,€ R RoYAL PoRT NICHOLSON YAqHT CLUB SaILING AqNOEMY Promoting & Developing Sailing SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE lntroductory Skills Development TeamTraining School& Business Groups CorporateTeam Building a Navigation O Night Sailing a Day Skipper o WeekendTrips SAILING ACAD EMY OAOO TO GO SAILING PO. Box 9674, Wellington Phone 382-8152. Fax 382 8631 contents Commodore's Report 3 Vice Commodorc's Rcport 5 Cruising Captain's Report 5 Rear Commodore's Report 6 Club Manager's Report 6 Hip Sailing Acadcn.ry Report 7 Letters to the Editor I ISS 1171-r 7 7I Opcning Day ofthe 116'r' Scason I Vo l. 16 N0.3 Results ofWinter Series Survey 10 Are Your DECEMBEfr 1998 Sails Protectcd? 11 On Thc Water Reporter 12 South Island Ci rcum navigation in Alaslea Eagle' 13 NcwZcaland National I{cclboatChampionship 17 MotorVesscl'Skylarl D(' 18 An fubitrage Wintcr 19 Champagne Breakfast 1998 m The 17'r' Classic Coastal 21 Vcteran Member Docs thc tsig OE 2. EDS Corporate Race E RPNYC SailingAcademy Opening a All It Tikes Is.... Charismal?! n BT Global Challenge 2000 ) Port Nicholson Sails/ Customflect Rcgatta n Sailors Hit The Slopes 33 SkiffCorncr 35 Thc Courts 37 Race I{csults / Series Results 39 COVEB PHO|O: Ptine Minister Jenny Shipley with the starters gun on opening day of the 1 1 6th Seasor. ROYAL PORT NICHOLSONYACHT CLUB PHO|O RY CHRIS COAD PHOTOGBAPHY Officers for season 1998/99 Patron: His Excellency The Rt rlon Sir Michael Hardie Boys, GNZM, GCMG Governor-General of New zealand President: Ala n D Martin Office Hours Wardroom Hours 9.00:m-5.00pm WednesdalThusday 9.00a'n 12.mpn F.i.hy 4.30pn 11.00prr hip Saturdays bctwccn scpr (OreDurs Day) and April Santrdry 12.00pn- l0.00pm (Colnnodor.'s Tophy Race) Srndly 4.00 pnr - 8.00pm THE RIP is the official magazine of the PboDe: 38+870n Fd:3us-1(l)3 Publicllolidays Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (lnc.l Enmil:nik .pipc.@rpnyc o€ nz l)hodc: 384 3(,1 Web Site: lNcjncdia.co.nzlsp1/rpDyc/ \.1 /r, rr.r q.t, ,d.,1,. t,.t.,It J..t .,.,.tr l Editorial Team REBECCA SELLWOOD, Keelers Restaurant Hours MIKE PIPER, RPNYC Sailing Academy DIMITRA BURNS, 3.9-8152 Rese,aations rcconmended, PhoDc: 3.Sl(1)63 (r 1)389-2r rJ.025-152 513 (Odrd tin.s by :r iDgeDre.r) 382l,r1ll All correspondence should be directed tol The RlP. P O Box 9674, Wellington Executive Cornmittee Stalf Advertisin g GeneralManage( I\I Piper 3844700 DIIV]ITRA BURNS Tel€phone (H)475 4298 ConmodorE: lV Bidqe 472.81U) Vice Commodorc: Lay o ut/Typesetti n g PCudby 499 6022 Assistantsecretary: DBurns 38+0700 Rear Commodore: C Pett CLOUDY BAY PUBLISHING t 412-2212 (H) 387 8083 3 Jellyman Place, Blenheim TChambe ain 025831 1n Cruising Capiain: P Edwards 387 7003 Adrnin Assistantl I Porreous 384 8700 Opinions Expressed HonoBry fiacinq S€crehryl G Goddard 425422-235 {N)388,5250 The opinions expressed in thjs Journal Ionorary House Secrctary CSheehan 4S8 1 163 are those of the individual author and Women's Representative: IBA Slipmaster not necessarily those of the RPNYC. CommitleeMembersl 3845747 (Burt 2312811 Printed by Blenheim Printing Ltd, P Kerr 385 4039 TEAB0 Eoatmaster RTelford (H) 388 8695 12 Boyce Street, Blenheim. YNZ K0RC oelegale: GHarqreaves 04 298-6236 025456-413 WYA Delegatsj KBUlt 2312A11 hn, -T Nnttolwtor, lrupe prruorrur Aovtsons & Vnlurns lru PRoprnry, Rrsrnncn, Pmrur & EourpMENr Telepnone: Meveens or tHe 0-4 5747 FounotNe ConpoRnre 384 RoYr Ponr Ntcuot-soN YncHr CLua. PORT NI N SAttS Conoratulations DRIVING FORCE Winner of the p6rt Nicholson Sails/Custom Fleet Regatta and the Lindauer Wellington Regatta 1998 Usino oerformance racino sails from Port Nicholson Sails DRIVING FORCE has Successfully won both of these maJor Wellington regattas. For performance sails with a real speed edge come and see us. Office & Loft at Greta Point Marine Centre, Telephone/fax (04) 386 3551 Hip co m modore's report Well, where to start and suddenly it's Christmas again. Were did all the time go? I guess that when the weather god has been looking aftor us the way he has we are obligated to go sailing mole often. It is great to see thc fleetgrowing, with as a fundraiser, butin its successful evcnt Hargraves, Ross Barcham, Collctte Kraus a much revived cruising division and managemcnt. We are lortunate to have and Ken Burt, and Mike Boswell and very keen racing in thc other divisions. such a close relationship with EDS and the Academy CoachingTeam and Mike The Sport Boat Regatta at Labour are very thankful for their commitment Pipcr, tl.re Club's CEO, who did an Weekend was er:tremely windy and the and support. It has really become a amazingjob on the fundraising. racing that was able to