Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, September 26, 2019 OUR 129th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 39-2019 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] ONE DOLLAR WPD, WFD Swear in New Hires, Recently Promoted Personnel By CHRISTINA M. HINKE Department promoted four, and ap- that amends the land-use law to permit Specially Written for The Westfield Leader pointed four new hires. larger fences when necessary for safety WESTFIELD – In a special cer- Battalion Chief Rick Jurgens, Battal- was adopted, and the bond ordinance to emony Tuesday, the Westfield Police ion Chief Michael Duelks, Lieutenant authorize the purchase of a new pumper Department (WPD) swore in a newly- Karl Kelber and Lieutenant Kevin fire truck was passed, with one sole appointed patrol officer and promoted McCormack were promoted within the dissenter, Councilwoman Jo Ann two officers. Sergeant Nicholas Bruno Westfield Fire Department and offi- Neylan. and Sergeant Preston Freeman were cially sworn in. Firefighter Danny Support of expanded background promoted July 22. Officer Michael Tammaro, who was hired two years ago checks for gun buyers and Extreme DiBella was appointed as a patrol of- but never sworn in, was sworn in offi- Risk Laws was confirmed by a resolu- ficer in June 2019 to the WPD. cially Tuesday, along with new hires tion passed by the mayor and council, Robert Mussachia, who served 38 Firefighter Michael Sawicki, Firefighter with Councilman Frank Arena voting years in the WPD, has announced his Richard Allocco and Firefighter An- against, saying he thinks it is “chipping retirement. Chief Christopher Battiloro thony Grasso. This brings the fire de- away at the Second Amendment.” The presented him with a plaque honoring partment to a total of 34. resolution stems from the Mayors his time and commitment to the WPD. In town business, four ordinances Against Illegal Guns Coalition, a group This bring the department to 61 sworn- were voted on. An ordinance pertaining of which Mayor Shelley Brindle is a in police officers. The Westfield Fire to murals was adopted, an ordinance member. It is to be submitted to all members of the New Jersey Congres- sional Delegation. Resident Marci Banedelli of Tuttle Parkway thanked the council for “ad- vocating for gun safety in the town.” She said gun safety is, “the biggest public-safety issue of our time.” Tony LaPorta, who asked the mayor and council two years ago to support a Susan M. Dougherty for The Westfield Leader ban on assault weapons, asked the mayor FOOD AND FUN…Sunday’s crowds at the FestiFall street fair in Westfield enjoy food vendors, tented booths featuring again to support it. He is seeking sup- jewelry, items for pets, and kids. port from Westfield of resolution, ACR236, which he has worked on and has gained sponsors in the State Assem- bly. It is sponsored by Assemblywoman Cranford to ‘Shelf’ PILOT Linda S. Carter, District 22 (Middlesex, Somerset and Union), Assemblyman James J. Kennedy, District 22 (Middlesex, Somerset and Union), and For Redevelopment Program Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri By MICHAEL BONACCORSO begin receiving the allotted Birchwood must be paid to the county government, Huttle, District 37 (Bergen). Specially Written for The Westfield Leader redevelopment site “pilot program” he said. “What you are doing in the resolu- CRANFORD – The township com- revenue share funds. The mayor explained that any per- tion is very close to ACR236 in the state mittee has unanimously agreed to shelf A “PILOT Program” is also known centage the township committee de- Susan M. Dougherty for The Westfield Leader Assembly,” Mr. LaPorta said. He said any discussions regarding an afford- as payment in lieu of taxes, which means cides to give the board of education HAVING A BLAST…These Roosevelt Intermediate School students make their the resolution in the state Assembly able-housing redevelopment pilot pro- the redeveloper has negotiated a prede- offset any redevelopment related popu- own music at the FestiFall street fair in Westfield on Sunday. goes further by banning assault weap- gram to be shared with the board of termined percentage of project revenue lation increases will be decided upon ons, establishes a volunteer buy-back education, Mayor Patrick Giblin an- to provide the township with over a pre- further review and discussion with program, and appropriates funding to nounced at Tuesday’s meeting. negotiated time period. school district administrators. Cranford Movie Theatre to research smart gun technology. Cranford resident and board of edu- New Jersey legal statues state that The Cranford building inspector will “I think you and I agree on all this cation candidate Brian Lopez inquired any PILOT revenue and fees collected determine when the redevelopment site stuff,” Mr. LaPorta said to Mayor during public commentary asking