The Macaaoni Journal

The Macaaoni Journal

THE MACAAONI JOURNAL Volume 60 No.6 October, 1978 OCTOBER 1978 )" " (" . fhe ;\1\ (1 C( 1 rot "' ,. I' I I..: :,.! \ I' \ .: \ " .' '. I{ \ "1 ' " t j I I :£ti,." I"" .1 \ 1 \ '.' \ .'. 11 , 11 "." . II I , II II. ' II I'. ' ., I I< 'I " \ \ . ' ,11 I' \ \ , 1\ II \\ Family BUSln . e S5 Re port \ "111 n... " ..... II I· 11'11 11 I .. I _,.1 . " . " I ."",1. 11" . "..-,. li'I'"'' .' I ' ,,' "oj"" .i " .Macaroni "'leek ,, ' I " ." , '11"l, II ,',,, , " I, 1 " . 1 " . 1. I I, . ,. !, ' I_ ,,,, •. ,, ,' .. ,I .! , I .. " I , ",I, I .. ,I I .. , I"' '' ' "I' I " ., ,, I,,, " I, \ II , ,I I I,. ,. II" .1" " " " " " .. " 11 ,· , " ,,,. 1 " ' I" .. " "t ,'I, II .. " "I" '. " I" " .. ' "" ,I : " "~" , .1 , 1,1 I I I 'j';"" ! ''' , ! \\ 1, '. ., " ,,,,, ' 1, ... 1. " , ,',' I . ,h. ,'. " -I" d • I.," I,!". ,, ' j ' d' ,. , I . ' , ~'~ ' I ' I .. " ! ,. Ir " ,,' .. '.1 .; ", " ; '" ' .. " ~ . MACARONI WEEK-a national publicity eRort for macaroni ordered from tho No.tlonal ~Ienllwhile, add 2 Tuhlcspotlns suit chuck; toss uulll l'Omblned, Shapt' II InsUtute office. to 4 10 6 quarts rapidly hailing waler, Inlo about 20 meatballs, Heat butler Publicity Coven National Macaroni Week In Every Media Gradually add spaghelll so that watcr in large (lot. Brown half of the nll'ilt Press Party continues to boil. Cook uncovered, halls nt n tilltf In pot ; fl'1II0\'e wilh NaUonal MOClll'Onl Week, October Au I' ,1II1ll) special cvent, the Mllcn­ stirring occnsiono.lly, until tendl·r. slotted spoon nlHl set IIsltll', ne .~er\,l! 5·14, 1978 hns tho theme "America ron! FI' Ilily Reunion nt Tiro A Segno, Oraln In colander, Sen'c spaghetti drippings, Entertains Ilt Home ..• with I}.'~ ~tn." with hellt hnlls and snUl'C. famou ~ 1IIlilau cuisine In the village Atld water, 1 tellspoon snit IIIItI 'Ar highlighting meals at home which arc 01 Nl,\\ rork City, saw more dum 100 One-Pot Macaroni BeC£ SUPI,cr tl"ISpOClll IX'/,per to drippings In pol; CIlSY, fun, and (ast, and makll1$ "cnt. mrm)lI'rs of the New YIIlI.: ml'(lIn fmm (Mukes " to 0 servings) hring to a mil. Crndlmlly ntld spa­ ing tu" a hnppy alternatl\'e to eating nu.gazh ll'S, newspaper syndicates, out." ghelll so tlmt wnler continues In huil. local Iwwspllpers, syndicated Sundny 1 pOllud ground ht'cf em'l'r lind simmer .20 minutes or lIntil Most Important tool for tim promo­ lupplrllll'lIls, television nnd rndlo 2 cans l'(JlldcllSed lomato soup spnghctll Is lender and most or liquid tion be the lIew consumer recipe 1 will mlnglo with mllcamnl manufacturers (10 1.1 oz, each) Is nbsurhed, Add mcat Imlls, parsley, booklet lying In with the theme and hom tllo NatlQl1al Macaroni Institute 2 soup cans water nnt! sour cream. SUr gentl)' over low entitled "America Entertains at Home 11'00 updaled them on l.'1lffent trends l'h teaspoons oregauo Ill'ill for nh"tlt .2 I11ln\lll'S or jusl uII11I . , • with Pastil," The cover features n lIill1ln Ihe Industry. Ih: teaspoon snit mlxturc Is hellted Ihrough, Serve 1m­ hot mucnronl vegetable salol1 photo­ Ih: elll) sliced plmlento.sturred olives IIIt'lHall,ly, graphed 