He's more than a pediatric specialist. Abe Jacob, M.D. PediatnClan He's an innovator. Part of a superb group of pediatric speCia lists, he and his colleagues are among the nation's best at canng for premature babies and advanCing new treatments for childhood obesity, heart abnormalities and a wide range of other conditions They are mothers. Fathers. Pioneers. Offering hope for a better tomorrow This IS more than health care. It'S academiC mediCine, and It'S at he University of Minnesota Children's Hospital. For more information, visit us at thisismore.org. Volume ],05 • Number 5 May· June 2006 Features 22 The Art of Immigration Law The C"ruted tares needs immIgrants. a\ Laura Danielson, a Fniversit\, a1~a and top urunigrarion atto~ey ,,·ho represents artists and entertainers rrymg to enter the Cnired tares. By Richard Brodenck 32 The Story behind "Iron Mike" The unassummg statue unveiled on campus 100 rea'is aim this ;\Iemorial Dav continues to rand rail for the C~yersm- tuden who rushed to erve ill the p~h-American "~Oar. 8.) T TT1I Brao..l 36 Seniors Who Shine Hard work. perseverance, and comrruanent are a w;n- oflife for the rodent athlete. Here 'are four Gopher eniors who e careers eJ emplify excellence ill the classroom and on the tield of play. Plus. pons _ -otebook. 8.)' RrJ.")7I Docbt"'71lJ1J., beila .lIulroonry Bdrtd, D.mTl) LaCbanu, Erin PeuTson, and Cyntblll (OIt Columns and Departments 6 Editor's Note 18 U News rraregtc po:Hiorung update 10 Letters Jnd !>ali -tied roden . 12 About Campus 20 Off the Shelf Pu hmg pedabng, e-mail in ·ecuriry. Re\ie" of boo - b) alumnI. Plus, Bookmarks. and hor. e health. 49 National President ucce m acaderru and Jthleri 14 Discoveries 46 UMAA Report are muroalJ, reinforcillcr. Pigs and dl.lbere". atht:i. m The ~006 ill onguLhed reacheT" . " ,kepoCi m .•md hCJ\") tea ing. dlcoun - on goif and . 'pbr R k ~ cour,c.. and 52 Chief Executive Officer 16 Arts & Events the C'L \ calendar. !he role tha~ Jlurnru gtfts can play ill greatne~ for the C. "The hair' L2 .- \ ~af\ of, Imng. ~ at the 70ld,rem. - Co .. ',.,. pboto~upb Ir, Har Luinmb - ;:., UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The niversityofMinnc,ota Alumni Association wi ll bee meth. mu't II1Ru cnti.l l Or$3mZaOOn m advancing the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA mversil)". goal to be ne of the t p three publi resear hill ltutlon"n the world. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS National President Robert tein, '60, '6 1 Vice President Ar hie il'en, '66 President-elect Dennis hulsmd, '66 Vice President lal) lcLeod, '66, '72 FirstVice President 1l m La 'aile, '72 Secretary/Treasurer ErtugruITu7.cu, '78 Vice President Bru c.\ looty, '77,' 0 Past President Andrea-Hlelm, '65 Chief Executive Officer Abrgaret ughrue arlson, , At-Large Members Lynn a ey, ' 0, john Fole), '79, '6S, Kal)'I1 ruenberg, '76, con leyer, '72, Ted Mondale, ' 5, Ran orman, '9 , Jes ica PhJi lips, '97, Dart) Pohland, 'S5 Geographic Representatives Robert almenson, '71, '73, Marcia armau, '73, Doug Kuehnast, '76, Lucinda lame,' 5, JanJce Meyer, '73, '74, 'S6, 1ark PltiliJps, '73, James Res h, '14, Paul Th lllp on, ' 2, Andy \ ang tad, '69 Collegiate Alumni Society Representatives Karin Alaniz, '77, '91, Ed