Redland Nursery Jeffrey Demott (305) 248-5109 [email protected], [email protected] Nursery Registration: 03074000

Redland Nursery Jeffrey Demott (305) 248-5109 Lisa@Redlandnursery.Com, Jeffrey@Redlandnursery.Com Nursery Registration: 03074000

March 30, 2021 Nematode Certification CERTIFICATION LIST Expires: March 2, 2022 TYPE III No. 2039 (All States) TYPE I (Texas and Louisiana) Negative for burrowing, reniform and guava root-knot nematodes Redland Nursery Jeffrey DeMott (305) 248-5109 [email protected], [email protected] Nursery Registration: 03074000 TYPE III (All States) 1. Acanthostachys strobilacea - 4" pots 2. Acoelorraphe wightii - 1.5", 2" pots 3. Acrocomia sp. - 5", 6" pots 4. Actinokentia divaricata - 2.5", 4” pots 5. Adansonia sp. – 6” pots 6. Adenium sp. - 4" 6" pots; #72 cell packs 7. *Adonidia merrillii - 8" pots; #24 cell packs 8. Aechmea gamosephala - 4", 6" pots 9. Aechmea sp. - 6", 8" pots 10. Afrocarpus gracilior – 2” pots 11. Agapanthus africanus (dwarf) - 6" pots 12. Agave attenuata - 1.5", 8" pots 13. Agave lechuguilla - 1.5", 8" pots 14. Agave lophantha - 6" pots 15. Agave parryi - 1.5", 4”, 6” pots 16. Agave sisalana - 8" pots 17. Agave sp. - 4”, 6”, 8" pots 18. Aglonema sp. - 6”, 10”, 14” pots 19. Aiphanes horrida - 2”, 6", 10” pots 20. Aiphanes minima - 2”, 6", 10” pots 21. *Allagoptera arenaria - 1.5", 8" pots 22. Allagoptera campestris - 2" pots 23. Alocasia sp. - 5”, 6 “, 8", 10”, 14”, 17” pots 24. Aloe deltoideodona var. belle - 6" pots 25. Aloe humilis - 4", 6” pots 26. Alpinia galanga - 6" pots 27. Anacardium occidentale - 4" pots 28. Anthurium sp. - 2”, 4”, 5”, 6”, 8”, 10”, 12” pots "; #50 cell packs 29. Araucaria bidwillii - 6" pots 30. Archontophoenix alexandrae - 3" pots 31. Archontophoenix cunninghamiana - 3" pots 32. Archontophoenix cunninghamiana v. Illiwara - 5", 8” pots 33. Archontophoenix myolensis - 1.5", 3” pots 34. Archontophoenix purpurea - 1.5" pots 35. Areca catechu – 2”, 4”, 8”, 10” pots 36. Areca minuta - 1.5", 4”, 8” pots 37. Areca novohibernica - 1.5", 4”, 8” pots 38. Areca sp. - 4", 8” 12” pots 39. Areca triandra - 1.5", 8” pots 40. Areca tunku - 4", 6”, 8” pots 41. Areca vestiaria – 4”, 6", 8”, 10”, 12” pots 42. *Arenga engleri - 1.5", 3", 6”, 10”, 14” pots 43. Arenga hookeriana - 1.5", 4”, 8” pots 44. Arenga sp. - 1.5”, 2”, 3", 6”, 8”, 12” pots 45. Arenga westerhoutii – 2”, 12” pots 46. Asparagus sp. - 4", 6”, 8” pots 47. Asplenium sp. – 4”, 6” pots 48. Asterogyne sp - 4”, 6", 10” pots 49. Attalea butyracea - 4" pots 50. Attalea cohune - 4", 10” pots 51. Bactris sp. - 2”, 2.5”, 6”, 8" pots 52. Basselinia sp. - 1.5", 4", 5", 6", 8” pots 53. Bauhinia sp. – 4”, 6”, 8” pots 54. Beaucarnea sp. – 2”, 3”, 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, 14” pots; #50 cell packs 55. Beccariophoenix alfredii - 6", 8” pots 56. Begoinia sp. – 4”, 6”, 8” pots 57. Billbergia sp. - 6" pots 58. Bismarckia nobilis - 4", 10” pots 59. Brachychiton acerifolius – 2”, 8” pots 60. Brachychiton discolor – 2”, 8” pots 61. Brachychiton discolor 'Herman Seyforth' - 3" pots 62. Brachychiton populneus – 2”, 4”, 8” pots 63. Brachychiton rupestris – 2”, 4”, 8” pots 64. Brahea sp. - ‘Nuri’ - 2", 10” pots 65. Brasselinia tomentosa – 2”, 4”, 8” pots 