ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 FOSTERING PUBLIC PRIDE AND CONFIDENCE IN DEMOCRACY AND ENHANCING SERVICE DELIVERY TO THE PEOPLE OF GAUTENG The People Shall Govern: Public Participation Beyond Slogans YOUR VIEW ~ OUR VISION The Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) is the parliament of the people of Gauteng. The GPL has the constitutional mandates of law-making, oversight and scrutiny, public participation and cooperative governance. The GPL therefore makes laws that address the specific needs of the Gauteng province, conducts oversight over Gauteng Provincial Departments, to support the improvement of service delivery, conducts public participation interventions to ensure public involvement in the GPL business processes and promotes cooperative governance for coherent decision making across spheres of government. GAUTENG PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 YOUR VIEW ~ OUR VISION 2 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 YOUR VIEW ~ OUR VISION Contents PART A: LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION 5 Acronyms 6 Your View ~ Our Vision 9 Vision Statement 10 Mission Statement 10 Values 10 Preamble to the Constitution 11 PART B: THE YEAR UNDER REVIEW 13 Section I Foreword 14 Office Bearers 16 Opening of the Fifth Legislature: Ekurhuleni 18 Legislative Overview 20 Corporate Governance Statement 20 Overview of Committees Work 24 Section II Executive Summary 28 Section III Statement of Responsibility for Performance Information by the Accounting Officer 31 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals 32 Programme Performance Information (non-financial reporting) 35 PART C: GOVERNANCE 93 Section IV Risk Management and Internal Controls 94 Fraud and Corruption 95 Prior Modifications of Audit Reports 95 Code of Conduct and Management of Conflict of Interest 95 Health, Safety and Environmental Issues 96 Report of the Audit and Risk Committee 97 Transversal Mainstreaming 100 OCPOL Resolutions 101 SCOPA Resolutions 126 PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 145 Section V Legislation that Governs Human Resource Management 146 Introduction 146 Human Resources Oversight Statistics 148 PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION 169 Section VI Accounting Officer’s Statement of Responsibility for Annual Financial Statements 170 Accounting Officer’s Report 177 Report of the Auditor-General 178 Annual Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 March 2015 180 General Information 180 Index 181 Statement of Financial Position as at 31 March 2015 182 Statement of Financial Performance 183 Statement of Changes in Net Assets 184 Cash Flow Statement 185 Accounting Policies 186 Notes to the Financial Statements 201 Detailed Income Statement 213 Appendix A 216 PART F: OUTLOOK 221 Section VII Outlook 2015/2016 222 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 YOUR VIEW ~ OUR VISION 4 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 YOUR VIEW ~ OUR VISION PART A LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION GAUTENG PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 YOUR VIEW ~ OUR VISION Acronyms AFS Annual Financial Statements AGSA The Auditor-General of South Africa APPs Annual Performance Plans ARC Audit and Risk Committee ATC Announcements, Tabling and Committee reports AV Audio Visual BBBEE Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment BEE Black Economic Empowerment BSC Balanced Scorecard CBO Community Based Organisation CCTV Closed Circuit Television CFO Chief Financial Officer CI Constitutional Imperatives CIO Chief Information Officers CoSO The Committees of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission COVAC The Committees Oversight and Accountability Framework CPOF Capital Projects Oversight Forum CPA The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association CPC Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference CPS Centre for Policy Studies CRC Citizen Responsibility Campaign CRM Customer Relations Management CSOs Civil Society Organisations CSS Corporate Support Services CSSL Committee on the Scrutiny of Subordinate Legislation CSU Committee Support Unit DMS Document Management System EFT Electronic Funds Transfer EMS Emergency Medical Services ERP Enterprise Resource Planning EU European Union EULSP European Union Legislature Services Programme EAP Employee Assistance Programme ECC Events Coordinating Committee ED Executive Director EEA Employment Equity Act EEF Employment Equity Forum FAMLA The Financial Management of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature Act of 2009 FIS Focused Intervention Studies FPC Fraud Prevention Committee GPG Gauteng Provincial Government GPL Gauteng Provincial Legislature GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice 6 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 YOUR VIEW ~ OUR VISION GSF Gauteng Speakers Forum King III Report King III Code of Corporate Practices and Conduct LAC Legislature Adjudication Council LGBTI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex