CATALOGUE OF THE ' BOOKS BELONGING TO THE MEDICAL LIBRARY I N The Pennfylvania Holpital; TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED, THE .RULES To be obferved in the life of them. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY ZACHARIAH POULSON, JUNIOR, ON THE WEST SIDE OF FOURTH-STREET, BETWEEN MARKET-STREET AND ARCH-STREET. MDCCXC. RULES TO BE OBSERVED IN THE USE of the BOOKS, BELONGING TO The Pennfylvania Hofpital. (hall I. r| "’HE Librarian attend on every Fourth and I Seventh-day morning, from nine till eleven o’clock, to receive and lend out books. 11. Books {hall be lent to no perfon, but the Managers and Phyficians of the Hofpital, the Pupils of thofe Phyficians, and fuch Students of medicine who pay for the privilege, and have a certificate from the fitting Managers with their permiffion to attend. 111. The Librarian fliall keep a catalogue, in the library, of all books which now belong to the fame, or may be added hereafter; he fhall alfo label and number them, and replace them on the fhelves as they are brought in, firfl examining if they are free from da- mage. IV. If damaged the borrower fhall have them imme- diately replaced, or pay for the injury done, which if he neglecls to do he {hall have no more ufe of the books. V. A Folio may be lent out for four weeks, a Quarto for three weeks, Odtavos and Duodecimos for two weeks and no longer, unlefs the note is renewed. VI. A depofit (hall be left for every book lent, of at lead one-third more than the value, which the Libra- rian is to eftimate, and the borrower lhall give a pro- mi {Tory note, in which he {hall fpecify the depofit, and engage to return the book, undefaced, within a limited time; at the expiration of which he may renew his note, and take it again if no other perfon applies for the book; but if another perfon Ihould apply for the fame book, the new applicant {hall have the preference. Vlf. When a depofit is returned, a receipt {hall be given for it on the back of the note. VIII. No perfon lhall have more than two books out at one time. IX. Any perfon taking a book from the library, without giving a note, lhall return it, and not be allowed to take any more. X. One (hilling per week {hall be paid as a fine on every book which is kept beyond the time fpecified in the note, and if the borrower doth not return it in three months from the date of his note, it fhall be deemed to be loft, in which cafe the depofit fhall be forfeited; moreover the value of the book fhall be paid without delay, or another {hall be replaced in its room to the fatisfadtion of the fitting Managers and Phyficians, in default of which the borrower {hall for- ever forfeit his right in the ufe of the books. XL If the borrower of a fmgle book not belonging to a fet, fhould lofe it, he (hall forfeit his depofit; and if she borrower of one or more books belonging to a fet or fets, fhould lofe either of them, he (hall take all the remaining volumes of the fet fo broken and pay the full value thereof, befides forfeiting his depofit for the ufe of the library. XII. Notes, given are not to be returned, but can- celled by cutting off the figners’ names. XIII. All fines are to be appropriated to the ufe of the library. XIV. The Librarian {hall keep an account of the fines and forfeitures he receives, and pay the fame to the order of the fitting Managers. XV. In all cafes where doubts arife refpeCting a violation of the foregoing rules, the cafe fiiall be fubmit- tcd to the fitting Managers and Phyficians, whofe de- termination fhall be conclufive; but no fuch Manager or Phyfician fhall be allowed to judge in his own cafe. XVI. The following books are not to be lent out of the houfe, but any perfon having a right to the ufe of the library, may have accefs to them, under the Libra- rian’s infpeCtion, at the hours appointed for him to attend: Albinus’s tables; Smellie’s plates; Hunter’s gravid uterus; Monro’s nervous fyflem; Monro on filhes; Motherby’s medical dictionary. A CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS BELONGING TO THE MEDICAL LIBRARY I N The Pennsylvania Hospital FOLIO. 1 rp ABLES of the fkeleton and muicles of the human J_ body. By Bernard Siegfried Albinus. Tranflated from the Latin. London, 1749. 2 Monro on the ftrufture and fun&ions of the nervous fyftem; illuftrated with tables. Edinburgh, 1783. of fifties, and 3 Monro on the ftruchire and phyfiology explained compared with thofe of man and other animals; illuftrated with figures. Edinburgh, 1785. Albini tabularum anatomicarum 4 Bernardi Siegfried explicatio Bartholomew Euftachii. Leidas Batavorum, 1744. The gift of Do3or John Redman, 8 • 5 Aretaei Cappadocis de Caufis et Signls Acutorum et Diuturno- rum Morborum Libri Quatuor. Lugduni Batavorum, 1735 The gift of Dehorah Morris. 