Op-eds, pg. 3: S163 would Water Quality Involuntary school mergers House increase State role in Fuel Oil Tax Roll housing inspections, Smoking Age Calls register contractors Juv. Jurisdiction Pgs. 4-5 Lead in schools - Pg. 6 G. Honigford R. Szott Volume 1, No. 3, May 15, 2019 Tuesday, May 14, 2019 – During what may be the Vermont Legislature’s last full week, decisions are being made on major pieces of legislation that have been the focus of policymakers, lobby- ists and media all session. S23, minimum wage The version passed by House Appropriations yesterday by a 6-5 vote would get the minimum wage to $15/ hour by as soon as 2026 – two years later than the Senate version. The bill goes to the House floor today. It faces an amendment by Rep. Chip Troiano (D-Stannard) to return $15/hour time- line to 2024, as approved by the Sen- ate. H107, paid family leave A slimmed-down Senate version is on today’s calendar for a Senate floor vote. The Senate version eliminates personal paid leave for employees but still allows them to take paid time off for ailing family members. The House bill would require $76 million in pay- roll taxes; the Senate version, an esti- CANNON CAVORT - This is what it looks like when someone asks 10 State House pages to pose for a serious portrait! mated $27 million. From left to right: Skylar Foster, Jericho; Oliver Szott, Barnard; Zane Mawhinney, Lyndonville; Hayden Ross, Barre; S54, taxed and regulated marijuana Gavin Gray, Northfield; Cassidy Berry, Waterbury; Cyd Edge-Gerrol, Wallingford; Anja Wellspeak, Pownal; Anna Issel- As reported elsewhere in this issue, hardt, Elmore; Lindsey Bigelow, Warren. Missing from the April 9—May 17 group of pages: Grace Waryas, Bellows S54 is in the Ways and Means Com- Falls. Chronicle photo mittee. Although no further discussion has been scheduled, Chair Janet Ancel (according to several sources) is con- First law enacted in 2019: New state working group sidering moving forward with the bill but is concerned the fees will not cover regulatory set-up costs in the first year to oppose ethnic, social bias in local school districts or two. These expenses could possibly be paid with in anticipation of ex- By Guy Page Coalition for Ethnic and Social Equity New Working Group will pected excise tax receipts. It is unclear Act 1, the first Vermont Legislature in Schools. All 10 must be members of however which funding source would bill to become law this year, creates a an ethnic or social group, and two review district policies and supply this seeming “bridge loan”. 20-member advisory board to recom- must be high school students. Act 1 recommend new student S96, water quality mend to the Vermont State Board of defines ethnic groups as “nondominant Today, the Senate will also consider Education new student performance racial and ethnic groups in the United performance standards (continued on page 4) standards “to recognize fully the histo- States, including people who are ry, contributions, and perspectives of Abenaki, people from other indigenous Towns can’t get tough on plastic bags, straws ethnic groups and social groups.” groups, people of African, Asian, Pa- The law, approved March 29 by cific Island, Chicanx, Latinx, or Mid- A few hours before the full House gave containers, the House Natural Re- Gov. Phil Scott, is entitled “An act dle Eastern descent; and groups that preliminary approval to S113, the pro- sources, Fish & Wildlife Committee relating to ethnic and social equity have been historically subject to perse- posed ban on plastic carryout bags, and studies standards for public schools.” cution or genocide.” single-use straws and polystyrene (continued on page 6) The Ethnic and Social Equity Stand- It defines social groups as “women ards Advisory Working Group is and girls, people with disabilities, im- scheduled to meet for the first time migrants, refugees, and individuals September 1, 2019. who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, Its 20 members will include 10 POSTAL CUSTOMER POSTAL members appointed by the Vermont (continued on page 7) Waiting period won’t reduce suicides As I understand it: The suggested It is not unrealistic to believe that need for a Waiting Period is as a way some of those Vermonters under the to help reduce impulsive acts done threat of violence may choose to im- with firearms, specifically suicides or mediately obtain the means for their murders, with this being referred to as defense. Beyond those Vermonters is "reducing access to lethal means". any Vermonter who understands that Regarding suicide by firearm: Ac- the defensive use of firearms is a cording to the Vermont Department of "Common Occurrence" and who also Mental Health, in 2016 there were wish to immediately prepare them- 1,141 suicide attempts. Of those, selves. 