66. Brassia antherotes - 6" pots 67. Brassiophoenix drymophoeoides - 2”, 6", 10” pots 68. Brassiophoenix schumannii - 6", 10” pots 69. Brassiophoenix sp - 2”, 6", 8” pots 70. Bucida spinosa - 4" pots 71. Bulbine frutescens - 4" pots 72. Burretiokentia sp. - 1.5", 3", 6", 8”, 10” pots 73. Burretiokentia vieillardii – 2”, 8”, 10” pots 74. Butia capitata - 1.5", 4"pots 75. Calamus sp - 1.5”, 5", 8”, 10” pots 76. Calyptrocalyx albertsiana – 2”, 4”, 8”, 10” pots 77. Calyptrocalyx awa - 1.5", 4”, 8”, 10” pots 78. Calyptrocalyx elegans ‘Mara’ – 2”, 4”, 8”, 10” pots 79. Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus - 1.5", 4”, 6”, 8”, 10” pots 80. Calyptrocalyx sp. - 2”, 2.5 “, 4”, 5", 8”, 10”, 12” pots 81. Calyptrocalyx sp. Brazil – 2” pots 82. Calyptrocalyx stenophyllus - 1.5", 10” pots 83. Calyptrogyne sp. - 1.5”, 6", 8”, 10” pots 84. Calyptronoma occidentalis - 1.5", 2”, 6”, 10”, 14” pots 85. Calyptronoma sp. - 6", 8” pots 86. Canaga odorata - 6", 10” pots 87. Carpoxylon macrospermum – 2”, 8”, 10” pots 88. Caryota gigas - 2", 8”, 10” pots 89. Caryota himalaya - 1.5" pots 90. *Caryota mitis - 2”, 4”, 5" 91. Caryota obtusa - 1.5", 8”, 10” pots 92. Caryota ophiopellis – 2”, 8”, 10” pots 93. Caryota zebrine – 4”, 6”, 8”, 10” pots 94. Cassia leptophylla - 5" pots 95. Cebia sp - 4", 6" 8" pots 96. Ceratozamia hildae - 2", 4" pots 97. Ceratozamia sp. - 2", 6", 10” pots 98. Chamaedorea ascendens - 1.5", 6”, 10” pots 99. Chamaedorea cataractarum – 6”, 10”, 12” pots; 72 cell packs 100. Chamaedorea costaricana - 1.5", 10” pots 101. Chamaedorea elegans – 2” pots 102. Chamaedorea metallica - 1.5", 4”, 10” pots 103. Chamaedorea oblongata - 1.5", 8”, 10” pots 104. Chamaedorea plumosa - 2.5" pots 105. Chamaedorea sp. - 1.5”, 4”, 5"; #50 cell packs 106. Chamaedorea tuerchheimi – 2”, 6”, 10” pots 107. Chamaedorea woodsoniana – 2”, 6”, 10” pots 108. Chamaerops humilis - 1.5", 2.5" pots 109. Chamaerops humilis 'cerifera' - 1.5" pots 110. Chambeyronia hookeri – 2”, 2.5”, 4”, 6", 8” pots 111. Chambeyronia sp - 2”, 4", 8” pots 112. *Chelyocarpus chuco - 4", 8” pots 113. Chelyocarpus sp. - 4", 8” pots 114. Chelyocarpus ulei – 2”,4”, 6”, 8” pots 115. Christia obcordata – 4”, 6” pots 116. Chuniophoenix hainanensis - 1.5", 4”, 8” pots 117. Chuniophoenix nana - 6", 8”, 10” pots 118. Clinostigma warburgii – 2”, 10” pots 119. Coccothrinax alta - 1.5", 10”, 12”, 14”, 17” pots 120. Coccothrinax barbadensis - 1.5" 10”, 12”, 14”, 17” pots 121. Coccothrinax crinita – 2”, 4” 10”, 12”, 14”, 17” pots 122. Coccothrinax ekmanii - 1.5", 2” 10”, 12”, 14”, 17” pots 123. Coccothrinax miraguama - 1.5" 10”, 12”, 14”, 17” pots 124. Coccothrinax sp. - 1.5" 4”, 5”, 6" 10”, 12”, 14”, 17” pots 125. Coccothrinax spissa - 3" 10”, 12”, 14”, 17” pots 126. Colocasia esculenta – 6”, 8”, 10”, 14” pots 127. Copernicia alba - 1.5" pots 128. Copernicia fallaensis – 2”, 4” pots 129. Copernicia glabrescens – 2” pots 130. Copernicia hospita – 2”, 4” pots 131. Copernicia prunifera - 1.5" pots 132. Copernicia sp. - 2”, 2.5”, 4", 6”, 8” pots 133. Cordyline sp. – 4”, 6”, 10”, 14” pots 134. Cryptanthus 'Elaine' - 4", 6" pots 135. Crysophila sp. – 2” pots 136. Crysophila stauracantha – 2” pots 137. *Crysophila warsecewiczii - 2" pots 138. Cycas