A News Journal for Churches of Christ on the West Coast Volume II September 1984 Number 3 Davenport succeeds White at Pepperdine In two major announcements on June Stanford, 1968-1972, Davenport was a 12, Howard A. White announced his member of the Central Church of Christ in retirement from the presidency of San Jose. Prior to entering law school at Pepperdine University, and the Board of the University of Kansas, he returned to the Regents named David Davenport as his Overland Park congregation to serve as successor and sixth president of the associate minister in 1972-1973. In that institution, effective April 16, 1985. capacity, he organized and led an White's departure from the presidency evangelistic campaign in Coffeyville, next April will mark twenty-seven years of Kansas, in 1973. He then took a semester University service, which began in the of Bible courses at Abilene Christian classroom as a professor of history. His University in 1974. activities beyond April 15 will include Through the law school years at continued involvement as a member of the Kansas, 1974-1977, Davenport continued University's Board of Regents and active to work closely with the Overland Park promotion of the University's recently Church. Upon moving to San Diego in announced six-year, $100 million Wave of December, 1977, he became a member of Excellence Campaign, for which he was the the La Mesa Church of Christ. When John principal planner. Banks took a one-year leave of absence Upon his official retirement from the from the preaching ministry of San Diego's presidency April 15, White will leave an El Cajon Boulevard Church in 1979, impressive legacy to Pepperdine's sixth Daui'd Davenport Davenport took a leave from his law president. In academics, he has led the president. He joined the Pepperdine School practice to fill that vacancy. In addition to University on an unprecedented course of Law faculty in January 1980 after preaching full-time, he served as co-host of toward excellence. A poll of 1,308 four- practicing as an attorney with the San Diego the popular "Know Your Bible" television year college and university presidents law firm of Gray, Gary, Ames & Frye. program, with its weekly viewing audience published last November in U.S. News & Davenport earned his Bachelor of Arts of forty thousand. World Report ranked Pepperdine among in international relations with distinction Since coming to Pepperdine in 1980, the top six comprehensive universities west from Stanford University, and served Davenport has preached on a part-time of the Mississippi. internships at the White House and in the basis for several congregations in the Los White commended the choice of office of Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kansas). He Angeles area, including Inglewood in Davenport as his successor, and said: "Dr. received his Juris Doctor from the University 1980-1981, the University Church in 1982- Davenport will provide outstanding of Kansas, where he was elected to the 1983, and Culver Palms in 1983-1984. He leadership because of his intellectual ability, Order of the Coif and won national and has agreed to preach for the University his interest in the highest expressions of international awards in moot court Church again this fall. scholarship, his love for people, and his competiton. Davenport was married to the former deep personal commitment to the spiritual Davenport was raised in Overland Sally Nelson on August 13, 1977. The and educational mission of the University." Park, a suburb of Kansas City, where his couple has two children, Katie, two years In a statement to the chancellor's parents were active members of the old, and Charlie, one month old. council, a board of two hundred church Overland Park Church of Christ. He was In commenting on the future of leaders, Chancellor M. Norvel Young said: baptized into Christ in 1963 and began Pepperdine University, Davenport says: "I "Those of us who are especially concerned preaching as a teenager. He worked in know of no college or university anywhere about the relationship of Pepperdine evangelistic campaigns in Council Bluffs, with the potential of Pepperdine University. University with the Churches of Christ are Iowa, and Bonner Springs, Kansas, in Five years ago, my wife and I were drawn very pleased at the selection of a man who 1967. In the summer of 1968 he to Pepperdine by its unique combination of is a gospel preacher, devoted to the Lord, participated in the Campaign for Christ in excellence within a Christian environment. and the Bible, and the church." Paris, France, under the leadership of The school has made dramatic progress in A native of Kansas, Davenport, 33, Stanley Shipp and Bob Smith. For three pursuit of its spiritual, as well as its academic has served the University for five years. He summers he served as a director of mission, under Dr. White's leadership, and