List of Information Sources for Modern-Era Architecture Sources submitted by State Historic Preservation Offices and National Park Service staff Compiled by Marty Perry, Kentucky Heritage Council, December 2012 Books/Survey Reports Title Author Link format date A Model for Squitieri, Amy & http://www.trb.org/main/blurbs/1 Report April 6, Identifying and NCHRP 67790.aspx 2012 Evaluating the (National Cooperative Historic Highway Research Significance of Program of Transportation Research Board) Post-World War II Housing Holmes Run Keith Gardiner, editor http://www.holmesrunacres.com/ booklet Acres (VA) design documents/HRA_Architectural_Gu guidelines idelines.pdf Historic Context Bryant, Jenifer and http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/ Report April and Survey Schomig, Carrie files/FINAL_Report_Sections_1- 2010 of Post-World War 3.pdf II Residential TEC, Inc. Architecture Boulder, Colorado Final Report: Post http://www.cmhpf.org/postww2s World War Two urvey.htm Survey (Charlotte, NC) Cultural http://www.parks.ca.gov/pages/1 Resources of the 054/files/pasadena%20context%2 Recent Past 0report%20final%20revised%2020 Historic Context 07%2010%2010.pdf Report, City of Pasadena, CA Fayetteville (NC) MdM Historical http://trianglemodernisthouses.co report August Modern Consultants, Inc m/FINAL%20Fayetteville%20Mode 2009 Architecture rn%20Architectural%20Survey%20 Survey Report.pdf Guidelines for http://shpo.sc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/6 Surveying Post- C6C7E63-89F2-4D86-9667- World War II A47CAF7B0F98/41171/PostWWIIR Neighborhoods esidencesSurveyGuidance.pdf and Ranch Houses Preservation Hotline #13; http://www.shpo.sc.gov/NR/rdonlyr Researching a es/A2EB682F-8F4C-4872-8356- Mid-Century C360E04BD7F3/42191/htln1311.p /Modern Property df Montana Post- http://www.montanahistoricalsociet World War II y.org/shpo/Montana%20Mid- Architectural Century%20Survey%20Report.pdf Survey & http://www.montanahistoricalsociet Inventory y.org/shpo/modernism.asp Post-World War II http://www.maine.gov/mhpc/archite Residential ctural_survey/docs/20100630FINA Architecture in LFINALlower-1.pdf Maine: A Guide for Surveyors Post-World War II Residential Architecture in http://www.state.me.us/mhpc/archit Maine A Guide for ectural_survey/docs/20100630FIN Surveyors ALFINALlower-1.pdf Growth, Efficiency, and Modernism: GSA Buildings of the 50s, 60s and http://www.gsa.gov/graphics/pbs/ 1970s GEMbook.pdf Fayetteville (NC) MdM Historical http://trianglemodernisthouses.co report August Modern Consultants, Inc m/FINAL%20Fayetteville%20Mode 2009 Architecture rn%20Architectural%20Survey%20 Survey Report.pdf Guidelines for Surveying Post- World War II http://shpo.sc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/6 Neighborhoods C6C7E63-89F2-4D86-9667- and Ranch A47CAF7B0F98/41171/PostWWIIR Houses esidencesSurveyGuidance.pdf Preservation Hotline #13; http://www.shpo.sc.gov/NR/rdonlyr Researching a es/A2EB682F-8F4C-4872-8356- Mid-Century C360E04BD7F3/42191/htln1311.p /Modern Property df DOCOMOMOS, http://ww w.docomomo - How to evaluate us.org/register/how_to_evaluate_ modern buildings modern_buildings_and_sites and sites Eugene (OR) http://www.hp - Modernism 1935- nw.com/images/Modernism/Euge 65 ne%20Modernism%201935-65.pdf National Trust http://www.parks.ca.gov/pages/1 recent past 054/files/RecentPastResourceGuid resource guide e2007.pdf History Colorado http://www.coloradohistory- oahp.org/programareas/infoman/p wwII/StylesandTypes.pdf A COMPLICATED http://www.p reservephiladelphia. MODERNITY: org/wp- PHILADELPHIA content/uploads/HCSModernism.p ARCHITECTURA df L DESIGN 1945- 1980 The Shifting http://www.nps.gov/history/hps/t Signposts of ps/recentpast/signpostsarticle.htm Preservation, NPS article ATLANTA http://www.gashpo.org/assets/do HOUSING 1944 cuments/atlanta_housing_1944- TO 1965 65.pdf Modern Homes Survey, New http://www.preservationnation.org/t Cannan, ravel-and-sites/sites/northeast- Connecticut region/new-canaan-ct/ Landmarks Illinois http://www.landmarksil.org/recen Recent Past tpastsurvey.htm Survey Documentation http://www.docomomo - and Conservation wewa.org/ of the Modern Movement in Western Washington Survey of Modern- Contact Susan Enzweiler era resources in (project underway) Huntsville, AL Guidelines for http://issuu.com/georgiashpo/doc evaluating Ranch s/ranch_house_guidelines?mode= Houses in a_p Georgia Louisiana SHPO: Jonathan and Donna http://www.crt.state.la.us/hp/nati Historic February the past as Fricker onalregister/historic_contexts/hist Context 2010 inspiration oricismfinal.pdf Louisiana SHPO: Jonathan and Donna http://www.crt.state.la.us/hp/nati Historic February Post-war Fricker onalregister/historic_contexts/ran Context 2010 Subdivisions and chhousefinalrevised.pdf the Ranch House Louisiana SHPO: Jonathan and Donna Historic February The contemporary Fricker http://www.crt.state.la.us/hp/nati