take place was successful partnership, with Lynette The Academy has a number of new certainly spectacular, with somc very Elliott, Donna Kieboom and Jon Slack sponsors in addition to primary good video footage. We certainly from EDS with Mikc Piper, Mike sponsors, EDS and Sybase. W'e welcome appreciate Duthie Lidgard bringing the Boswell and the RPNYC Team. W'e also AJan and Shillcy Marrin. fhe Lotrerie" Magic 25 Fleet down lromAuckland, it slw a great cflurt lrom all thc .upponing Commission, Tl.re Wellington was the makingofthe Regatta. The Club sporlsors, The Glengarry Creq Community Tiust andA.E. Tilly& Co. hosred rhe Auckland contingent in finc Steinlarger, Air New Zealand Business One ofour longest serwing members, style and I undcrstand the drive backwas Tiavel Cen ter. Carrier Aircondirioning. Noel Manthel, (yes, that is Roger's hard workindeed. Much thank to Paul Ansctt Erpress and W/harekauhau Estate. Father), has offered to sponsor the 'Noel Cudby and Kcn Burt lor their Thank you all, your support is much Manthel Boardroom'. Thankyou Noel, organization and enthusiasm. apprcciated. we are indeed fortunatc to have the The RPNYC Regatta saw record The Academy is now'relocated' into suppot of some of the Club's longest entries with some great racing- What a its ncw premises and was opened in serving families in the Martins and the specracle. with so many yaclrrs r.rcing in grand srylc by Sir Perer Blake. This is Manthels. perfect conditions. Thanks agair.r to Paul, the largcst projcct the Club has The performance ofthe Club is very the start box crew and the Tc Aro crew undertaken since the rebuilding ofthe cn.ourrgrng indeed. Membcr-ship r. lor avery well run event, that the rest of clubhousc and has come in on time and ahead ofthe corresponding period last us could enjoy (with so many'guns', on budget. This is a huge credit to the ycar and for the first time in manyyears Paulinc h.r: had to gct a new gun cleanrng Project Team, ably led by Penny Kerr we are erpcriencingan upward trend, as kit) To all the volunteers who have we arc with participation in thc 'Wardroom. Tr's grcar ro scc 'o many people Ir,rving contributed, a big tl.rank you. Like all fun on thc water and this was nevcr so Clubprojects there arc too many to thank Thc Exccutive will be reviewing and graphically den.ror.rstrated as at the'EDS individually but all your efTorts are much updating the 'Strategic Plan' at the end Corporate Yacht Race', our largest yct appreciated. FIowever, there are a few ofJanuary This is a living document and and so many ncw people participating. who had a major impact on the success if anyone would like a copy, please -major'. This evenr lras bccome a nor.jusr of the project, Ross Ti:lford, Graham contact thc office. I would per sonally like to thank Mike, Dimitra and Lyn, Boz, Lyn, Doughyand the Academy Crcw for all their support Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club duringthis very busytimc. Your effotts and support ofthe Club are recognized l(mas & New Years 0pening llours and very much apprcciated. Tl^p/ Cl^^l> u)ill ol,ote/ ClwL*tvna,y Finally, Stella and I would like to wish Dary, 25 De,c,eznl:er 7998 to- everyone a wonderful cruisey holiday, a afa'vv,wy 7999 e*eoptfor the' merry Christmas and a prospcrous new ycar. Q t *bor neR anets r Le,fin4, ow 2 6 tlv g Dec,e'vnl>ez. to- be, hdd/ L,t4/ th,e/ tsoa,rdrt oomz PORT OF WELLINGTON Principol Agent for Land I nformation li;i,:eii;: D WEllIlIGTlllI PROUEII||RI CO. LTD. Tel: 04 568 5858, Fax: 04 568 3295 Shed 1, Seaview via Waterman St, P O Box 38 950, BOATBUILDERSMUIR DIYISIoN oF GRETA PoINT HOLDINGS LTD Builders of Quality Timber Yachts & Launches Full Slipping & Repair Facility Contact Peter Hanns Andrew Kellow 025438246 0252477651 MUIR BOATBUILDERS Greta Point Marina, Evans Bay, Wellington vic e commod ore's report It must be wrong - it feels too good. 'W'ell, As I consider recent activity at the Club, wc have also enjoyed both keelboat and what nert? As Christmas draws the positives just seem to blur together sport boat regattas and the EDS closer, we have the pcrcnnial and and any negatives there may have been Corporate Race. Fleets of38-40* boats biennial favouritcs to look forward to - just do not feature. ae now the established benchmark. our own Cook Strait Classic. the 'With V4rat ingredients went ir.rto the mk? I racing programmed from weekly Steir.rlagcr Wellington-Gisborne, believe the key ingrcdient has bccn Wednesday to Saturday inclusive, our Waikawa Regatta and the Customhouse commitment. Commitmcnt by you, our season to date would have been rnucl-r Nclson Race.
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