was first an associate professor, then general Christian camps in eastern Kansas. I look forward to helping the school move counsel, and now is executive vice During his undergraduate years at in this same direction." Pacific Church News Thanksgiving Youth Festival Landon Saunders to speak at at Pepperdine Stockton Over six hundred young people, ninth Saunders has become familiar to graders through college age, will gather on millions of Americans because of his Pepperdine's Malibu campus November messages on the NBC and CBS radio net- 23-25 for the fourteenth annual Thanks- works. He is the founder of the organiza- giving Youth Festival. The theme for the tion, Heartbeat, which is a center for de- spiritual program will be "Set Your Hearts," veloping life-changing messages for radio, based on Colossians 3:1. television, and film. Returning for a second year as theme In addition to Saunders1 radio, tele- speaker will be John Paul Blankenship, vision and film work, he is much sought assistant to the president at Lubbock after as a public speaker. He lectures Christian College in Lubbock, Texas. Drew annually in seventy-five cities here and Brown, April graduate from Pepperdine, abroad. will direct the youth in song. Assisting In Stockton, Saunders will be the with the programming will be Randy Gill, speaker for the annual Homecoming Sun- new director in the choral program at day. He will speak to a large adult Bible Pepperdine University. During the festival, Class at 9:30 a.m.; deliver the message for the Singing Travelers will present one of the morning worship service at 10:30 a.m.; their first major concerts. Landon Saunders and speak once again in the afternoon. At Cost for the complete weekend will be the afternoon service he will also take part $28 for each youth or adult sponsor. On Sunday, September 23, Landon in the appointment of additional elders for Each congregation sending six or Saunders will speak at the Central Church the congregation. more young people must also send an of Christ in Stockton, California. accompanying adult. Adults will join the youth in dorm housing. the Bible to delve into questions and Registration will begin at 3:30 p.m. on Labor Day Youth Rally at problems raised by the campers. Friday, and the program will conclude Daybreak Camp Daybreak Camp is located about six Sunday following lunch. miles east of Santa Cruz on California Each youth and adult should bring a by Dick Cupp Highway 9. Facilities are situated in a sleeping bag, Bible, grubby clothes for the The rolling hills and stately redwood Olympics, $28, and a great spirit. campus-like meadowland and include trees of central California's Daybreak cabins, athletic fields, and a large mess hall. Christian Camp will be an exciting place to In addition to speakers and small-group be the weekend of August 31. Five hun- meetings, the rally will feature singing, "life dred fifty high school and college-age modules" Bible classes, and a love feast. PACIFIC CHURCH NEWS campers will converge for the annual Labor Cost for the camper is $23. Day Weekend Youth Rally. The theme of EDITOR this year's rally is Welcome Home, alluding Forty-six baptized in Nassau Jerry Rushford to the story of the prodigal son. ASSOCIATE EDITOR Young people from California, campaign Alison Jolliff Nevada, and Texas will gather to hear CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS Charles Shekon of Texas and Rusty Bohon Forty-six people were baptized, eighty- Marshall Brookey Porterville. CA of Fresno, California speak and to engage five Bible classes were taught, and two Dick Cupp Mountainview. CA in the many activities planned for this hundred forty signed up for Bible corres- Kelly Deatherage Portland. OR popular rally. pondence courses in a two-week campaign Clifton Ditmore Stockton, CA The encampment has always featured held in July in Nassau, the Bahamas. Steven Clark Goad Phoenix, AZ inspiring speakers such as Bolton and Twenty-five workers from the Eastside Bobb Gowen Chico. CA Shelton, as well as Mike Armour, "Big Church of Christ in Los Angeles took their Dick Henegar San Diego. CA Don" Williams, Randy Mayeux, Ron Rose, vacations in Nassau to work in the Bill Lawrence Seattle, WA Doug Kostowski in years past. However, campaign which was sponsored by Eastside Billie Silvey Los Angeles. CA Gordon Kruger, camp director and an elder in cooperation with two congregations in Don White Antioch. CA of the nearby Campbell Church of Christ, Nassau. David Chisolm of Savannah, Ken Wilson Spokane, WA Bud Worsham Long Beach, CA believes that one of the keys to the rally's Georgia and Joseph Walsh, minister for the success has been the small-group sessions. church, spoke nightly for a week in a PACIFIC CHURCH NEWS is published four He says that individuals in groups of ten or Nassau high school auditorium.
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