011 hlack gtllSs wllh neon Spaghetti lind Meat Bnlls :1 cups uncooked elhow mfiellfClul letlers of pasta. The back cover of the (Serves 6) (8 ounces) One·Pot Creamy MacuroRI (tnd Menl hooklet will carry the recipe. (~ I Il~cs 0 sen'lugs) TIll! (.'O\'cr also carries the phrase I\.i: pounds ground beef III lurge skillet nr Dutch m'ell, hrowu ground hed, stirring frc­ Quarter·or-Iln-Hour menus which Is 1h pouud ground plllk Ih cup chopped uilion (1Illt1l1t 1 lI1e- 'I"enli)'. Add SllUP, wuler, oregano, n prime rc~ture of this booklet tar­ 3 IlIhll'spoons olive or salad 011 ,1i1l111 union) geted to todny's time conscious cook 1 do\'c garlic, finely chopped snit and ollvt's. J-Ic:tl Until holllug, Stir :2 Tllhlespnolls hutter or margurlne who takes advantage of microwave I enll (0 OUllet'S) tomato prute In lIIacaronl and cool: ('()\'ered O\'cr v., lellSlKlOlI pepper low heat 12 mllllltes or unlll maca­ preparation and work-saving appll­ 2 enlls (1 pound cueh) tomatoes 'Ii Il'IISPOOIl dry llIuslnrd 1\ roul Is lender. Stir IIcenslonall)'. Serve allees. Each of the thirteen recipes cup water 3'h cups wutl'r Includes the conventional method as 1 Ir"spoon oregnno inuUl~ dlllll'ly . .2 ClipS uncooked elhow mlll'neoni weU as the short·cut method. 1 Il'IUpoon monosodium glulamate Meat Bnlls Strognnolf with SI)ughetti (8 UUlll'l'S) 2 1t':I~poons salt VJ (111) slkcd llimlento'sturrl'(l ol/n'S National magoz1nes will enrry maca­ (~lnkes " tn 0 servings) II.! h-ilpSOOIl pepper ront material as features, Included lanta Dall)' WorM, J, II. Williamson 1 egg I l'llll luuclll'oll meltt, dhx'd hed, October 2 features 2 Tllhll'spoolis satt (12ollllces) arc: of Blnnlngham Mirror, George Mc­ November 6 seafood. salt 4 10 0 "lIl1rls boiling wutl'r 11h ClipS dairy sour cft'llm Elroy of Houston Dally Infonner, reads: "Use pasta as bait to hn,iiid '"'" pepper Cood Housekeeping Magazine­ 1 pound spaghetti 1 Clip gratcd Swiss l'heesc Mildred Ylng. Undine Davis Young of the JOllma. seafood sales. Tuna·noodle 'I.t l11p fine dry hread crumhs 1'1.t l)(Junds ground heef chuck (ahnnt " OUllt'l'S) Ladies CiRlo-Marle Hamm, with and Guide, and Carl E. Morris of the spaghetti with shrimp Coml1111C beef and pork; mix well. New Pittsburgh Courter. :1 Tithlespoons hutter or margnrlne a colored illustration. maca rant and cheese with Shape iulo I-Inch balls. Heat alii add In 3,c)lInrt SIItlCCpltll, saute IInllln III Major nutrJ,cet dully newspapers wlll Just a few of the scores mral \1 ,1115 aud garlic and cook ov('r 1 Ittmct wotcr 1)IIIIl'r until golden, Add sCQSonlngs Secrets-Ellen Dodge, with a color 8 ounet'S uncooked spngheltl. receive black and white photographs seafood proOt pain." low 111 ',,1 untU hrowned all all sides, nntl Wilier; hrlng 10 a holl. GrnduaU). photograph, brokl'1I Into pil'CCs as well as color with recipes and Md I.. 