LaserWriter1M Reference Contents Figures and Tables x Radio and television Interterenee x Chcpterl Introduetlonxx I-I Original LaserWriter x 1-2. LaserWriter Plus x 1- 2- The printing environment x /-'"} Communication x /-1 Operating modes x /-} Batch mode x /-} Interactive mode x I-If Emulation mode x ,-~ Software environment x /-'1'­ PostScript x /- r QuickDraw x (-t; Font Manager x /-5' Printing Manager x /-(. LaserWriter driver x /-7 AppleTalk x /-7 An approach to your application x/-7 Chcpter2 PrInting on the LaserWrltef xx 1-/ Working with the Printing Manager x ;t-;t The normal printing process x ;:z..:z.. Choosing a printer x :t- 3 Setting up the page x:t-$I' Starting the print job x;2.- r Using the print record x ~-f) Managing the print job x ~-€ Setting up for the print job x;t-' Initializing the software environment x -;t -, Linking the printing code x2-' iii Opening the Printing Manager x;Z- 7 Validating the print record x ;1..-7 Determining the selected printer X;2-? Optimizing your application x =z.-B Memory considerations x ::t-8 Printable page size x :2.-8 Clipping within text strings x J.-8 Protecting character image integrity x ;2.-' Avoiding zero-width Hlled objects x:/..-9 Tailoring your print loops x :z.- ~ Using the pPageFrame parameter x" -(0 Cancelling or pausing the print job x:t..-IO Changing the local coordinate system x'l-.-/o Handling error messages x;;t-II Working with the LaserWriter driver x-;;l.-/~ Using document control calls x ;t-/3 Using input/output control calls x~-I4f Working around the Printing Manager x -;;'-17 Using PostScript through QuickDraw x;l.-t1 Working with text x ~-.2.0 Working with polygons x 2-;1..; Rotating objects x:t-;/.' Printing forms x :z. -,2.' Specifying PostScript commands x 2. -:2.7 I Modifying Printing Manager dialogs x:z.-:z..B Permanently modifying a printer driver x2.-l;z.. Adding a sheet feeder to the LaserWriter x 2..- '} f Designing a spooler for the LaserWriter x ~ -), Establishing dictionary status x;2.- '37 Obtaining the font list x p...-~ B Coordinating non-coordinated fonts x ")..-rrO Providing your own PostScript dictionary x J.- ~"" Localizing the printing process x "" - ~ J Changing printer messages x;z. - 'I-~ Changing Laser Prep messages x ~-st> . Using PostScript in a document x::z. - ¥ ~ Intercepting PostScript f1les x ::z. -f'~ Chapfer3 Working with fonts xx 1-1 Overview x"3 - ::z.. Understanding font terminology x")-2­ About screen fonts x 1-' About printer fonts x J-f Matching screen and printer fonts x J- ;- Iv Classifying fonts x"1 - I..:. Style implementation x ~ -,(. Character set encoding x 'J-? Classifying fonts-release I x 'J-8 Style Mapping x 1-r Encoding character sets x 1-10 Specifying printer font names x -; -10 Style mapping process x 1-!f Naming fonts x 1-IJ Release I font names x 3-I '> Release II and later font names x 'J-IJ Downloading fonts x) -1st Chapter 4 Working In the printing environment xx ~ -( Using AppleTalk x II -1 Connecting a LaserWriter to AppleTalk x 'I- -r Initializing the printer node x If-If- Opening an AppleTalk connection x /I--f­ Transferring data x "'-; Closing the AppleTalk connection x ~ - ~ Using PAP calls x 11-,( GetNext]ob x tf- ? PAPOpen x tI-B PAPRead x It -It) PAPWrite x 9--11 PAPClose x q. -12.. PAPUnload x If -I') PAPStatus x If -I} PAPRegName x {/.-/'1 PAPRemName x ¥ -1'1' Naming a LaserWriter x,. -II' PAP packet formats x If -/tf- Detecting half-open connections x 1,1- -/5 Accessing the LaserWriter directly x ~ -It. Working interactively x ~ -/(, Working in batch mode x f£ -If" Using the Diablo 630 emulator x st -::to Invoking the Diablo emulator x q,. -2.0 Changing print parameters x 9'::t I Deviation from Diablo protocol x q..::z). Detecting the end of a document x 'f -:2,. ~ Bold and double-strike x If - ;z.} Proportional fonts x(/.-:z..J Paper positioning x ¥- -=t'f Unsupported commands x If·")..lf v MS-DOS communication parameters x tf - ;;Z if vi Figures and tables Chapter1 Chapt.rTltI. xx Figure!-! The LaserWriter Printer xx /-:1.1 Figure!-2 Madntosh/LaserWriter Printing Environment xx 1- 'f./ Chapter2 Printing on the Las.rWrlt.r xx Figure2-! Normal Print Process xx ~ - '}./ Figure2-2 Selecting a System Printer xx;l- ¥-. I Figure2-3 Page Setup Dialog xx ":2. - >. I Figure2-4 Print Job Dialog xx;z. ~. :2. Figure2-5 Font List Query xx:z.- J e./ Figure2-6 Font List Query Response xx?,.-,9.1 Figure2-7 PostScript Code for Coordinating Fonts xx -,z.-~.l Table2-1 Printing Manager Errors xx)..-II Table2-2 Printing Manager Errors with the LaserWriter xx;2.-" Table2-3 Document Control Calls xx:z.