Cracraft, 'S3, '86, C~ng john unJnghalll, '62, Kenneth Dragseth, '72, '80, jun du Bois, ' 7, Barbara tephens F ter, '86, Kent lIor ager, '84, teve Litton, '65, '67, '70, '72. andy lc arene)', '75, '90, jun Alulder, ' 3, '89, ara-L)'I1n ash, '9 , Rich Newell, ' 0, ' 5, Gene Ihla, '67, '70, Brian berg, '73, '76, tanle) kadron, '5 ¥nt.al Kipling Thacker, '76, ' 4, orne Thomas, '76, 'S I, ' 3 COLLEGIATE ALUMNI SOCIETIES gncultural, Food, and Environmenml SCiences; lied Education Health ( 1edical Technology, lortuary Science, cupational Therapy, Physical & Alumn i Re lati ons Therapr); Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Biological clences; Dentistry; School of Dentistry ·ducation and Human Development; eneral ollege; lIuman Ecol gy ( ocial \\'ork); Liberal Arts (Band, Journalism and las ommunlcau n); JrI~on ho lof UN IVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Ianagelllent; Medical; Natural Resources; ursing; Ph rmaC}'; J [ubert [1. IIumphre) institute of PubliC Affiurs; Public H ea lth; Institute of Technology; ctcrlnary-McdlCme UMAAlSchool of Dentistry CHAPTERS AND CONTACT AREAS Alumni Society members are Minnesota u tin/A1bcrt Lea, Brainerd, dina, Fargo/Aloorhcad, la clal Rldgc \ r.llmar), eligible to receive a llibbing, MartIn oumy (Fatrtnonr, Blue Earth), orthcrn DakotJ OUnl), Red Wing, Rice! teele ountie, Rochester, t. loud, St. rOI~ Valle), uth entral, outhcasr (Lanesboro), outh\\cst, \ est cntral Lakes (A1exandna) National Arizona (West Valley), tianm, Bo ton, h,cago, olulllbus, Dayton, DCl\\cr, DetrOit, Houston, Indianapolts, Kansas iry, Los Angeles, ladl n, 1\ IlamllFt. Lauderdalc, 10% lil\\ aukee, e\\ MeXICO (Albuquerque/Santa Fe), e\\ York it) , lorth Texas (Dallas), Omaha, PllIladelphia, Phoenix, Portlan I, Puget ound, R.llclghlDurham, DISCOUNT acramento, St. Loui~ , an ntonio, San Dleg ,San Fran isco Bay Area, outh\\ e t Florida (Naples/Ft.-Myers), outh Wilbmene Va ll ey, un oa'l (St.-Petersburg/ on "lecture only" courses lea rwatcrfT'ampa), Tu on/ ,reen Va ll ey, \Vas hington, D .. offered through the U of M I nternational- anada (Toronto, \ mnipeg), hin:) (Bei)l1lg, Guang7hou, I long Kong, hanghm, School of Dentistry. Ti.njin, Xi'.n), osta RIca , Finland, ,uam, Iceland, Indonesia, Japan (Tok·yo). Korea (Seoul), Morocco, orway, Peru, Poland, ingaporc, Taiwan (Talpcl) ALUMNI INTEREST GROUPS he Finl11~h onnc tlOn ; +-1I A1uml11 and Friend,; Gay, July-December 2006 Continuing Leobian, Bisexual, ransgender; reek Alumni etwork; Hmoob (11m ng) \ Iumnl Dental Education Course listings Group; Sport Club, and Rec ports etwork; Mllllmo/ll DIII~Y Alumni l\s;oclation; are now available online. Take t. Lawrence- ewman entcr Alumni; 1\VI11 iues tudcnt nlons; n"er it), of Nll11ncs ta Black IUllll11 soclatlon advantage of a $10 discount Making the University of Minnesota Connection 1'0 join or renew, change your address, or for most online registrations. obtam benefit information, conta t the MAA at M amara Alumni etHer, 200 Oak (For a printed version , call : St. SE, uite 200, 1inncapolis, M 5H55-2040; 800- M- L MS (862- -867),612- 624-2323; fax 6 12-626-8 167; c-mai I 1l7/111111111I1i@lI l11 l1 .edll; \ cb Ulu'7J).nlllllllll.ll1Il1I.edll. 612-626-8666.) UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA