AGENDA ITEM No. ...& ....... NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT To: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES COMMITTEE Subject: NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL SELECT LIST OF CONTRACTORS From: GENERAL MANAGER CONSTRUCTION 1 SERVICES DEPARTMENT (1.OO) INTRODUCTION (1.01) The Committee will recall that this Department was authorised to proceed with invitations to Contractors who might wish to be considered for inclusion of the Council’s Select List. (1.02) The purpose of this report is to enable the Committee to consider a further tranche of Contractors for inclusion on that list. (1.03) The report is submitted after extensive checks have been made by this Department and the Department of Finance on the applications received. (2.00) IMPLEMENTATION (2.01) The attached list of Contractors Awaiting Committee Approval details the applications in alphabetical order, and includes an upper financial limit of work for which each would be considered. (2.02) This will finalise the number of Contractors meantime, but a further update of the Select List will be produced in early course. (2.03) Details will be passed to Housing and Property Services for specialist trades contracts. (3.00)RECOMMENDATION (3.01) That the Committee approve this tranche of contractors for inclusion on the Select List. (4.00) BACKGROUND PAPERS (4.011 Held by the General Manager Construction Services. (4.02) The names of contractors for inclusion on the Select List (attached) General Manager Cohstruction Services Enc. Contractors Awaiting Committe Approval LANARKSHIRE .1.-.-.-.--1_.-.11----..----.--.-..- ABRIE Alex Reid ACCON A.C.Controls Ltd. Unit 6, Coatbank Way, Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire, ML5 3AG €400,000.00 01236 437275 John Morgan ADTLD ADT. Fire & Security, ADT House, Tannochside Park, UDDINGSTON, North Lanarkshire, 971 5ph €5,000,000.00 01698 486000 AERVI Aerial Vision, 72 Solway Road, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, , €10,000.00 0141 772 6631 Kenneth Chishdm AGDRl A & G Drilling & Grouting Ltd, Tinsley Park Close, Sheffield, , , S9 5DE €750,000.00 01 14 244 3765 George Wilkinson AKPCO AKP Contracts Ltd, 182 Prospecthill Road, Mount Florida, Glasgow, , G42 9LH €150,000.00 0141 636 1696 Andrew Smith AMBER Amber Roofing Ltd, Unit 376, Thistle Industrial Estate, Church Street, Cowdenbeath, Fife, K74 8LP €150,000.00 01 383 61 1240 Bruce Clark/ Chris Oliver ASHBO Ashboume Communications Ltd, 106 The Green, Twickenham, Middlesex, , lW25AD €2,000,000.00 01 81 255 9000 Aidan Kelly ASPEC Aspect Contracts (Asbestos) Ltd. 161 Glasgow Road, Nerston. East Kilbride, , G74 4PA €1,500,000.00 01355 222525 Colin McCattney ATLAS Atlas Maintenance (Scotland) Ltd, Unit 56, Siemens Place, Blochairn Industrial Estate, Glasgow, , G21 2BN €100,000.00 0141 553 1565 Bob Dodds AVROO Avondale Roofing, Park Lane House, 47 Broad Street, Glasgow, , G40 2QW €10,000.00 01 41 41 4 1444 Stephen Smith BLPC Bird and Pest Control Services, 50 Norfolk Crescent, Failswotth, , , M35 OMS €5,000.00 0161 682 6186 Nicholas Dadamo BALM0 Balmore Specialist Contracts Ltd, 107 Dalsetter Avenue, Glasgow, , Glasgow, G15 8TE €25,000.00 0141 944 6100 Victor. R. MacKay BANKS Banks Andrew C, Ayr Road, Rigside, Lanark, , MLI 1 9TU €40,000.00 01555 880370 May Banks BBEDE Bison Bede Limited, Castleside Industrial Estate, Consett, County Durham, , DH8 