-IJ Table2-4 I/O Control Calls xx ;;"-lfI' Table2-5 Embedded Commands for PrinLF and PrintR calls xx ~-6 Table2-6 QuickDraw Comments xx 2-18 Table2-7 Jump Table of Printing Manager Calls xx;2. - ::r:J Table2-8 Localizable Resources XX;:J.. -I,t "] Chapter3 Working with Font. xx Table3-! Font Terminology xx 1-:t. Table3-2 Font Classification-Release I xx :3 -8 Table3-3 Font Classification (Release II and Later) xx siP Table3-4 Macintosh Style Bits xx 1-1 ~ Table3-5 Style Code Format xx Table3-6 Temporary Font Resource Format xx Chapter4 Working In the printing environment xx Figure4-1 AppleTalk Print Job Cycle xx if - ft./ vii Figure4-2 PAP Packet Header Format xx ~ -IS. I Table4-1 . Operational Modes xx ~ - 3 Table4-2 PAP Call Summary xx ft -" Table4-3 Persistent Parameters for Diablo Emulation mode xx II- - ;2. t Table4-4 eescratch Location Assignments xx ft- -;2. ':2.. viII LIMITED WARRANTY ON MEDIA IN NO EVENT WIll APPLE BE AND REPLACEMENT LIABLE FOR DIRECf, INDlRECf, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR If you discover physical defects in CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES the manuals distributed with an RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECf Apple product or in the media on IN THE SOFrWARE OR ITS which a software product is dIstrib­ DOCUMENTATION, even if advised uted, Apple will replace the media of the possibility of such damages. or manuals at no charge to you, In particular, Apple shall have no provided you return the item to be liability for any programs or data replaced with proof of purchase to stored in or used with Apple Apple or an authorized Apple dealer products, including the costs of during the 9O-day period after you recovering such programs or data. purchased the software. In addition, Apple will replace damaged software THE WARRANTY AND REMEDIES media and manuals for as long as SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCW· the software product is included in SIVE AND IN UEU OF All Apple's Media Exchange Program. OTHERS, ORAL OR WlUTI'EN, While not an upgrade or update EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. No Apple method, this program offers addi­ dealer, agent, or employee is tional protection for up to two years authorized to make any modifi­ or more from the date of your cation, extension, or addition to this original purchase. See your autho­ warranty. rized Apple dealer for program Some states do not allow the coverage and details. In some exclusion or limitation of implied countries the replacement period warranties or liability for incidental may be different; check with your or consequential damages, so the authorized Apple dealer. above limitation or exclusion may All L\1PUED WARRANTlES ON not apply to you. This warranty THE MEDIA AND MANUAlS, gives you specific legal rights, and INCLUDING IMPLIED WAR· you may also have other rights RANI1ES OF MERCHANTABIL­ which vary from state to state. ITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICUlAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE ORIGINAL RETAIL PURCHASE OF THIS PRODUCf. Even though Apple has tested the software and reviewed the docu­ mentation, APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTA· TION, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITII RESPECf TO SOFI'WARE, ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANT­ ABIUTY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AS A RESULT, THIS SOFI'WARE IS SOLD "AS IS," AND YOU THE PURCHASER ARE ASSUMING THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE. June 6. 1986 '* APPLE COMPUTER, INC. This manual is copyrighted by Apple or by Apple's suppliers, with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple Computer, Inc. This exception does not allow copies to be made for others, whether or not sold, but all of the material purchased may be sold, given, or lent to another person. Under the law, copying includes translating into another language. © Apple Computer, Inc., 1986 20525 Mariani Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 (408) 996-1010 Apple and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Simultaneously published in the United States and Canada. 2 Boilerplate • APPLE COMPUTER, INC. Copyright ~ 1986 by Apple Computer, Inc. All righrs reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Apple Computer, Inc. Printed in the United States of America. Apple and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Simultaneously published in the United States and Canada. ISBN x-xxx-xxxxx-x ABCDEFGHIJ-MU-xxxxxx First printing, January 1986 THE APPLE PUBLISHING SYSTEM This Apple manual was written, edited, and composed on a desktop publishing system using the Apple llD Tli MacintoshTlI Plus and Microsoft Word'Proof and final pages were created on the Apple LaserWriter Plus.
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