,t;tpdhj;jhis Fwpg;Gfs; nfhLf;fg;gLk; tiu jpwf;ff;$lhJ gpupT mjpfhup $wpagpd; jpwf;fTk;. (open Candidates) / (nghJ tpz;zg;gjhuu;fSf;FupaJ) tpdhj;jhspd; tif gjpT vz;. tpdhj;jhspd; tupir vz;. OMR tpilj;jhspd; vz; FREE MOCK TEST – 03 ehs; kw;Wk; Njjp: tpahof;fpoik> 9 [dtup 2020 Time / Neuk; : 2 ½ kzp Neuk;: fhiy 10.00 kzp Kjy; 12.30 kzp tiu Total Marks / nkhj;j kjpg;ngz;fs; :70 Instructions – mwpTiufs; 1. This question paper contain 80 questions in part A (General knowledge) and 60 questions in part B (Psychology) related subjects. ,t;tpdhj;jhspy; gFjp ‘m’ nghJ mwptpy; 80 tpdhf;fSk; kw;Wk; gFjp ‘M’ cstpay; rk;ke;jkhd ghlq;fspy; 60 tpdhf;fSk; cs;sd. 2. The type of question paer (A,B,C or D) should be shaded in the answer sheet using blue or black ball point pen. The answers sheet without shading the type of question paper will not be evaluated. ,e;j tpdhj;jhspd; tifia (A,B,C or D) tpilj;jhspy; mjw;Fz;lhd ,lj;jpy; ePyk;. (m) fUg;G epw ghy; ghapd;l;Ngdhitf; nfhz;L vOjp gpd; gl;il jPl;lTk;. tpdhj;jhspd; tifia gl;il jPl;lhtpl;lhy;> me;j tpilj;jhs; kjpg;gplg;glkhl;lhJ. 3. Write the Registration No. using blue or black ball point pen at the appropriate box in the answer sheet. tpilj;jhspy;> ePyk; (m) fUg;G epw ghy; ghapd;l; Nghditf; nfhz;L gjpT vz;iz mjw;Fupa fl;lj;jpy; vOjp> gpd; gl;il jPl;lTk;. 4. Answer all the 140 questions should be shaded in the relevant circles using blue or black ball point pen. Answer all the 140 questions- 140 Nfs;tpfSf;Fk; tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;. 5. Each question carries half a mark. xt;nthU Nfs;tpf;Fk; miu kjpg;ngz; toq;fg;gLk;. 6. The answers to the question should be shaded in the relevant circles using blue or black ball point pen. tpilfis ePyk; (m) fUg;G epw ghy; ghapd;l; Ngdhitf; nfhz;L me;je;j tl;lq;fspy; gl;il jPl;lTk;. 7. For each question only one answers is to be chosen and shaded. xU tpdhtpw;F xU tpilia kl;LNk gl;il jPl;lTk;. 8. For wrong and improper shading, no marks will be given. jtwhf gl;il jPl;bdhNyh> mbj;jy; jpUj;jq;fs; nra;jhNyh me;j Nfs;tpf;F kjpg;ngz;fpilf;fhJ. 9. Write the Registration No. in the question paper- gjpT vz;iz Nfs;tpj;jhspy; vOjTk;. 10. Write the SI.No of the OMR answer sheet in the question paper at the appropriate place. OMR tpilj;jhspd; vz;iz Nfs;tpj;jhspy; vOjTk;. 11. If there is any printing error in page No. in the question paper , the same should be brought to the notice of the invigilator immediately. ckJ tpdhj;jhspy; VNjDk; mr;Rg; gpioNa> gf;fq;fs; rupahf ,y;yhtpl;lhNyh> Nkw;ghh;itahshplk; Kiwapl;L rupahd Nfs;tpj;jhisg; ngw;Wf; nfhs;SkhW mwpTWj;jg;gLfpwJ. 