8JB €1,500,000.00 01207 585000 Mrs Denise Fail BDESI Business Designs Ltd, 4235 Waterside Centre, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham. , 837 7YN €300,000.00 0121 788 81 10 Sam Zunbe BESTS Best Services Ltd, Unit 6c,Netherdale Road,, Netherton I.E., Wishaw, , ML2 OER €500,000.00 01 698 374101 Mr C.J. Clinrard BLANT Blantyre Cleaning Services, 65 Neilsland Road, Hamilton, , , €6,000.00 01 698 426469 Mr John Tierney BLCSC BLC Scotland, 20 Garrell Road, Burnside Industrial Estate, Kilsyth, , €100,000.00 01236 822365 Charles Watters BODYC Bodycote Materials Testing, 4 Bleasdale Court, Clydebank Industrial Park, Clydebank, Glasgow, G81 2LE €4,000,000.00 0141 941 2022 Ken Hopburn BORDE Border Demoltion Ltd. Auld Street, Dalmuir, Glasgow, , G81 4HB €50,000.00 0141 951 4414 Peter Beattie BREVL Breval, 37 Watt Road, Hillington Industrial estate, Glasgow, , G52 4SS €750,000.00 01 41 883 4762 Graeme Walker BRITS Britspace RBS Ltd, Broad Lane, Gilberdyke, Brough, East Yorkshire, HU16 2TS €100,000.00 01 430 441 401 Miss S. Barnes BRTLF The Britannic Liff Company Plc. Riverview Buildings. Bradford Road, Keighley, West Yorkshire, , BD20 5JH €750,000.00 01535 600066 Mr Kai Shergill CALtN Caledonian Insulation (Scotland) Ltd, 93 Deerdykes View, Westfield Industrial Estate, Westfield, Cumbernuald, G68 9HN €20,000.00 01 236 453633 Mr James S. Thomson CALSE Caledonian Sealant Systems, 498 Calder Street, Glasgow, , , G42 OQD €30,000.00 01 41 424 4440 Robert Rough CAMEN Cameronaire Environmental (Glasgow) Ltd, Unit 60, Fountain Business Centre, Ellis Street, Coatbridge, , ML5 3AA €50,000.00 01 236 71 01 27 R.T. Beattie CAMPS Campsie Construction Ltd, 6 Albert Road, Renfrew, , , PA4 8ET f50,000.00 01 41 886 5847 Gordon J Millar CASMI Castlemilk Enterprises Ltd. 2j01 Drakemire Drive, Glasgow, , , G45 9SS €150,000.00 01 41 634 7966 James Cosgrove CASRO Cascade Roofing & Flooring Ltd, 1 St. Mungo Street, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, , G64 1QT €75,000.00 01 41 563 0334 Morna Ferrier .. ID Name and Address Financial Limit Phone CHAMI Chamic Industrial Services, 8 Park Quadrant, Glasgow, , , G3 66s €5QQ,QQQ.QQ0141 332 9975 Mr. John Hunter CHEMC Chemcem (Scotland) Ltd, Webster Crosshill, Avonbridge Road, Falkirk, , FKI 3DF €2QQ,QQQ.QQ01 324 851987 Linda Beaton CISLD CIS Ltd (Highways) Division, Unit 1, Palmourmount, Kilmamock Road, Dondonald, , KA2 9DR €5,QQQ,QQQ.QQ01 563 850333 David Sinclair CLADD Cladding The Co. Ltd, Riverbank Business Centre, 5 New Mill Road, Kilmarnock. , KA1 3JB €10,000.00 01 563 574111 David Bowes CLYDE Clyde Insulation Contracts (UK) Ltd, 3 Almond Court, Middlefield Industrial Estate, Falkirk, Falkirk, FK2 9HT €50,000.00 01324 61381 9 Ronnie Ebsworth CLYLF Neil Morrison t/a Clyde Valley Lifts Ltd, 1 Williamson Street, Clydebank, , , G81 2AS €10,000.00 0141 952 3083 Neil Morrison COAT6 Coatbridge Glass, Unit 47, Greenhill Business Centre, Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire, ML5 2AF €15,000.00 01 236 432023 Patrick Morgan COURT Courtyard Consultancy Ltd, Unit 3, 19 Marine Crescent, The Tollgate, Glasgow, , G51 1HD €10,000.00 0141 429 0988 D. Toryusen CRAFT Chris Craft, 13 Bank Street, Brechin, Angus, , DD9 6AU €750,000.00 01356 6251 11 Mr. Mark A. Taylor CRISC Chris Craft T/a Stevens Scotland Ltd, 13 Bank Street, Brechin, Angus, , DD9 6AU €750,000.00 01356 6251 11 Mark Taylor CRSMI CR Smith (Glazing) Dunfermline