Department of Energy (DOE) OpenNet documents HOME POLICY INFORMATION RESOURCES ORDER DOCUMENTS LOGIN FAQs Site Map Contact Us Document Details PURL: (12 Mb) View Full Text or Access Individual Pages Advanced Search Title: SEMIANNUAL HISTORICAL REPORT, HEADQUARTERS, FIELD COMMAND, DEFENSE ATOMIC SUPPORT AGENCY 01 JANUARY 1970 - 30 JUNE 1970 (DTL-070102)(deleted version) Author(s): Subject Terms: AGENCY HISTORIES Document Location: Location - NNSA/NSO Nuclear Testing Archive Address - P.O. Box 98521 City - Las Vegas State - NV Zip - 89193-8521 Phone - (702)794-5106 Fax - (702)794-5107 Email - [email protected] Document Type: REPORT Publication Date: 1970 Jan 01 Declassification Status: Sanitized Document Pages: 0414 Accession Number: NV0755575 Originating Research Org.: DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY, U.S. OpenNet Entry Date: 1999 Jul 13 << Return to Search Results DOE/OSTI • Website Policies & Important Links • USA.gov Last Updated: May 30, 2012 https://www.osti.gov/opennet/detail.jsp?osti_id=16004653&query_id=6[7/10/2013 9:35:20 AM] DNA1.941128.003 P HRE-862 QASA- 70 - 07 4 5 0 FCPA 9 October 1970 SUBJECT: Semiannual Historical Reports . Director Defense Atomic Su port Agency Washington, D.C. 50305 Reference DASA Instruction 5100.3, dated 7 Mar 69, semiannual historical reports for the period 1 January 1970 - 30 June 1970 are submitted for Head- quarters Field Gonnnand, Manzano Base and Sandia Base. FOR THE COMMANDER: A Inch SON as (copies LA) Director of Public Affairs TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. Headquarters Field Command 1 Secretary to the Staff 5 Equal Employment Opportunity Office 9 Inspector General 13 Judge Advocate 22 Public Information Office 30 Surgeon 39 Chaplain 60 Hqs & Hqs Company, U. S. Army Element 62 Naval Administrative Unit 66 Hqs Sq Sec, 1090th USAF, SRG 71 Comptroller 74 Adjutant General 103 Intelligence & Security Dcrectorate 119 Personnel Directorate 127 Joint Personnel Plans & Requirements Office 130 e Amy Personnel Division 139 Navy Personnel Division 146 Air Force Personnel Division 149 -- Civilian Personnel Division 153 Personnel Services Division 162 Logistics Directorate 165 I Engineering Division 185 I Logistics Division 206 i Research & Development Liaison Directorate 222 i Stockpile Management Directorate 298 i Nuclear Materiel Directorate 317 Nuclear Training Directorate 366 Medical Directorate 381 Medical Company 386 WAC Detachment 388 HEADQUARTERS FIELD COMMAND DEFENSE ATOMIC SUPPORT AGENCY SANDIA BASE, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO Major General Francis W. Nye, USAF, Commander I. (U) ACTIVATION: As recorded on pages 1 through 4, Volume I. Semiannual History of Field Command, DASA. for the period 1 July 1964 throGgh 31 December 1964. 11. (U) MISSION: Commander, Field Command, as an operating agent of Director, DASA, provides technical, logistical and training advice and services in the field of nuclear weapons in support of Director, DASA’S Mission to provide support of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Military Departments and such other DOD components as may be appropriate, in matters con- cerning nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons effects, nuclear weapon testing, and such other aspects of the DOD nuclear energy program as may be directed by the Secretary of Defense. 111. (U) ORGANIZATION: The organization of the Defense Atomic Support Agency (DASA) and of Field Command was under a constant-state of review throughout this period. The DASA Headquarters organization underwent an interim reorganization on 1 May 70, and received final approval for reorganization into a J-Staff structure effective 1 July 1970. It remains a joint command of all the Armed Forces -- Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Head- quarters Field Command underwent only minor organizational readjustments to compensate for loss of all but two of the command bases; consolidation of the two remaining bases into a single base and a supported operating site; and numerous reductions in personnel. The structure of the Command Section of the Field Command Headquarters was reorganized on 6 April 1970 to improve command and I- control. The revised organization is now composed of a Commander, a Deputy Commander, a Chief of Staff and an Administrative Office of the Command Section. The various staff directorates and activities remained as reported in previous reports as modified by individual sections in this report. B 1 u....