12. All the questions are bilinguial except language questions (English & Tamil) ghlg;gFjp (Mq;fpyk; kw;Wk; jkpo;) Nfs;tpfis jtph;j;J midj;J Nfs;tpfSk; ,uz;Lk; nkhopfspYk; nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. ARMY, POLICE, NAVY, AIRFORCE Contact – 7200400395 / 398 Page 1 PART- ‘A’ : GENERAL STUDIES ARMY, POLICE, NAVY, AIRFORCE Contact – 7200400395 / 398 Page 2 9. Either Nila or Mala _______ present today. 1. bghUj;Jf: A) Is B) Are a) g[jpa tpoay;fs; 1. ftpkzp. C) Were D) Was. b) Rl;Ltpuy; 2. ghujpjhrd;. c) fiHf;Tj;jpapd; fhjy;3. jhuhghujp. 10. Even if you ask me not to go, I ________ d) qhdujk; 4. mg;Jy; uFkhd;. A) Shall B) Would e) Mrpa B$hjp 5. ghujpahu;. C) May D) Will. 11. Cycling is my Favourite Sport. (choose the correct a b c d e Antonym). A) 3 4 2 5 1 A) Hateful B) Interest B) 3 4 2 1 5 C) Passion D) Hobby. C) 4 3 2 5 1 12. ______ is taught inductively. D) 4 3 1 5 2 2. ehlfj;jkpH; cyfpd; nkakiy ahh;? A) Writing B) Spelling C) Grammar D) Speaking. A) ghpjpkhw;fiyqh; 13. It is time for the museum _______. B) rA;fujhR Rthkpfs; A) To Shut B) To be shut up C) gk;ky; rk;ge;jdhh; C) To shut down D) To be shut down. D) o.Bf.rBfhjuh;fs; 14. Crow and Dove are birds. 3. ‘kapYf;Fg; Bghh;it Bghh;j;jpa ts;sy; A) Crow is a bird ahh;? B) Dove is a bird A) Bgfd; B) ghhp C) Some Dove and Crow are birds. C) Xhp D) Ma; mz;oud; D) Both crow and Dove are birds. 4. Vwj;jhH vz;Z]W Mz;LfSf;F Kd; 15. She is in big trouble choose the correct idom fl;lg;gl;l IuhtjPRtuh; Bfhtpiy A) Fool’s errand B) In deep waters fl;oath; A) Kjyhk; nuhruhr BrhHd; C) In tears D) Bereft of. B) nuz;lhk; nuhruhr BrhHd; 16. Geetha agreed ______ me a computer. C) Kjyhk; FByhj;JA;fr; BrhHd; A) Buy B) Buying D) nuz;lhk; FByhj;JA;fr; BrhHd; C) To Buy D) Tobuying 2 2 5. ‘<d;W Gwe;jUjy; vd; jiyf; flNd 17. Sin 45° + Cos 45 = A) 0 B) 2 rhd;Nwhd; Mf;Fjy; je;ijf;Ff; flNd: - vd;W Fwpg;gpLk; 1 C) 1 D) E}y; vJ? 2 A) GwehD}W B) ehybahh; 18. To Given figure find the tan 휃 glj;jpypUe;J tan 휃it fz;Lgpb C) ,dpait ehw;gJ D) ehd;kzpf;fbif C 6. nrk;nkhopf;fhd gjpdhW tifahd nrt;tpay; jd;ikfisg; gw;wp $wp jkpo;nkhopf;F nrk;nkhop ,yf;fzk; 5 4 $wpath; A) NjtNeag; ghthzh; B) kiwkiyabfs; 휃 C) D) rhkpehj ma;ah; fpUghde;j thhpahh A 3 B “ ” ퟒ 3 7. jkpo;nfO $ly; vd;W kJiu khefiuf; Fwpg;gpLk; vl;Lj;njhif A) B) E}y; vJ? ퟑ 4 5 5 C) D) A)FWe;njhif B)ew;wpiz 4 3 C)GwehD}W D)mfehD}W 19. 25-2 log 53 = 1 A) B) 34 34 8. ePjp bewpapd;W gpwu;f;Fjt[k; Beu;ikau; 1 C) D) All the above Bkytu; fPHtu; kw;Bwhu;’ vdg;ghoatu;. 