SENATE 2007 State Senate Scorecard Environment Maryland Environment Maryland is a nonpartisan organization that combines independent Senator (District) research, practical ideas and tough-minded Clam Dredging Phosphorous Solar Power Energy Effi ciency Clean Cars Stormwater Committee Votes 2007 Score Lifetime Score advocacy to overcome the opposition of John Astle (30) + + + a + + 1/3 78% 63% powerful special interests and win real David Brinkley (4) – + + – – + 1/3 44% 19% results for Maryland’s environment. We Gwendolyn Britt (47) + + + + + + 5/5 100% 96% have compiled this legislative scorecard as Jim Brochin (42) + + + + + + 1/1 100% 89% a tool to educate Maryland citizens about Richard Colburn (37) – + – – – + 3/5 45% 15% the voting records of their elected offi cials. Joan Carter Conway (43) + + + + + + 5/5 100% 97% Ulysses Currie (25) + + + + + + 1/3 78% 80% James Ed DeGrange (32) – + – + + + 1/3 56% 57% Votes in this Scorecard George Della (46) + + – + + + 0/3 56% 54% Of the hundreds of bills voted on in the Roy Dyson (29) + + – + + + 5/5 91% 53% Maryland House and Senate, we identifi ed George Edwards (1) – + + – + + 2/3 67% 32% a few key votes that will have the greatest Nathaniel Exum (24) + + + + + + 3/3 100% 74% impact on Maryland’s environment and Jennie Forehand (17) – + + + + + 1/1 86% 83% public health. Short descriptions of each Brian Frosh (16) + + + + + + 1/1 100% 100% bill can be found on the reverse, and more Rob Garagiola (15) – + + + + + 3/3 89% 91% details are available on our Web site. Lisa Gladden (41) + + – + + + 1/1 86% 96% Janet Greenip (33) – – – a – + 0/5 18% 9% This scorecard was compiled in Larry Haines (5) – + – a – + 0/1 43% 8% conjunction with the Maryland League of Andrew Harris (7) – – – – – + 1/5 18% 9% Conservation Voters. Patrick J. Hogan (39) – + – + + + 1/3 56% 53% Robert Hooper (35) – – – – – + 1/5 18% 10% Lifetime scores have been adjusted to Nancy Jacobs (34) – e – – + + 1/1 50% 9% include historical votes not included in Verna Jones (44) – + – + + + 2/3 67% 87% previous versions of this scorecard. Edward Kasemeyer (12) – + – + + + 1/3 56% 63% Delores Kelley (10) – + – + + + 1/3 56% 90% www.EnvironmentMaryland.org/scorecard Allan Kittleman (9) – – – – – + 0/3 11% 11% Katherine Klausmeier (8) + + + – + + 1/3 67% 56% Rona Kramer (14) – + + – + + 2/3 67% 68% Mike Lenett (19) + + + + + + 5/5 100% 100% Richard Madaleno (18) + + + + + + 2/3 89% 92% Scorecard Key Nathaniel McFadden (45) – + + + + + 1/3 67% 79% (+) Vote for the environment (e) Excused from vote Thomas McLain Middleton (28) + + + + + + 3/3 100% 64% (–) Vote against the environment (a) Unexcused absence Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. (27) + + + – + + 0/0 83% 70% Visit our Web site to see descriptions and vote counts for committee votes. Alex Mooney (3) – – – – – + 0/1 14% 11% Donald Munson (2) – + + – – + 1/3 44% 25% Anthony Muse (26) – + + + + + 1/1 86% 89% Douglas J.J. Peters (23) – + + + + + 1/3 67% 67% Paul Pinsky (22) + + + + + + 5/5 100% 98% Environment Maryland E.J. Pipkin (36) – + – – + + 0/3 33% 41% 3121 St. Paul St., Suite 26 • Baltimore, MD 21218 Catherine Pugh (40) + + + + + + 2/3 89% 93% Jamie Raskin (20) + + + + + + 1/1 100% 100% Phone (410) 467-0439 • Fax (410) 366-2051 James Robey (13) – + + + + + 1/3 67% 67% [email protected] Jim Rosapepe (21) + + + + + + 5/5 100% 97% Bryan Simonaire (31) – + + – + + 1/1 71% 71% Lowell