WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy, warm and humid with showers Metropolitan today, tonight and Wednesday. Low near 70 tonight. (Full report on Page A-2.) Temperature* Today Midnight 69 6 a.m.-__7o ll a m 77 2a m 70 8 am—73 Noon 80 Edition 4 am.—6# 10 a.m,—7B 1 p.m.—B2 ©betting York Markets, Page A-19 ©he New 105th Year. No. 253. Phone ST. 8-5000 ** WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER JstafHome Delivered: MM>tb 10, 1957-46 PAGES «&r^&&v ‘ lift 5 CENTS Syrian Cabinet Dulles Takes CalmJ Stand Dynamite Considers U. S. < On Syria Rips Nashville School; By EARL H. VOSS Secretary of State Dulles ex- 'Provocations' , pressed a tentative judgment l today that difficulties arising! Warships Declared « out of Syria’s drift toward the | Judge Orders Soviet bloc Faubus can in all Summons likeli- Near Coast; Press ! hood be worked out peacefully. Asks Mobilization Even If there were aggression | in the Middle East. Mr. Dulles Injunction DAMASCUS, Syria. Sept. 1^k told his news conference, he Police Seize (A*). —Syria's cabinet was sum- believes it could be dealt with moned into an urgent session by the states involved. today as the nation's press de- The United States would not Hearing Set Five Men for manded nation-wide mobilize- ] intervene under the Eisenhower tion to meet what it called the i doctrine unless three things he threat of United States aggres- i considers “not likely" were to For Sept. 20 Questioning sion. ] happen: Official sources said the pur- 1. President Eisenhower were BULLETIN NASHVILLE. Tenn., Sept. 10 (/P). pose of the cabinet session was to make a formal finding that LITTLE ROCK, Ark.—Fed- 28 EEsr U —A massive dynamite blast to study what they described Syria is under the domination wrecked a as 1 eral Judge Ronald N. Davies - newly integrated “United States anti-Syrian of1 International communism. >. ; fj a** ~~Z (The today ordered a summons half-milllon-dollar elementary provocations" and to situation is "unclear” and " decide: served on Gov. Orval E. early Syria's course of action against In a "borderline" area as re- school here today, and Faubus and two top-ranking ***** police it. .1gards the degree of Soviet in- military several hours later ar- aides and set 10 rested five men for questioning. fluence in Syria.) September The cabinet meeting was 2. a.m. 20 as the fjjjib the heels Syrian There must be an act of time for arguments After a preliminary inspec- called on of a aggression. on an in- charge that five United States junction sought by tion. city building inspector 3. The country the United Douglas warships steamed close to the attacked States against Arkansas J. Roach said he found must request help. the per Syrian coast on Sunday. officials involved in the Little 65 cent of Hattie Cotton Mr. Dulles said he School total Foreign Minister Salah Bitar does not Rock school dispute. a loss. He said think it likely those three - * further probing might show the told Syrian newspapers this things willhappen. By WILLIAM HINES other 35 per cent also unusable. country "willnot be terrorized He emphasized, however, Star atm Correspondent Three of the men were by United States military dem- under close questioning by ~ seized cor- LITTLE Sept. by Assistant Chief F. onstrations or any American respondents. unfavorable ROCK. Ark.. Police W. that 10.—The States Gov- Muller when they refused to war of nerves against us." developments be prevented United can ernment, newly in the Little move from the vicinity of an- Firm on Arab Policy See MIDDLE EAST, Page A-6 Rock school case as “friend of other elementary school which, “Neither military demon- the court." today asked Federal like the dynamited one, was strations nor a United States District Judge Ronald N. Davies among six where white and war of nerves will.. make us j to issue an injunction against .Negro flrst-graders went to deviate from our Arab libera- Lodge Gov. Orval E. Faubus and two classes for the first time yes- Insists top tion policy. On the contrary.' military aides against in- terday. these acts will certainly bolster terfering with integration at The other two were taken our determination to adhere to | Central High School here. into custody by Sergt. H G. our policy and defend it," Mr. In a three-page petition, Cobb and Patrolman Robert On U. N. Beany. Bitar said. Action signed by United States Attor- wppp j| | s In Moscow, the Soviet news- ney Osro Cobb on his own be- i 50 Feet of Wire Found Cites Grim Course half and on behalf Attorney paper Red Star said Turkish i of SCHOOL WRECKED—Onlookers stand in front in Nashville, Tenn. The half-million dollar The officers said they found and Israeli forces were moving Hungary General Brownell, the Govern- the home of the two Os Events charged of gaping hole torn in the Hattie Cotton Elemen- school is one of the city’s six at seized toward Syrian The | ment the Governor and newly desegregated by Sergt. "forcibly” pre- tary dynamite Cobb and Patrolman paper, quoting unidentified UNITED NATIONS. N. T.,' his aides with School by a explosion early today schools.