debaoensis - 2", 4" pots 139. Cycas shanyagensis – 2” pots 140. Cycas sp. - 4" pots 141. Cymbidium sp - 6" pots 142. *Cyphophoenix sp. - 2", 6", 8" pots 143. Cyphosperma balansae - 4", 6”, 8” pots 144. Cyphosperma sp. - 1.5", 5", 6”, 8” pots 145. Cyrtostachys renda – 2”, 5”, 6” pots 146. Dasylirion acrotrichum - 1.5", 2” pots 147. Dasylirion longissimus - 1.5", 2” pots 148. Dasylirion quadrangulatum - 1.5" pots 149. Dendrobium hybrids – 2”, 6” pots 150. Deplanchea sp. – 3”, 6” pots 151. *Dictyosperma album - 1.5" pots 152. *Dictyosperma album 'Rubra' - 1.5" pots 153. Dictyosperma furfuraceum - 2", 8” pots 154. Dioon califanoi- 2”, 2.5”, 4" pots 155. Dioon edule - 1.5" pots 156. Dioon edule Palma sola dwarf - 2" pots 157. Dioon edule var. jacala - 2" pots 158. Dioon holmgrenii – 2”, 8” pots 159. Dioon merolae – 2”, 8” pots 160. Dioon sp. - 2", 4”, 6" pots 161. Dioon spinulosum - 2.5" pots 162. Dracaena arborea – 4" pots; #24 cell packs 163. Dransfielda micrantha - 1.5", 4”, 6”, 8” pots 164. Drymophloeus litigiosus - 6", 8”, 10” pots 165. Drymophloeus oninensis - 1.5", 8”, 10” pots 166. Dyckia sp. - 4”, 6", 8" pots 167. Dypsis albofarinosa - 2", 8” pots 168. *Dypsis cabadae - 1.5", 8” pots 169. Dypsis carlsmithii - 3", 8”, 10” pots 170. Dypsis crinita - 1.5", 10” pots 171. *Dypsis decaryi – 2”, 3" pots 172. Dypsis lanceolata - 1.5", 4”, 8” pots 173. Dypsis leptocheilos – 1.5”, 3" pots 174. Dypsis marojejya - 2", 6”, 8”, 10” pots 175. Dypsis mosquerysiana – 2” pots 176. Dypsis onilahensis - 1.5", 6”, 8” pots 177. Dypsis ovobontsira – 2”, 6”, 8” pots 178. Dypsis paludosa - 1.5", 6”, 8” pots 179. Dypsis pembana - 1.5", 8”, 10” pots 180. Dypsis prestoniana - 4", 6”, 8”, 10” pots 181. Dypsis sp. – 1.5”, 2”, 3”, 4”, 5”, 6", 8”, 10” pots; #50 cell packs 182. Dypsis sp. 'Betafaka' - 5", 8” pots 183. Dypsis sp. 'Dark Mealybug' - 5", 8” pots 184. Dypsis sp. Hovitra' - 5", 8” pots 185. Dypsis sp. 'Tanuissima' - 5", 8” pots 186. Dypsis thyriansa – 2” pots 187. Dypsis utilis - 1.5" pots 188. Echeveria sp. - 4" pots 189. Encephalartos ferox - 2.5", 8” pots. 190. Encephalartos gratus - 2.5", 8” pots 191. Encephalartos sp. -2.5”, 4", 8” pots 192. Enterolobium cyclocarpum - 6" pots 193. Epidendrum 'Carib' - 4" pots 194. Epiphylum sp. - 4”, 6”, 8”, 10” pots 195. Erblichia odorata – 2”, 4”, 8” pots 196. Eugeissona sp. - 4", 5", 6" pots 197. Eugeissona tristis – 2” pots 198. Euphorbia capsaintemanensis sp, - 4" pots 199. Euphorbia millii – 4”, 10” pots 200. Euphorbia robivelonae sp. - 4" pots 201. Euphorbia viguieri - 4" pots 202. Euporbia sp. - 4”, 6”, 8”, 10” pots 203. Eurycles amboinensis - 6" pots 204. Euterpe sp. - 1.5", 6", 8” pots 205. Filicium decipiens - 1.5" pots 206. Gaussia gomez-pompei - 1.5", 8”, 10” pots 207. Gaussia princeps – 2”, 4”, 8”, 10” pots 208. *Gaussia sp. - 1.5”, 4" pots 209. Geonoma sp. - 4", 6”, 8” pots 210. Guaiacum sanctum - 4" pots 211. Haworthia sp. - 4" pots 212. Hemithrinax ekmaniana -1.5”, 2”, 5” pots 213. Heterospathe elata - 1.5" pots 214. Heterospathe sp. - 1.5”, 2”, 4”, 5”, 6”, 8”, 10” pots 215. *Howea forsteriana - 6" pots 216. Hoya sp. 6”, 8” pots 217. Hydriastele sp. - 1.5”, 2”, 4”, 5”, 6", 8”, 10” pots 218.

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