COWS bwfcow ! Hoistcows 1134 HOlstcow 154 blackcow 1544 whifacecows whifacecow 118495- whifacecow 1120 whifacecows 950 whifacecow 1035@19 whifacecow 15th year no. 40 December 2, 1969 1055 whifacecow 1084 bwf cow Ifi 11450 0. whifacecow 8900 red cow 11 8505 whifacecow 1045@ whifacecows 93416' whifacecows 78201 whifacecow 102416 whifacecow 1085 5 black cows 0,1 905 513,,, is DMMISSIO of Minneapolishad 50 acres Fay Atwell of Delphos. Hisfirst of milo southwiped out by greenbugs. planting was PANY planting was so latethat it His second and threshed out s hardly mature Still, he estimatedit would very hard. bushels per acre. make 60to 70 Earl Taylor cuts on 80 acres of milo south of Delphos. Tho moisture was St. Mani running close to 18%, he figured he'd better cut it anyway. The ground was too wet to drive on. Kan ateMiloarvest The G&G area finally got enough dry weather that a repeat of last year's delayed milo harvest seems to have been avoided.But some early cold weather, an accumulation of moisture from the early Fall, and generally damp mornings were major concerns to G&G area farmers, many of whom OfSalina remember harvesting a year ago after Christmas a shattered crop that had once seemed so promising. EFJ( Emery These pictures were taken by K. R. Greene of Tescott in the Delphosarea feed00Berryof out 10 heMid nolisnea p of Ottawacounty when farmers there were still very much concerned )AY ands vvinters a cattle. about of hogs about damp fields and getting the mild crop in.For elevators, the season Here, 300 head had been trying too. :little Only for newmit°.he readies of High moisture content was a problem, and the short- figured a bin , His first to yield age of railcars to move the grain on was a repeat of a perennial problem. at11:00 a m. bushels 25 acres irts to theabout700 he order they areconsign figured acre but arrother he oks. woddn't 200 he ounddo that cuttingdelayedwell. Wet mil() Berry HOGS 20 acres as welt from of feed. as about on CO. 228 0a 2210 5 0. 224 @ 2SE 215@256 0. 230025 25!,:' CO. 234 0. 238 211@21'` 240 2750210 1 Co. 510 0 1110 Co. 270 0 2b, 0. 4150 223 0. 358 0ni'!. :0. 3050 73. CO. 390 0 V': ). I Isworth Co. 148 0 0 on Co. 101 @ 0' Co. 146 0 0 ). 1 CO. 0. a CO. Ratieh %MISSION C onoldus40 WornPt'' rA 602 I 1541° Because AllenAtwell of Delphos qtcrioNEERs andsells there. and 50 ewes, he wanted to store Rog to Delphos need to put on his farm -to Lee Rem)', Taylor hauls half the production a dryer in operation. feed 100 steers n Moore, to get abinful. off 120 acres. He plannedto store about Licensed 15 minutes EarltakinTaYlor said it was g only about Dr. Berl Kochof K -State, who will discuss "Full Fat Soy - pi! lab SPF Breeders Set Meeting At Manhattan beaonsTfroory Spwriinche.a"rd, Ernest MANHA'T'TAN- The annualregistration starts at 11:30 a.m.meeting will be: of the Uni- manager of ld dbisrceuesdser,,, meeting of the Kansas Swine Re- Floyd Meyer, Palmer hog Dr. E. L. Stair willa hog operation atPlainview, will "Artificial a population Association will be breeder, is chairman of the pro-versity of Nebraska, who Ins Virus Texas, who will discuss "Is Contion for theSPF swine held here December 15. The loca-gram committee. talk on "Diagnosis of finement the Answer?" cer." tion is at the Holiday Inn and Pneumonia." Among the speakers at the pAla NEW( ICAHIPINIEN*1111111111CaCtICIIRCIRIVOXSPCOMMIVIRC-Writairvitevevemeeepeoi fo the low here, Sioux . by with cane I GE:GrSAVE NOW! month str V dynamitic countless. The die LOWNSTWINER SAI1711 pact fifthlarge INACTION WADI 1 mot 120! .-r etnizedPI Mil DEPTH courseof Indust: company .1 rkers 131 14"portabie DIAG. 102 sq. in. rectangular -picture 1.1 for just '30995 11111ffEr SMALLN and get this GENERAL'S SENSATIONAL FREE WINTER $1795 A TREAD* value *Factory method retreads applied to safety-inspected casings CART 6.50x13 thru 00 The PUTNAM A3510 7.75x14 Smartly styled custom compact personal portable. Charcoal color and Light Gray color (A3510C), or Beige color and White color (A3510L). Telescoping Dipole Antenna for VHF reception. Full Zenith Quality! PLUS 45c -57c RIFE FEDERAL EXCISE TAX Incc loss( AND RECAPABLE CASING Now enjoy exciting color tv ice dust anywhere in your home!scraper' Cal\ Now Available! Puri 4;r1:;L extra ZENITH HANDCRAFTED PORTABLE COLOR TV CHASSIS Nothing to Do... Steel Safety Studs perk for Unrivaled Dependability Provide greater stopping traction Nothing to Buy! EXCLUSIVE ZENITH CHROMATIC BRAIN ... Increased starting traction. SOLID-STATE COLOR DEMODULATOR for the Truest Hues in Color TV ADVANCED ZENITH SUPER VIDEO RANGE TUNING SYSTEM FRONT END ALIGNMENTAND forUltra -SensitiveReception WHEEL BALANCEBoth for only Stop Choose ZENITH... for COMBINATION'. 