Wednesday, April 5, 1972 Spartan Datits Serving the San Jose State College Community Since 1934 Tax time looms ahead: Buck clashes with Burch Late filing costs $$$ on election, program funds By DARRELL CROW throughout the year. Tax is based on gallons, In a continuing battle over today's initia- funding over the limit. SJS students have only 10 days leit to so accurate records could mean additional election, A.S. Pres. Mike Buck yesterday A flier circulated on campus earlier this file their tax returns without penalty. dollar savings. answered charges brought against him by week charged Buck with deliberately victimiz- Recent legislation has changed the stand- Keep a record of all sales tax paid and Attorney General Steve Burch. ing certain programs by veto. ard deductions from $1,000 to $1,300 for 1971. at the end of the year compare this figure The initiative asks for continued A.S. The flier mentioned the SJS Honors Con- Standard deductions will rise another $200 with the "average" the federal government funding of certain instructionally related pro- vocation, the Inter-cultural Steering Com- initiative for 197 7 has established for your locale and income grams at their present level until alterna- mittee, the Fantasy Faire, Shaka Newspaper. Second The average Bay Area family will find that bracket. Use whatever is higher. tive funding is found. Iranian Week, the Radio-TV News Center, the with the interest they're paying on their Interests are devastatingly high. All those "I have nothing against any of these SJS water polo team and Reed Magazine. mortgage it will be easy to itemize deduc- $1.60 monthly service charges by credit cards programs," insisted Buck at a press con- Admitting he had vetoed funding for the tions totaling far more than the standard can add up to $200 or more (depending upon ference yesterday. programs, Buck emphasized A.S. Council had election today allowances. the number of charge cards you have. "I think it is the responsibility of the overridden his veto in all cases except Shaka Working students at SJS will find it bene- Interest on time payment purchases is de- state to fund programs and until alterna- Newspaper. ficial to keep a list of deductible expenses ductible. Find out the exact amount for each tive funding can be found, you continue to The issue, explained Buck, "is not how The second initiative election on the throughout the year rather than try to search month. Remember that on some loans fund programs." these programs were vetoed, but why." question of whether or not student govern- madly through old receipts every April. you pay less interest each month. Commenting on the effectiveness of the Most of the programs, he asserted, could ment should fund instructionally related pro- Several income tax preparation booklets The IRS says, "your missing property initiative Buck questioned the anticipated indeed find alternative funding and support grams will be held today and tommorrow. (by Internal Revenue Services, H & R Block, is not sufficient evidence to sustain a theft voter turn out. themselves without A.S. help. Polling booths will be located at the Col- J.K. Lasser and others) suggest several forms deduction. You must somehow show that The last initiative election, held in Feb- The A Cappella Choir, Iranian Week lege Union and the Science Quad from 9 for recording yearly deductible expenses. your property was stolen." ruary, had a poor showing with fewer than sponsors and the Flying 20s, he added, a.m. - 3 p.m., and on Seventh Street from The best way to itemize a tax return is Newspaper accounts, police records, and 1,000 students voting, explained Buck. supported themselves in part by holding food 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. to sit down in January (the year before statements from witnesses will help prove As for the wording of the initiative reso- sales and other fund-raising activities. The initiative reads: "The funding of filing) and study Form 1040 and schedule A your loss. lution, Buck said if it is passed, "The After the organizations helped themselves, instructionally related programs currently (Itemized Deductions). The most important item in filing tax initiative will be a guideline for council as Buck stated he then upheld additional A.S. funded by the A.S. (Radio and Television News On Schedule A medical expenses are listed returns is accurate records. There is no much as it is for me." Council allocations. center, athletics, intramurals, Spartan Daily, first and in three separate categories. real reason to pay someone to prepare your "But the initiative does not allow the The flier also accused Buck of a lack Music Department and SC1P) shall continue All monies paid to doctors, dentists, and return. A.S. to be innovative," he argued. of concern