MICHIGAN PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTER The official publication of the Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union www.mpffu.org Volume 35 Number 1 Autumn 2010 MPFFU 49th Biennial Convention Detroit, Michigan Election Information Inside This Issue OFFICERS Please make sure to register at mpffu.org Pr esident Secr etar y-Treasurer Mark Docherty Terrence H. Chesney 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E to receive future Trenton, MI 48183-1959 Trenton, MI 48183-1959 734.675.0206 (office) 734.675.0206 (office) 734.675.6083 (fax) 734.675.6083 (fax) 586.243.9829 (cell) tchesney@mpf fu.or g issues electronically. markdocher [email protected] Vice Presidents MPFFU 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E Trenton, MI 48183-1959 You too, can be (office) 734.675.0206 (fax) 734.675.6083 a contributor! mpffu.org It’s very easy to do. Just send us a story, First/Third District Second District a picture, or both. It can be about Chris Reynolds Shaun Abbey 1502 Michigan Ave. 8116 Oldfield Ct. SE anything that is going on in your local Bay City, MI 48708-8773 Byron Center, MI 49315 Staff 989.225.2982 (cell) 616.541.7117 (home) or general information that has some- 989.894.2263 (station) 616.299.5474 (cell) Editor ............................................................................. Ter rence H. Chesney thing to do with unionism or being a [email protected] shaunab [email protected] Circulation & Account Manager ....................................... Michelle Chesney firefighter (union event or of fire, res- Layout & Design .................................................................. Mike Marinelli cue or EMS incidents involving local Advertising Sales ................................................................... Mike Marinelli members) and we will publish it on the web and/or magazine. Please submit your material ASAP to: Postal Info MPFFU Known office of publication: 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E, MPFFU Fourth District Fifth District Trenton, MI 48183-1959 Steven Heim W. James Leve 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E, 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E 10016 West J Avenue Trenton, Michigan 48183. Trenton, MI 48183-1959 K alamazoo, MI 49009 Phone : 734.675.0206 313.468.3643 (home/cell) 269.375.9301 (home) Phone: 734.675.0206 313.382.1755 (fax) 269.375.2551 (fax) Fax : 734.675.6083 Fax: 734.675.6083 313.381.1975 (station) 269.720.8499 (cell) [email protected] [email protected] Email: [email protected] Postmaster: Send address changes to: Michigan Professional Fire Fighter Note: I also wish to remind you that it 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E is the policy of the MPFF editorial Trenton, Michigan 48183-1959 staff to not publish any information Phone: 734.675.0206 that is sent anonymously. Fax: 734.675.6083 www.mpf fu.or g Sixth District Dan Dawe 1651 Kingsway Court, Suite E Trenton, MI 48183-1959 248.227.8055 (cell) 248.409.1531 (station) mpffu.org 517.545.1280 (fax) [email protected] 2 Michigan Pr ofessional Fire Fighter INSIDE THIS ISSUE Features MPFFU Executive Board (2010-2012) 5 President’s Message 7 MPFFU Election Endorsements 8 Secretary-Treasurer’s Report 11 Act 312, November Election and House & Senate Turn-over For the last 41 years since its creation, the Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union has been defending and protecting Public Act 312 in the Michigan Legislature. 14 Legal Counsel Your Union. Your Future. 16-19 Hot News From The Top Row (L to R): Shaun Abbey (2nd District VP), Steven Heim (4th District VP), David Weisenberg Districts (Western Trustee), Terrence Chesney (Secretary Treasurer), Daniel Dawe (6th District VP). Bottom Row (L to R): Chris Reynolds (1st/3rd District VP), W. James Leve (5th District VP), Mark 20-27 49th Biennial Docherty (President), Aileen Pettinger (Northern Trustee) and Ed Hosmer (Eastern Trustee). Convention The 49th Biennial Convention of the Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union was held on May 5-6-7, 2010 at the MGM Grand Hotel in Detroit. Two hundred and eleven (211) delegates, fifty-nine (59) alter- nates, and 148 guests attended the Conven- tion. 28 Message from the Michigan AFL-CIO In this time of oil spills, mining deaths, frustration with politics and financial cor- porations that ruin the economy, the public’s trust in institutions is at an all time low. 29 Now more than ever, nation needs healthy unions Unions are in decline. With just slightly more than 7% of the private sector union- ized, the rate of membership is at record lows. 30 Around the State 2010 IAFF/MDA National Firefighter Softball Champions AND River Rouge Local 517 In the Movies! Autumn 2010 3 4 Michigan Pr ofessional Fire Fighter PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE First, I would like to take this opportunity make every effort