1,070 or 94% were attempts using How tragic will it be when a known something other than a firearm. For victim is killed by a known aggressor those suicides where a firearm was while the victim was in a Waiting Peri- used, the vast majority were done with od? These stories exist now, just not a firearm that was already owned. in Vermont. It is actually a pretty rare event What of the situation where the pur- when a person will go to a store, buy a chaser already owns a firearm? There firearm and then kill themselves with were 41,000 firearm transfers in Ver- it. mont for 2018, one of which we now Regarding the impulsive use of a hope was preventable. If the intent of firearm for murder, this is not a com- a Waiting Period is to reduce access to mon event in Vermont either. Per the lethal means, what is accomplished FBI: Vermont is consistently the first when a Vermonter already owns lethal or second safest state in the nation means? when it comes to violent crime. Im- While establishing a Waiting Period pulsively buying a firearm for immedi- might, possibly, maybe help reduce ate nefarious purposes is also a pretty what are already rare events, Waiting rare event. Periods will prove ineffective. Beyond A Waiting Period will be ineffective that, since Waiting Periods will not Little attention paid can't handle anymore of this. for the simple reason that people address 94% of overall suicide at- Jim Fitzgerald, St. Albans plan. When someone decides to hop in tempts, and will not address when le- to serious problems their car, go to a store, fake any dis- thal means are already owned: It tress, buy a firearm and then go home seems clear we need a solution that is When the Vermont Legislature Working harder and kill themselves with it: That's a better focused on the overall problem. opened their session in January, they plan. No matter what time limit is im- Establishing a Waiting Period WILL were faced with the task of at least ad- for the same lunch posed, if someone is determined they put Vermonters at risk who are under dressing several key issues/problems In 1955, 18 years old and straight out will simply plan around a Waiting Pe- the threat of violence by denying them that the citizens were faced with. of Iowa--but I was on my own, living riod. the ability to defend themselves in a Among these, the high cost of one the life in NYC and earning about There are other problems with a timely manner; it WILL inconvenience living in Vermont especially. Educa- $0.75 per hour. New experiences, one Waiting Period. tens of thousands of Vermonters annu- of which was the hot dog venders serv- To begin: Just what is the balance ally in lost time and money to make a tion costs needed work, the underfund- ing a delicious Nathan's hot dog with between the concept of a Waiting Peri- redundant trip; and it WILL financially ed pension problem, a review of act kraut and yellow mustard. 2 dogs and a od and the unalienable Right of Self hurt sporting organizations, businesses, 46, addressing our crumbling high- Pepsi, $0.25. Wow, I worked 20 Defense? According to the Judiciary and towns that host Sportsman's ways and bridges and of course many minutes for a great lunch. Annual Statistical Report, there were Shows, Banquets and Auctions. It also more serious problems. To our amaze- Fast forward to Springfield, 2019 3,380 Relief From Abuse (RFA) fil- invites yet another court challenge. ment very little if any attention has when I was sitting in a local conven- ings in 2018, an increase of 8% over The benefits of a Waiting Period are been paid to our more serious state ience store killing time until my next 2017. Temporary Restraining Orders questionable - the negatives are real. problems. appointment. A stranger stopped by were granted for 2,636 cases. Final I respectfully ask the Legislature to They did however have time to work my booth, steaming because 2 hotdogs, orders were granted for 1,589. vote down any Waiting Period on pos- on the smoking age legislation, they certainly not Nathan's, and a cup of There can be no question that there sessing a firearm. had time to add more taxes to our heat- coffee cost him $5. Assuming current are Vermonters who are in fear of vio- ing fuel, they spent a considerable minimum wage, he worked 30 minutes lence as it is clear there are thou- Chris Bradley, amount of time on the $ 15 per hour for his lunch. Or he had to work 50% sands. Likewise there should be no Northfield wage in Vermont, they had time to longer and pay 20 times as much.
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