for students' wishes and opinions. to be funded at their present level by the hospitals should be added and the total divided The IRS will help you fill out your form Buck interpreted that the initiative limits Buck retorted by citing an independent sur- A.S. until alternative funding is found. in half. One half is deductible and the provided you bring in well kept records funding of instructionally related programs at vey conducted by a Business 288 class last Over $200,000 will be the question in today amount of the outer half must exceed one at no charge their present level and does not allow for semester polling students about instruc- and tomorrow's special election on the A.S. per cent of your adjusted income. tionally related programs. funding of instructionally related programs. That portion which exceeds one per cent "Fifty-eight per cent of the students," The specific allocations for the programs of your adjusted income is added to the rest Act 24 loopholes said Buck, "were in favor of continued fund- of the medical expenses incurred throughout plugged ing." Department --$26,000 the tax year. By CATHY TALLYN Act 24, said Leon Crain, Election Board Despite Buck's responses, sponsors of the AeticAthletic Department (including 1st ram ur- Any portion of this new total exceeding Act 24, the Associated Students' election chairman. initiative held their position. als)--$155,000 3 per cent of your adjusted income is deduc- code suspended by A.S. Judiciary last year, No restrictions were placed on the num- Concerning Buck's vetoes, A.S. Council- Spartan Daily --$40,000 tible. was approved with a few "clarifications" by ber of handouts which would be allowed al- man Rich Overstreet said, "Council over- Radio and Television News Center- -$800 The following is a list of common and un- the A.S. Election Board yesterday for the up- though it was moved at the meeting. those vetoes in repudiation of Mike rode SC1P--$2,000 common deductible medical expenses: Hear- coming Spring election. Some members were concerned that if they Buck." ing aids, arches, prescription costs, drugs, Approval of the board's action will go be- placed a limitation on handouts it might cause "He can't relieve himself of making the eyeglasses, contact lenses, sacroiliac belt, fore Judiciary at 1 p.m. Friday. the election results to be brought to Judi- vetoes," stated Overstreet. "I fail to see reclining chair (if prescribed by doctor) The clarifications are intended only as ciary and then perhaps be thrown out. the logic in his comments." reeling chair (if prescribed by doctor) heat- "notes in the margin of Act 24 for this Spring The Board also determined the filing Burch argued that Buck has no master ing devices, splints, truss, doctor-prescribed election," said Louis Barrozzi, Election period and places of balloting. plan for his proposed co-op program for wigs, injections, insulin treatments and tra- Board member. Filing will start next Monday and will SJS. vel costs for specific chronic ailment. The changes made by the board are that end at 4 p.m. Thursday, April 13. An Registration "A lot of the co-op programs at other Keep a record of all expenses (even only six handout layouts for the entire elec- orientation meeting for all candidates will colleges are going broke," said Burch. remotely connected with medical treatment tion will be allowed, grievance charges will be at 4 p.m. April 13. "I'd like to see his facts," answered and at the end of the year the Internal Revenue go directly to Judiciary, and costs must be Balloting will be at the Women's Gym, Buck yesterday. "I have facts to prove Service (IRS) will gladly sit down and sort itemized. library, between the College Union and art otherwise." plan designed through your list of deductible and non- The board was given the job of drawing Building, West Hall, Seventh Street, the old He specifically mentioned successful co- deductible expenses. up the election guidelines since Council bookstore, and the Engineering Building. op programs at Oregon State College and Taxes paid for real estate, state income couldn't agree on such things as campaign The board will go before Special Allo- Michigan State. tax, sales tax, gasoline and etc. are deduc- handouts and election handbooks. cations tomorrow to ask for funds to hire Both Burch and Overstreet contended the to aid frosh tible. The board had to come up with the rules people to man the polling places. It was for Buck's co-op plan would come funding By BRUCE DE ANGELIS Keep a record of the gallons of gas used they chose to "plug up the loopholes" of estimated $402 would be needed. from currently funded A.S. programs. It looks as if the grass may be getting greener for next year's first-time freshman students.
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