LAC Legislature Acquisitions Council LGBTI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersexual LoGB Leader of Government Business LR Labour Relations LSA Legislature Service Act LSB Legislature Services Board LSS Legislative Sector Support M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MAC Members Affairs Committee MAD Members Affairs Directorate MECs Members of Executive Councils MPL Member of the Provincial Legislature MPAC Municipal Public Accounts Committee MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework MSS Management Self-Service NACH National Anti-Corruption Hotline NCOP National Council of Provinces NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures NEHAWU National Education Health and Allied Workers Union NIA National Intelligence Agency NICSA National Interfaith Council of South Africa PI Performance Information POs Presiding Officers PPF Public Participation Forum PPP Public Participation and Petitions PGO Project Governance Office PSC Public Service Commission PSOM Public Service Oversight Model PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network RIF Register of Interest Forms RMC Risk Management Committee SADC Southern African Development Community SAHRA South African Heritage Resources Agency SALSA Secretaries Association of Legislatures in South Africa SANGONET South African Non-Governmental Organisation Network SAP Systems Applications Processes SALS South African Legislative Sector SAPS South African Police Services SCOPA Standing Committee on Public Accounts GAUTENG PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE 7 ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 YOUR VIEW ~ OUR VISION Acronyms (continued) SDA Skills Development Act SETA Sector Education and Training Authority SLA Service Level Agreement SLIS Special Libraries and Information Sector SMMEs Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises SMS Senior Management Services TMALI Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute UJ University of Johannesburg UNISA University of South Africa VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol Wits University of the Witwatersrand Official Opening of the Legislature 8 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 YOUR VIEW ~ OUR VISION Your View ~ Our Vision The Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) was established in 1994 in terms of the 1993 Interim Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The Legislature now exists in terms of section 108 of the 1996 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Constitution). The GPL is an autonomous Institution, empowered by the Constitution to make laws, oversee the performance of the provincial Government, promote cooperative governance and carry out public participation for the electorate of the Gauteng Province. Since its establishment, the GPL has focused its energies on building an Institution that gives effect to its constitutional mandate. This has not been a static process. Increasingly, the GPL had to gear itself up to respond to broader developments within the national and provincial environment. The GPL is located in a province characterised by a rapid process of transition, growth and development. South Africa’s democracy has brought with it high expectations from the people of Gauteng, that the vision of a “Better life for all” will become a reality. In this context, there is an increasing expectation that Government should deliver on its promises through effective governance and efficient service delivery. In line with this expectation, it is the strategic choice of the GPL to be more visible and active in its role as the voice of the people. The GPL has chosen to assert its role as a key institution of democracy. To achieve this, it has to, amongst other tasks: • Deliver on its constitutional mandate; • Position itself as the voice of the people; • Ensure that the public understands its roles and functions; • Harness, coordinate and motivate its internal resources; and • Report and communicate its achievements to the people of Gauteng. In view of the above, the GPL has accelerated its political mandate of mobilising social forces around public participation, whilst also transforming itself into an agent of change, and representing a democratic Institution ready to discharge its key role in social transformation. This was achieved by encouraging public participation in the core activities of the GPL, thus soliciting the views of the electorate and ultimately converting this vision into reality. Youth Parliament GAUTENG PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 YOUR VIEW ~ OUR VISION Vision Statement A modern and transformative Legislature that fosters public pride and confidence in democracy and enhances service delivery to the people of Gauteng Mission Statement In observing our constitutional obligations, the GPL is: • A modern and dynamic African Legislature of the 21st Century; • A caring, responsive, activist and transformative Legislature; • Reflects
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