to work with them on Pr es ident to thank everyone for electing me as your concession packages. Mark Docherty new MPFFU President. I will work dili- • This is the time to work on your Pub- 54465 Meadow Crest Circle gently to provide the services you need, to lic Relations. Show the community all the Chesterfield, MI 48047 586.716.8264 (home) represent your interests in Lansing and ag- positive things you do. Make an impact in 586.716.3845 (fax) gressively go after those that seek to erode your community. With all the negative pro- 586.243.9829 (cell) our benefits and rights. paganda about public employees right now, markdocher [email protected] We are facing some of the most difficult this is a very important area. Don’t do times the fire service has ever faced. As things publically to get back at manage- most municipalities are facing losses in rev- ment that will make you look bad in the municipalities to cross train police officers enue and budget deficits, pubic employees eyes of the residents. Always think before as firefighters and form Public Safety De- now have a bull’s eye on our backs. Many you do anything; How would this be partments. This does not save money and residents believe that if they are suffering viewed by the average resident? Positive or only serves to destroy the fire department then we should also suffer and believe our negative? Public opinion is everything right and increase police staffing. We have many hard fought for pay and benefits are too now and can be the difference when com- tools and facts that we can use to fight this rich. I ask; where were they, when the pri- munities start looking at things such as off, but they need to be utilized as soon as vate sector was getting 10% raises and huge contracting services or PSO for example. you hear any talk about it. Contact your bonuses. We didn’t see them running to city • Lastly, I’ve said this a million times, District VP and he will get you the re- council meetings demanding that we take GET POLITICALLY ACTIVE!!!!!! You sources you need. It makes it a much more huge raises. Although that scenario is frus- need to be educating your local leaders to difficult fight once your council has ap- trating, we also have to face reality and what and how you do what you do. You proved it! understand that in many of these commu- need to meet individually with your coun- Many Private EMS agencies are also nities there just isn’t any more money and cil or twp board members. You need to de- aggressively going after municipal contracts cuts have to be made. Even if your em- velop personal relationships. And you need and using the economic downturn to their ployer has a rainy day fund, many of these to support those elected officials that sup- advantage. In many cases they are ap- funds will not get them through the down- port you! proaching your employer with bids even turn. That being said, when faced with an At the state level, we continue to be at- though the employer did not solicit the bid. employer requesting concessions, you need tacked by anti union interests that are using Usually the private comes in and offers to to make sure you are educated to the entire this downturn as an opportunity to erode perform the service for only what they can financial situation prior conceding to or our rights. We constantly are facing attacks bill insurance for and allows the employer fighting the cuts. on PA 312 our binding arbitration law, our to cut the staff they currently use to trans- • Make sure you have an IAFF Munici- defined benefit pensions and continue to port. This can seem like an easy move for pal Financial Analysis completed. This face “Right to Work” legislation. We will an elected official that is not educated to should be done every year when your continue to oppose these attacks in Lansing the differences between fire based EMS employer’s annual audit is completed. and make every attempt to preserve your and Private EMS. Again it’s imperative that • Track the actual property tax figures collective bargaining rights. But we need you educate them before you are faced with from your county. They will issue the per- your help also! We all have to stand united this. It’s much easier to fight off before centage of decrease or increase in property in our fight! Please review the list of en- your council has already voted to change. tax values each year. dorsed candidates for the upcoming Gen- Remember this: When a business cuts • Track how your employer is prioritiz- eral Election on November 2nd. These office staffing it forces longer wait times at ing the cuts throughout the entire munici- candidates need your support. When we the front desk, when a fire department cuts pality. make our endorsements, we do NOT make staffing, it dramatically increases our risk of • Know what your millage rate is and them based on which party they belong to.
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