PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. VOLUME III. PORTLAND, ME., WEDNESDAY JANUARY MORNING, 27, 18G4. WHOLE NO. 494. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, wisdom and moderation of Congress. There is at this moment of so much FOR SALE & TO LET. JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor, nothing impor- MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL I tance to us now as finiahiny the fiyhtiny speed- 8._ BUSINESS CARDS. y S U R A N C li published at ITo. WJ EXCHANGE All j E."* STREET, by ily. discussion about what we shall do N. A. FORTE H A after Help the Sick and CO. it is over, which takes away any of our Counting Hoorn to Let. Wounded. MOUNT CUTLER HOUSE. BEAVERS time or from the main is as fiOUNTIKG BOOM over No. 30 Commercial 8t. QUIXCHILLA Mutual Taa Portla»d Daily thoughts ijiiestion, The subscriber purchased the Pans* i, pablUhed at *7.00 absurd as it would be for VV Thomas Blook, to lot. Apply to having leather color, drab., purple*. a man who was buf- THE Cutler House, at Hiram and LifeJnsueahci. “ •dv“ce- • di*co“n' °f N J. MILLER, CHRISTIAN COMMISSION Bridge, Ac at feting for life iu a to him- now refurnishing, will open the same to the Ac., strong surf, occupy moil'll dtf Over 12 Commercial Street. now Now Kpi self with the fully organized, so that it can reach the public January 1,1664. C. W. R0BIN8ON A CO.'i. Yorls. Single ecpies three eeate. consideration of what business he in _ r*a*tAi«« ISsoldiers all parts of the army with stores and W. G. SPRING. Stati PRsee ts published Thar.- would into in case he to land. and (Mount_ Life every go got religious reading instruction. Hiram. Deo. 6,1668. decd-dtjanl VELVETS. Insurance daymarniag,at*1.00per Ananm.iB advunoe; *2.26 To Let. Its object is tho spiritual aud Company Wd temporal wellhre ol gCOTCH W-60*if 9Vmmt b« OFFICES, or in over 8tore# the soldiers and sailors. It distributes ESTABLISHED 1845. “Bite Biuoek Billy.” One day a gentle- aingle inltea, its stores bv for Ladle*’ Cloaki, FiDRNos. 162 and 154 Exchange street, opposite the means of Christian men. who go without and INTERNATIONAL man saw two boys one of the pay HOUSE, at Homo Office, Hoe. 118*114 going along International Honso. Apply on the premises to give personally to those who need, accompanying Broadway, B. Y. Rates of streets in New York. Junction Advertiilns 2 They were barefooted, ®c2 dtf T. 8. HATCH. each distribution by words of religious counsel and of Ptckange, Congress and Lime _C. W. ROBINSON A CO.’S, Their clothes were cheer, and sueh as New Hall, Portland. Het Asset* One tach of epseo la of oonatltatee ragged and dirty, and tied by personal attention may be City length oolamn, needed. This new and centrally located Hotel le AND FUR | over$3,000,000,seoai<alyiansted. a ‘•eqoaan.” together by pieces ol One was For Sale or to Let. BEAVERS, Hot. morris siring. boy Tho main objeet of the Commission is the First Class in ail its and one gPANGLED FRANKLIN. PresMoat *1.26 par eqaare daily Sret waek; 76 eeate per week over a religions appointments, perfectly happy half withered bunch of and Lot corner of and welfare of the soldiers, but find that best of the most home-like houses in New In black, PLINY after; three insertions or eve- Congress Temple they thoy 1st!..opposite Eng- brown, drab, FREEMAN, Actuary. lees, *1.00; continuing flowers which he had HOUSEstreets, receutlv Mr. Samuel succeed in this first land. Charges moderate. ry other day after Bret week, SO cents. just picked up in the occupied by by ministering to the bodily Ac., Ac., at street. Chadwick. of wants, and then to Christ. O. C. three insertions or 76 oae “I say, said he to his Inquire pointing ROLLINS,Proprietor. Anifsquare, loss, cents; " Billy,” compan- Jiovadm C. W. ROBINSON A offers not JOHN C. PROCTOR, At the present time the Commission are ail CO 'S. rpnis Company advantage* excelled, an 4 waek. U.OS; 60 cents par week after. ion, wasn t to these doing A some not somebody good drop ’ere dec23tf Lime Street. in their power to aid our soldiers who are in -«-... -»- ip respects equalled, by any other It Under bead of Amusbmkvts, *2.00 per square per starving I ha# already to widows posies just where I could And the THE AMERICAN! paid and orphans of tha as- week; three insertions or lees, *1,60. them—they’re prisonsiu Richmond, and for this purpose need HOUSE, GERMAN TRICOTS, so pooty and nine ? Look large sums of money. JJLACK in\ewDv°aril1<lWo dollars. ItsTnsktees Spboial None us, *1.76 per square Bret week, sharp, Billy; mebby "• « bunds are much needed to .... Caator Uty «h» very aad