E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2021 No. 106 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was We pray this, having each been made Congratulations, Consul General called to order by the Speaker pro tem- free in Your name. Alicia Kerber, the first woman to head pore (Ms. DEGETTE). Amen. the consulate’s office in Houston. A f f good neighbor, we have worked to- gether on food drives, COVID testing THE JOURNAL DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER and vaccines, trade, and immigration PRO TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- rights. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ant to section 11(a) of House Resolu- Tomorrow, June 18, the consulate fore the House the following commu- tion 188, the Journal of the last day’s will be opening its new headquarters. nication from the Speaker: proceedings is approved. Congratulations to the Mexican diplo- f WASHINGTON, DC, matic mission in Houston. May we con- June 17, 2021. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tinue to work together the next 100 I hereby appoint the Honorable DIANA years. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the DEGETTE to act as Speaker pro tempore on Congratulations. Felicidades. gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. this day. f NANCY PELOSI, KELLER) come forward and lead the Speaker of the House of Representatives. House in the Pledge of Allegiance. HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE Mr. KELLER led the Pledge of Alle- f OF BARBARA MORRIS STAFFORD giance as follows: (Mr. GRIFFITH asked and was given PRAYER I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the permission to address the House for 1 The Chaplain, the Reverend Margaret United States of America, and to the Repub- minute.) Grun Kibben, offered the following lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. GRIFFITH. Madam Speaker, I prayer: rise today in great sadness. Last night, f O Lord, our God, speak into our lives at 6:16, my friend, a community leader as You have spoken throughout time. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER and a member of my district staff, On the day of historic jubilee, speak PRO TEMPORE passed away, Barbara Morris Stafford. good news to the poor that they would The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Barbara was born in 1953, and was have occasion to celebrate emanci- Chair will entertain up to five requests part of a political family. Her father, pation from chains that yet bind them. for 1-minute speeches on each side of Howard Morris, was chairman of the Proclaim liberty to those still held the aisle. Giles County Board of Supervisors. Her captive by injustice. Give sight to f husband was a 10-term member of the those blind to Your merciful love. Free Virginia House of Delegates, and when all who are oppressed and break every CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF he died young, she took over his seat. yoke of prejudice and hatred. HOUSTON’S MEXICAN CONSULATE Now a single mother to Chris, Eliza- Then call upon us to be the bearers of (Ms. GARCIA of Texas asked and was beth, and Mary, she served her commu- these truths in both word and deed. given permission to address the House nity for many years as a member of the Cast our eyes on those around us that for 1 minute and to revise and extend Virginia House of Delegates; mayor of we would not see slave or free, but her remarks.) her hometown of Pearisburg, Virginia; brothers and sisters, children of Your Ms. GARCIA of Texas. Madam Speak- director of the chamber of commerce; creation. er, I rise today in celebration of 100 and then, for over 10 years and until That each person who calls the years of the Mexican Consulate’s pres- last night, as a constituent services United States home be allowed to de- ence in Houston. This is huge for the representative in my district office. light in the freedoms afforded them by diplomatic relationship between two Barbara was a great leader and she its democracy. neighbors. The consulate was first es- will be sorely missed by the commu- That liberty and justice would be tablished in 1920, and today it is the nity she loved and the community that woven inextricably into the fabric of largest diplomatic mission in the city, loved her. our Nation and defended on behalf of providing services to tens of thousands f all her people. of people a year. It is proof of the need And that henceforward, all may be to strengthen, now more than ever, our THANKING CAPITOL POLICE freed from hate and oppression to enjoy diplomatic ties and tackle our shared (Mr. MCNERNEY asked and was Your perfect design for this Republic. opportunities and challenges. given permission to address the House b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2897 ® Pdnted on recycled papfil. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:27 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN7.000 H17JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H2898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 17, 2021 for 1 minute and to revise and extend DISCLOSE WORKPLACE Mr. BOWMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise his remarks.) HARASSMENT with great excitement and joy in my Mr. MCNERNEY. Madam Speaker, (Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER asked and heart that today Juneteenth will be- behind me is a sign that has decorated was given permission to address the come a national holiday. the office doors of my Republican col- House for 1 minute and to revise and 156 years after the end of slavery in leagues for the past few months. I extend her remarks.) this country, we will now, on an annual agree with the sentiment and I thank Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. Madam basis, reflect collectively and, hope- the Capitol Police Officers for their he- Speaker, I am proud to cosponsor an fully, begin the process of truth and roic defense on January 6, and every amendment to H.R. 1187, a bill that collective healing as a nation. day that they protect the seat of this would increase transparency of pub- But I ask us that we must not stop Nation’s government. licly traded companies to disclose here. We must continue to go forward My problem is that 175 of my Repub- workplace harassment cases, and I am to fight for racial justice because in lican colleagues, many who still have pleased to see this amendment passed many parts of our country it still ex- this sign on their doors, voted against in the House yesterday. ists in the form of housing discrimina- an independent bipartisan commission Workplace harassment is far too tion and segregation, lack of access to to investigate the causes of the Janu- common, and the shareholders and cus- healthcare, and wealth inequality. ary 6 insurrection. tomers of a company should know It is so humbling to stand here as a Capitol Police Officers suffered de- Black man in America and take an- bilitating physical and mental trauma, whether that company fosters a healthy work culture and that it al- other step toward feeling whole in this and two lost their lives because of the country. But we must—we have to events of that day. Unless we under- lows its workers to thrive. come together across party lines to do stand how this act of terror was accom- Up to six in seven women in the much more. plished and hold those who are respon- workplace report having experienced sexual harassment. Seven of 10 people sible accountable for their actions, it f could happen again. of color report experiencing some form So why did so many Republicans vote of verbal, racial, or ethnic harassment, against the commission? and those who speak out usually face HONORING THE LIFE OF FOSTER Because they are afraid of what could retaliation. This amendment would FRIESS be found. They are afraid that it could bring to light these forms of mistreat- (Mr. ALLEN asked and was given affect their future elections. ment and incentivize companies to pre- permission to address the House for 1 This is hypocrisy at its ugliest. While vent harassment in the workplace. minute and to revise and extend his re- Republicans in Congress pay lip service I thank Ms. FRANKEL for her leader- marks.) to the Capitol Police and their her- ship on H.R. 1187, and I encourage my Mr. ALLEN. Madam Speaker, it is oism, they are too cowardly to back a colleagues to support this workplace my privilege today to rise to honor the commission that would shed light on improvement bill, as well as improving life of Foster Friess, an American pa- the terrorist attack that put the brave the quality of life. triot who was a warrior for conserv- women’s and men’s lives in danger on f ative and Christian values. that terrible day. HONORING THE VICTIMS OF THE Foster truly lived the American f MOTHER EMANUEL AFRICAN Dream. He started his own business that led to incredible success. But Fos- VETERANS DESERVE TIMELY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ter leaves behind a legacy that is far SERVICE SHOOTING greater than success, as his generosity (Mr. KELLER asked and was given (Ms. MACE asked and was given per- impacted the lives of countless people.
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