6 Frederici Hoffmanni opera omnia, in fex tomos dillributa. Geneva,1 1748. The gift of Deborah Morris. Cum lupplc- mento in duas partes diftributo. 1749. 7 Kidoria plantarum. AuCtore Johanne Raio. 2 vols. Lon- dini, 1686. 8 Obfervationum medicarum, rararum, novarum, admirabilium & monftrofarurn Volumen, Tomis Septem de loto Homine inftitutum. Francofurti, 1609. The gift of Deborah Morris. 9 Petri Forefti opera omnia. Francofurti, 1634. The gift of Deborah Morris. 10 A new medical dictionary; or general repofitory ofphyfic. By G. Motherby, M. D. Second edition. London, 1785. 11 The anatomy of the human gravid uterus; exhibited in figures. By William Hunter. Birmingham, 1774. 12 A fet of anatomical tables; with explanations, and an abridg- ment of the practice of midwifery. By William Smellie, M. D. Second edition. London, 1761. A defcription of all the Imrfae mucofse of the human body; with tables. By Alexander Monro, M. D. Edinburgh, 1788. U A R T O. i feats and caufes of difeafes inveftigated by anatomy, X Tranflated from the Latin of John Baptifi; Morgagni, by Benjamin Alexander, M. D. 3 vols. London, £769. 11 A methodical fynopfis of mineral waters. By John Rutty, J M. D. London, 1757. 4 A new and general fyftem of phyfic, In theory and practice. By William Smith, M. D. London, 1749. 5 An experimental hiftory of the materia medica, or of the natu- ral and artificial fubfiances made ufe of In medicine. By William Lewis, M. B. F. R. S. London, 1761. 6 A dictionary of chemiftry. Tranflated from the French ; withplates, notes and additions by the tranflator. 2 vols. London, 1771. 7 Philofophical commerce of arts. By W. Lewis, M, B, and F. R. S. London, 1765. 8 The medical works of Richard Mead, M. D, London, 1762. g Elements of chcmifiry; being the annual lectures of Herman Boerhaave, M. D. Tranflated by Timothy Dallowe, M. D. 2 vols. in one. London, 1735. jo The chemical works of Cafpar Neuman, M. D. with large additions by William Lewis, M. B, London, 1 759. it B. S. Albini Academicarum Annotalionum libri feptem. 3 vols. Leidse. Apud J. & H. Verbeek. Bibliopolas, 1654. 13 The works of Robert Whytt, M. D. Publilhed by his fon. Edinburgh, 1768. 13 Alt erti v Haller opera minora emendata, au£ta, et renovata. 3 vols. Laufannos, 1763. 14 Eleraenta phyfiologias corporis humani. Auctore Alberto v Flaller. 8 vols. Laufannte, 1757. 15 Jo. Baptifta Morgagni P. P. P. P. de fedibus, et caufis mor- horum per anatomen indagatis, libri quinque. 4 vols. Neapoli, 1762. 16 Gerardi van Swieten, M. D. commentaria in Hermann! Boer- haavii aphorifmos de cognofcendis et curandis morbis. 5 vols. Lugduni Batavorum, 1742. 17 The works ofAlexander Monro, M. D. Publlfhed by his fon, with the life of the author. Edinburgh, 1781. 18 A methodical introduction to the theory and praftice of phy- fie. By David Macbride, M. D. London, 1772. 19 The hillory and prefent ftate of electricity; with original ex- periments. By Jofeph Prieftley, L. L. D. F. R. S. Fourth edition. London, 1775. 20 Tranfadlions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1788 21 Obfervations on the difeafes of the army. By John Pringle. Fifth edition, corrected. London, 1765. 22 LeClures on the materia medica, as delivered by William Cul- len, M. D. America, 1775-. 23 A treatife of the materia medica. By William Cullen, M. D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1789. 24 The anatomy of the abforbing veflels of the human body. By William Cruiklhank. London, 1786. 25 Medical commentaries. By William Hunter, M. D. Part firft Second edition. London, 1777. 26 Two introductory ledlures, delivered by William Hunter; to which are added, fome papers relating to Dodlor Hunter’s intended plan for eftabliihing a mufeum in London, for the improvement of anatomy, furgery & phyfic. London, 1784. 27 A treatife on the venereal difeafe. By John Hunter. Lon- don, 1786. 28 The natural hiftory of the human teeth; explaining their llrudlure, ufc, formation, growth, and difeafes; with cop- per-plates. By John Hunter, F. R. S. London, 1771. 29 Hillory of the origin of medicine; an oration delivered at the anniverfary meeting of the Medical Society of London, January 19, 1778; to which are fince added, various hifto- rical illuftrations. By John Coakley Lettfom, M. D. London, 1778, 30 The hiftory and prefent ftate of difeoveries relating to vifion, light and colours By jofeph Prieftley, L. L. D. F. R. S. London, 1772. 31 A general fyftem of furgery. Tranfiated from the Latin of Dr.
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