- IV. (U) PERSONNEL: Command Section personnel during the period covered by this report include the following persons, date of assignment to Headquarters Field Command, Sandia Base, and date of transfer, change of title or retirement: COMMANDER Major General Francis W. Nye, USAF 31 Oct 69 Since 31 Oct 69 DEPUTY COMMANDER Rear Admiral William H. Livingston, USN 22 Aug 69 Since 22 Aug 69 Captain George L. Block, USN 8 Sep 66 6 Sep 66 to title change 6 Apr 70 CHIEF OF STAFF Captain George L. Block, USN 6 Sep 66 6 Apr 70 to Retirement 30 Jun 70 Colonel Gerald W. Homann, USA 19 Jun 70 Since 19 Jun 70 EXECUTIVE OFFICER Colonel William P. Carter, USAF 30 Jul 65 Chief, FCDV, 30 Jul 65 25 May 68 to title change 6 Apr 70 SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO DEPUTY COMMANDER Colonel William P. Carter, USAF 30 Jul 65 Since 6 Apr 1970 2 ADMIN OFFICER FOR DEPUTY COMMANDER Major Kenneth L. Herndon, USAF 15 Aug 69 15 Aug 69 to title change- 6 Apr 70 ADMIN OFFICER TO THE COMMAND SECTION Lt Col Kenneth L. Herndon, USAF 15 Aug 69 Since 6 Apr 70 AIDE TO THE COMMANDER Captain Jerry V. Brown, USAF 1 Jun 67 FCDV to 1 Oct 69 Since 1 Oct 69 TECHNICAL ASSISTANT TO DEPUTY COMMANDER Lt Ronald D. Tucker, USN 21 Nov 69 Since 21 Nov 69 ADMIN ASSISTANT TO THE COMMANDER Mrs. Carolyn Wilson, Civ, GS-7 18 Mar 54 Other FC Offices 18 Mar 54 to 2 Nov 58 Since 2 Nov 68 V. (U) ACTIVITIES: a. The activities of the various staff directorates and activities of Field Command are described elsewhere in this volume comprising Field Command, DASA, semiannual his tory. b. There were ten (10) General Orders issued by this headquarters during this period, appearing under the Adjutant General Section and the activity or directorate concerned. c. Major General Francis W. Nye assumed command of Test Command, DASA, as an additional duty effective 1 April 37 1970. As a consequence of this additional duty, the two headquarters, Test Couunand and Field Command, are enjoying a closer working relationship and greatly im- proved exchange of information. d. Rear Admiral William H. Livingston was assigned an additional duty on 1 April 1970 as Primary Project Officer for the THOR High Altitude Test Vehicle Test Planning Group (TTPG) under control of Defense Atomic Support Agency. This additional duty involved detailed planning and preparation for the THOR/HATV Development Test which is scheduled to take place in late summer or early fall 1970. This additional duty was formalized by DASA General Order 32 on 25 June 1970 which activates JTF-8 effective 1 July 1970 under the command of Admiral Livingston to carry out the THOR/HATV development test. SEMIANNUAL HISTORICAL REPORT FOR PERIOD 1 JANUARY THRU 30 JUNE 1970 SECRETARY TO THE STAFF Lieutenant Colonel Vernon P. Terry, Jr., USAF Secretary to the Staff, July 1969 - I. (U) Activation: The Office of the Secretary to the Staff (FCSS)was activated on 9 March 1967 by General Order #6 from the resources of the Plans Group (FCPL). 11. (U) Mission: Secretary to the Staff 1. Acts as office manager for office of the command element. 2. Arranges for the reception of visitors to Headquarters Field Command. 3. Provides airlift coordination for Field Command, requesting and scheduling flights in support of Field Command. 4. Supervises and coordinates the duties of the Staff Duty Officer. 5. Coordinates custodial and maintenance services in Building 200. 6. Assists the Executive Officer in the accomplishment of his assigned duties and responsibilities. Visitors Bureau 1. Directs, schedules and makes arrangements for the meeting, transporting and billeting of official military and civilian visitors. 2. Determines that security requirements have been satisfied, issues security badges and presents security briefings for incoming visitors to Field Command. III. (U) Organization: Secretary to the Staff is comprised of the Office of the Secretary to the Staff and the Visitors Bureau with missions as stated in 11, above. IV. (U) Personnel: 1. Key personnel on duty with the Secretariat during the period of this report are listed below: Lt Col Vernon P. Terry, Jr., Jan - Jun 70 Lt Col Sidney A. Webb, Jan - Jun 70 CPT Francis J. Costello, Feb - May 70 SSG Earthel B. King, Jan - Jun 70 SSgt Allen W. Potter, Jan - Jun 70 2. Authorized Strength Off ice r Enlisted Civilian Total Army 1 2 3 Navy 0 Air Force 2 1 3 Civilian 2 2 Total 3 3 2 8 3. Assigned Strength (as of 30 June 1970): Officer Enlisted Civilian Total Army 2 2 Navy 0 Air Force 2 1 3 Civilian 2 2 Total 2 3 2 7 V. (U) Activities: During the period covered by this report, the Secretariat accomplished the following: 1. Planned, coordinated or supported the following special briefings for VIPs to Headquarters, Field Command. a. Orientation of Senior Military and Civilian Personnel of DOD Activities, 16 - 17 March. b. Department of State Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy, 20 - 21 April. c. Inter-American Defense Board, 2 - 3 June. 2. Visits to Bases and Headquarters DASA by Commander and Deputy Commander Field Command: 13 Jan Maj Gen Nye and party to Headquarters DASA 22 Jan Maj Gen Nye and party to Santa Fe, N. M. 22 Jan Maj Gen Nye and party to Barksdale AFB, La. 27 Jan Maj Gen Nye and party to Oakland, Calif. 11 Feb RADM Livingston and party to McGhee-Tyson, Tenn.
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