Context 2010 House onalregister/historic_contexts/con temporaryhousefeb2010.pdf Louisiana SHPO: Jonathan and Donna http://www.crt.state.la.us/hp/nati Historic February Modernism Fricker onalregister/historic_contexts/mo Context 2010 Triumphant: dernismtriumphantfinalrevised.pdf Commercial and Institutional Buildings A House in the Dennis Carmichael, ASLA https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B Book about 1989 Woods xBdvlGCSPWcYjcyYmUxNjYtODBh Modernist OC00MmFjLWFjMzgtNjQ0MjdhNG landscaping VmNTBi/edit?hl=en&pli=1 “The Modernist James C. Massey & Shirley http://www.oldhouseonline.com/ Old House January Enclave of Hollins Maxwell modernist-enclave-hollin-hills/ Journal Web 2011 Hills in Northern article Virginia” Style Guides Title Author Site address Date Utah SHPO’s Style guide http://history.utah.gov/architectur e/index.html Ordinary Iconic Ranch House, Mid- http://gashpo.org/assets/documents/Ranch 20th-Century Ranch Houses in %20House%20in%20Georgia%20FINAL%20PD Georgia F.pdf Ranch Houses in Georgia: A Guide http://gashpo.org/assets/documents/ranch_ho to Architectural Styles use_styles.pdf http://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/Assets/Public+ Introduction to Postwar Modern Housing Architectural Styles, Website/historiczoning/IntroPostwarHousing Scottsdale, AZ Style.pdf Washington SHPO’s Style guide http://www.dahp.wa.gov/learn -and - research/architectural-style-guide Maine SHPO’s style guide http://www.state.me.us/mhpc/architectural_ survey/docs/20100630FINALFINALlower- 1.pdf National Register nominations Property State Architect Year Style Revere Quality Institute House FL Ralph Twitchell, Paul Rudolph 1948 International NR Visitors Information Center OR John Yeon 1949 International NR Donald & Helen Olsen House CA Donald Olsen 1954 International NR Tonto National Monument Visitor Center AZ Cecil Doty NPS 1962-63 NR Joseph & Mary Jane League House GA Jean League Newton 1950-62 Ranch NR Raymond M. Hilliard Center Historic District IL Bertrand Goldberg Neo-Expressionism NR (1999) Don E. Olsson House MT Thomas Balzhiser 1950-51 Ranch NR Harold and Marion Ruth House MT Everett Terrell 1956 Western Ranch NR First Christian Church IN Eliel Saarinen 1942 Modern NHL Irwin Union Bank IN Eero Saarinen 1954 International NHL (2000) Miller House IN Eero Saarinen, Dan Kiley 1957 International NHL Mabel McDowell Elementary School IN John Carl Warnecke 1960 Modern NHL North Christian Church IN Eero Saarinen 1964 Modern NHL First Baptist Church (Columbus) IN Harry Weese 1965 Modern NHL General Petroleum Building CA Wurdeman & Beckett 1949 Modern Movement NR Inland Steel Building IL SOM 1957 International NR Marcel Beuer House II CT Marcel Beuer 1941 Modern Movement NR Arthur & Lyn Chivvis House CT Eliot Noyes 1978 Modern Movement NR Durisol House CT Sherwood Mills & Smith 1949 Modern Movement NR Elinor & Sherman Ford House CT Gates & Ford 1954 Modern Movement NR Russell Ford House CT Edward Winter & Russel Ford 1961 Modern Movement NR Issac Davis Hall & Marion Dalton House CT William Pedersen 1962 Modern Movement NR John Lee Black House I CT John Lee Black 1952 Modern Movement NR Beaven Mills House CT William Pedersen Modern Movement NR Willis N Mills House CT Willis Mills Modern Movement NR Charles & Peggy Murphy House CT Allen Gelbin 1964 Modern Movement NR James Smallen House CT Hugh Smallen 1957 Modern Movement NR John Black Lee & Harrison System House CT 1961 Modern Movement NR DeSilver Corinne Tatum & George Liston Jr. House CT Hugh Smallen 1962 Modern Movement NR Condominium 1 CA Charles Moore 1965 Modern Movement NR Weston Havens House CA Harwell Hamilton Harris 1939-41 International NR Selleh House AZ Kemper Goodwin 1940 Modern Movement NR Westgate Towers TX Edward Durell Stone 1965 International NR Cecil & Hermione Alexander House GA Cecil Alexander 1957 International NR Citizens Bank Tower OK Robert Roloff 1965 Modern Movement NR Sea Change ME Wallace K Harrison 1944-47 International NR IBM Building IL Mies Van der Rohe 1972 International NR KwikCurb Diner ID 1955-61 Modern Movement NR Heritage Park Plaza TX Lawrence Halprin 1976-80 Modern Movement NR Dreyfuss & Blackford, Wayne SMUD Headquarters Building CA 1959 International NR Theibaud, muralist Michael J. Kirwan Educational Television AS 1964 Modern NR Center John Terence Kelly, R. ASM Headquarters & Geodesic Dome OH 1958-59 International NR Buckminster Fuller Neutra Studio & Residences (VDL II House) CA Richard & Dion Neutra 1939-66 International NR "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" Sign NV Betty Whitehead Willis 1959 Exaggerated Modern NR Paul Bunyan Statue OR Victor Nelson 1959 Roadside Arch. NR John & Mary Jane League House GA Jean League Newton 1950-62 Ranch NR George Nakashima House, Studio & PA George Nakashima 1946-90 International NR Workshop
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