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Xerox University Microfilms 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 74-11,056 STEINER, Albert Paul, Jr., 1938- THE VIGINTIVIRATE DURING THE EMPIRE: A STUDY OF THE EPIGRAPHICAL EVIDENCE. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1973 History, ancient University Microfilms, A XEROX Company , Ann Arbor, Michigan © 1974 ALBERT PAUL STEINER, JR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS DISSERTATION HAS BEEN MICROFILMED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED. THE VIGINTIVIRATE DURING THE EMPIRE A STUDY OF THE EPIGRAPHICAL EVIDENCE DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University % Albert Paul Steiner Jr.j A.B., M.S. ***** The Ohio State University 1973 Reading Committee: Approved By Professor Charles L. Babcock Professor Mark P. 0. Morford Professor Kenneth M. Abbott //)/? /? ( % M £ j 4 m a U , Advisor Department of Classics ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my thanks to Professor A. E. Gordon and my adviser* Professor C. L. Babcock* for their initial suggestion which led to this dissertation. In addition* Professors Babcock* Mark P. 0. Morford* and Kenneth M. Abbott have furnished careful guidance and appreciated cooperation in all stages of this work. I am also grateful for the kind assistance of Mrs. Inez Longobardi* the librarian of the American Academy in Rome where the major portion of the dissertation was completed. Most of all* however* I must thank my wife* Mary Ann for her patience* encouragement* and sharing in the long years of study without which this dissertation could not have been possible. VITA July 3i 1938 • • • Born-Cincinnati 1 Ohio I960 ............. A.B., Saint Meinrad College» Saint Meinrad, Indiana 1963-1968......... Instructor, Emmerich Manual High School, Indianapolis, Indiana 1964 ............. M.S. Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana 1966 ............. Eulbright Scholarship to the summer session at the American Academy in Rome. 1968-1973......... Teaching and Research Associate, Department of Classics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. .................................ii VITA................................................... iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS............................. v INTRODUCTION. .................................. 1 Chapter I. THE VIGINTISEXVIRATE .................... 6 The Individual Offices Triumviratus Capitalis TPr iumvir a t us_ ~one t a 1 i s Quattuorvirat us-i.Yiarum_ii Cur and arum Buumyira t u" ^ i s ~ ^ x t r a ~ ^ 5 e m"~?ur"and i s Quattuor Praefecti^Oapuan Furnas ~ ^ acemyiratus _Stlitibu_s Tudicandis Summary II. THE EMPIRE .................................. 57 The Development under the Julio-Claudians The Imperial Concept of the Vigintivirate Hanking among the Offices Age for Office Holders The Vigintivirate and the Tribunatus Militum ~ ” The $nd~of“*the Vigintivirate The Holders of Multiple Offices Fragments Assigned to Specific Offices Summary Remarks III. PROSOPOGRAPHY OF THE VIGINTIVIRI .... 108 IV. CONCLUSIONS....................................156 APPENDIX A ................................................... 169 B ................................................... 190 BIBLIOGRAPHY.................... 199 iv LISO? OF ABBREVIATIONS AE L'Annee Epigraphique. Birley E. Birley. 'Senators in the Emperors' Service.- PBA 39 (1953) 194-214. Bruns? C. G. Bruns. Fontes Iuris R omani Antiqui: Leges et Negotia. S criptores.’"’Tubi g e n, 1909 CAP triumvir capitalis OIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. EE Ephemeris Epjgraphica. I fasti A. Degrassi. I fasti consolari dell' impero Romano. Rome,”19527 ” ” "" ~ II Inscriptiones Italiae. ILA Inscriptions latines d'Afrique. ILLRP A. Degrassi. Inscriptiones Latinae liberae Rei Publicae.“Florence , 1952-1963” ILS H. Dessau. Inscriptiones Latinae selectae. Berlin, 189^=1^16. ” ‘ JAEOI Jahreshefte des Oesterreichischen Archaeo- log! sc hen Institutes in 77ien7” JRS Journal of Roman Studies. Leges see Bruns^. MON triumvir monetalis MRR T. R. S. Broughton. The Magistrates of the Roman Republic. New Tork, 1952-19007 PCD2 Oxford Classical Dictionary, 2nd, ed. Oxford, 19707 - - - - PBA Proceedings of the British Academy. v Pink K. Pink. "The Triumviri Monetales and the structure of the coinage of the Roman Republic." Numismatic Studies 7 (1952) 1- 7 8 . ~ PIR Prosopographia imperii Romani: saec. .1. XI. Til. A-X of the second edition and 'NPZTof the first edition. PIR* Prosopographi_a_7iniperii_Romani: saec. I . XT. Til. X-X of the first editi o n7 PLRE . A.H.M. Jones* J.R. Martindale* and J. Morris. The prosopography of the later Roman Empire.~Ca mbridgeT 1971• * RE PaulVs Real-Encyclopadie der classischen %Ttertumsv;issenschaf t. ~ Rh. Mus. Rheinische Museum. Scriptores see Bruns'*7. STL decemvir stlitibus iudicandis StR T. Mommsen. Ro e m i sche s St a a tsrecht. Leipzig* 1887T“ ’ TAPA Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological XssociationT VTA quattuorvir viarum curandarum C ) numbers in parentheses following inscriptions* the names of individ­ uals* and footnotes refer to the individ­ ual identification numbers in Appendix A. vi THE VIGINTIVIRATE DURING THE EMPIRE. A_ STUDY^OF^THE _ EPIGRAPHICA_L _ EVIDENCE. This investigation is primarily designed to examine the epigraphical evidence for the history of the Viginti­ virate during the Empire. While it is focused on the Empire* a chapter concerning the origins and development will assist in understanding the imperial Vigintivirate* and will serve as a foil to it. I have not concerned myself with a detailed investigation of the peculiarities and everyday workings of the various offices. I have* rather, attempted to present a sketch of the origins and development of the various offices through the use of epigraphical, numismatic, and literary sources. This has been done to familiarize the reader with the status of the magistratus minores at the beginning of the Empire* and to identify all known republican vigintisexviri. The investigation of the imperial Vigintivirate will in general follow the same format as the chapter dealing with the Republic, i.e. a discussion of the development of the Vigintivirate from the Vigintisex- virate. This will include the reasons for the dating 1 of the initial change, the role of the Vigintivirate in the senatorial cursus honorum, the connection be­ tween the vigintiviri, and the tribuni militum, the age and requirements for becoming a yigintiyir, and the reasons for the date of the termination of the Viginti­ virate. At the same time a corpus of all known vigintiviri will be presented,'1' together with as complete a chrono- 2 logical list by individual office as is possible. This will permit consideration of the following areas: 1. the relationship between social rank and the individual offices in the Vigintivirate? 2. the holding of the Vigintivirate and the tribunatus militurn as it affects the sub­ sequent” senatori a 1 career?3 3. the relationship between the individual offices of the Vigintivirate and the sub­ sequent senatorial career. These data will show the gradual development of unique characteristics within the careers of the individual viffintiviri by which it will become possible to demon­ strate that each office in the Vigintivirate led to a ^"Appendix A, pp. 169-189* ^Appendix B, pp. 19O-198. ^By senatorial career I mean the senatorial cursus honorurn, the senatorial priesthoods, and the various imperial appointments which were reserved for members of the Senate. slightly different career pattern. It will be shown that this is based on family status* military service* and administrative aptitudes. With regard to the first two
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