CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIHyderabadBS PubDate: 27-02-2019 Zone: Hyderabad Edition: 1 Page: TOIHP11 User: yusra.hussain1 Time: 02-27-2019 00:14 Color: CMYK THE TIMES OF INDIA, HYDERABAD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2019 TIMES NATION 11 RAJASTHAN STATE WAREHOUSING CORPORATION (A Government Undertaking) GOVERNMEWOFTELANGAMA Head Office : Bhawani Singh Road , Near JDA , Jaipur 302 015 Phone : 0141-2565087 , 2565088 , 2565089 FtOADS & BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT Fax: 0141-25$0698 , 2564428 E-mail: rswcho@gmai l.com Website : www.agricuiture.rajasthan .gov.iR Wrswc I S.No. H.0./PD(160)/NIT/Part-iv/2019/2475 Date: 22.02.2019 On line tenders are invited under eprocurement pat form for one wore sanctonco wi NOTICE INVITING BID Balakot adds to Modi’s muscular Depositof Telangana University in Nizamabad District vide Eng ineer- In-Chief ( R&B):State RSWC invites e-tenders for h iri ng covered scientif ic godowns on lease with services for & )/ - / - Roads CRN: NIT No.32151 DCE(R E E-R/DEE 7/AEE2 2018 19, Dated:25.02.2019. Rabi season 2019-20 in Rajasthan State. Interested eligible bidder may submit their Bids Tenderers can download the tender schedules from e -market place for i.e., on state e-procurement website https://eproc .rajasthan.gov. in through e-tendering tender.telangana.gov.in from 27 -02-2019 at 3 .OOPM onwards. The last date of receipt process form 23.02. 2019 to 05 .03.2019 upto 6.00 p .m. Technical bids shall be opened of tenders is 0603-20 19 up to 3 00 PM Further details can be seen at e-procurement on 06.03.2019 at 5.00 p.m .. For detailed bid document and other conditions , bidders are cia - '.p- - tender.telangana.gov.in. image, gives ammunition to BJP sd/-Engineer-In-Chief(R86), advised to visit websites https://eproc .rajasthan .gov.in , www.agriculture .rajasthan. State Roads&CRN gov.in/contentlagriculture/erVRSWC-dep.html and sppp .rajasthan.gov.in Akhilesh.Singh prospects of some form of re- Raj.Samwad/C/6160/2018-201 9 (Surdeep Singh), Joint Director ( Development) @timesgroup.com Operation may force change of taliation from Pakistan can- tack for Congress in poll season not be ruled out, which could CORRIGENDUM Gaurhat (Ghazipur):Hours put fresh pressure on the rul- WBIW/SEIWC -II/RFP-02 (e)/2018 -19 , Tender Id: after news flashed on air rom defeating BJP on December 11in three states by ing party, but the success in 2018_IWD_203165_ 1 " strikes on Pakistan territory, Ffocusing on rural distress-jobs to summoning the AICC crossing the LoC and the safe Some partial modification is being made in Tender documents. Intending FI BJP president Amit Shah on “core group” twice on February 15 to discuss Pulwama return of pilots was a cause bidders are requested to go through the change in website. Also last date 40- Al"'R-OM Date: 25.02.2019 Tuesday “celebrated Diwali” attack-induced change of public mood, two months have for celebration. Shah reached of submission of a-bid online will be 08.03.2019 up to 17:00 hrs instead ffl with people of this recently proved too long a time for Congress in the election season. Gaurhat village in Saidpur of 01.03.2019. Other details may be obtained from the departmental SALE NOTICE E-Auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable properties under the Securitization and Tuesday’s air raids on Pakistan are set to further website www.wbiwd .gov.in and http://etender.wb.nic .in (direct site) electrified village on the block of Ghazipur district to Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act 2002 read complicate the Congress task of retrieving the narrative back , banks of Gomti river in Uttar launch “Kamal Jyoti Sankalp [Sd/- P. Bhattacharya] with proviso to Rule 8 (6) of the Security Interest ( Enforcement ) Rules, 2002. Pradesh’s Ghazipur district. from “nationalism” to what the opposition calls “report card of Abhiyan” which was marked Superintending Engineer Nol' s hereby given :o the public in general arc r part cutar to the Borroser is) and Gj,r ii Shah said since the Pul- Modi government”. The contrast is stark. by BJP leaders lighting Western Circle-II, I&W Dte Midnapore s !,at 'he beow described mmovable property mortgaged i charged to the Secured Credrr i A heightened anti-Pakistan sentiment blurs the critique of Paschim Medinipur enn ' .ctve ? physcal possession of which has been taten by the Authorised Of h wama attack, sentiments lamps simultaneously across Secunderabad R.P. Road Branch , subsequentl y transferred to ARM Branch of the Carrara =r were growing among the peo- BJP regime that the opposition built assiduously over five the country along with bene- r foov, cp., sil be sold on 'As s where s ". "As is what is". and "Whatever there