'lalo paste, ulldmlnl'tl tomn. mid macaroni so Ihllt wntcr conlillties Sevenleen-Olga Rigsby. :1 Tahlcspoons cllIIppt'tl p.1rslc}· stories streSSing macaroni's benefits Pasta aererences lors, ~ Clip water, oregano, mono. to holl. Cover and simmer fur 1:2 to The Sunday Family llh ClipS dairy sour crellm and advantages. These arc supplicd Pasta Primer leaftet contal l soc.Ilum '~Iulamate, 2 tcaspoons snit 15 mhmles or until macaroni Is tl'ntll'r; Weekly-photographs and recipes all an exc1uslve basis to food editors following: What Is Pasta? and I). per, Mix weU, Cover and To prepare mt'at halls, ht'llt egg, 1 stir uc.'caslnnally (mnst of l'Ofll:lllg have been submitted for a pllsta fea­ of 219 standard metropolitan arcas Pasta made? Why Is Pasta Nil cook I 'r low heat, stirring occn­ tells/llloU suit Illid IAr teaspooll pepper IIIJuld should he ahsorhed h)' now.) ture, wilh 24 million circulation per mail­ Can Calorie Coullten EnJo ~ ~ionil ll \ I hour and 30 mlnules, III )Owl. Add brl'ad l'nnnbs IIl1tl (Conllnllcll on nut ra,c) Newspaper Syndicatesl CecUy Ing. How to Shop for Pasta; How Brownstown of AssocIated Press; For television, a kit will Incorporate Pasta: How to Cook Pasta; I Aileen Clare, of Newspaper Enter. eight recipes with menus illustrated recipes, TIlese lcanets sell fm prlses Association; Joan O'Sullivan hy four·color slides and with Il special shipped f.o.b. PoloUne, Illin. and Philomena Corradeno of King prop of an electric kitchen clock to Pasta PortloUo Is a 28-pa J-.· Features; Frank Kohler. of Ceneral dramatize the convenience ond speed Featuresj Ethel Moore of Amalga. let containing: Manufacture I of pasta cookery. mnl Products; High Quall t , mnled Publishers; Opal Cranden of Wheat for Macaroni Producl-: Copley News ServIee; Bo.rbllrll Glb. Disc jockoy. on ,adlo will be ule,lt'tl bons-from Gourmet of United Fea­ to National Macaroni Week. IIna und/or Ho.rd Wheat F,lmr Macuronl; The Many Shapes MICf' tures; Bonnie Currie of Midwest t,f Trade releases to grocery publica. ron I: Guide to Duylng and Use rl Rotogro.vure Mo.gazille; Elle Elvin of tlom will emphasize the quo.rtcr-of­ Macaroni Productsj Basic D i rect~ New York Do.lly News; T'tlrls Do.gley oll·hour menus featuring a recipe for for Cooking Macaroni ; F~ of Los Angeles Times Syndlcato; macaroni and cheese, Value of Macaroni Pr<Klu,cts; lJo.rhllra Mora of Westchester Rock­ TIle series of weekly ads In Super. usc Leftover Macamni; _.... _, land Newspapers, rno.r"et News sllowing animal anima­ S(l4glletti Eating; Macaroni In the black press releases have tions made wUh pasta shapes to carry TIds hooklet sells for 40¢ galle to Marie Cooke of Afm·Ameri­ the related item sales message con. f,o.b. Palatine, illinois. can Newspapers, C, A. Scott of At- tlnues. Septemher 11 snw the one for Pasta Primer and the Pasta 4 5 Hesa • Orea WInner SlUm work demands Ihe slrenglh 01 a lies probahl)' unaware Ihal his lal'orilt' I ' luned alhlele -Ihe coordination 01 a brand of pasla SiaTIS al Ihe Ami ~lillin~ ballel llancer -Ihe nerve 01 a lighlrope Compa ny, :\D~I h ,'~ins wilh fillt, durum, walker -Ihe energy 01 a child, When Ihe milled inlo ~olden semolina, Th,' 'Illalily crell' hreaks lor lunch he may find himsell pasla hlends are Ihen delil'ered, dean nnd in a desrrled ghosl lawn or barricaded cunsisll'nt.

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