Ltd. Gardiners Street, Dunfermline, , , KY12 ORN €3,QQQ,QQQ.QQ01 383 732181 S C Dryburgh CSLLT CSL Communication Solutions Ltd. Davies House, Barnsley Road, Doncaster, , DN5 8QR €5QQ,QQQ.QQ01302 391002 S T Holt DANRO Danros Heating Services, Unit 18 Spiersbridge Business Park, Spiersbridge Avenue, Glasgow, , G46 8NL €50,000.00 0141 638 0729 lan Wylie DEEOR Dee-Organ Ltd, 5 Sandyford Road, Paisley, , , PA3 4HP €1,QQQ,QQQ.QQ 0141 889 7000 John McDonald DELTA Delta Services Ltd. Unit 2, Coatbridge Business Centre, 204 Main Street, Coatbridge. , ML5 3RB €50,000.00 01236 423322 Edward Gibb DESSI Dessian Scotland, Unit 1, Brown street Business Units, Coatbridge, , ML5 4AS €1,QQQ,QQQ.QQ 01 236 424282 Robin Rae DURFE CRH Fencing Ltd t/d Darfen Durafencing, Scottish Region, Unit 718. Rochsolloch Road Industrial Estate, Airdrie, , €1,QQQ,QQQ.QQ 01 236 755001 Victoria Sharp EKGLA E.K Glass Co. Ltd, Unit 6, Greenhills Shopping Centre, Greenhills, East Kilbride, North Lanarkshire, G75 &TU f200,QQQ.QQ01355 227721 S. Morgan ELLIT Elliott A.W & CO Ltd. Radford Road, New Basford, Nottingham, , NG7 7EB f500,QQQ.QQ01 15 978 7235 Becca Hardy EPSIL Epsilon Test Services Ltd (PAT), Epsilon House, Cleeve Mill Business Park, Newent. , GL18 1EP €250,000.00 01452 336600 Daren Burton EUROE Euro Environmental Contracts Ltd, 2 Whitestone Place, Whitehill Industrial Estate, Bathgate. West Lothian, , EH48 2EN €2QQ,QQQ.QQ01506 654200 Jim Docherty FENES Fenestra (Scotland) Ltd, Ward Street, Riverbank Industrial Estate, Alloa, , FKIO 1ET €1QQ,QQQ.QQ01259 217309 Robin Rae FIRPR Fire Protection Alliance Ltd, 1-1 1 high Road, Motherwell, , , MLI 3HU €150,000.00 01698 275922 Mike Chapleo FRANC James France & Son Ltd, Yard 4, Meadow Road, Motherwell, , €60,000.00 01 698 230005 James France FROOD John Frood & Son, Lanark, , , , MLI 1 9DS €5QQ,QQQ.QQ01 555 663927 47 Wellgate GASCA Gas Call Services, Westwood Business Centre, 69-71 Aberdalcie Road, Glasgow, , G34 9HJ €150,000.00 0141 781 1161 Michael Donnelly GCOOL G. C. Cooling Services Ltd. Unit 266.8/10 Glasgow Road, Kirkintilloch. Glasgow, , G66 ISH €6Q,QQQ.QQ0141 956 7189 Gordon Collins GEOBE George Beattie & Sons Ltd, Auchinvole Castle, Kilsyth, , , G65 OSA €50,000.00 01236 823160 Alan C. Beattie GILKS Gilks (Nantwich) Ltd, IOB Beam Street, Nantwich. Cheshire, Cheshire, CW5 5LP €5QQ,QQCf.QQ01 270 625520 Mrs K. Wollaston GREGS Gregson & Bell (Engineers) Ltd. 12 Holdsworth Road, Holmfield, Halifax, , HX3 6SN €1QQ,QQQ.QQ01422 241 712 Brian K Wilson HADDE Hadden Construction Ltd, 1 - 3 Milnab Street, Crieff, Perthshire, , PH7 4BH €2QQ,QQQ.QQ01764 653322 Mr Kenneth McNicol HAM&S Hampton & Steel Ltd, 103a Farmeloan Road, Rutherglen, , , G73 1EE €150,000.00 0141 647 0414 Alastair Wylie HARAN Haran Glass. 5 Quay Road North, Glasgow, , Glasgow, G73 1LD €1,5QQ,QQQ.0001 41 61 3 3758 G P Baidwin HARRI Harrison Industrial Rope Access, Borough Road, Darlington. Co. Durham, , GLI 1SW €1,QQQ,QQQ.QQ 01 325 355433 Richard Horsburgh HATPR Hat Property Services. 27 Bonville Road, Brislington Trading Centre, Bristol, Avon, , BS4 5QH €5,QQQ,QQQ.QQ01 17 972 360314 Peter Canfield Financial Limit Phone Contact Name HILLS Hills Electrical Plc. Dryden Vale, Bilston Glen, Loanhead. Edinburgh, , EH20 9HN €2,000,000.00 0131 440 4994 Brian Hedley HTASP Hugh Thomson Asphalt Ltd, Walkinshaw Street, Johnstone, , , €150.000.00 01505 322423 G.
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