Improving health through evidence-based probiotics Company Profile & Probiotic Portfolio wincloveprobiotics.com vw Company Profile Winclove Probiotics Developing probiotic formulations since 1991 with a strong emphasis on research Winclove Probiotics, established in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, has been specializing in research, development and manufacturing of probiotic formulations for over 25 years. Our probiotic formulations are developed in close collaboration with leading research institutes, universities and academic hospitals. This enables us to develop innovative multispecies probiotic formulations for many different health indications. We continuously invest in research and technologies in order to develop the most effective probiotics that ensure end-users with the best solution. Looking for business opportunities? Winclove’s mission is to create long-lasting, sustainable and strategic partnerships. To achieve this, we offer innovative, high-quality and competitive probiotic solutions, as well as in-house scientific expertise and sales support. Our indication-specific formulations are designed for specific microbiota-related indications. The thorough substantiation of our probiotic formulations with scien- tific and clinical evidence makes them ideal for selling medically endorsed. We are a committed business partner and are looking forward to starting a fruitful collaboration with you! Product package Dossiers Technical lab analysis, in vitro data, etc. Clinical in vivo studies, Development of Probiotic blend post market studies, Research the formulation user trials collaboration • Training and education for salesforce & healthcare professionals • Round tables with KOLs • Sharing best practices other countries Training • Monthly news update Sales & marketing QA & RA & education • Independent scientific conferences support Probiotic portfolio Ecologic® Reducing vulnerability Brain formulations to depression Our Ecologic® formulations have Improving brain functioning under stress been developed in collaboration with leading universities and academic hospitals worldwide. For Managing allergic Allergy every indication bacterial strains are symptoms; hay fever selected based on characteristics and and eczema functionality, and the formulation has Preventing early-onset been proven effective in clinical trials. eczema Winclove formulations Reducing antibiotic- Gut associated side effects Winclove formulations consist of carefully selected probiotic strains Reducing constipation and are based on scientific and in Reducing exercise- vitro evidence. induced stress Key strengths of our Preventing traveler’s diarrhea formulations • Indication-specific selection of bacteria Improving intestinal Age • Evidence-based formulations health in newborns • Stability at room temperature, Improving intestinal no refrigeration needed health in children • Excellent survival of the Improving intestinal gastro-intestinal tract health in adults • High viability and metabolically active bacteria Improving intestinal health of elderly • Flexible packaging; from bulk delivery to fully packed PROBIOACT® TECHNOLOGY Protective and nutritional ingredients, specifically selected and tested to increase: • Shelf life of the formulation • Gastro-intestinal survival of the bacteria • Activity of the bacteria in the intestine Research and development areas Gut-brain Ear, nose & throat Allergy Gastrointestinal Drug related effects Cardiometabolic Urogenital PIONEER IN PROBIOTIC RESEARCH Over the last decades, driven by the fascination for bacteria, Winclove has built an extensive database of well characterized probiotic strains. This unique knowledge enables us to develop evidence-based multispecies probiotic formulations for a wide range of microbiota-related indications. In collaboration with research partners, these formulations are tested in clinical trials and published in peer-reviewed journals. This information is for professionals only and should not be given to consumers - Reducing vulnerability to depression - Improving brain functioning under stress Strain selection Bacterial strains The bacterial strains in Ecologic® BARRIER have been selected for Ecologic® BARRIER is a multispecies formulation consisting of 9 bac- their capacity to strengthen the intestinal barrier function and reduce terial strains, 2,5 x 109 CFU/gram. The recommended dosage is 2 low grade inflammation1. The strains have been screened in vitro for grams a day. their capacity to: • B. bifidum W23 • L. acidophilus W37 • L. salivarius W24 • improve the intestinal barrier function • B. lactis W51 • L. brevis W63 • Lc. lactis W19 • inhibit mast cell activation • B. lactis W52 • L. casei W56 • Lc. lactis W58 • stimulate IL-10 production • break down lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Clinical evidence The effect of Ecologic® BARRIER on vul- Multiple, placebo-controlled, rat studies Moreover, researchers