—AP Wirephoto. Searcy 50 feet of Sept. (A*).—United venting Negro wire of a press reports, also said United j 10 States children from ¦'v Delegate type used with the explosives States military units had landed ‘ Henry Cabot Lodge attending the school by use of ' i today which wrecked Hattie Cotton in Turkey to support what it 1 called on a special ses- National Guard troops. School. sion of the United called aggressive moves against ‘ Nations Gen- The operative clause of the eral Assembly to act with all The first three arrested were Syria. petition read: charged with unlawful posses- speed to end “the present grim Figures Eisenhower Meanwhile, Jordan's Foreign ! School Stresses Bombing “Petitioner prays thg court to j sion of weapons and ordered course of events” in Commu-; Threat Minister Samir Rifai, told ( Hungary. make said Gov. Fapbus, Gen. held under bonds of $25,000 newsmen in Amman that Israel 1 nist-controlled T.) Clinger each. They "The people of Hungary are 'Sherman and Lt. were booked as is a far greater threat to Jor- Col. 'Marioni Johnson Patience on Arkansas Venson Albert Crimmons. 32; than Syria. being shot and imprisoned and addi- 2,000 dan tional parties Over ’56 Empties James R. and J. B. and By BARNETT D. School Harris. 47. Mr. Rifai made the maltreated now." Mr. Lodge defendant j HORNER ] to i 42. , enter a preliminary injunc- Correspondent Blackwell. reply questionstate-' told the 81-nation Assembly, i Star BUS ment in to a ) enjoining restraining' Enrollment May DULLES FEARS U S. The other two arrested, iden- whether Jordan alarmed "Their sufferings are actual and tion and NEWPORT. R. L, Sept. 18.— Students Evacuated was Gov. Faubus. Gen. Clinger and tified as Carol Crimmons, by recent developments in acute and demand from one Exceed 110,000 President Eisenhower, throw- MAY BE HURT At 1 day the next to Lt. Col. Johnson, their officers, BY Birmingham brother of Vegson. and W. D. Syria. to be relieved.” ing the full prestige of his Hodge, 1 Mr. Lodge spoke the agents, servants, employes, at- The District school system BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Sept/ were charged with va- The Foreign Minister said . after .office behind court moves to>SCHOOL PICTURES grancy Hungarian delegation sought torneys and all persons in' least 2,000 and held under $250 Jordan does not "feel justified Mined at more atu- {halt interference with school U 10 (A*).—Phillips High School,' bonds each. unsuccessfully to have the active concert or participation integration Looking at some of the at all in interfering in the in- ] As- dents on all levels, compared in Little Rock, to- scene of anti-integration vio- Hearing sembly drop the problem. with them, from obstructing day stressed the need for pa- J pictures of violence over for the five men. all temal affairs of Syria.” But. to opening day figures last yesterday, of whom live city Australia's Keith C. O. or preventing, by means of said tience in meeting Arkansas t school integration in the. lence was evacuated outside the he added, Jordan has been of body of limits, for p.m. to- 'Shann, reporter of the Assem- units of the Arkansas National year. .i Gov. Orval E. Faubus' 3outh in the morning pa- its all-white student was set 2 waging war against commu-' chal- 2,400 today of morrow in City Court. bly's special committee of Guard or otherwise. Negro stu- This was indicated today by lenge to State authority there. pers. Secretary Dulles told j because an nlsm and “willcontinue to do in- anonymous bombing threat. Assistant Chief Muller said " opened the session by dents eligible under the said school officials who added up It was announced at his va- newsmen he believes that i { so regardless of the direction quiry, Calls botlf to pdlice that in the car of the first from which it internally presenting the cbmmittee's plan of school integration to enrollments taken yesterday, cation office here that the Jus- some of them willnot have central comes, 1 good headquarters and to the high three men arrested he or externally." j 150,000-word report indicting attend the Little Rock Central the opening day of school, at tice Department would petition i a effect on American j found . a dynamite the High School, from doing a closed session morning Federal District Court at foreign policy abroad.
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