOYMENT CRISIS ____________________________________________________William C. Dean 553 IF A BIRD CAN SING ___ ------ ----------- --------------------------------------------Douglas Mollock 555 THINKING WITH THINKERS __________________________------------ ··------------------------------------------ 5 5 6 THE LIBRARY MADAME BLAVATSKY AS OCCULTIST-Article Review by M.E.B.________ 560 CORRESPONDENCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 62 OUT OF THE EVERYWHERE HOW WE HAVE BECOME WHAT WE ARE ____________________________________________________ 566 "HAND OF DEATH " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 NO WAR SPIRIT HERE ! ___________________________---- ---------------- ---------------------------------- 5 6 8 SMALLPOX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------··--·-------------------- 568 SONG FOR A SUMMER DA y ___________________________----------------------------- ------------------- 5 6 8 Published monthly at 6137 Temple Hili Drive, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, U. S. A. Send all articles, communications, and subscriptions to this address. Subscription price, $3.50 in U, S, A.; $4.00 in other countries. See rear page i for further details. (Entered as Second Class Matter January 14, 1931, at the Post Office of Los Angeles, California, Under the Act of March 3rd, 1879.) Copyrighted 1931, Bronze Statue in the English High School, Boston} Mass.J donated by Hayden Stone Co. o(est We Forget Theosophical Teachings of the ·~asters HE SUN of Tbeosopby must sbine for all, not for a part . Tbere is more of tbis movement tban you bave yet bad an inkling of, and tbe work of tbe Tbeosopbical Society is linked in witb similar work tbat is secretly going on in B all parts of tbe world.-M. • • • He wbo will not find our trutbs in bis soul and witbin bimself bas poor cbances of success in Occultism.-K.H . • • • The metbods of Occultism, tbougb in tbe main uncbangeable, bave yet to conform to altered times and circumstances. Tbe state of tbe general society of England-quite different from tbat of India , wbere our existence is a matter of common . and, so to say, of inberent belief among tbe population , and in a number of cases of positive knowledge-requires quite a different policy in the pres­ entation of Occult Sciences. Tbe only object tobe striven for is tbe amelioration of tbe condition of Man öy tbe spread of trutb suited to tbe various stages of bis dev:elopment and tbat cif tbe country be inbabits and belongs to. Truth bas no ear-mark and does not suffer from tbe name under wbicb it is promulgated-if tbe said object is attained.-K.H . • • • Tbe world of force is tbe world of Occultism and tbe only one whitber tbe bigbest initiate goes to probe the secrets of being. Hence 492 WORLD THEOSOPHY no one but such an initiate can · know anything of these secrets. Guided by bis Guru, the chela first discovers this world, then its laws, then their centrifugal evolutions into the world of matter. To make him a perfect adept takes him long years, but at last he becomes the master. The hidden things .have become patent , and mystery ,and miracle have fled from bis sight forever. He sees how to guide force in this direction or that-to produce desirable effects. The secret chemical, electric or odic properties of plants, herbs, roots , minerals , animal tissue, are as familiar to him as the feathers of your birds are to you. And to show you how exact a science is Occultism let me tel1 you that the means we avail ourselves of are all laid down for us in a code as old as humanity to the minutest detail, but everyone of us has to begin from the beginning , not from the end. .. W e build our philosophy upon experiment and de- duction . .. Learn first our laws and educate your perceptions . Control your involuntary powers and develop in the right direc­ tion your will , and you will become a teacher instead of a learner. -K.H . • • • Ah, how long shall the mysteries of chelaship overpower and lead astray from the path of truth the wise and perspicacious, as much as the foolish and the credulous! How few of the many pil ­ grims who have to start without chart or compass on that shoreless Ocean of Occultism reach the wished-for land! Believe me, faith­ ful friend , that nothing short of full confidence in us, in our good motives if not in our wisdom, in our foresight , if not omniscience -which is not to be found on this eartb-can belp one to cross over from one's land of dream and fiction to our Truth land , the region of stern reality and fact. However well fitted psychically and physiologically to answer such selection, unless possessed ©f spiritual, as well as of physical unselfishness, a chela, whether selected or not, must perish as a chela in the long run. The mass of human sin and frailty is distributed throughout the lifo of man who is content to remain an average mortal. lt is gathered in and centered, _so to say, within one period of the life of a chela-the period of probation.-K.H . • • • The path to Occult Sciences has to be trodden laboriously and crossed at the <langer of life ; every new step in it leading to tbe final goal is surrounded by pitfalls and cruel thorns; the pilgrim who ventures upon it is made first to confront and conquer the .thousand and one furies who keep watch over its adamantine gates and entrance-furies ·called
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