from Radboud Uni- nerability for depression was tested in a were performed with Ecologic® BARRI- versity Nijmegen and Donders Intsitute for triple-blind, placebo-controlled, rand- ER by Aarhus University, Denmark, using Brain Cognition and Behavior, The Nether- omized, human trial, performed by Leiden wild type rats and a genetic rat model lands, performed a double-blind, placebo- University, The Netherlands. The research- for depression.3-6 In the genetic model, controlled, random ized, human trial with ers investigated the effect of Ecologic® Ecologic® BARRIER reduced risk taking be- Ecologic® BARRIER. The researchers BARRIER on cognitive reactivity to sad havior and prevented the exacerbation of investigated the effect on neurocog- mood using the Leiden Index of depres- depressive-like behavior normally induced nition, using functional magnetic res- sion sensitivity scale (LEIDS-r). 40 healthy by a high-fat diet. In the wild-type rats, onance imaging (fMRI), and stress-in- participants received 2 grams Ecologic® Ecologic® BARRIER significantly reduced duced working memory performance BARRIER or placebo for 4 weeks. The re- depressive-like behavior, measured by meausured by a Digit Span Backwards sults showed that Ecologic® BARRIER sig- a forced swim test (see figure 2), and dif- test. 58 participants received 2 grams of nificantly reduced overall cognitive reac- ferences in gut microbiota between re- Ecologic® BARRIER or placebo for 4 tivity to sad mood2 (see figure 1). sponder and non-responder animals were weeks. Ecologic® BARRIER significant- identified. Ecologic® BARRIER influenced ly increased working memory perfor- gene-expression in the hippocampus mance7 (see figure 3). Ecologic® BARRIER Figure 1: LEIDS-r scores before and after 4 weeks of supplementation with Ecologic® BARRIER. and altered immunological and metabolic buffered against the damaging effects of *Significant decrease, p<0.001. markers, explaining the positive outcomes. stress on brain functioning. 50 50 50 Figure 2: Seconds of immobility during the Forced Figure 3: Stress-induced changes in working memory. Swim Test. *Significant decrease, p<0.001. Calculated as the difference of DS backwards scores 45 45 45 * * * after stress minus scores before stress. 40 40 40 250 250 * 250 * * *Significant differences, p<0.05. 35 35 35 * * * 200 200 200 30 30 30 0.8 0.8 0.8 25 25 25 0.6 0.6 0.6 150 150 150 0.4 0.4 0.4 20 20 20 0.2 0.2 0.2 LEIDS-r scores 15 15 15 100 100 100 0 0 0 Immobility (sec) -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 10 10 10 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 50 50 50 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 5 5 5 -0.8 -0.8 -0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 DS backwards, after-before stress -1 -1 -1 Baseline Intervention Placebo Ecologic® BARRIER Placebo pre- test Probiotics pre- test Placebo Ecologic® BARRIER Placebo post- test Probiotics post- test References Ecologic® BARRIER publications 1. van Hemert et al. Influence of the multispecies probiotic Ecologic® BARRIER on parame- 5. Tillmann, et al. Probiotics reduce risk-taking behavior in the Elevated Plus Maze in the ters of intestinal barrier function. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2014. Flinders Sensitive Line rat model of depression. Behav Brain Res 2019;359:755-762. 2. Steenbergen et al. A randomized controlled trial to test the effect of multispecies probi- 6. Abildgaard, et al. The antidepressant-like effect of probiotics and their faecal abundance otics on cognitive reactivity to sad mood. Brain Behav Immun 2015;48:258-64. may be modulated by the cohabiting gut microbiota in rats. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 3. Abildgaard, et al. Probiotic treatment reduces depressive-like behaviour in rats inde- 2019;29(1):98-110. pendently of diet. Psychoneuroendocrin 2017;79:40-48. 7. Papalini, et al. Stress matters: Randomized controlled trial on the effect of probiotics on 4. Abildgaard, et al. Probiotic treatment protects against the pro-depressant-like effect of neurocognition, Neurobiology of Stress 2019;10:100141 high-fat diet in Flinders Sensitive Line rats. Brain Behav Immunity 2017;65:33–42. Managing allergic symptoms: hay fever and eczema Strain selection Bacterial strains The probiotic strains in Ecologic® ALLERGYCARE have been selected Ecologic® ALLERGYCARE is a multispecies formulation consisting of to influence the immune system. The strains have been screened in 6 probiotic strains, 1 x 109 CFU/gram. The recommended dosage is 2 vitro for their capacity to: grams, twice daily. • Modulate production of immuno suppressive cytokines by; • B. bifidum W23 • L. salivarius W57 - induction of IL-10 and IFN-y • B. lactis W51 • Lc. lactis W58 - reduction of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. • L. acidophilus W55 vitamin B2 and biotin • L. casei W56 Clinical
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