95 The quality goes in before the name goes ono Most *awaken Can 1 Our specialists correct caster, camber, toe -in Flint Hil and toe -out to manufacturer's Our specialists precision specifications.2.balance both front wheels to Inspect and adjuststeering. Farmers ZENITH STEREO assure even wear. kizKan CHRISTMAS RECORD Hundreds ofOther Items to Choose From Readimg (ga $100 " CHARGE easy payments Mid-cunt IT NOWwith approved credit Amelieu See Our Toy Dept. Gorden Before You Buy 204 Poyntz Westerni IXSON'S Phone AND SAVE! trey, thin LAY -A -WAY NOW! tho rrr aryl 110171,;! 776-4121 1 FREE PARKING "Serving ManhattanFor 32 Years" December his machines on another project December 2, 1969 mained on the job. Dispute At Beef A striker has been charged were damaged by explosives. 1969 ed breeder,Ernestb Labor with murder in connection withWalker said the company had Rails, stituted at the Dakota City discuss the fatal shooting of a 16 -year -decided on the. housing prior to "Artificial plant because the processal- the strike. :ion for it4,, old girl. The victim's sister, who the SPP lows the company to hire less- Iyer." swine Is For Keeps The union has gathered food Plant skilled workers. was wounded, was a striker who a had been furnishing informationstocks to tide over needy strik- CITY, Nebr. - A Survival is at stake, Keith Jensen, Dakota City ers but by and large, Jensen DAKOTA the com-president of Amalgamated meatabout strikers to the company, trench fourfeet deep surrounds pany believes. Holman said. says, "People have been able to Beef packing plant The company will slowly cutters and Butcher Workmen find something to do and they'll the Iowa dis-of North America, called such A picket, Raymone Gonzales, and a unionoffice in near-appear if the union wins its de 24, of Sioux City, was shot twicecontinue to get by." here, City is stacked high talk "a bunch of hooey." by Sioux mands, said Currier Holman, in the abdomen as he and five Jensen said about 500 of the food - signs of achairman of the board of direct- He said the Dakota City plant strikers are women who were with canned was struck because base pay other men approached a car at WIryN I ilong siege forboth sides in a 3 - ors. the main gate of the plant. working to supplement family that has triggered Arden C. Walker, vice-presi- there ranged from $2.12 to $2.43 income. month strike an hour while the industry -aver- Beside the trench at the Da- dynamiting s,firebombings and dent for industrial relations for kota City plant, armed guards "They get $50 a week for six fistfights. Iowa Beef, said the company age base pay was $3.53. The com-with police dogs patrol the hours of picket duty," he said. countless between Iowa pany had offered a 30 -cent raise "They're not hurting." The dispute was struck because it wants toacross the board, but the uniongrounds. Inc.,the nation'sget out of the traditional "kill The lawyer for the union, Har- "We're not only fighting for Beef Packers is holding out for $3.53. ourselves. We're fighting for the fifth -largestmeat processor, andand chill"role of packinghous- ry Smith, said the company has workers at its mod-es and wants to prepare meat The national union recently people in other packing houses *bout 1200 won bargaining rights at the created "an armed camp that ernized plantcould alter the for the table.This, he said, has a tendency to invite vio- around the country," said Dave the whole meat -pack-would lower the cost to the plant. The strike, called Augustlence. Blair, 34, a striker. course of con-24, came after its first negotia- "It's going to be a long, tough ing industry. sumer. Iowa Beef has imported Mexi- officials say the Walker said the union wantstions there. strike. But it'll be worth it," he Iowa Beef Tensions have run high, and can -Americans from California picked for a show- said. _ company was continue simply splitting thecar-vandalism and violence have and Texas to keep the Dakota - _ _ down strikeby packinghouse casses and sending them to re- of its desire to reached such an extent in SiouxCity plant operating at about 50 GRASS & GRAIN ofworkers because tail butchers and wants to abol-City that police have enlarged percent capacity. It says about The Mid -Kansas news weekly. streamline meatprocessing. ish the assembly -line process in- Published each Tuesday at 1207 , night and weekend patrols. 500 persons are on the job but Moro,(Box 1009)Manhattan, Dynamite recently ripped up won't say how many of themKansas, 66502 by the yard of Sheriff Allan Blighare imported.
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