is" on 30.03.2019 , years, just when it looked like working. But it suits the saffron fo r rno:very of Rs.4,08,20,6201- Contractual lies as on 31 1220181 due to the Secunderabad ple that retaliation should be ficiaries of central schemes. -,51144 g camp just fine. It’s a fact that Congress strategists REC f . R. P. Road Branch of Canara Ban k from Mh APSARA CONSTRUCTIONS ropresemod oy its ?r 1, so strong that terrorists will The BJP president said REC POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED Vemula Anand Kumar V. Jana dhan & Shri. Sum Venkatesh Goud S Mallarah. -1,11-111, 111 - 5 n.i ?r >mT Shri. Slo Shri Slo acknowledge and are wary of. TNN X715 , think many times before an- the action taken against the The esene are for LOT No 1 gri to Rs.51, 00,0001 and tr eames' r r:ney deposit s be Rs.5 , 10 ,0001 other attack. “Our forces terrorist organisations was c ,tu. a war w ain. e. + The Earnest Money Deposit shat be deacs ted or or Lefore 28.03.2019 at 5:00 pm. .'T, . .. have destroyed the breeding ment’s resolve to tackle ter- the 2016 surgical strikes, BJP in self-defence and the Prime Lot No. Property Description ' ground of the terror outfits,” rorism in the wake of the needed a muscular reaction Minister has demonstrated Not ce In itm gg Tender IIn red through e-Tendering rnnde on y) for Jammu & Ke shm r Power Lot No. All that piece and parcel of the open and b-oaring Plot No.243 admeasurir n he said as the venue echoed death of 40 CRPF personnel to the suicide attack at Pulwa- that the country is in safe Development Depa rtment (JKPDD) 1 SgYdsor250 .83 Sq.fltrsnpx:efSu y No yc ardNo.8 , Block No.3 , S f.r Sr Tender No. Name of NIT Date of Pre -Bid Last Date for at rest of area of Karmang ha:i'llage I Shrraganga Co lony - Hasthinapur) Sa with chants of ‘Modi-Modi’. in Pulwama. After having ma. Despite Pakistan’s de- hands. “After taking over as No Meeting Bid Submissio n Naga- Revenue riandal . RR District under LB Nagar Municipality, G- cas The strikes came at an appro- made the government’s re- nials, the fact that IAF jets Prime Minister, Modiji had Hyderabad n the name of Sri. S Venkatesham by Sale Deed No 1350[ 1 RECPDCL/TECH/ Turnkey lmplementahonof Advanced Metering 07.03.2019 19.012019 Wi F, priate time for BJP when sponse to terrorism a major crossed the Line of Control promised a safe nation and to- JKPDD/e-Tender,' Infrastructure for 20 Lakh consumers (1 Lakh at ac and bounded byy: North : 30' de Road. South : Plot No.246. East : 2018-19/6355 n Jammu City + 1 Lakh in Srinagar City) wth 1200 Hours 1330 Hours No 242. West : Pbt No 244 Congress and other opposi- talking point by comparing and fired missiles at the Jaish day over 125 crore people of dated - 5 years FMS including Operation & Maintenance 'No Knottr En:umbr,,rcrc ' r the Knouedce of the Bank 26.02.2019 tion parties had begun to UPA’s record and having terror camp at Balakot gave the country have witnessed for Power Development Department (POD) of Fcr detaed te-ms aoc Ecnd I ons of the sale please refer the ink "E. Auction " provded r Cza i Government of J8J( under Pnme Ministers question the Modi govern- sought political capital from BJP the boost it sought.The it,” he added. Development Package (PMDP) Bank' s website iwww.canarabank . com l or may contact Assistant General Manager, Ardil Branch Canara Bank, Ph. No : 040-23436974 123436968 during ofice hours on ary norking day For eli gibility criteria , terms & conditions or furthecorr igendum (if any) Please vist wwwrecpdcl.in ? www recindia nic . in r wwweprocure.gov. in !wwwtenderwizardd.col/ REC. Contact Recovery Agency - Shivom Banking Services - Rajesh (7396599997 ) Says (8639090372) There shall be no further press advertisement it this regard. Addl. Chief Executive Officer Date : 25.02.2019, Place : Hyderabad Sal - Authorised Officer, Canara Bank Gandhi Peace r nll : L16 -1 ' , 1 I 1 I I I I .1, Prize given E-TENDER NOTICE NO. 214 US lk A'i On lire percentage rate tenders in B-1 Form are invited for the work of construction 10\ IR I 1C1 \11 \ I N O ICI( TENDER FOR PARTNER SUPPORT for 2015-18 of Administrative Building and Examination Bhavan at new campus by the Registrar L061STICS AND FUNCTIONS Advertisement No. PGPRC dIt 21 19 942 Dated: of Solapur University, Solapur From the experienced contractors in construction of We area Global Leader and Innovator in the production of raw materia ls critica l to users ('IOSIN(i DAI It I OR Gb NI.RAl1ON OI (ll\I I 1?\ iNI \I'I'1I(:\I IONS IS Ill 10 28th MARCII 2019 TIMES NEWS NETWORK buiding, having annual turnover of minimum 75 Crores and abvoe and successfully of Carbon Products worldwide , with manufacturing facilities in the Port Area of TILL 11.591'.M.
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