81 A) ghujpahu; B) ghujpjhrd; 20. Y = Sinx C) thzpjhrd; D) Rujh. ARMY, POLICE, NAVY, AIRFORCE Contact – 7200400395 / 398 Page 3 풅풚 푑2푦 C) vyf;l;uhd;fspd; nHg;g[ A) = Cos x B) 2 = −sinx 풅풙 푑푥 D) g[Buhl;lhd;fspd; nHg;g[ 푑2푦 C) = +y = 0 D) All the above 푑푥2 28. In India the frequency of alternating current is, 21. Find the nature of the triangle where Vertices are A ne;jpahtpy; khW kpd;Bdhl;lj;jpd; (12, 8), B (-2, 6) & C (6, 0) mjpu;btz; __________ A) Isosceles Right angle triangle A) 220 Hz B) 50 Hz B) Equilateral triangle B) C) 5 Hz D) 100 Hz C) Scalene triangle 29. Which of the following converts electrical energy into D) None of these mechanical energy? gpd;tUk; %d;W cr;rpfisf; nfhz;L ve;j tif Kf;Nfhzk; vd A) Motor B) Battery fz;Lg;gpb A (12, 8), B (-2, 6) & C) Generator D) Switch C (6, 0) gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; vJ kpd; Mw;wiy nae;jpu A) ,Urkgf;f nrq;Nfhz Kf;Nfhzk; Mw;wyhf khw;WfpwJ? B) rkgf;f Kf;Nfhzk; A) Bkhl;lhu; B) kpd;fyd; C) mrkgf;f Kf;Nfhzk; C) kpd;dpaw;wp D) rhtp D) ,tw;wpy; vJTkpy;iy 30. Transformer works on 1 A) AC only B) DC only 22. If A = (1 2 3 ) and B = (2) then A +B =? C) Both AC and DC 3 D) AC nor effectively than DC 1 fPH;f;fz;l vtw;wpy; kpd;khw;wp Btiy A = (1 2 3) kw;Wk; B= (2) vdpy; A +B =? bra;fpwJ? 3 2 0 A) AC ny; kl;Lk; B) DC ny; kl;Lk; A) (4) B) (0) C) AC kw;Wk; DC 6 0 D) ACia tpl DC ny; mjpfkhf C) (-11) D) (11) 31. Elements in the modern periodic table are arranged in ⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ 23. If [푎⃗ × 푏, 푏 × 푐⃗⃗⃗, 푐⃗ × 푎⃗] = 36 푡ℎ푒푛[푎⃗푏푐⃗] = ________ groups and ________ periods. [푎⃗ × 푏⃗⃗, 푏⃗⃗ × 푐⃗⃗⃗, 푐⃗ × 푎⃗] = 36vdpy; [푎⃗푏⃗⃗푐⃗]kjpg;G etPd jdpk ml;ltizapd; jdpkA;fs; A) 18 B) 72 ________ bjhFjp ______ tupirfshf C) 6 D) 0 mLf;fg; gl;Ls;sJ. 24. A (0) , B = P(A) then A ∩ 퐵 =? A) 7,18 B) 18,7 A) {∅, ∅} B) {∅} C) 17,8 D) 8,17 C) ∅ D) {0} 32. Aerenchyma is found in 25. SI unit of temperature is A) Epiphytes B) Hydrophytes A) Fahrenheit B) Joule C) Halophytes D)Xerophytes C) Celsius D) Kelvin VBud;ifkh vjpy; fz;lwpag;gl;lJ? btg;gepiyapd; SI myF? A) bjhw;W jhtuk; A) |ghud;#Pl; B) $Py; B) ePu;thH; jhtuk; C) bry;rpa!; D) bfy;tpd; C) rJg;g[epy jhtuk; 26. The Specific heat capacity of water is D) twz;l jhtuk; ePupd; jd; btg;g Vw;g[j; jpwd;. 33. The symbiotic association of fungi and vascular plants is A) 4200 JKg-1 K-1 B) 420 Jg-1 K-1 A) Lichen B) Rhizobium C) 0.42 Jg-1 K-1 D) 4.2 JKg -1 k-1 C) Mycorhizae D) Azotobacter. 27. In current electricity a positive charge refers to, g{q;irfs; kw;Wk; th!;Fyhu; jhtuA;fs; A) Presence of electron B) Presence of proton elj;Jk; Tl;Lapu; thH;f;if __________ C) Absence of electron D) Absence of proton A) iyf;fd; B) iuBrhgpak; xU bghUspd; Beu; kpd;Dhl;lk; C) ikf;Bfhiurh D) Bjhd;Wtjd; fhuzk;? mrpl;Blhghf;lu;.
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