RLOO after; three Insertions or Uud To be Let. procure religious read- IHanover Street Beaver*, mSiZt per aqaare less, *1.28; you'll something bimeby.” Presently the and such Boaton, I three ing special stores as are not giveu. We be- I aqaare, insertions, *1.00; one week, heard his OMA BOUSE No on Dnnklai, LIIKLY gentleman merry voice again saying, 69, adjoining my residence lieve all stores entrusted to us will be dis- i MUTUAL, M« policyp ^ holderImota*n re-r* half^a State atreet. faithfully Broadcloth*, eeirinp the entire proat,. "O, jolly! Billy, il here ain't most half a tributed. Advertisements inserted in the Main peach, U W. H. The Largest and Bent Extra fine and heavy good*, W.Spccial care In the selection State and it aiut much neither. Cause STEPHENSON. For further information,directions and documents Arranged Hotel of Its risks—strict Pane* (which has a lnrgecirculation in of dirty, you dec12 at at * ,mfe »nd Judicious every part hainT dtf_ nddressHicsBr H. Buko see, 30 Commercial street, IN NEW ENGLAND. great bargain*, I o 0J'°'!!y~“Jld Investment ”of the State) for SOooute in fouud nothing, you may bite first.” ! it* fends—characterize its per square addition to the Fortlaod. C. W. ROBINSON A CO.’S. management was _ Premium* received above rates, for each insertion. Billy just to take a little taste bo sent I quarterly, ,e»,-^nnmaJlu or going very For Sale or to Let. Money may to Cykor Stcbdivakt, 76 LEWIS RICE, Policies Lb*al Notices at usual ratee. of wbeu Proprietor. annually. issued in all the or it, bis companion “liile Commercial street. Portland, uud stores to mem- CLOAKS, varloasforme Traastsatadvortleoments mast be said, biyi/er any oo!6ly i whole life, thorl term, paid for in ad- And CLIFF COTTAGE, over 20 ber of the Army Committee. J^EW endowment, annuity, 4c. vance Hilly, mebby we’ll another 'fore long.” containing and sheds—situated two Where more convenient, stores and Received ** What a noble heart Ibis in of rooms.largastable money may be every d.y Divided da declared KF*All communications intended for the paper boy had, spite and one-half miles from Portland, and the sent to Gkobob H. Stuart, 13 Bank street, AmmuUly. his and Esq., and low eheald be directed to tbe “Editor the and rags dirt: He was in finest situation in Elizabeth for a wa- Philadelpliia Superior garment* price* at The its of Preee/’ “doing good” Cape VALUABLE REAL ESTATE mortality among members has beea tro. those of a business character to the we are and summer boarders. For The members of the Commission are— tbe PubUehere. way speaking of. There was 110- tering place, C. W. ROBINSONS’ A CO '8, port tonally leu than that of any other Life Iui. Busiaass Nonuas, in 12 oente for r, enquire of GEO. George H. 8tuart, raoce in reading columns, body him to be kind to but Ills OWEN, Esq., Philadelphia, FOB SALE. CAtnpany America—a result consequent on per Use for oae insertion. No lees than companion ap7 dtf 31 Winter Street. Portland. Kev.Rollin II. Neals, D. I)., Corner of Congres* and Preble Street*. a most careful and Jndicioas selection oharge IBy in poverty— tiie poor his side. Boston, of Ursa, and neats for each insertion. ragged boy by Charles Demond, Esq., Boston, declOtf one of gnat importance to the policy holders of Bnt he was him all the kindness in Rev. E.8. I) I) It offers to It* every description executed showing Bishop Jsnes, New York, Good policy holders the mess abaadan t his Rev. James D. Location for a Hotel. in a w^doaraurrin. power when lie said, “Bite bigger Billy.” House and Land For Sale. Eells, D Brooklyn, security large accumulated fend ammonite. F. Tracy, Traveling Agent. There wai selfish Mitchell M. Miller, Esq., Washington, SWEAT & now to over Three Million Dollar,, it nothing greedy, nothing No. 179, comer of Cumberland nod John F. Crozer, That valuable and located House CLEAVES, dates the assured in aecomnlo- about the Kaq Philadelphia, centrally the settlement of their nr.it. boy. Ills conduct shows how even Elm streets. Lot about 60 100 feet. House and Lot. No. 31 India street, for so by Jay Cooke, Esq., Philadelphia, many Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, urns, by receiving a note for a part of the amount a poor ragged boy can do good by showing MHonsmay be examined at any time. For particu- Rev. M. L. R. F. years owned anil ocoupfed by General bumu- when desired—thus Thompson, Cincinnati.M nearl* iara call at 10G Middle £ el is offered for sale. furnishing lninrines Jbr or N. B. double the kindness. atreet, (up staira) L. Cel.Clinton Fisk, 8t.
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