GOVERNANCE President Robert Bru 1l1111ks Visit the University of Minnesota Bo ard of Regents Continuing Dental Education Anthony B~raga, '65, chair Patricia immo11 , Vice ha lf Iyde AlIell,) r. website: www.dentalce.umn.edu . Peter Be ll Frank Berman, '62, '65 Da lbs Bohn~ack, '60 J ohn Frobcnlus, '69 Steven II unter, '7l DaVid ar,on, '66 Cynthia Le;hcr David Melzen, '64, '70, '73 Lakeesha Ransom, 'Ol Call: 612-625-1418 The UMAA is commilled lo the policy thatall persons shall have equal access to Ils programs, faCl illles, and employment 800-685-1418 without regard to race, re ligion, (olor, sex, national origin, handicap. age, ve teran status, or sexual Orientation 2 ""V - J NE 2006 SIGN UP FOR SUMMER READING Minneapolis 2006 Summer Reading Program June 5-August 26 FREE SHOWS GREAT PRIZES COOL CLUBS SCAVENGER HUNT GUESSING JAR AND MORE! Sign up for the Summer Reading Program, and kids get a free book bag when they read 10 or more books . Visit your local Minneapolis library or call 612-630-6000 to find a library near you . For more information, fun links and suggested reading , check out www.mplib.org . * wocys* Minneapolis Public Library '1'1 MINNESOTA THE OF MI Ch ief Executive Officer Margaret ughrue arlson Editor hell Fling Managing Ed itor ynthia cott Copy Editor u an Iaa Contributing Writers Andrew Bacskai, Richard Broderick, Tim Brady, Robyn D chterman, heila 1ulrooney Eldred, Laurie Henzel, Patty KellY, Danny LaChance, amille LeFevre, Meleah Maynard, Pamela MiJler, Pauline 00, Erin Peterson Design Barbara Ko ter De ign Advertising Repre ented by John Kor rna I P Communication MI1111fSOla (I S o164-9-l50) I publt hed bim nthl by the ru\er It}' of .\linne am Alumm socl3oon for I members. HONORING THE PAST, EMBRACING THE FUTURE pyright ©2006 br the O1\'er lty f linne om Almnm soclarion SEE KING TUT IN CHICAGO! J\linneapoiJs, \ Travel to Chicago on one of four unique itinerones and 612-624-2323 discover the secrets of Ancient Egypt's most fascinating 00- "HLu'\l ( 62- - n ruler. The exhibit includes more than 130 priceless fax 61--626- 16 treasures from the tomb of Tutankhamun and other 1l.'1J.'1l.'.alll7l11l1 IIlIIn. rdl/ royal tombs, all 3,000 - 3,500 years old For advertising rates and information JUNE 7- 10 - VIA MOTORCOACH a1l612-3 3-9551 fROM$779 4 DAYS/5 MEALS faJ 612-3 9-5 06 AUGUST 6-9 - VIA AMTRAK AND AIR [email protected] 4 DAYS/5 MEALS FROM$899 AUGUST 18-20 - VIA ROUNDTRIP AIR Penod,cals postage paid at Minneapolis, Minnesota, 3 DAYS/4 MEALS fWM$989 and additional mallingofflces Postmaster' Send address corrections to SEPTEMBER 21 -24 - VIA MOTORCOACH Minnesota, McNamara Alumni Center, 4 DAYS/5 MEALS FWM$809 2000ak SI SE, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55455'2040 ALL KING TUT TOURS INCLUDE: • Transporlallon, halel accommadallons. and meals • Chicago Field Museum docent's pre-exhibit lecture • King Tut exhibit admiSSion With audio headset • Visit to Sears Tower or Hancock Observatory • Boot cruise on lake Michigan or Chicago River • Additional Sightseeing options Cy Quebecor World 660 Mayhew Lake Road NE SI Cloud, Minnesota 56304 " '(BUt O~ QlEBf(;OR PRl1\"TIJ\f., lV"l ROlrp 4 \I\) - jl'f.
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