Stoltzfus (38) – + – – + + 1/3 44% 11% 2007 Legislative Scorecard www.EnvironmentMaryland.org Norman Stone (6) e + – a + + 1/1 83% 70% Bobby Zirkin (11) + + + + + + 5/5 100% 93% HOUSE 2007 House of Delegates Scorecard www.EnvironmentMaryland.org/scorecard Delegate Delegate Delegate Program Open Program Open Program Open (District) Clean CarsStormwaterGreen FundSolar Power Space Clam DredgingLNG Committee Votes2007 Score Lifetime Score (District) Clean Cars StormwaterGreen FundSolar Power Space Clam DredgingLNG Committee Votes2007 Score Lifetime Score (District) Clean Cars StormwaterGreen FundSolar Power Space Clam DredgingLNG Committee Votes2007 Score Lifetime Score Saqib Ali (39) + + + + + + + 6/6 100% 100% Ana Sol Gutierrez (18) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 100% Joseph “Sonny” Minnick (6) + e + + + – + 2/4 70% 52% Bill Summaries Curt Anderson (43) + + + + + + a 0/0 86% 81% Guy Guzzone (13) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 100% Heather Mizeur (20) + + + + + + + 0/1 88% 88% House Votes Susan Aumann (42) + + – + – – + 0/0 57% 42% Jeannie Haddaway (37B) – + – + – – + 2/4 45% 48% Karen Montgomery (14) + + + + + + + 1/1 100% 100% Charles Barkley (39) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 97% Peter Hammen (46) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 79% Dan Morhaim (11) + + + + + + + 1/1 100% 96% Clean Cars—HB 131 adopts tighter emission standards for cars and Ben Barnes (21) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 100% Hattie Harrison (45) + + + + + + + 2/4 82% 60% Peter Murphy (28) + + + – + + + 2/3 80% 80% light trucks. Joseph Bartlett (4A) – + – + – – – 2/3 40% 23% Keith Haynes (44) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 96% LeRoy Myers (1C) – + – + – – – 0/0 29% 17% Stormwater—HB 786 requires developers to design new Kumar Barve (17) + + + + + + + 2/3 90% 83% Anne Healey (22) + + + + + + + 6/6 100% 92% Shirley Nathan-Pulliam (10) + + + a + + a 1/1 75% 89% developments in ways that minimize runoff pollution. Gail Bates (9A) – + – – – – – 0/0 14% 7% Sue Hecht (3A) + + + + + + + 2/4 82% 56% Doyle Niemann (47) + + + + + + + 5/5 100% 97% Green Fund—HB 1220 would have created a fee on new pavement Pamela Beidle (32) + + + + + + + 6/6 100% 100% Henry Heller (19) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 94% Nathaniel Oaks (41) + + + + + + + 0/1 88% 85% and buildings to fund programs to reduce pollution into the Wendell Beitzel (1A) + + – + + + – 0/1 63% 63% Sheila Hixson (20) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 88% Anthony O’Donnell (29C) – + – – – – – 2/6 23% 21% Chesapeake Bay. Joanne Benson (24) + + + + + + + 0/1 88% 84% Marvin Holmes (23B) + + + e + + + 6/6 100% 100% John Olszewski (6) + + + + + + + 2/3 90% 90% Elizabeth Bobo (12B) + + + + + + + 6/6 100% 100% Carolyn Howard (24) + + + + + + + 2/3 90% 89% Joseline Pena-Melnyk (21) + + + + + + + 0/1 88% 88% Solar Power—HB 1016 requires that 2 percent of our electricity must come from solar power, phased in from 2008 to 2022. John Bohanan (29B) + + – a + + + 0/0 71% 60% James Hubbard (23A) + + + + e e + 1/1 100% 96% Shane Pendergrass (13) + + + + + + + 0/1 88% 94% Joseph Boteler (8) – + – – – – + 3/6 38% 24% Tom Hucker (20) + + + + + + + 5/6 92% 92% James Proctor (27A) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 82% Program Open Space—HB 475 would have closed a loophole Talmadge Branch (45) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 78% Rick Impallaria (7) + + – – – – + 0/4 27% 18% Victor Ramirez (47) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 100% allowing some corporations to dodge the tax that funds land Aisha Braveboy (25) + + + + + + + 2/4 82% 82% Jolene Ivey (47) + + + + + + + 2/3 90% 90% Craig Rice (15) + + + + + + + 2/3 90% 90% preservation. Eric Bromwell (8) + + + + + + + 0/1 88% 71% Mary-Dulany James (34A) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 86% Daniel Riley (34A) + + + + + + + 0/1 88% 87% Clam Dredging—HB 964 bans dredging for clams in the Atlantic William Bronrott (16) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 93% Sally Jameson (28) + + – + + + – 2/4 64% 53% Barbara Robinson (40) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 100% Coastal Bays. Emmett Burns (10) + + + + a + + 2/3 80% 71% J.B. Jennings (7) – + – + – – + 2/3 50% 23% Sandy Rosenberg (41) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 85% LNG—HB 1403 would have prohibited the construction of new Michael Busch (30) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 75% Adrienne Jones (10) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 97% Justin Ross (22) + + + + + + + 3/3 100% 100% liquefi ed natural gas facilities in Chesapeake Bay buff er zones. Rudolph Cane (37A) + e e + + + + 5/5 100% 83% Wade Kach (5B) + + – + – + + 1/1 75% 58% David Rudolph (34B) + + – + + + + 2/4 73% 69% Jon Cardin (11) + + + + + + + 3/3 100% 100% Anne Kaiser (14) + + + + + + + 2/3 90% 96% Steve Schuh (31) + + – + – + + 0/0 71% 71% Jill Carter (41) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 91% Kevin Kelly (1B) + + – + – + – 0/0 57% 40% Todd Schuler (8) + + + + + + – 0/0 86% 86% Senate Votes Galen Clagett (3A) + + e + e + + 0/0 100% 95% James King (33A) + + – + – – + 2/4 55% 55% Christopher Shank (2B) – + – + – – + 0/0 43% 26% Clam Dredging—SB 379 bans dredging for clams in the Atlantic Virginia Clagett (30) + + + + + + + 6/6 100% 97% Nancy King (39) + + + + + + + 2/3 90% 93% Tanya Shewell (5A) + + – + – – + 3/5 58% 37% Coastal Bays. Frank Conaway (40) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 100% Nicholaus Kipke (31) + + – + – + + 0/1 63% 63% Luiz Simmons (17) + + + + + + – 0/0 86% 91% Norman Conway (38B) + + + + + + e 0/0 100% 58% Ruth Kirk (44) + + + + + + + 2/4 82% 68% Michael Smigiel (36) + + – + – – + 0/0 57% 63% Phosphorus—SB 766 prohibits the use of phosphorus in Bob Costa (33B) + + + + – – + 0/1 63% 54% Benjamin Kramer (19) + + + + + + – 0/0 86% 86% Theodore Sophocleus (32) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 73% dishwashing detergent. Dereck Davis (25) + + + + + + + 0/0 100% 76% Susan Krebs (9B) + + – + + + – 1/3 60% 34% Richard Sossi (36) + + – + – – + 4/6 62% 34% Solar Power—SB 595 requires that 2 percent of our electricity must Steven DeBoy (12A) + + + + – + + 0/0 86% 88% Carolyn Krysiak (46) + + + + + + a 2/4 73% 74% Dana Stein (11) + + + + + + + 6/6 100% 100% come from solar power (concurrence vote). John Donoghue (2C) + + + + + + + 0/1 88% 44% Sue Kullen (27B) + + + + + + – 1/1 88% 94% Donna Stifl er (35A) – + – + – + + 2/4 55% 55% Energy Effi ciency—Amendment to SB 674 that would have gutted a Ann Marie Doory (43) + + + + + + + 2/3 90% 84% Stephen Laff erty (42) + + + + + + + 5/5 100% 100% Nancy Stocksdale (5A) + + – + + – + 0/0
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