the or 95 percent will be retained by the is operational verses when the site will Reopen in November CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 township committee when Cranford will township’s committee, stated Mayor remain assessed on land values, Mayor Giblin. Five percent of township fees By CHRISTINA M. HINKE installing new projectors, a new sound CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Specially Written for The Westfield Leader system and a new ticketing system, Interim DWC Dir. Focused CRANFORD – The Cranford movie Mr. Sayegh told The Westfield Leader Online-Only Bonus at goleader.com theater is to reopen in November. Let- on Wednesday. The HVAC system and Index tering on the marquee has announced: the sump pumps will be serviced, and On Interacting With Owners “If You Reopen It They Will he will ensure the heating and air con- By PAUL J. PEYTON spaces and if there is anything the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Letters -- “Please Keep Mark Board of Education” by Kathleen Come...Opening November 2019.” ditioning are in working order, Mr. DWC and the town can do to encour- LoGrippo on Westfield Town Coun- Patterson, Garwood. “I am thrilled to announce the Sayegh said. He plans to reopen the WESTFIELD — As the town tries age businesses to lease space in cil” by Carmen Imgrund, Westfield; Arts and Entertainment -- Rockin’ Sayegh family has announced plans movie theater around Friday, Novem- to address the large number of vacan- Westfield. “Mark Parmelee Has My Support The Reservation; Julia Child One- to reopen the Cranford Theatre in ber 8, with the premiere of A Beautiful cies in the business district, including She emphasized that she is not try- for Town Council in Ward 2” by Woman Show at the Cranford Com- early November. They will be mak- Day in the Neighborhood, about TV the Rialto Theatre, newly-hired in- ing to broker deals, but rather to en- Danny McManus, Westfield; munity Center; Musical Club of ing a significant investment in cos- personality Mr. Rogers. The day be- terim Downtown Westfield Corpora- gage the landlord on seeing why a “Blumenstock, Lazarow, Graham Westfield; Artist Marie Burns to Ex- metic improvements, including new fore showing the film, he would like to tion (DWC) Executive Director space is not getting leased. Deserve Our Support on November hibit Mixed Media. seats and carpeting. The Township of have an open house to invite area Kathleen Miller Prunty has been intro- Among the things Ms. Prunty said 5” by Councilman Sean Benoit, Sports -- Field Goal Pushes Union Cranford and Downtown Manage- residents to view the upgrades. ducing herself to business owners. businesses look for when leasing Garwood; “Jenn Gilman Has My Past Westfield in Grid Classic, 10-7; ment Corporation look forward to Doreen Sayegh, his daughter, is to Ms. Prunty, a resident of Cranford, space are traffic counts in front of the Support For Town Council in Ward Raiders’ 2nd Half Goals Top Lady working with them to meet their dead- run the business in Cranford. Previ- where she was director of downtown storefront and whether it is located 3” by Faye Bowie, Westfield; “Scott Soccer Blue Devils, 3-1; Lady Cou- line for reopening,” Mayor Patrick ously, she was in charge of booking business and economic development near shopper parking. She also will Katz Deserves Your Vote For gars Pull OT Upset on No. 5 Soccer Giblin said in a statement. alternative entertainment for New Vi- for 20 years, was hired after the DWC ask the landlords if they are advertis- Westfield Council, Ward 4” by Sheri Raiders, 2-1; UC Vikings Nip Jesse Sayegh owns the properties sion Cinemas across the country, Mr. board of directors and long-time direc- ing the space outside of window signs, Pardo, Westfield; “Sal Piarulli Is A Westfield, 2-1, In Battle of V-Ball where the Cranford Theatre and the Sayegh said. He is committed to pro- tor Sherry Cronin agreed to a mutual which she noted are only seen by Strong Backbone for Garwood’s Unbeatens. Rialto Theatre, in Westfield, have long viding his customers a place that is separation in July. Ms. Prunty said she passing motorists. operated. Both were closed abruptly clean and offers good service, he said. has been stopping into downtown busi- Ms. Prunty said seeing windows of within the last month by the operator, In Cranford, Mr. Sayegh is looking nesses and speaking with owners to get vacant storefronts “covered from top to New Vision Cinemas. into offering a New Jersey-based wine their take on issues impacting the spe- bottom in brown paper is depressing.” New upgrades to the Cranford The- for sale, which the state would allow cial improvement district (SID). The “It’s just dreadful,” she said. atre are to take place, including replac- without a full liquor license, he said. DWC is the managing entity of the SID.
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